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Sheriffa Sale. BY VIRTL'E OF AX KX1XUTI0X ïBttued out of n.1 oi)r thcscalof tbv Circuit Cuurt fur the Counfy ♦( WjwbtoDaW] siii'l SUte afMJcbiLfto,be1agd&t.lL# I4th day of July 1SG0, umi to nu; dirocted aud deüreted, against the goods and cbatteU, and tot want tbferaóJ lund aad tenemenU of (u#xvus T. Manu ttefendani tli.-HMn itiiintfl. Ididon Ih Jt ti d:tv Jülj. l&oü, lev upoo and fteiXeftlUba right, tille aud Kftervat "t tliasmd (lustavu: T. ilaun in aud to tue foilowmg described lau2 a ml premisesj lo-wit: B 'ing -i part ofèootion nnmlKT 20, tAwaahfp numw 2 .-mi; i: nf i .n tiuhi'i'r [} ;isl; OOmUltfAcIng Kt ÜM Center ol the roád íeading t-"ri Aun Arbor to aduno, at a poÏDt G cbainfl and 7t IfttkM paterlv lnm ib-iuLTi9ciou of waM rottj and tbc went line ot NHd iectloii. 'l.rncc noctli p;i ; . 19 liuWi to ihc ditch fur t'ie cceelt thence ea. iUuM hM cHteh n.l 13 tíi Salomen Mnnn's 1 tifie, Uifrice soiith ti riJtrl rofcá, theoee im t. [be j.iace ol toginmng. AiM)lis nuinber 14, Und 12, and alt oí (bat part pi lul nu saber ll,tliai tes .-"-lüiol a [ny dra wit lVi ni m.d (;. liu i,i miu'3: ol Ibii ii" i ti. -t-.t corner of M umuber 4, ac ordibg to a pfa: ol part if the aurth e-t fj laiter of i '.. D n:;:iilH.-i 2J, tmviisbip mimber 2 suth tl RflU i BMt, recurUed ín uUcr I', pft3. Alnp kit mmibt-roue in ö. additin aIvj the (ollowiiig, being the westerly partoftho westïmHoJ th nörtb casi qiiarfrt Of M'ct..nijijiní..-r 3Ü, lowiwbip n .mber ,south i rang átuttberixeat;morc partieulnrly deaortbtd as foUowj to wit: lif'iiuiiu ni tita U-rniuiiiil ruad Itndiüg from Aan -iiln.r Ui Jackitu nt a polol win: re tiic ea--t and west halfes ol Mifi quarter wctíon nrfltttS the center if said nimi, running noufh ontbé Hoe bet ween the eait nuú west balvcs of Uu nortbaót quarter oí' MottBn aforwaid ruds ami 11 link, tbtftce wet 11 rod aud 7 link-, thfluee norlli to th centre of said road, thenc easterly 11 rod.s and 8 links to the placv of leginning; containiag 5 acrt.s oí land in the townnhip of Ana Arbor and in Ibe county ot" Washtenjuv and biate of .Micliigan, all ot' whii:h iiremi-cs 1 ahall expuKe lor .-ale at public aucti'in, as the law directa, at the front dorof tbv Court floiiao, in the City of Ann Arbor, tbat bving the ywt;? lor bolding the (lircuil Court for the Couaty of W&shtnaw, uu iiuuday the ú day of October nvztt at leva o'ciuuc. m tbu futentKUt ui emid dar XUOá, 't . tONARO, Sheriff. Dated. Aug. 29, 18G0. The above aait ín bcrby postDoA9d untü Th i: rada y Nov. ètU, LÜUj. at tu i;tce .-in-', t in of day. VtíOá. J?' L.oNAKl), Sbffflff. Hated, Qfltuber, I8ü0. 771 t llieabove sale ík .i-rf ]' t} n Ú nut 1 Monday. t!i 1: th diiy i.'t Novtmltr, iS60j al tb? saus plftcè and timp of day. XHüd. F. LtOXAKD, htriff. UtedNov. 8, 1B60 773Yrti Attachmeiit Nötiëe. . TATK OF MICHIGAN, Circuit Court for the Oounty of Washteriaw. tieorge !t. Coöper. Wüliam ü. Thorapsoü, and ltt njiuuin Xewktrk, m.f JlDi T]iilftn l'hillip Kraemèr nd PbiKip h Wtren. 'take noiice tb&tonthO I8ih day ni OcfobflT A. D. iSiü, a writ n( Mtaeliiueiit waa iwued Dl oi the Circuit Court for tb Couniy of Washif hw, tate of MlctaigaD, in favor of the abovt uamed lJluitiits ngft.ns jHhd 'lliielson and ['billip Kracmti, two of t&e ibovy aam;d lieftn litntifor the aum f Th roe ïhou.-and Üvehundred and lixty tw doüars, wtiicli Mld writ was returnable on tb 23d ! day of (JctOiKT, A, D. 1880, at lOo'elock in tbc fonnooo of yaid da . liy the return ndoreed on sa;d writ it appcats t!i;t pfoperty haa be-ilttaehed bv virtue the-oí i and that thc?üi'l itoffiD lAnth cul-i nol ti fou il jOilNrS()S & UhiBY, Atlyi. for i'laintiffn. Dited; October 29tb 18ft0 7T3w6 Mortgage Forcclosure. WHÈREASdefaultbaa twen made in the payment of a ccrtain sum of mooey , sccured to be paid by a cwtrtin Indentara uf Mm lffligH bearindate the twenty flfth day of Aprtl, A D. 1?65, ezecuted by Bearj J. Milleraud wïfe to Levl IÍ. Baynes, and recrded in the office of the itcgtwterof in the Cminty af Wasbtenaw and Stat of Michigan on the twenty-fourth day of May of aid year, in Liber 21 of Mortgages on folio 52it, and whtr# saïd Mortgage was duly asáigncd to me on the sixtb day of Peptembt-r, A. D 1855, by the aid Levi H Hkjdi, which suid assigiimcnt was duly recirded ín the office oí Hm Register of iJet-daln the Covmtj of Washtenaw aforesaid. the I3th day of September, A. D , JSöO, in Liber 21 of Mortgages on folio 5-'iü; and wherea, tbere i.- now dac and uupaid upon said Mortgage t'ie sum of thrte hundredftnd nioety thrcn dollars aud fortytbre cents ($893,43) ; and iio suit. ur procceding at law or in equity havlnj been instituted to recover the samo, or any part tbereof;. Xow, therefore, noticeishereby given. that by virtue of a power of sale jngaid Mortgage contained, od Saturday the löth day ofpecember next, at twelveo'cloek, M t at the front (outer) door of the County Court House, in th City of A nu Arbor, County and State aforesnid, (Jhe aid f'ourt ïlnuse boin ihr place if holding the Circuit Court in and for eaidCounty of Washtenaw),I hall fcfllat public auction, to the highest bidder, the suid Mortgagfi prerniaes, or so rauch thereof as shall be neceso&ry to pay said amount duw, togothor witb interest from thi flate, and the oost and expenses of sale, allowed by lar, fiaid premisei! being desoribed as follow, to-wit: All thatcertain tract or parcel of land situated in the villAge of Calino, County and SUte aforesaid, lying and being in section uurnber tliree (3) as luid down ín the Vill&ge plat of aaid Village, being in Townshrpntimber four (4) soutti of range number five (6) east and bou rule I &s foltovri: bejiinning on the westerly line of the Ann Arbor or Adrián street one hundred and fifty-five fret soutberly fro where it is intersected with the Chicago road, running 1 henee southerly along the westerly line of Aon Arbor or Adrián street five rods and lo feet, thence westerly parallel with Chicago road twelve roda, íhence nnrtherly parUlel with Adrián street five rods and ten feet, thenca eater'.y taraílel with the Chicago road twelve rod to tb place of beginning, C. TaN HU3AN, Aiif. W. A. Moobk, Att'y for Asigne. Dat.l,.Sept. 14, lgfiO. Mortgage Sale . T JCFAt'LT having been made in the eooöition of a 1' Mortgage executed by Bolser Cbristner and Catbarïne Christner to Luther James, lated July twrnty-iiitB A. D 1858, and recorded o the Register's Office io VasbtQaaw County. in I.iber 24 of Mortgages, at page C68, July2Sth. A.D. 1858, at half past seven oMok, A. M-, by whicli default the power of sale contnined ia said mortgage became operaare, and no uit or proceading having beou nstituted at law to recover the debt scured by said mortgage, or any part thcreof, and the buie of Two Humlred nml Kiiht Dollars being now claimed t be due thorejn. Notice is thert'fore hereby g iven that the róa morigue will be fordoaed ira sale of th mortgitged promiües, xiz: Commencing at the ftouth-went cerner of lot No. twenty four in block No. sis in tb vu!;tge of Chelea, County of Watíbtenaw and Stat oí Michigan, and running thfnee oortb twenty degref west eighteen rodfs, tlience north poventy degree.-. att four raus, ihwice south twpnty degrpes e-t eighteer rodfi, thencèflnutb narent; degret-s wtt i"ur rd;, oi Aomf pnrt thereof at ruMtc veudueat th Court BéoM in thecity ol Anu Arbor on the 16th day oi DMembei tteït ai nuon. LUTUEH JAMES, MarteaMe. E. W MORSA, Attr. Dated, epteiubfT -Oih, A D. 18fi0. 7Cflt4 Morrgage F reclob u re DEFACI.T havinif been made :n the cnmlition of a Mortgage exocu'ed by l'atnck Sullivan and Jonn Hullivan to dated apnl eighth, A. f) 18B8 aud recorded in the Rester Office ín Wahtenaw County. in Ijber !M of Mortgajes, at page 422. April Jth, A. D. 185", at half pust thri'u n'clock, P M., by whicl. (WauU the power of sale contained in said ranrtgagi: became operative. and no suit or proceediny haviu been ntituted at law to recover the debt sccured by &&Ï3 mortgage or any part thereof. :md the siim of one hun dred aud twenty dolían bt'ing oow cluimed to be dut therfon and further itums to beoome dm'; Xotiee il therefore liereby given that said mortf?Age will bo frolosed by aale-d tht murtgagefi premise-, to-wit: Th% Routh-west quarter of the uurtb-f-at quarter, and th aimth-eant quarter of the uorih-wtM quarter of sectioc No. seven, and the 8Outheaat ten hct ü! the ontb-east quaiter of the n'irtli-eaf! quarter of section Xo. rune extending seventy nds eat and west, and north ana "■outh far eiuuigh to contain ten acr, ,.1! in townahip N'o. one south of range five easi, being in Webster, Io th i'oniitvtM Waahtenaw, aud State "t Michigan, or torn part tbereof, at public vendiie, at tbo Court House in the city of Ami Arour on tuu 15th day of December int at uoon. LUTHER JMUS MTifiewi. E W. Mohgax, Atty. patPÜ, -)( 2öli, A. !'. !H0 7+ Chnncefy Sale. IN i riïSlV.NCEi F DECKKB ot th f't: t C,Mi.rtbe OuM' ■ Wftuhtt1 iw n' - r-, muie t th( 2 t l.i.v uu J n , '. , n . DCftust n urn. ir. C uD n s crni n nt ar Wíl: ra ' lïn' o, W li ni J. :.!.-. n C rn. uötnBM re D a nt , 1 -u.tii se : ■ t ] uca t n t t ■■ iigh e b . t. nt ffl 'c! i. 'n t r-n n ■ fhk atr dayoi Dec-talcit n , it t.. r nt r ihiG r Il'.iw ; thé f 'nn rt r W tn.A C, ay Michigrün. ■ t t ■ r .n ; r r r ; n -'t n t n ■ "' n at r r % W.-l. n n n n n, ..- ni ■ 4 m denttribiKl ..- '. ■- t t - n_ t ■ ■ rtli hall ol 'ihe so-a'-I. H-. . t -. rt r i.: . ■ t n -■.- f n Towm-hïp n.n'-r F r : --.t. .. n NamVi TbTc (;;; Kart, p m .:;. V-y icnaof xm fee the same pqore -r ■ . - ■ naucb (iitruof aü RhüU lx neoi- satísíj the decxw in ii caup wih tan-wsJt and c. r . 0 tí. V NVL'.Vr.. urciülourt Mm'iii-i n-.T.rWi htr-aaw OoBR4KRB . -VBKi, SolioitOTK fbr 'mp.;,nn:it rttAt-ií, ÏJovembcr !st, 186U AN OTHEE A a ARRIVÁL A T T H E ff JBLD AND RELIABLE SsfOTp CLOTHIWt EMPOKIUMü ftfc ft TT "i 3 PHCENIX BLOCIC, MAIN STREET. o has jiiKt roturnetl frota the Ka.-tt-ni Cities, wtlh a Urge and dcsirable stock of FALL AND WINTER 3r OODS' which he is now offring at unusually X.Or PRICHS! Among hU Aasortment raay be found BROADCLOTII8, OASSIMEJRES, DOESKÍNS, & VBSTÍNOS. üf alldeicription, csptc!r.T for FALL AND WINTER "VVEAR ! whicb he ís cutting and makicg to ordtr, In the latest and best stylea, togolber with a superior aesortnicnt of READY MADE CL0TR1NQ! ÏRUNKS CARPCT BAGS, UMBRELLAS, nd Geatlcmen's Furni3hing Goods, with nunjerous nthpr art'.cles usuaUy found in tiraüar Qtablisbments. Aa ANEMPOBJÜM OFFáSHlOfl, tho subscribcr flatters himself, that hislon; oxperlfn aud geuern. svicceBs.wiU entibie him to give the grtet satisluction toall wbo uiav trusi him iu the way of manutuetiiring garmcutB to order. 709tf WM WAGXER. 1000 Fine Overcoats! Pot 991e Chp mfTlRMA2s & CCS.


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Michigan Argus