ISTE'W" BTOEB I NEW GOODS! The cíti.ou3 of Aun Arbnr, Mich., and vieinity, ar inlom;, il th&t A. & C LOEB [I WE OPENED A NEW STORE and ftockci i pn tí rel y wïtli N'V GOOPS, spficlaHy adaoted to the eoiuu u scmkod and ttelectod with thegrettt&st eiií. Ai ihu Cleveland ('íoíhiüg House Will bd found evt-rytliing ilfhirahlf nmi uowwsary for 0-EISTTX.EJViLETSr'S "WEAU , j -at the- LOVVEST MAKK.ET PIOES. As we are ietonttlusd'to ninfce our store popular, tod to conviiu-e the public tbat ours is the CHEaPEST STORE iTSt rcUzt -m s t y. re ia""! OUR STOCK OF KEADY-MADE CLOTI1ING ! It made up in th ÜANDSOMEST MANNER -OF- LATEST STYLE GOODS! Evo y aften Han paid to Cut and Fit ! We have likewie prooured from fitst clasa houset a fine asaorttnent of HATS, CAPS, Trunks and Carpet Bags, FUBNISHING GOODS &c„ dèo, AH o' whidi ire offer at ASTÜNISHING LOW PKICES ! LOur fticilities fr procuring Good oa The Most Favorable Terms and frooa the Best Hoiises in the East ■crasrss"crni.ssEr, &n all w9 vk of those who want goods is t CALL AJS'D EXAMINE OÜR STOCK ! and sali&fy tbemse!ve& tbat ne sell the Cheapfcsi and best Gooí's. A. & C. LOEB, South of the Park. a few doors west of Cook's Motel. HurouSlreeC, Aun Albor Micb. 766tf Oity Oheap Lumber Sax7i. Dors Btinds, Piaster Paris, Grand liiver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all bises. Glans. Paint and J'utty, dkc, Lc D. DeForest, HA VING InoreMed bi fHcilities tor icing hueiuvtn and enlrgt-d his Yard aud Stock ,1 prepaicil the present acason, wuli tí c bes largest ai;H chi'a est suiteonpo stuck cverin thia marKt to sl'ty tli e rfjaeonabl' ex,ectHtions tí all. Om motto Is Dot t' bt' undTsold 'or cash o" de'ivery I wij) ot iindertak' to public by rtying that thrywill getihnve'i i) thy buy etoftwhere tor we presume that wiliaellaBlow sthey cn afford to. All kinds of Timber, .)oit, nd Scantling, Pine, Whltewood , Basiwood , Hem look. Planed and Matched Pine, White-wood isb looring. Planed tnd rouh Pincwnd Whitewood aidinp,Fenc Poets. Oskand Ccdai Pottt undlMckctt ut al) kinds. Jptnr Cali), anï) Il1l)itfttiooït t n Ptnr, Ashan-i VVhitewnod blnglcf, Barn Boards and Barn Flooi Plauk, BloekV .iin,-nd 'h Tr aud tliin -iurt', vVngon ano BUGGY AXLES and TONüUEis üoXHnd Body !umbor.Map]e ï.o(i Tiraber, Hicko-' , Oak, Ash, Sim, Beech, Of a!I;hlcknesöCB, widtiiá aodlenuthe, &c. &c. Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallklnds. lVTL,il of 11 zes, &c, ie. SASIT, DOOltS.iS BLJND8, noade by hand to order r low as factory prices. on the shortestnuticc by thu beslof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Billf o! al1 loicrlption in the aliove Imilding line furnishedunchívliortoítof notice for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful1 anda perïacl rtsuortmcni ai the above n' other kind of Building Materials Constaritlv onhandatthi lowestpossible rates Cali and be Convinced. A few rodt souüifrom R. R. Depot on Detroit. Street, Artn Arbor, Mich ROOFI NT G. N.B - I am now operatmg Extensively In thePateat Cement RooEng. Ann Arbor Marble Wors Bisele & Vanderooii. TT AVE on Iiaud a fine asaürtmcat of American and ITALIA N MKRBLE which tbey are pnjpared lo manufacture iuto MONUMENTS. UEAD STONES, TOMB TABLES, TAULE TOP fec., Ac., Ac, Stc, in all their varicties, nd in ■ WÜUKM.WI.IKE minner. H:vinjt hüd considerable exiierience in the boüinml they flattcr tliemnelviis that tttej ill bc ablc to please til who maj f.ivur tbtm wilh thoir order. Their prices LOW AS THE LOWEST, ThoHB wishinir any thiu? in the:r ine are respertfully indto cali EI8KLB & VANUERCÜOK. iun Arbor. Sept. 28, ISBU 767yl gEYE and Ej . M DR F. A. CADWELL, Ê npt-R 1TOR ON THE KVK AXD KAR. For Denfncs. BlliKÍnesf, nnrt 11 dofects of Slght and Hearing. DR. C. BBUIOAJRB6ÜLARPhy(Un,wltliTWENTY YKAR"3' exclusive practicc in th( treatmr-nt o ease of the fcTE AND KAR, will be fouivl quaüfied lo gire relief or effect a curo in any cuse wilbin the reach of huroan pkill . . CW -Wc charge for nn mmmlnntlan #r an ejnnton. or for unstKcttiful servica. DK. C.'b ÏRBAI1SB ON TUI! ET AXI EaR, nf 300 pp., mtaiuiiig referenre, Tetimnial, Icritinof lunGUM, and oiher iraporUnt "t""'ü'"t!'-l witb Cut, to be b.vl grath, bj dlDg Ten Cttu topjj posta-e. Ad.lross Dr. CmH.( ILiudulpb Mwet oornerneabt.rn, Chicago III. Iy7BS Scio! Scio! Scio. WIIEAT WANTED' Tire nndemiened haviniï leafed tbo Gardinor Mili a s:". ure pnpuvdtobn; ht and py the highert ■"iS?.{L?f. '.F' flWWj B. ",.■ WRn.
Old News
Michigan Argus