A i-uvfiíy ::i toe Art, Vv'urld! Photography oi Porcclain ! í jure-i b) letter pattol in t o t'nitsd stn:o$, Knl;tul r'ii:tc', aiul Ki'lsrinm. THE A1IKKICAN VOKCKLAIX COMPAXY No. 1 Bnw I rav, Vork, li ir .l. '.-■■ :■'.'.■: .-'.... ,ï ■■ ti-, i -■ rn ■ -uí in lv - ■■■-... iH-1 Kumuati utui. re l'uily iircpjrrd : Minintvro Lili ni f of Perno # on China, .t--i.í.;' a 1 1 .■rii-;r. ■■ ■■■! : .. : mi .iw' "■: tritures ..i ii-livt i y i i h. „-!■;( n.. th u;;il.: HOJ :tl 1 nisn ot'-, wntr (;.'iir lriii)ij; aii -i :t h I hurto nit-iu .i .(1 h t of iu.TibiMv. Ijy bíJiií renlen' -i n#i -iji'it -w n ti. 1 ;J ■.;■.:."... i ;-r. ■.-■- , i, m v i 'c'. tln art ir n-1 :-; A Mi fi.ifruf-'í jirnr-i of thi Compont cnAbl th'■-.r-i et! ii o' J'liot .g-Hli, n onïyon'pHiiu #ur tíf 'uit itpon ';i i iiTf niun'l ■■ ■' ftii -1 -r.f ■ ftf irma inty- rfc te rfpnHtu fi:: - nccj) r.i ■■".'. i " i.-. MWij 'i"i-l i itfl., upu ..■■.-.■.-. i aré O niv l- :;-i}t; 'M aH 'HlU 'H lt!l ÜM i .; ■ Aft. I - üf I l üv ,. ■ ."h i !-■!■ ':; iitíluy. imeh m ITnrc, Vates. BreaMtt Ouiw.ToiJ t A-tic .,tc lipfebv tppuiliití butiifulp-trin i( :■■■; IWii -ttinír i udt ,,- ;i ..1 r-i tUltc iitrle ol uriuiuJOUCaliiHi o! id li ■■ ."..-i t.. f'irni-ii faefMtfoi for pntiftcilin uf th nnp liar tu. To, BRÍ í mfM lio w inlK OÍ tflQxt) pttniflh ■f ..)'' ApIí íenlroim ftf h-ing nn l'or ■: li.i, rlic 1 1 mpftti; bT Imfhíi i0 V i Karp i oqlri .- i ■ :i of ñ pprmr p'.rcoUin goodü, in.uuiiacturtd to th ir.'v." i.i e.wliici Hi.y dtl] t (---( M'irc. A ':i AratricMi l'"i!iuny ftr.'own r. f iha patent rlít'.t'. nnH ooni-quwiflj thfr'wwly j-ts-mvi hu lioriwa fco ; ui.'th pmeexis thy hiv doti-rm;nc1. Ín orlcr : Tu níToi'd P-'ople in ev ry KOtiou uf th' Cuion ' an "(iiortunlív t" pMMtu Vorlraít on Oh i Ti A, ' tn um'.ic ihc foilowin? propitlon tr Rfsiuentf in tbo Countrv, who íire unnble t viait prrsoütliv tho A.i'liíT and GtiUerics in New York rmttpe tu t'ic of thc Cwmjwny i X Tork c! cf mpsoira by FíTé Dollnrsi I ■'T roceive hl rot-irn bj cprenj, (roo of othr hario, A i ichiy o.'nir.onted Br#akfnpfc Cup rihI Sauo er, with tlic pcrtnut trufurrod tl.erooa. Bjr traosnUtiug i dAgerreoí ;i nn'l Ttfii Uullfli'p, thov wil! rcíMc in Ifka inanncr, A httndjfom Fri-nch VfliU or Toilet Artick, wth i-urti-üii rvptn iuciul by Uá iwient pMMM Bj i i liega pirr 4afQnvotjpai ña 1 Fiftetn Dollars, the;" tUï recoi.-e u turn A pair of rich Sevrea Vnse, with thn portmlta 0X9OUfewl iwiwl io tïit%nrii:vtnri p.iíntingil : Riti i n iike niinnur, portrsáta can be reproduc'! ■►a purcotaiD art i oí Viisen of i-vtry quaïitv of fiíñah, nincínjj n jiriro from TwiT.t v to OneHundrod Dolí are tlie pair, N. 13.- H' inr:ic'!far in vrittng a Mn-ñ.-, to-.rn. oounlT an 1 Staifl lüstinoilv. Al! tutten lo be wUreval (o JJMLer éwuritmm PkatagnpJU Poncaiñ Í5tf.,' 76$m3 781 Hi'ua'lwny, Nkw Yhbk. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accuniulated Jan, 1800, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANK LIN, Prrsidcn, J. C. KENDALL, Vine President, PLINY FREEMAN, Acluary $100,000 DEPOSITED with theOmptrollemftbe State of New York. Dítíliou'ls average 40 per cent. auoually. L S S 33 T - Caühin Bftnk, 31,356,49 Invested i (ipcuritipfr, ereated und?r the lawof thr State 0Í Ne York and of tbe U. ?., 286,870,79 Ucal Efitate and FJxture, Nos. 112 and 114 Rrnadway 132:4$0 04 Bonds and Mort gage drawing? nor et. interest 583,098.39 Kptreoölred for 40 per cent. of premiums on Kb polioles, beaïing iuterest, f'i7&,Ö15.85 Quarteilv aitn Sfiui-íiuminl premiums, due subip■ quent to Jannary 1, 1860 20,550.18 Tnieret nrcrued up to Jan. 1 . 18C0, 3.486.7 1 KenWuccruoduptnJsn. 1, lfiO, 1,70.84 Premiunïsou púueéoa iu bauds of Agent?, 26,44519 ,767,138 .4 rr WsLLf nud Lewitt, Mfdical Kxaminern. J4Jtf J. GILBEKI 3JUT1J, Agent LIFE INftUKANCE. Tho Coünecticut Mutual Life Insuranc3 Company Accuniulated Capital, - $3,500,000. WII.I. INSURE UVES for any amount not éxceèding 410,00 for tfaa vbole term of Life orfor a term of year, on themont favorable termn. N'. B The Company h piirely mutual and the poücy holden get all the surplus over tl.e exact cost of iuistirauce It aeooraodata the lotuired in the ketllement of their premiumii OS MKK PÖLICIBSi if desircl, by taking a note ít ono half the aoiount, beariug ia teres t at 6x per cent, per ncnum. Dividend are Declared Annuallyl .ind since tbey nw araount to fiíty per cent nu tlie preminm, cash ánd note, :ind :ire inercMing tliey niay b" appiied to cancel tfaootw. ■3 The rates of premium;; are :i low ;ii any other re Rwnwjble Compuiy and the tnrge aeènmuUted funH of $'j,5 0,000 is securfly invostod, a niav be oen by rt'feri-iice to the Rt.'ilehii-nt ra;ile iccnUng lo laT, on üle Ín theoaiceofthe Countj Aun Arhor.-it JAliSB Q0ODW1K, I'rest. Gut R. Pbsus,8mj. Fnr rlicntarxapiiiy to JAMES C. WATSON', 708jj gent at Aun Arbofj Mich. Coiinay lire Insurance Co-, Of' Oonway. Mase. Capital paid np, $ 00 AeBets08b), - - 209 963 12 Liabiliiies. - - 16 440 03 D. 0. RoRers. Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. Pretidcnt. DIRECTOR. j s.'.vmTNKv. l. non.tiAN. w. ki.i ktt, SA IIOWI. NT D f. Mi:G'I.VH.y, K. D. WORGAW WAIT BKMENT. JOSIAII AM.IP. A. HrHTI.EN W.U. mCKINSOH, W T. CLAPI'. U. O. HÜGKR. Aun Arbni Rfferences: Dr. E. WEI.I.S. L. JAMK5 I. DOT'OE, KNOC11 JAMES. C.KPT. C. P. OOODRICU J W. KNIGHT. Attent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Mo ncy Wanted. Who w.lll iTendM.oncyi TAMRF.QrESTED BT ÍEVKRAI. PEBSÖS8 tü obtuin Ton Per Cent I itero st, (Or More.) For any one willlnc: to leil'l. I can at nn fcnTeri r' (tooil unour.nmborM abnn.lnnt RKAI, r-T.lK Mcurltj BiiyuniQí f raonej aad ee that tli". li .:-■ and ccuritj aro ALL RlfillT. ■- Tlie Wiwrfr uaTiüSf alleiii'nw.incliHünir recordmu. W. MORCAN, Aun Albor, ct. 7, 1S9. 7151f EVV. MORGAN, Agent lor Mutnft! T,if( TnnrMlco CVmpany, Noir " trk. AncumulatlAsctB, - - - - t6,O5i),O0O. LhjB leafïinif Infiur.ance Cnmpany in the U. S. Kiückerbockei Ufe Laaunuicc Conipuny, IWw Vork, - a íirsl plans snfc Oo. - U-rins reasonable. Humbolilj Fhó loaarann Company., lïew Vnrk. QftpItaL wílh alaifanrplu! - - W0OJI60. l'oria Mürine k Ure Insurance Co., ÏV-ria ÏU. - ln Ka. 1 Ftr Iniunuee Cva. 7O7tf CaplUl, - - ■ 500,oor; Oity Meat Market. rri;:(.-NT)F.RSir,KD, AT HJS Market near Ib Poá A Ofllr-, keep eo&stantly n liand .1 full aÍprtiDDt f I-r-o-o.-s-la. 3MC-o-o--t-ai-, which Um'V wíll always be foiind n rtwlllICMio cut upon SUIl'CL'SÏOMERS. No píjxs will bc tparad to keep tbeir marki Clean, and Meats Sveet bb4 patríms majr rly upon gettinjf tli tst raastr ktkaks, chops, ele. ,that can be found in thvfit y . CAL, ANBTKY U& S. I'ROCTOK T. WAI.KW. Ann Arbor. May i, 1S60. 74ím TO I1OUSE2ÍEEPLIIS. SOMEÏUJNO NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S Best Medical Salzhatus. Ia maiiufitcliin'] frotn cmiimmi B&U, n- i i lj prepare eniircly dilfcrentfrorn othnr ïfaieratus.'yj i AU the dflflwriou matter oxtract-nl in uucli u I y ïn&nuer ia to produea Bread, Bltcuit, ;u! ali j ■ 041 kindK of Cake, without contaiuing a partido oí ' Q Salt'ratuK whtn the Bread or Caktt is biiki'il: j thervhy prodoéfay irbotevoim rcvult. KveryT articlc of AlemtiiR iu tamsd to as. And jtüngfldthrooglj ti,.: Bread tata Iüscuit wfafle Iwkmg, d L ooiuequently, nuthi'ig rfiunins but commna Snli s Lheiaatoof thit Salertus, tíiat ii i enürely fl different ttoiü othor SalcrntiiH. j It is [i:tckoiin ono toutnl ïapore, each J pArraoded, "B.T. KrMuu'k Bwl lie'iiciiml j OQ Snlcra tiiK;" ai.o, picture, t wis teil lcnf of bread, 2 O O -vith b lass of ftflerTescing water on tli top. - Q Whi'n yu puïcliusr mOMptir you vliould pré k serve the wrapjpr, and le jjtrticular to et the (r iiext exactly like Unp lirst- brand a.i nborc. LJ fjf Full dlreetlonp for makinR Ilrcail wlíh thin C I V jPrntiiH and Smir M.lkor (.'rcair Tartnr, willnc company ach packitfr; aluo, dlrectioni for f niakingtill kfndi of 1'astpjr; aluo, for inakiujr 3 3a Ia('l■ and Si-i-iiit?. Powj(erg, 0, MAKEYOL'ROWN SOAP with LJ lï. T. JUBltITl"S PtTRE C'OXCKNTRATEI V POTAÉH. j j Warranted the Ntftngth of ofdloarj H Potaëb: put op In eanfl - 1 lb. - Ibn, 3 lbs, C M Ibw, and )' lbs - with full directinjifcfor makinp ANP [Hftrd and Poft SoAp. Consuni-r will Bod llit.-- tho cluiipoRt articW in DHwrkCt. (r Manufacturud and Tur -.:!(■ br U (14,0ft,fiS, TO. & 74 Wftthinylun ut., Kw York. Q I ry V, and No 38 India t, Bóton. ' #4 74.-t.vl J; 1000 VestSj Shirts and Drawers, Tor ifcl Ay CTTITÏHMA1T O
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Michigan Argus