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Republican Demonstration At Springfield

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The dctnonstration to-night, iü honor of the success of the Republioan ticket, wbich was intended to be only a local aftair, surpassed the expectationsof all. Throughout the day large numburs of visitera arrived, and tho trains iu the evening carne crowded. It is iinpossiblo to givu any adequate deseription of the beauty of tbe scène slionly after nightfall. A 1. rgo number of public buildings on all the streets werebrüliautly illuminated and deeorated with Chinese laulerns. The State House was a perlect blaze of light. In the cupola were lour large head lights, whichaddod muoh to tho beauty of the scone. The Wide Awakcs were out iu procession, and presented a very grand appearanco Aiter marohing through tho principa] stteets, they proceededto the resideiiee of Mr. Lincoln, where an immense concourse oi peoplo had already assembled. Loud calis being made lor him, he appeared in the door and was greetud with loDg and continued cheers. Wheu they ceased he spoke as follows : FllIENDS AND FittOW-ClTIZENS I Please excuse me on this occasion from making ■a speech. I thank you in common with all others who have thought ñt by their votes to endorse the liepublican cause. [Applauso.J I rejoice with you in tho success which has so lar attended that cause. [Applause J Yet in our rejoicings, let us neither espress nor cherish any hard feelings towards any citizen who by his vote has diflerod with ns. [Loud choering.] Let us at all times remember that all American citizens are brothers of a eommon country, and should dweil together in tho bonds of fraternal feelïng [[inmenso applauso.] Let me again beg you to accept my thanks, and to excuse me frorn f'urther speaking at this time. The speech called forth tho most unbounded enthusiasrn, and nuinerous cries of "Go on," "That'a right," cc. At the conlusion, cheers were given for Mr. Lincoln, Mrs. Lincoln, üovernor Yates, &c. Tho crowd then adjourned to tho Wigwam, where Senator Trurnbull delivered a short address, in which ho predicted rostoration of the better and purer days of the republic, the praservation of our free institutions, and the perpetuity of constitutional liberty. Mr. Lincoln, he said, although the candidate of the liepublican party, as chief magistrato, will neither belong to that or any other party. When inaugurated ho will be tho President of the whole country, and I doubt not will be as ready to delend and protect the Ötate in which he has not rcceived a 8o!itary vote, against any cncroach.ments upon its constitutional rights, as the one in which he lias receivod the larwest majority; whüetheyby whoso votes he i'..'is boen designated as Chiel Magistrate of the Republic, will cxpect him tomaintain ai:d carry forward the principies on which ho was elected. They kuow that in doing so no encroachment8 wil bo mado on the rescrved rights of any of tho Southern títates. Atter Senator Trumbtill, speeches were made by Gov. Yates, Ilon. Don Piatt, of Ohio, Judgc Palmer and othcrs. LODSVILLE, NoV. Si. Eleven persons, t is thus fur aeoertained, wcre lost by the burning of tho Pacific - rnostlv boat hnnds and deck passengere. Ño nörthero peoplo were ;iml)Ji ÜiC lost.


Old News
Michigan Argus