ARK NOT iiPKMXCi. t IïïtCT FKO3J PCRMSHJBF XX t Mbínufecturcr, New and iVmnMiï Woofc ot MW & MEDICAL I3CHJKS, ( flsifri, Mi-(7'i.i';(t Bonk; Blank Rockt, dan Filian', rinda HaiH-7, rvawkig and Mathet;il loniTnn, Kqflle, Javeailelibruife, LJiv%lop4Vi lokt aart (-"attIf. GOLD And (iH olher kind uf Pen and Ptïmti VTBSH9 Gsrelct, sbvtcs an-i Hxtun, POCKET CUTLEHY! Anl oreryiliirnï prtining lo trule, an4 mri tt wliicli tli'' "'.iil'i ifiv;S tli uitcnïion ol the ouuni ry. In (nluctinc onr li rinftfi, w h.illd' 11 Hni cfm fiirl nv f.mlt. ff wisscMi facilfttotf whleU wïll cnablulö itujipiy onr tmni'ra ai tho Lowest FowsibltJ PtJfUtfW. WppTpOMlnM'lirnrBCAnT I'AV.r.tü mBlU4rne. Cash SaioswJil Admit cf low FIGUF-ES. hvc npgwi tli' wrviot ol JAMES :■'. SPAIJMSï . bT#füre aro preparod U Ttirnisli VttUing, Weddibg a rul all othtr Cara itnttrn toordcr, wili ntólntn and dhpatch, bi) mai1 or olherwite. The 'Khj'irk Buos Stohk.'1 m.mnort by agnoi 'ctpw,' D-A IllèJ wül ftlwtyi bfr fouad oa tbé "c[Uiirt?r ilcc' rtft-1) a'nfi wüling tü itlctii in flU ui'.h ptowiurft, who wul ftvortiitni vitb a cali. liwnembor the "Einpirü Book Ptore." JAMES R. WÈ'ISTBB & Cb. Aan Arbur, Mi) . 1860. 7V, Kifle Factory! A.J. SUTÍIERLA3VD HAS'movd hi Gun Rtaop totbe Nw Block p !hit-n trpt ou tli il' th' i'oi!! ecund öiKr, whrrt h it prepa-rd to fiirnieh Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Vasksy Pclji es Game Bugs, and Ever} other artirle in bis Line. On the mmt rcasnnsblc icrmp, Rnd to do all kinds cf ï:E2:i=A.x:Fa.xaJGn Ac ahort-t imticf and in f ie heet m.innei , A '!1 Nsfinrtiuent alwayf K:pt ODh&nd, oimÏ made to ord.r C.BL IS SI Still in the Field! ■WITB 4 LARGE STOCK of GOODS ii: m" line direct from New Vrk. Boston, end tbe Manufac turers! I hav# ju5t fi-ciHted a largp aol wel. t-eleetedasaorUneut Of CLOCKS, WATCHKS, "El W E Ij R Y. SÏLVER & PLATED WARE, Musical Instrumonts, Ta'oiü a (i itiery ! GOLD PENS, Aad great vnrirty of Tankoa Notioo. fre I ireuld cal) particulur uttentioii to ïny Urge stock of SPECTA OLES , oí Gold, i ilver, Steel, and I'lated, with PER SCOTTCOLASS i iupior artWe. and yr"t variety of ajticïci; in the '"'oBCEA 3E fcr CASH. PíMono hvpncr dilTfiilt 'i-i ■'"■' t' (i., -.t t'.i íls, can aeeommnnti a i.iy -toin is nn'i eomplrtOi P' S, Farticnlrr tt'cnt n pai'! t : of all kind of i'me Watches, .-uüb a Making & Setting New Jewels, PIJTIOXS, STAEFS and CTLINDER3, also CLOCKS, AND JE'ELUY, }ftT RejiHirPd md wrr:witfd. C. BLISS. Aucist MS 1SÍ0. 7f' A. NewÍBEIVAL Boots and Shoes a 4esipt1o, n wil! v m O X cX OHBAPBR Tfi'XJV 0X 5L BOVOII? IN Ata jko ft larg aKsortrootrt o' 's kX-J ! ÜCAJ i Iaj ü" Lj Ai LI i Ji ' c - Of aC kind n.i.At in uif-t Fashioniiï) i p S t y 1 e KT SOOT JINT) EÏP1RIENCED WOUKMEN, -OURISENCfl CALF BOOTS ar W)T srnPAwnn thïft sid of New Vork City, and an? warrant not to rip. Our erOGASAND KIP8& p mfi'íw the best MiHlWl 0.r rtook of Morocco Bootees nr I A'i!it in thn the t t in town . wil!, hc-flfl OT without W Mak to Oitier, amlnevrr miss of BVITUM tbe flrt tim o givf ua cali and w will show y on our stock fre of chr Whvmeadthe strrieetof two Exptriturtd Joiirneymrn wlio lo Murnien'linii n tho Xefttut Manntr, aal ou nhortnt Our tiiollo ii Qulck Siiïesaful Smali Prollts ThanVful'nr paRtfftvors w b"(iPbypii.Tin(t atrictatUnWt" nur bnsllMttl to inri ÍL h ÜbiMul fiharo of your plrong( f'ir tlin lótun. Jti&f" Rinciubr we are not to bc nmforoUl. $&, LfClXÏRE & LOOMIS Howard Association, Philadelphia A Btnflcnl fffafftsÜm ixtablitlrd by Kper'ml cwrfifftrN frr the reiitfnf the S'trk and Distretscrd , ajjlirietl wkk ITirwVur niid Kpidemir, Discnw!', and eififctallv frrr tht Owf of [uaatf othe Sexual Orrnn, Dltpenaaryfrec to patitnt In till parta nftke Unitcft SUiUt, TALUABUERCORTSon iprrotoiThmi,niJothrDI. aUM nl -iml Orïnnw, n.l nu Dip NEW HKMEDIW atuTwl, cnl t' tllé fflfotd nt taU'ó onTelupM, fr oí '%hTvif . V'rtt or tbrte Stnmp fr DS Wl] '■■ ntabU. - A.l.irw r. .1 BKItLIKHOl'GnTOH.AcXng u apu , u.n r l ímMM X k xatb Kfcrtk v . fWl
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