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The French In Syria

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Tho Brtises ire not vet subdued. Thty run from viilage to vilhigo, dodgintr tho Frencli iiriny, and roturcing j nftér tho French have pasaeii; and the i Turks seeiu to bs doing not hing to Kubiiuu thcm. Tho French are eviilotitly juitc wiliing to let thiugs rpm&in in coadit'un unti! next spring, when tliere will be sufficient groi;nd for insisting upon a eontinued occfipation nf Syria by foreign tropps, which will, r,o doubt, gvow iiito a permanent occupatiot. The enterpvis-o oí' oollecting tlitwonty thousnnci btd.i stulen bv tlie Druaos (rom tho Chriatians, proceeds elow'y enoiigti One of tho Christiun genis sent up to roce ve and sturo away the bods and deliver the:n to the owners, writos ;ne thatonty a few of tbo old anti worihloss Druso bede h:ive beon recovercd ;li u ■? iar, nnd there is nu sr,67ry ni un i festod by tho Turks in the matter. And bo it nül be wit!) eTerythiog kft to the Turks. Lord DuffL-rin, tlie Kngübb coinn)issiier, I neem anxbus to curry thi entorprwe j tbrutigh as speedily as poesible, but ho has no foru üt bis doinniand, ond liia ' hands ::re virtually tied by tho neglect ! of Englnnd to eund any armod force : with hirn. A fow offioers, vvith one j hundrod English eoldiers, vrould bo j il tho groatst v;i!ue in suttling tiio ; nti:iiiot Sym, but Lord' Duffenn has; only a small corps of necrotnrieí, sil of whoin, oxcopling Cyril Graham, are iaooraAt of tho languuge, and C!;nparaUvaly strnngerí lo their business, ; ko 4hut Lord IJ. isobliged to do ereryihing Uirough the Turks - e?pcciu!!y as hin owa lVeble iteiv'th pnrvents bis journeyiag ag much as he would wwb. ! It is current'iy rpoated thut tbo f'rus Hian con)i:iisbior.r Inus writteo, urging that six thousand Prusóinn troopa bo pi:nt at once to eo-operato wiih tho Frcnch, and fill out the complement douidud upoti in the convcriUon oí Paris, It a ulso evitlunt that tho Freoch uro makinsr preparntjona to aocommodate a rery large unny in Thofe i an air ui' permanenc about üieir anangomenti in Boira, hipb doe not look lika their going uway in Febuary. Tlio winter galei and raina havo alrcadj b'.-guii, and tho largor véasela aro bc,'inaiug!U) withdraw uut the frigate i ud boats will remata a winter.


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