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fï'. : i f ' '■"''■ w3p ilítll I ' I ataja i $ m .....,.., j I RK '■"'.'. .■' 't I,AW Sc MEDICAL ü'oïiS, Selw-;f BcoAj, ÜfieCfZJimcotM Vviki, h'm.k Boek, dan - GOLD And all oifim kinds oj Pcnijivl P Keilt yfi i ■■■ t .;.:,(. fcJU&doa and Fi POCKET CÜTLEllY! And prryihing mrlviaing lo the '; c f.o Vltk-i-..; - t.. ■ '. C 'ütv. In oou4ticMnff onr bi ,=; :.--. wc RhMl 3') pU ' , )Q,ti) rbl un rCO3CU;iblt: :■■ h j'ï nv f&ttlt . c-xr stvnrït al t'u e Lowcst Popaible Figures. TTtí ptopoMtownftn RKAÏY PAY,ítaaaHaÍTiroce. Casli Sales wiil Adinit of Xcv Vif hvp sojfiigóii tb Tilru ol JAMES F. STAMHNG, b-refoie art pi Vitiiing, Wedding and all oihcr Carfi Orillen to order, voith n.eatnrxs and itiipatcn, by maV or oihcricit?. T1ï I " irt njannwt hv ' rul thT s:'A alvayfl ! ■ i bé 'q i.r. i-r i ïoa'j.v a'.i; wflliag U .-it'ju.í to jll ■■■:;li u-: , . fevpr :asu wlti u CIL lïemembèr ii:y "Empire Dook Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Cb. A AtIiOT, M.'.v, I 7e Rifle F actor y! A. J. SUTH.13RLÁND HASremornrfhis G"n Phoplothï Kw Block n Hu ton rtTKft. soiüh ui :Iip Cour! I!riiif,ont..'J aeconi fioor, whert he is prcpacd to furuióh Guns, Pistol?, Ammunition F7asks, Povjhes Game Bagi, and Every ether artii'ie in his Lire. O tbe moei rea5onab].i Itjrnii, nnd to do nli h!uJs ei rïT31EX3:3Fï.3:3fJC3a ttr shertert Dotice nwi i: tiichpgi mangel A '11 aaoruuat hlwa vp fc'.pt oo hand, or.d irade to orO . BXjISS Still in the freíd ! wrra a LARGE STOCK of GOODS in rov line direct fr'.ra Now Ifork. Boston, and the Manuiacturers! ï havo just rcct'ivcl :i targe and wbE eolcctedaasortnicnt CLOCKS, VATCHi:s, T DE3 "W X-l Xj ïl Y, SILVER&PLATED WARE, Musical Iiistrumonts, Table aá Pocket Outlsry ! GOLD PEXS, And n rrt varietr of Twkoe Nütion. tc I iroulieaH portrculnr atteptiuo to mv largo tock of oí Gold, : ilver, Steel, aud l'lated, with PEE SCOPICGLASS A uiEriar arWr.le, nn a jfreat Tarity of jn-tjofes iu Uk aeOX3CE. X O-A_S3jL3:. Fcreone liRTng ld - to flo w tfa grtamfi CaO b rci'mmn6tjil niy ttt i b [ 1 rge au ! ■ mpl&e, p' S, Partculrr. attentie n puid t t. ■ KEPAIEING of a.!l liindj of Fine TTatcb, such as Making & rotting New Jc-rzels, POriONS, STAFFS anl CTUKDERS, ateo CLOGKö, AND JEWÉLRT, C. BLI3S. JEL NEWRBXITAL Oí aïi d&nv; 'ptfosa, anti uil 'e SOXd O 3I2C 3EJ 2? Z3 !FS FfiíáJÍ OV BE BOUGII'J JA' HOME MANUFACTURE, Of aü k!nd made In tV f.-t Fatkionablc S t y I a r eoo ro IXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, -orrnÏEEKCfl CALP 200 TS p ïffOT grupssei Üiis j.M of XcwYork Oity, and 11 wnn-uat) Bot to mr. Our 8rOGASAND KIP Sa, are niad tb ImsI mnierriils Our itock ot" Moocco II o o t e e s for Ludios ís the tho i st in towD; with kcelg or without W Malte to (ïiUr, ftnd rf IUITIKG the firtfttimt' MKlTttna 0ll fli ■: '■■ ' ■ ft-pe of ch.trve Wi ha? of to HxXwienccfi Jour:i-. ■ tn tV.c .Vrnt t iUaintcr, and oa ahortest notie. O.r multo íj Qnick Sales and Smal! Proís 'Oifinkfuï 'rpflt favovf '■■■' : njntriciftttintioato our boIass to ncrit & libcnti ntutr ;i four paim ti?1 for the : jpjr Riniuler we are nl '-o ht nndoriiolJ. "{L MOORE Sc IiOOMIS Howaicl AsaooiatiOD, PüUadel ] 3 :: ,4 Bintrelcit hutítnHon e rtablW rd b ., $dal end 'tomen r (J'li relitf f tki FrrwrTH and Rpidt ■ for A Orf n f Distaste of the Sezuai Org ioryjVe to paiitns trt gil parta af f 'ie Uttite ' Stattt, (MN oj Hip Sexual Qrgaiu, and on the Nkv RI M ml, at to tlwi iLÜicted In lealed envopes, free of hrji#. Pwo or tire Btai "be will b 1 eilViresDH.XaKinJNH.;ri-:nT( '. Aclin? Sur WorW í r on ia ! " . PAÍNY af Pcro . o.o Cïiitia, .■■ : ■ :. ■ : ' ■ ' '['■? ■ ,i ,e.v are '.'■■i the ■ ■ . ■ . . ■ ■ . .■ iai . ■ ■ ■ Poil ï A t-Uú'í tfeO . : 111 . is-, . Cor h ■ gra ; ifl ati ;■. ' l!ie 01 . ■■ . ■ ' ■ ■■■ .;-. nf 'ii."' I ■ ..fii to : ■ i l!:.-v i-11 Hl DOKl .. in.v rifi o-vu rfi of tin"1 p4tn1 ... IV dffírfá i'efle i" at ry seotiou of tlii' Cuion i si" "'. P. r.;' :i:ts on Oliinp, foiiowing proposition lo ■ntt i the Cm n'.rv, -wjio uro uiinble to visit ]"-rso" li'y the Atiii-.r ftnd Öftïleriei in New YorW maw nnding nhntgraph, uubrelrp. ir dagnit Five Dollars, 're ;n rciurn bv wcpffcs, fn-o OÍ A i ich v ornntceni oj Breakfnst Cup nnd er w'iih thc-portraït tranefi-rrod t!.erwp. Iv ;,■ lag ierrooijp nul Ten Puliars, ■ ia ykc ewoTi ! A hfti ' ■ r Toilet Articlo, Wttli tl tbe pat?ut jrQC053. By mli'üga pctííoí jttjiorrootypoa rl Fil'tfcn Dollars, íhejTÍ'.l recoiTí :r. A pair of t';;"h Ssvres Vnscs, ftqual ïo ibc minatur Rtlntii'ie raxDDori portratto oad bereproaucffi) .-roa otVasea of cvery qnality of finish, raiir'ní in pr06 frftm Tw.-üiy to OoeHondred Do'.l.-irs the pnir. N. '-.- partioula? ín writüig the addreis, tpwn, coiiMly ;in Í ■'Jrtti'i duf iiici'y. Al lettere lo bö addréiwod to .'...":: 'Pr-r Amn-i:an Pkñgrnhi: Portc'sln Co.? 781 Üroatln-a}' , Xa" Yokx. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Acöumulated Jüii, 1300,61,767,133,21 MORRIS FEANKLIN, President, J. 0. KENDALL, Vice President, PLINY FEEEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEP0S1TED ' CímpírolUTOf the Stfito of Kew York. Dít. i . er?.e 40 per oent. annuïUy. J. C3 iSi 33 1" 3 . In nank, Í 51,355, It' '. In gecurtHea . eratd ander the lawnof to of N' '■-■■ Y. -': and i ftlie V. S. . C5S,8T0,70 :pa'. i;.-:a!c . Non. 112 and 114 . Iway ■ 1 :■■.'.■ ,008.30 ;JJ per cent .ot' premiums o:t li'.i 075,S15.S5 QiK;ic:lv ;ui l .: ■uii-:;in!un! ptBSliumrfSaae suUitïi.-iii) . ,560.38 Míctuedúp to Jan. l,18C0, 86.4w.77 Rent acenzed apto Jan. 1, lTfin, 1.70P.34 'i: iiaLds uf AganU, 2E,44-r.]'1 :,7lJ7,13S.'-4 iir' Weuíí aad Lbwtit, Medical Exanaíner. 7.;r . J. G1LBEKT SMIÏH, AgFnt LIFE INSCRAK Tho Coünecticut Mutual Lifo In suraacD Company Aocnmulated Capital, $3,500,000. t"t7Ií.i n' ■ raouni ::--t exceedln; tl ; Life orfor .-i teiin oi ■ y mutual rnrl tho : . rer th exact .: ■ ;1 of intuí ■ wttl nn'11' . their prem m ON IJ . il desired, bj a note 1 e amouat, bearing iutcro.'t at t: per conï, jit-j .■ I Dividend ar1 Declared Annvaltyt ■ : ■ ior cent. on tl ■ , h .ii1 ;. te, ind .';ro mereasing tliey may hn . -o cancel then ten. Ü- n psimms areaslbw as áSy otner rp Bponftiblc ' ■ idtlielarge uccumnlat'.-'l fund i :hwf(c.1 a :. a by releí ■ ■ r to Uur, on fne in theofRce "Hbe Cojutv CleiK.n' Ai'.ti Ai-1. lil Ol.WlX, l' GütK. l'uiu,Secy. I, ■■ plyto JAMES C. WATSOM, Ti1.: j l .igent ;it Atin Arl.i;r, Micli. Conwny 5 ïre lusiirance Co.. Of Conway. Mats. Oapiiiil paid i;p, - $150.000 00 Assets (Oasb), - - 269963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16.440 03 D. O. Eogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secrcfary, President. DJRECTOFIS. J B.WHITKEY, b. BOIMAM W EI.I.1OTT, 8A IIO I.AN'D, D r. r.-r.I,VK Y, E.D. MOHGAN WAIT BEMENT. JOSIAU ALUS. A.HIBU'I.EIj W. H. nlCKINSON, W T. CI.Al'j'. D. C. KOGIORI. Atiii Al-hor Rrfcreiicc?: Dr T. WELLS, L. JAMKS (, Iin: f!F, KNOCH JAME?. f'APT. C.8. OOODRtOH J W. KNIGHT. Agent. Ar.n Arbor, Mivhignn, Mo n e y Want cd, W h o wil 1L ë7i tï M o it e y 1 Tam r.:';r :--ri:n i:vsev;;rai. persons to otjiaiu . (ot tbtni at I Ton Per Confc I itera st, (Or More.) ' For any one nillïng toU-nfl.I cao ai nnec Inyest on ■ [, ESTÁTE ■ ■; of rainey and sce th?.t the title ai:il B are-tt rigba 3" The borrowc r pr.viag all nonso, inrludiscr rccorJn-i E. W. MOROAci, Irbor, Oefc 7ï 18S9. 715tf f? ff, MOGGAN, Agent ior Mutual I.ifc InsuranccConipanj-, Nw Yoik. aöouinnli . .... $.0,500,00. i _ rasurance CoiupAny iu the U. ri. rbockcr l.ifo losurance Compara, Xew York, - a first's sjiÏ! Co. - lermg reasouiiblt.'. lfrniHii'uh Fire Iusnraurc Companv, New York. $200,000. i Marino & Fire ínauraiirp Co., IVfiria 111. - Y.rit i Kn. 1 Fire Insurance üo'. T07tf ::; ;■.!, - - - 500,)00j City Bleat Krlarket. rriJEUNDERSIGKEïi AT HB Markt nc-ir lh Post X OHic11, kCC]: COUsthlit'.v on }]M1'1 ;; full Usui'tlcl.nt ti 2T-x--G-t.--l'X IVI-e-ix-t-s-, v will altrars be fo ■ lt upon . ■. K'o wBl ijt; ijiarta u k-,,, tSieir marlet Cleau, nml Meats Sweet m mny relj uon tting th bost KO.ÍSTH . ic.,tbal caa bo ftund in the City. CAI.. ANDTKT I'é. ï. l'KOÜTOR X. WAI.KWi. Ann ArbDr.JftiT 4, 16S0. 746:oö TO I1OUSEKEEPLRS. SOMETHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S Bí:st ükdioal Saleeatus. Ih manufacturc-d fron; (ommnn aftlt, anii ip lj ln-cT-arL' entircly different lVoïn other Satoratuq. yj Xllthe deleterioua tpatter extractad in such ui ■ - mauner nfi tö prmluee JJi'fail, bifcuit , and all Ü-x kinds of ■■:,■. v. i ;.'..... 6on{AÍaÍDg ;i ïartirïo d y .-;l!i-i-ii-íur ■.. . B) br ök is bniked; j j ; tcrcliy DTodaciog wlioU-i'jii'' renaJte, Ivcrj j Ei turiicd to gas, .-ni'] pasteé througb the Bread añd Blficuil whflc boking, H ' f f jin:pnjqut''iil.v' nothï"g remains butccui)iunn S:ili S MU Vrat'.'i-, ándrtoiir. Jrou (nllrewlily perceive, byly thef kilrratns, tbai ït ís èntlrey ffl iiiffern1 fromüthwSalcrais. y It U pnch ■! ín onc pnunfl pnpor?, cach [1 ;. ■]'.. T. Bttbbitfa Het Medicinal y Q 14ileratusaiíio, picture, tvisted lenf oL bread, VO wiih a glasa of effervesciug water rm the top.- (J . n ytn puTcba j [ör jöu líoutá pre fy bo particular to gel llu P f iext-1 :actïy likf the flrsi bVand afitböTe. ui íTf í Full dioctionsíoc mikÍDpIírtí"I with tbl f v eratüs and Sour Milk or Creaip '1' ■ : ■ e alxo, directlomi !■ Of liisliy; ;i1fü, ful" niftli. 1 ;t?. PowdOTH. A ' O MAÁ'K voii; f. v SOAP with w ;t. T. BABmTT8 PtTftfi COXCEXTRATKJ Wntrantotl doublé the itreogtti f ordiunrj ■ p in cftii-- 1 Ib, '2 Ibs, a Jb-. j H)R)n - . tb full direct ion tor mitUinj.' p np. Consumera w11 fiad tlifi ■ nrticle in mfci r MiinuXactuTctl and for sal by H H. t. nAimiTT, j ■4,C5 8. 70, & 14 "Wnab N"eYork n, cv j au l Nu íS India et, Bosten. 7 4 M;iyi i 1900 VeLts, Sbirts and Dmvers, , For Srieehesp t eüITKKMAN A Co1 I 'm hMiim j i in wpii in 1 1 i'ifi ■ m n m m cae a 3! "Z % l : 32 CO BlaOC K - NE W ÍI AÏIDW A RE STOEE ! ! XÏ7Y WOflJPCMJ TOE ATTKS'Tir.KOFTIItrrT-lTiVV 'iuoursi shk m. sr& :b.-kw .--a. pra arr: --A-xxci- B5 'ZET' LO "W .32 LSJ 9 IKON, éTEÉL, 2ÏA1T.8, TIN, COlTEli, & SHEET IKON WARE, CHAIN AND C1STEKN BDJIB9, PAIjNTS, OILS, GLASS, JBRITAjNiNiA WAKE, tüc., &O. iVc, t&c. And fVfry kind of Hardware and Houso Furnishing All t. ork Vül be gold uCilKAi' aaat an (.her Establishment in Michigan, fe say we have g-t tlie Best Aaroitment of Ccoking P AR LO R A ND l'LATE BTOV1ÏO Aod will selltlieui Chcaper tlian TUE C11EAPLST, Ploafíí1 oill snfl hpp us. AU kind; of tin ware kopt od bao '.. i articular attentioo puitl to aU kiuda of WWch wlH bo líorio wlüi NEATNESS ND PJSPhTCH. $&- ■ : :.a i toe STOVK RCO5I in Sd stor of New Block. RISDON & HENDERSO.N Aun Arbor, Oet. 7, 1860. LOOMIS & TRIPP, ■ :■■ To Chapín Loomis.midCbapin, Tripp & Loomi! i 1) J ilit ejiüre interes ■■ continué Un bjn-s al tlv ■ i '■- n ;' 1 tivig-s and MacMnery, n thé ■'■ ■■ ■ manwr, awi orí ( libcr; terme ny other shop In the State. Among the ■■■ .nis :iriH-.letmiiniifaoti;ri'ú bv lis. V.aiemtc STEAM ENGINtCSI of ülljkiuils; Mili üi ■ ' '" "i' ■'■ ñi i oa1 UthTOrioucitingiiforinaklngand it. Floree Powcrs ék 'itnishinír Machín. laeb as are 0 present, or have formerly been in usi tlJf pirt of tbcStte, trcll ;i 11 ti atfti - kiml caatinga and - '■ farmcrn t pa ii lilis Metió of Üio -■. n iv "H"" s"_ : atT" 9sg 9 o flTtte v:u-:..í pít ■ l-price, riU l ■ itantly oír hráSf gat the mout modera and :::.- UUBB&RDS WUOTTGHT IUON RRAPHJiS & MOWERS. haviag coram-nct;i.l mtiKfacturinp thia supeí chine, single and 001 ' eyl] a;i'l Mf a Specímcfl mactoine m w iu rir ware room, beforo ptnrcluií'ifigete'ewUfirP] bclicyínS tltat tliis macUinfnt od oiilj to bf oen tocoDvincfi i'-1 fftrmeroi ITS SUPERIÜKITY ovf.r thc Reapors a.n'! Mowera in this miket. Tliaukíul Eor fornu-r ratronng; :o thc oíd oriBs,-!QBaiic i'tí-ni oñ frh'M'ip .nui átrial by sil wishing for anything inour linenf btisim h LOOMIS & TJílPl'. Anu ithtylSkt 1SL1), "IS59. WTtf GKEAÏ GIFTSAL1 -oíBOOKS & JEWELEY SCHOFF & MILLE1-; TNJORDERTO MAKK T.OClM FOR OFniWG STOCK, hare dctermiccd to aeU íhyir MIS0ELLANE0V8 B 0 0 K i PUBLISIIER'S P E I C ES, Aol gire to Each Purchaser a Present In valué from 5 O Cents Up to $100 W1TH E A CE B 0 0 E S OLÍ). %y„ Cali oarlv aníl examino 'licir línoka and PrepcntH Anñ'Artor, Mueh'8 '36tt Iï E3 N T 1 S T OFFICE orne of Mrain f RuronHtrcftíi, opposlte tlie Frnnklin Ilüiii, Ann Avbor, wheie lie oontin'icíi te cffer hia cuatoiners any style of worfe desired in the ari cf Surgical Mechanical & Denistry, Trrth fillcd witb crygtal gold foil and npongogold, whlch for beauty and 'lurabi'lity cannoí be surpaMed. ParticnUir attontíon paíd to dweasos oftbi ínoiithnud guns, remedylng irrcgalarity ot' the tecth, and opra: children 'u omoi of dlfflcult and imperfect dentition, Tlmre are rauy npw And beantlful tmprovemotiis i Ij Latroducod luto Mühüt-ical Dentístry. wliich for beauty, nAtiüul ëxpèert'.on, ná Btrcngth of work, :;uiiiot CqíI tu pleafic. WlioU? or paitial sot on gditl ' píate, silwr plait contínuous gum, wnik lUuina plato. i A.lso a ncw ftnd Imjproved mclimJ of inserting tet-th on the viiïi';i;ii7c.l rubtuT and gattii percha b,M6, Cal '■', "o i ; . ! i ú t ■ which in many respucte supersedcn all me talie MAN 1(0 D Fow Lost and How Ecstored. Jvnt Puhhshcd in a Seah d E}nvtlopt, :. i.; i ■;;■] iíV iuk HaTCRF. ti::1 vimi;.ï AKD RAI '1CAL CUBE OF LTLBiAK RltHOKA, or tto(njj i -. :- ■i:-.' lebilitVj Nervousui s jjndlnvoUintft ry.Emi kj. -:i [ïtoducipfi fiiijjotency, Coiisumpiidt, mul Mental .".nl riiysicj'l 1 pbilUy. "BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. Th''imiJor(nni ínct th:it tho owfql con5:iju ncen of Bell ftlniifl niav be i'tl'fetnailT rtmoved witliout intonml remedie or tlie dangavua pplíefttjui ot erntiaftes, iabí ninit'n, medicaUd bongiSR, aud oibcr apfvictí de '. :iul i'ne ci; icy new nnd hifílily fmcceafiful tira ment, as adoptad by the !?- iTL.Ifi! nu'lioi fnlly explüim-!!. : v :. im 'i whlch --Miy ose ín cti iiU-l to bare i: i ■ ■■ . bu. I nt lbo -i 4 cí8t, Cïïtrt by avoldíng all the ftdvertned ; noBti i ma oí tlte day. 1 hí Jcture wül prove a boon te ÜiouMinds and thonjardü. i Bsot r.'lor seal toany ftddrossf pot páld, on thp recoipt f tWO pOAtjie BtAJDpV, bv adrirssfílnff Hr. 1 H313 1 J.C.KLLKE, 0 hrat ÍT,m. Mtf Twk. Poní Üo.


Old News
Michigan Argus