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; D. L WOOD 1 CO-, Havo Hooolvocl .a. x-L,c3-i3 stock: op1 jScasonabfe G-oods! FLL 4.lV2 WINTER TRAÉE,of xoao: YTHICH TUEY WILL SELL CHJEAP FOK (JAS II. OR EEADY PAY Cali and tee Eefvre Purchasing E!ewtere. D. L. WOOD, VT. O. FO3TEE. THE HYDROPULT An iaveui u for turuwliig wa;ei hy ha ud -power, pt# ted bj W. T VOSE. Kis ote of the moat y&ImU to Wntiozu of thts day. TiiJÏÏ HYDROPULT wjli, by tlie power of roe man, throw Wftter M tb ratt of S gallon ror minute finy fiet higb, witb grcat Im It is 'ibe bet i-.rt;cleevorinvnted fur EXTlNGCIdinXQ A FIRE, PROTF.CT1NG A P.i Of FROü TAKIS5 FIRR, WASiHN .. WINDOWS, SVRINKLIN'G PLANT3, WAI'I'.H.'N'G UAR0E.N3, CL1LA-.IN(J TBKEH KROSI HÍSZCTS, WETflKU s-J i WALKS, gPlUN'KU-N'G STREEK, WASMNü CAURiAUE8, CI.LAXIN'G CISTERK8. EMPÏYINU WATER FllOM 2AIL BO&IS, WE.T1INU SAILÜ, A SPRAY liAlü, fcC, TUli articlo should be ownod by OTerT haaMtwIdtr - I tl b fia-ny with thy ncessïty of a bydrant. It la liïht. prttU!e I'UKCE l'UMP, nlways '!, uily ud and will cümf in frequent use by erry farttiw-, nx chant and mocbauic in iho commuDltj. Flo&.- ctJi fc&4 examine tbe ttrticle at this office. AMKRIOAS HÏ"DROPÜLT COMPAN?. 1 pakll küw, h r. WaLLaCE WlXCa, AgtntfciWaibtenair CountT T7138 YPOILAUrf, MtoA. Herrick's Sugar Coated PiU CT CHILDREN OIïY FOR THEM ! XÍ esa Thia remarkabla V' - '-- . UUS (f DOSC6 EX ITfi I I ■' I -.- H G ' ■;- . iniwiKJl y, ' uuij.Ktoo ■ - íÜSÍBBSTitTi n l 'leT frf Huvtn '■'l'.l'"''. I'!i-mi ki.ü t. ,; tritcis, tiipir -Sftot ft.ri '.(W !'' "k8J"lt tifaotir V Wy&W 4 lUMWrful. : (i : Y,' SP Pr diifretlT mi tlie ft.2 MHSLiiNj siiind;Bo):,isamiilaid - -ií.:'-.' t,f the bodr.tlwtr nw Is atteoded with the bapjjiciit effect. Li oW standing csrof Eicknes, muU doses- rtpeated frjuctlr- 2, clenso tLo Bvstem, Ihatgood heatth i the rtalt. Ro change in emplrymentor dict is naeessary. Tby os cause aoren.oiiths. Bwelle! joints, aching límbs, oto. aé do many otbrr kinds. Tliey are warranteil' to íív sntiifactloD. orthe price refundtal. Tliey are eooaxierwi cbeuper, safirt prettier, and in all respecta superior tn any purjjatire pill in tbe Kcrltt. 4-Tbt; diioorer ui coóiñg a plll with wfar emamted with Ur. Herrie All othrs are cfuritrfeit=,and f uscd, wijl do tb sA disappoinllhe !'. Herrick's pilk reelean:y put 30 in a box, wííA a !:;.: .e sheet of diroctioas tuiU #U1 JW" idcutii crbox; 1 boxes for $1. ■ Herbick's Ivid Strengthenito Vuí&tKlis. Tiie gret Strengtker and Pat Destróyer, The Bett and tlrayttt Househcld Remedy in the werltl. These rcDowned Piasters cure palns, wwiknws and ts. tross inthebaclc.siiicaan'tbreuit, In Svg boers. Iodwd. 80 m-Uin arg thejr Ui do tbin, tbat tlie proprictor vrarraut them. Sproact (mm rwins, balsams and guiiu, s bmutiful Lid lontlior.rrailerr them ppcullarlv adaptad to ibe wauts of Fmuilii aud othera. Tbeirapplicttioo hi anivei-aal- equally to tbe stronz man, tbe delicie womio and the fecble intaut. To each and all thr uil! prov i Mlm an.1 a Messing:. Tbeir OH i a : culle' and ithont annoyance or troiible. Each Piaster il! sr fromojito four months, and in rheutnatiu compiaints, praiiM and bruita, frequTOtlT tfTect cures when all othr renadíos fall. F.iü dirrctlona wil! bo found on t!vlck each. Pabilo pXa, rocaliits, ministers of tiiiv.t-el anJotbert, wlil trecgthen thelr l'jnjtnd iniprv tfl volws by n-oaring tinas ca thoir breatt. VfMTltjf &■ Tho nbcre rtides are so!d bv a:l !!.- At' U Ann Arbor and by Drugyiits tljrn;:?hoatthf Cut.1 tttitu, Caca, du and South Amoriro.aí wholesak hj U btraé Dt'Dgguts n tbe Dr-npjp! cltic HERR1CK & BROTHKR, ]yT87 yt.cncM.VuaBbíe, Afian.X T. P2Ï0K L. MILLER'& HAIR INVIGOBATOR. A. EFFECTirn, SAFE. AND ECOS'OÜICAL C0MP(UND FOR lUESTUKIMÜ GK.vY UAIÍÍ lo lts origüvil oolor without ijtatg, aad prerento tbc Holr from tcroinu grr. FOR FRRVKNTINCÍ RiUSU KSS Mul cnrio It whea, il",, bmt partlob of rltaiity ar rioun-.nitivi erfcr rcruïiinlLi'. roRBOoTsa scerr and 1)a.dkctf, mi jd t. Dtujua aöVcüons of ibe ï'calp. FOK BEACTIfïlNG 1HK IUIB, impurtiiigto it an cqualled sloos aud brüliancy, maLioy il duit and glür üj its texture au.l iusiug it to curl rcartüv. Tbi great oelobi-ay aud tao incrwfing denjind r.t ti; aueqitaJwl prupa.auon, convinco tbc jic.ptimUr tUai (ii tria!,souly m'oesiary to satisfy a difccrnlogputifcoflM upcriurqualities t.vtr any olher praparation at priemt ia usc. It duaiioOa ihe iiea; Ld sca!p from damimff enJ o:Mtr caí-amo u i atteatn. facsii tbe hair logrowluunantly.anü giïoiit u rit-ü, soft, and Sitb! arIiii'oacf,andaUowhero 'bi; balr is loui-eciur and tbiii uicg,it willgive stri'uc:!: tuJ visor to the roote, an-i reetore tbc growtb to fbobo parta wbicb hte b 'm bld, causüig t to yielu unti eccen;? clclr Tdcreara liuadrtdn of fciüot ftmi gjnïleaieu ' !c Sv 1'olk wlio h.ivc b.ul their ba:r rutorwl by !'J jfo al thia iBTigontor, when ui! oihor !,aJ bUuj. L. M. bas iu L;; wsiission lettea iuuuc:iU tat'fjioj to the alMM-c Ikcts, froni persons of tb., bihint retrta Wlity. It wffl tScotually prevent tbeiji ir trom lunirg grdii uotil lbo la'.cst ponrtduf lift: aud in c hr ' tbe ha.,! :s color, tbc usa of Ibe vmuuit Will -itlicrttiuty TMtore Ü to iU origine! ki nrtê 11 a dark. gbis.v appearq. h poiÍLiac for 'loc tSir iaJ aHiir BtorUrt it I) p)lrt.ílííty iwowiM havinï h agrMftble fr .-vraooo; and the jrwil fei:ijtlf it affoida in ireííf ths kuir. bich, wbca mni,i !i, ,'. Iuvijjorator can be drossi-d in any required Utm m tapmwveita place, wbetbrr plaia or In cnrl3_,hlin Uiü pot lcinjuit for it by isn l:ídi,i as a srotV-.i tetf : oriioJc wbicii bon Oübt to be wühoiit, t tU tifk piacet; it wlthiü the rwioh c-t a'.i, b."n-r ONLY TWENTTFIYE CENTS por bott!, tnbc ha', at all no-pocfabjê iru-s'Vt' acd por.'umer. c" I 51I1.I.I.R -j.itJ cali l!,o „( farfDt sr4 Ourdlo bIB ntigamtor. Ia rse. fcw. tho ohüdreiij' Iar oeUnm o Ik ,ú. Thu u o ü J laya the founriatii.E lor .f Ualii a It ,vmory any miiiuiiticB that roay hu oeeome skikcIH n . n thv n..j. (hu rf-UH:v(il of tvhioliil pefMucy boifc fnr tl r beal'.u ui til cUiliiuaü tbe ( .rr'irstOr ,-f [ , [ Ilir. EáOnns - None gMjttfin Mimi tti'i tigAúQelM' ■ Wholi-saie Dtio,5-i IVy tt. auii Mild liviü tberriMÍ) pleilercbacb :■■] X)rogjrfst tbruurl.out tic oud. Liberal dicun;itt,. purcha-ors by tbc nantitr, I also Ulsire tu rrr„cnt U' úw .nu-rioua Public 'm; New & ïmprovod Instantaneoua Xriquidi Halr Bye whioh aftet yeira of [ Út brouglitto H-(ec!i'n. . . unTotelU without injury to tjui B MrfltW k bwt aruele of the klni In existeaoc, puien onl"? nrxy cjisíts - depot, so 7EJ sr.; JE rry. - T. LrreV.y ci-.-n thtt n FJwt n al Ofla of H-. t Germsn F.:rir" r !■■ Insur n t CoHl J vrwl;' t.-r,i . Roonn will bohr-rt i d thr-s.i 'ivo(I),Vvr, v. e t.l.o'clookr, M. fl Ihü Ku-,14ac,'c( .V'u' h. Ir ie lx--1i, ia said Co.i ... JO; ,:'■.!; i rarr -


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