ñ , ai - mr jes m-w - 331 Ij O C3 JL ■ NE WIIARDWARE STORE ! ! ! o i XJVTf. won.r rai.i.the attf.vtiono;" thk pl'blic VV 'tu oor tfA of j flc .v e.% nra"mw ,a nt "-■: ffiáS TBT" I "S7 JE3 9 I RON, STEEL, 2ÏAILS, TIN, corrEií,& sheet I RON WARE, CHAIN AND CÏSTEKN roiTO, I'ALNTS, OILS, GLASS, BRITANNiA WARE, tLc, itc, Ac, dDc. Aii'l evírj kiuil of Hardware and House Furnishing Ail t orK wilJ b so](i l.'nEAI' ny at any other Ls:ublislunent in iVüehigñii, Best Assoitmcnt of Cooking PAR LO RAND VLATE I3W TP3ra:iS STATE, And will sellthom Chtaper than TUE CI1EAPEST, Pirase cali ani pe u. AU kinils of tin ware tept on baul' Particular a untion pai-i to all Uiuüb of 27 CE LE5 tv3F3? X O2. OS.; Which will be done wtth iVl TiTSS AiVTZ D1SP A rC#. Pl!c callaoA cc our FTOVK RfXlM !n 2il story of New Kloek. RBIXJX & HEXDEKSOX. Aun Arbor. Oct. 7, 1SW. LOOMIS & TRIPP, Sticcfc'íí'ors to Chapín A LoomiB.andCbapin, Tripp tt Loomn■HE,boT (irm of lxwmia ; Tri]p liavinf! purchíseí! tlie rniin' interest of th fortnet empBi-'will cnutimw thc husincsH .-t ti M iitands, whoii' thcv wil: be rwdy, od the BUortút notice, to lili all orflera iu the line ot Castings and MacMnery, in the paost workmanlikg in:iinicr, ml on a libera] term tó ny other hop in the "Sute. Among the vari ou wMdumanufkcturcd by u, " roaU numeral' -TEAM BÑNI of allfjkin-iR; Mili Garing aml KHturw, wrougbfRí cafit all tlië tatfóas caAÜhm for 1n.tI.1iiK ao1 repairini II oree Powers & Thresbing Machín' indS as arr at present, or have fonvily been in lis' thi# part of tho st;ii ;■; wel! J': all the varíoufl kin1 iin'l maoblnt! vrprh cnlle! iir hy Ihnin-! mecli.inics inihin si c'u t. OÍ tli" coon ry ■b .iï. 39 ttay í=i 9 of all tV Yarioua pattenu, ap " siMaandprices.will kep t coDtttaatiy on hnnd, got the most moJcru aml ira proveí1. Rt]'s. HÚBBARDS WR0H6HT IRf'N REAPËKS & n WEBS having ponjnnQcü manufacturing tlus BUperiorÜ cliiue. Rtugle rtwI combine, ihe Innners are invited t cali aml sep a spocime rokcbíDe qow in our w.irc r" ra beforc prclirtiiigftliewUfre. béli !TÍd3 that this machín ULffd only to b een ti cnvinof the farmer uf ITS 8UPERI0EITY orer the Re.ipers and Mowei s in this market. Thnnkful for frrmer pntmnsgo to the oW fiToiR, irc uonio lollclt a conHnuftucf froinoWfriendBjandat] l by all wishini? foranytliine nour üneof bnni&tív LOOMIS k TR1IM' Ann Arbur,May 18th, 13K. etf GREAT GIFÏSALÏ BOOKS & JE WELR Y SCHOFF & MILLEP TN'JORDEl'.TO MAKE IÍOOM FÜH SIEIIKTG ÍSTOCIS:, havp determined to icll tlieir MISOELLANEOUSBOOES. - AT- ■ PÜBLISHEE'S PEICES, ; Each Purchaser a Present In vahío from [ 5 0 Ce n t s Up to $ioo , W1TH EACH B00KS0LD. i _ Ckll (-orlv nn examine 'licir Ronkt nnd PtOMOf" Aun Arbor, MaicliS, 18B0. TK .. o. Et, ï'onrrEïR., D É N T 1 S T OFFICE eorne of Mrain & Hiironstrccíp, opposïte the I-'r.mkün HoaMj Ann Arbor, where lio continúes to affcr hi euntomer anj tyle of work deöired in tïie arí rf Surgical Mechanical & Denistry, Tecth fflled with cryKtal goM foil nn'l epnnego1dt wbicli fot bpftuty aoï (luiabilitj cannnt be nurpried. Particular attcntion paid U d&ietMa oítbe mouthand pcunis, rcmcdving irr;gularity of tíie teeth.and irratiun.s íor chíldren ia cnv of ditficult aml imperfect dentitlon. Thcre are many now &n beantlfül improve mciits lntely iutroducM uto Meclianical I'entistry, whicb Tor baatttj, Dstutlexpr40siQD, ftQd stri'iifíth of woik, sannnt faXi to picas-. Whule oí partial pt on gold platp,RÍlvpr pinte, continuons tfnin, work platina ptfttp. lso anew and ímproTw! methofloT toserthig twih n e rubber mi ffutta jK-tchii b:tM, csllod 3orftIÜ wl.ich in mauy rfl ijkcIs uperKedes all motalic USti MANÍ 00 D How Lost and How Restored. Jutt Publishcd in a Scaled Envclope, A LEfTURE ON TOK NATI iïF, TREATilENT AND JUUKAI. ('llíF, OF SllKHMAHiR::riOKA, or HomÍ-::í UVakiK v, wxul Dobility, Ner-outDe8 and ínvoluntary Kmisaion pmduciiiR Iinputtncy, Consumptivu, aiid Meutkl and riiynical Debfllty. BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. Tbc important faot tíiat the awful confoquenecs of !'lf abiiftí roay bu cíTortiiíilly renoTcd without ntf-mal remcdicd r tlip daogftrous applioatkw of oaustics, ínstrunientí, mcdicalfU bonfjíp, &n oiher mpyrlcal d vcen(iá Uere clparly (iinoiiitrat-il, nul the pntirely now ar'1 iiiftbly uccphÍuI Irpatment, ns ndoptpd bv Hw OWfl brattl anthorfull cxpiíiincd, by menn- nf wolch even fine i ennblel to ctir? hinit-li ' jm V -ilr, and al tbe U-ü-t p'tssílle coat, Uiercby ftvoKliog all tbf ftdrerttiUM DÓitmiU of Ülfl iúy. Tliia i-ecturo wiil prove a bon t tbotiHinds Éa6 UieOMAda. Seni utidrr ienl to anv addrHM, post patd. ati thp re eeiut f two potflr(t Ktanips, bv a4drMfBS TV. (HAS J C Ki.;t H PlMt i-ivih Kw V '.-:,. f-Mt tt
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Michigan Argus