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A Nov lty in tho Art Woríd ! Photography q Porccíain ! ' ■ X POFCKJjAIX COMPA2ÏY V.nk, - ■ ■ ■ I; rein nd Kurofiui patvuls, in ' -"y -' U r i f Likviussíaí ol' Pcrco-.s on C;. (rail ü ■■ r. í'i iiciV" ;.;i I ;. 1 - m ti : :l - l.-.i: : .; . iti i. Ihn brili ttc ■ i ;: ! .Mi-ti !' un i :i bfthertu unutia nwl ■; ift! y if 1 i:b I tj . 'V !)';:- : ■■' '■' '-■■■■ li : : ■ í . - ■ ■ ■ ; ;'v :i; ■ . ■. ■ t'wl Míe ilwi I i'iiw ■-■ ■■' ■ ; miM tlip -inr.] el' n ol ,toi on'y oa pial" . : -': li ■: .ir■ ' ' ' ■_■:. Hlll ,: . , .!..■■ ■ :i li wara ,, tl,j . , ar i -i ot lu C I ü-t Urns.Viisi.-s, Breokfa! Cups.Toil tA'tie'oí.&o ■ . . . : , : ■ ' o mcel I" n ,.f ..i,,, r.. ■ ■■ I.-í.Ih.síiouí "i l'm . . luir iü .. i i.-.i :i ni Kurnpi a wl . .Uifil tu fn r utin tr ■■ . o ■ ' "■ liH ■ Aa til" At:i. :'. 'i OnoipanT re uwp rs if th pati-ni ,:,,!,-.. . ñtíy tU4'"nly persons u h"rii.l te . ,.!,,. pr .'nvh:i"ve del rnriu'l. in rdor To ftiToni P.-ople in ev ry sectio of tile üiiiou ■ au opportuttl'T i" pflMOM P.irlraita on China, to uia!íe 1h( foilowln; proposition to Rrtklcnts in the Country, wbo ftre unable to tí i pi reopf.Wy tho Atelier niid (i.-i'leries in Nl York. rv"u K-ndlng a DhoiRnnb, êmbnlrpe. or i reatTpc t" thp ,nk-.e of the Oumpaujr ia Xw ïork, ac04 DH'.iüied by Fivc Dollars, w II ivrwvc in roturn br crpns. fre of other ehrg, A lichiy ornXicentêd Èrcokfa Cap and Snucer, witli the portrait transftrrod tl.ereou. Irlainittlog a dignemotypi1 añil Ten Dollan, thcy will nociva in lite muaner, A bándiomu Fivuch Vaae or Toilet Article, witlt the jiortr;i:1 r])io;luf-C'1 by the p:iieut procesi. liy scQilinga pairof rtag'jeriPOtypí aud Fiftcn Dollars, they will rercive in turn A par of ricli Sívres Vases, ith thc poitmttí eff-ati-i ."( i' to Iheroltmtur paintDLS ; and in litio nvinuor, puttia.t.i oati ík1 rtproduovd oq parcolaiu wares Of Vnses of everj' qualitv of finish, raneing n pricr from Twenty to One Huudred Dollars the pair. N. B. - lít' particular in ívritin;; tuc ur.iíress, tova, county an'i State diatfDCÜy. Al' iiii u he addrese1 1 '3JajTj?er JtntTiran Pkotnraphi" Pi'mr'atn Co.,' ;6Sm3 lfl Broadwaj, Kw Yoic. NEV YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Aecurauliited Jan, 1860, $1,767,153,21 MORRIS FRANK UN, Pretident, J. C. KENDALL, Vtee President, PJLINY FEEEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSÍTED titttttCoraptrolforof ihe Stato nf Xew Vork. Wrí'inds averagv 40 p?r cent. aouuaHj-. CMb b Bank, SI ,356 ,49 Investid iu socuiii:#, croatfd uuder tho Iaeoí the Stat of New York and of tho ü. S. , aeSjSTO.TÍ) Ilal Estáte and Kixtuves, Nos. 112 aud 114 Broadwav I32,4ño 04 Boft'lfl anri MortgagcsdvaTrinTrrt. intero-ü 5S3.098.39 N'oíe reciTíwl for -10 rer cínt .of jiri uiluros u:i lifp polfCltn, bejiring intTot, 675,315.85 Qu&riertv and bími-annual premiumj,due subíquent'to Janúáry 1, l0 30,56030 Tnterftt íurcnie'l Up to Jau. 1, 1SC0, 3. 48. 77 Konts AccrueiluptoJao. I, 1Í60, 1.70S.34 Fromiumsou politiiu hauds of Agonts, 26,44.10 $1,767,133.24 Trs Weixs aod Lbtitt, Medien! Fxaminerp. 743Ú J. GILBERT MITH, Agt-nt LIFE mslJRAíVCE. Tlie Connecticut Mutual Life ínsuraao Oompany Accumulated Capital, $3,500,000. Wli.LlNM.Kl-: l.lVKri for aoj ainomvt ol exceeUótg $10,000 for the whule term ofLife orfor ;- term of ;rrru-. N. B Tio ('innpany h purcly mutual and the polícy he -u"i'ii; wr tL exact coat of insuvancE [t accomoriateá the ïnshrèf! In the aettlement of totuma ON' I.Il'K POLXCIE, if de-iirvl, by tak ing a note fof onê hïrtlirj amuunt, beuring interest at six por rent, per annuni. Dii'idmds are Declared Annuall y ! and since thej ;nnount to nrrv per cent on tho prei:ii urn, cash aacLnot, and are mcreasing tliy may bo apptted tn uaneel the untes. tW Tle rates of premiums arefts low aF any ether reipoiuible C'oinjAQj andíbelarge accumnlated funl of i3.600,000 ia Eecurfly inTested, a may be se?n by referpace t th? statemont mude accordiug to law, on file ín th office of the Coauty CIerlt,at Aim Arbor.-Tfft JAMKP GOODWIX, Predt. Ci-t R 'uk' n, Secv. For particnlarsappW to JAMSS C. WAT90N, 76oj 1 j' gent ai Aan Ai bur, Mirli . Coisway l'-ire Insurance Co.. Of Conway. Mass. Capitnl paid up, $150.000 00 Assets (Cash). - - 2Ö9.963 12 Liabilitiea. - - - 16,410 03 D. O. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney. Secretary. Pretident. DIRECTORS. J S. WHITNEY. L. BODMAN, W. KLL1OTT, SUIfHH.ND,D f. McG'I.VKAV, E I) MOROAN WAIT BEMKNT, JO3IAIÍ AM.IS. A.Hfl'.l" LEM W.H. niCKINSON, W T. CLAP", D.C. ROGKRS. Aun Arbor Refereuces: Pr. E. WELLS, L. JAMFS I, POPOE, KKOCHJAMKS. CA PT. Cl fiOODRICH J. W. KNI GUT, Agent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Money W a n t e d. W h o wi 1 1 L e udMoueyl TAM REQCESTEn BY SEVERAL TERSOXS to obtain monfty for them at i Ten Per Cent I iter8st, (Or More.) ! For ftnr one willink tollend, I can at once invrst on pood nnencumberetl abundant RLAL ESTÁTE flecurity tiny Kuins of monoj and see tbat tho title aud securitj &re all RiGUT. " The borrower payinar all expenpcü, inchidinp rccordin8. B. W. MORGAN, Ann Arbor, Oct. 7,189. ïlStf f W.MOB9AN, Agont ior Mutual Life TnuraDceC)i)ipany, Kn York. Aceiimnlaifd AMtfts, .... $6,350,000. Ihc lendinjf Life Insurance Co mpnny in tho ü. &. I.ife Iiisuratict Company, New York, - a tirst clii safe f'o. - term msomblei Huraljoldi Rrt Insurance Compauy, Kew Vork. Capital, with a larjie Burptm, - $200,000. l'eoria MarinG k. Kire lnsurnnc Co., Peori III. - No. 1 FirelniuranceCo'. 7O7tf Capital, - - - $500,000; City Meat Market. o fTirEt'N'PERSIGN'KD, AT H!S MnrkM noar th Post X Ufflc, keep constautly 011 iiaod a full asnortméut of which thrv will always bo found iu roadiuefsto cut upon PUIT CUSTOMERS. No riixg will b nrcl to kec[ their oiarket Clean, and Meats Swcet nnd pntrona tny rely opon jfí-tting the best roasts KTr.Rp, cwnps, etc., thut eau be feund in th('itv. CAL. ANDTKY US. S. l'ROCTOR T. WAI.KI.K. Ann Arbor. )fn 4, 1860. 745ra6 TO 11OUSEKEEPERS. SOUETHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S Bzíst Medical &ale&atus. Is raanufactured froin coinmon aalt, aruï ie y prepare ' entiroly difTereotfrom tbeinSalratu8, W AUthe dulvterious matter extracte! in sneu o u CÍA manner au to produce Bread, Kscuit, and all IS JHc kinds of Cake, wlthootooatalnlng a partiële of I alerafus wbt-u the Bread or Cake is bak(-d; j fhercbj produciüi? vholBwom rutiKs. Ererj pftrticle ot Saleratufiis turned to gss, and pas- ■-fri throogli the Bnwd and Bisen it vrhile bakinpjy fifi cxtueqpn%fi DpUungremalnbutCQmmo S MU Water, and FInur. You .wjllrcadily perct-ivi-, b r tÏLOtABteof this íaleratus, tliat it is eutirel} P 'Uflereut froio othorSalerattis. " l Itis packedin one pound papers, enrïi T porbranded, "B.T. Uabbitt's Bost Medicinal L : f? O Salwattt;' atSff, picture, twitedleaT of bread, V UO aith a fflíiss of effervesciug water on the top. - f Whenyou pur chasc om paper you whould pre 1 tprve the wrapper, and b particular to gyt thc P 06x1 oxactly like the first- brand as above. , ffCi' Kulldireclionsfof inakingBreftd withtbie Sa! " I J i'ratuH and Sour Milkor Crearo Tartar, willac .'.ompaiiy each paekae; also, directioDK for , mBkiiifrall ktnds ( 1'nntry; also, for making ! Soda Water and ïfeidlitz l'owdcrs. 9, MAKKYOl'ROWN SOAP With t, R. T. BABBITT'S PURK C0NCKNTRATEI l'OTASH. " Wíirraníed doublc tho ntrrngth of ordfnary f Potasli: put up in cans - 1 Ib, ü lbn, S Iba, 6 n lbs,and J2 lbs - with full directionsfor makintr i AND Hard and Soft Soap. Consumers will ünd this h he cheapest article in market. f Slanufactured and for sale by k B. T. BABBITT, ' 4,00,68, 70, & 74 WatWngtön Bt.Jfèw York. f Tf A and N'o 38 India st, Boston. n 4 L T4.:1 (I 1000 Vests, Shirts and Drawers fc For Pdlccheap at GnTEKMAK A Oo


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