NEW AND CHEAP C3r OODS. I have rcirel 107 FALL STOCK, and oflfer for sale at LOW PEIOBS. 500 Piecea Americao and English PrinU. 100 Pieoe Lanoaater and other G-inghanu. 200 Pieoee Delalnea, Plain and Plaid MerinoO; & other Dress Good. 50 Pieoe Black and Colured Silka. 500 Brocha, Baj Stat and otber Shawl. 400 Docen GloYea and Hoeiery. 20 Balea Light and Heary Sheetinga. 50 Bales Strip Shlrtínjra. Tickings, Denima, Cotton Yarn and Wsdding. 3000 Lba. Batting and Carpt warp. 500 Lb. Woolen Tam, and Knitting Cotton. 500 Stark Milla and other Bigt. 500 Piecea Blcaohed Cotton and other WliiU Good. 100 Piocea IUd and White, all Wool and Cotton Flannela. 500 Embroiderd Collar, and J,inn H'dk'fa. 800 Hoop Skirt, 200 Pieeee New Stjl Dre Trimminga. 500 Piec Tir and othar Eibbona 500 Cloak Oord and T&aecls. 500 Doaen Ooats fe Clark' White and Colored Thiead. 500 Soft Rats, 30 per sent leas than Batter'a prioet. 200Ö Paira Ladies, and Children'a Shoea and Rnbbera. 100 Pieees Broad Oloths, Oassi merca, Satínete, aad Eentuoky Jeans, And all email wares te make np a ar u ras. stook oy IJRTT QOODS, --end dioioe-. FAMILY GROCERIES GOODS ARE ENTIRELT NEW and have been pnrohased of firs clan Boston and New York Houses at prices natuod only to Large Dealers, and will be sold FOR CASH, OR PRODUCt at its caeh valae. JOHN W. MAINAKD. I Ann Arhop, Pept. 17, 1890. 76 STRONG'S, 8TKONG'S, STEONG'8. Cheap Cash Store, Cheap Cash Store, Cheap öash Store. New G-oods, New Goods, New Goods, . JUST EEOEIVED, JUST REOEIVED JUST REOEIVED, CaU see thein, Cali and seo hem, CaU and see thom, EXCHANGE BLOCK, EXCHANGE BLOCK, EXCHAInGE BLOCK, Dress Goods of all doscriptions, Domeatic Goods rery low, YANKEE NOTIONS & HOSIERY, Ladies and Children's Shoea, CROCEERY dk GROCERIES. HATS Sc 3JTS. HOOP SKIETS, HOOP SKIBTS, Oniy 4 cent a Hoop. LADIES1 CORSETS, LADIES' CORSETS, All sizs - Latast stylaa. Wooien and Worsted Shawls, WOOLEN HOODS, CLOAKS, $r. REMEMBER THE PLACE, REMEMBERTHE PLACE. EXCHANGE BLOOK, EXOHANGE BLOCK Ann Arbor, Oct. 1860. 768tf Ho for the Mimmoth Cabinet Ware Rooms. ' MABTIN & THOMPSON, TTATL JCSr OPOTCD LV TUE 1.1 nw wtd Elegant War e-R ooms BiflT 8IDSOF MALN" STBEST, A n u A. r fo or, A. COMPLETE 8TO0K OF ROSEWOOD, M AHOGAD Y and BETS Ot P1RL0R FURNITURE INOLÜDINö Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany B0SE-W00D, BLACK WALSUT, Plain and Marble Topped OSEOTTSCS TAIBELSO, ROSEWOOD,! MAH' GANY, BLACK VVALNUT, FANCY and COTTAGE CHAIRS, &C, &0.,&C, &C El e g a n t MIKRÜIÍS, Bureaus, Seoretaries, C58 E tt p U ,O Cl o B e d-R oom Sets, 1NCLÜOING LATEST STYLES, OF THE BEST QÜALITY AND Different Material. In Faot they Have Everything WI-T-H WH-I-O-H T-0 T-C-B-N IP PARLOB, BOÜDOIR, BITTING ROOM, OR K1TCHEN, AND OÜR CITIZENS NEED NO longer goto Detroit or elsewhere To Find ALARGE ASSORTMENT T-Ja.-1-S FURNITURE ;MUST BE SO LD - A N D- And Will be Sold ; A- T VERY LOW fKICES 4S&" Let avery man and his fe or goma; to b wif OOMiS A D SE Tboy lhan REA RSE VA RRIA GE, Artf ure alway ready to atNsnd the batial ai tb dea4 in the C'ity and aijoin'ng country. Ware-Roomit j id of Malo fatrwt, bet ivwa Washington and Ijbrty U. JiL - - N. C. B. THOMPSON CASH FOR POULTRY. PROCTOK WALKER r pn.Ting th hinbrt prlr for Turkej-k, CkioJipn-, rto.' Culi b f-a?o scl.iiu at thfir M.ii-ket, N.irlh n( C"ut H#tü Aan Arior, Oct. 16, ïMj. '
Old News
Michigan Argus