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SPECI-A-L NOTICES. CT How often ia your patienc trid on coming tothe te table and therj beinr obliged to puaiih yourselT by eating yellow, spotted, unwholesome bfecuiteftke.&c Youatooc say to yourself, wht poor Saler&tusjwhy will people longerpu reliase such nu nfwiorarticle, when they cao. at the xane price, purcbaiie I). B. 1 1dú & Co ' pure, healthful Saleratus.- Yu eortit ofyoar grocer. Itis for sal by the principal grocerê at wholesale, and is manufacture] by D. B. De La"d tC-. at the Fairport Cütmical Werks, Fairport, MonroeCo., M. T. THE eKEAT ENGLISH BEMEDY. SU JAMKS OLAKKIS'S Celebratrd Female Puls. PHOTECTED HRlS5iK2Í LETTEBf BY BOYAL PATENT Prepared rom a preterición of Sir J, Clafke, M D., Phyaaan Extraordinary to thé Que. Tkis inraluabl medican ia unfalUng in tb car of aU 'Jiwi paiuful and dangernu diseajie to which Ui fnmal ;n#titution ia ubjact. It moderate all exces and rvmort alt obatruetiosa, and a bu1t eui my b rüd on. TO MUIUK1 I.ADIKU It U peuliarfj puit. It wil!, o a hort tim, brlng od ih tuonlbly period wlth r$tfulrity. Kach tx-ttl, príe OM Dollar, Wart the Gorenuneftt dt&wp of Urvat Briuio, to prernt coanterfsita. Tktt PilU ikould mot w v ftmtMUi émrimjf tU MIST THRK& MOXTHS of Prtfmef,êthêf arê ture to brtng im Miscmrriift, mí np Hktr Iimm jf 4TI ëUl. Id aU AMt of N'erroni and Spuial Affaetionm, Palc in O. Back and Limba, Fatiga on tlight Mrtiím, Palpita liwn of the Hart, HysUrica, and Whtt, th Pttls wiC flct a eur whin aü othr inuii har fiü]d, and Jlnuugb a pewerfal rui!jr, d Dot oootain i ron, müosmj vjtiiocny r aoy tïiivg hurtfol te th coBititatisa. f aU tr#rUop aoeompary ach packag. S.I. AgDt fcr th United SUUa a&d Canada, JOB U0SE3, íLU 1.C BaldwioftO HuchMtor, N. T -41,30 and o pottAf itunpi andoscd to anj as Ags wül iuon ttt of tt BUla b, retan Kold be ÖRKKVII.L & FÜLLKR Ann Arbor, and bj 0 in uvvi v ■ towu. Couoiis. The hU'ldn rhageu of our climat ar sources of rrtMoART, Beo.vchial, and Asthmatic Affec i tíos, Experience having ptoved that s'inple remedies j uften act speedily ani cer'ainly wben taken n ihe eary sUgd of thedisat, recourae sh-iuld at once be had lo I "Ëri'wn a Hroncbiat Trclieat'' or Lósenos, let theCold, I Cough, or Irrltation of the Throat be ever so iliglit, asby I bis precaution a m re serioun attick may b; effectütilly ! warded off. PlbucPpkáckrs and Singer will finí tliem I effectual for clearinsand strengthening the voice. Se j iidTertisemeiit. 776m6 MOTHERS READ THIS. The following is ao extract f rom a letter written Vy the pastor f a Büptilt Church to the "Journal and Mesnenger," 'Cincinnati, Ohlo, and speaks volumes in fa.vor of that world rcnnwned medicina- Mrs. ■ LOW'SSOOTHI-VÜ SVRI'P TOR ClIM.DRK.N TüKTHIXU ; í:We ee na mlTertisement in your columns of Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syiup. Now we never sail a wc r I ín faTor of a p;it -nt medicine before Ín our Ufe, but ir feel compelledtö sa.v tJ your readers, tliüt this Ín no iiumbug - WE HAVB TlilED IT, AND K.VoW IT TO BK AI.L IT PLálMS. ít U, probably. one oí' the most femecessful medicines of the day; becauae it i.s one of the iet. And those of your rtftdtïfl who have babies can't do it better than to I y in a tupf ly " See advertí -fment in another column To Consumptives. The Advertiser. havinsj beon restoied te health in 'ew weeks by a very simple remedy. aftor having sutTer sd several years with a seveie lung afleclion. and that ïreaii dísease. ConaumptHn - is anxious to make knowii to liis fellow-.-ufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will wnd copy of tlie preícription used (froe of cnartre). with the tlirections for preparing and itning the sjime, whleh thfty wlll íind a OJKM Cl'RE fot CONSUMITION, A8T81U, lÍRítNCIItTlS. Xc riie only object of the adveriiser in ihePreeviptin is io benefit the a Mietert and spread informntion vhich he conceires to be invaluable, :md he hopes every ufferer will try hi remedy, as it wül costthera noth ng, and may prove a btwulocFarties wishingthe prescripción wil] ple.ise artJress Rkv. Edwakd a WiLmar. 768yl WiHiambiugli, King.s County, New Vork. The Grent lirurliutur of hls Rnce-j The Ortat Healer of Mankind! Herrick'a Suqar Coated Pilis 7'A whote Wnrld United! Sick Peopte think! After wkich act, You'd sea ree expect,at th late day, With start ling cures a book to fillj Thi U the case, the milliuti sav, With the cures of Herrick ■ l'ill They come fnm Kast, and Xorth, ind West, And with glad tidings the paperR fill, Because they are the cheapest.sulesi, bes And uperiorto otheiw isHcnick s Jill from Rools,aod Plant. aii(l)'lower.s they 're; They alwa ys cure- they never kilt Thousands now in their pi uves wereiaid, Were it not for Herrick's l'ills. Each l'ill witli Bagar is coaied or - A rare discovery of match lesa ski II, Tlieirlike was never, Uutilitappeared in Heriit-k Pili For years be'a worksd to heal the sick, With joy ehite bis bosom filis: For tensof thousands now rejoice At the Baajdc Powersoi'Hornck's ?illa. f!y HERRICK'S MATCÏILRSSVKGKTABLE FAMILY 'ILLS hiLve inundatod tlie world with their pppularity )ver five mi Ilion of boxes are used annnaly , givtng em)loymeut to eighty-live men and woinen to put them up. rheir cnfeRureniunb(Mel by thousands - tlu-ir praises on he tongues of all, Citizcns of Washtenaw Co-, and ilsewheie bave you ever used them?Put up in Knglish, :panish i'oiui;in, and French directions. Large family bexes, 25 cents! Kive boxes for $1. Sold every wherè. Seeaiivcrtisom''nt on M page Important to Femtiles. - Dr. OHBttlBNAM'H PYIOJ. PlEPilED BT CORSELIUS L. ClIEKSEMAN, M P., New York Ciiy. Thecorobination of ingredients in these Puls are the i-esult of a long and extensive practtce. They are mild in ■lieir operation.and certain in conicting all rreiiulariLies, Paiuful Mensiurations, removing all ubvtruetiona, whuther from coldor tlierwise, headache, pain in the iide, palpatation of thehoa.rt, whites, all nervous affec:ions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, &c. , isturbedalcep, whichaiie f rom interruptionof nature. TO MARRIEDLADIES, Dr. ('heeeman's Pilis are invaluable, a they will bringon the monthly period with regularity. lAdies who have been disanpointed in tlie use of othea Pilis can place the utmost coutidence in Dr. Cheeseman' Fillvi doing all they represent to do. ,Y O T I C K Thtre is ove r.ondition of tht fe.mai c aystrm in which the pillnr.nititotbttaktniphhout produr.ivf a PECULIAR BËSULT. The nowéitin rrferred to ë PREGNANCY- the Tc.sult, MISCAUfflAGE $wh t tkê irrtêUUbJi tenáñiicy nf tht mrAir.iiit to re.fttore the sexual funrtiovs to a normal condtion, that etnn the reproductive power of nature cantioi resist it. Warrant ed purcly vegetable, and free frora an.ything injnrious, Explicitdirection, which hould be nad,ac companyeach box, Sent by mail nn enclomng $1 to Ik Ornkuus L. Chkeseman, Box 4,531, Post Oilice, New York City, $St" Sold by one Druggist Ín every town in the ümted States. Lt R. B. HUTCHIXGS, Uk.neral Agent for the Umtkd Rtatbs, No, 14, Broadway, New Tiork, Ly To whom all Wholesale orders should be" addrest;tiold in Ann Arbor, by Mat.vakd, Stebbins & WiijsoNj anrl Q, linKKviu.K, T3ïyl Important National Worki, Publifhed by D. AJTLETO ft 00., 146 AND 43 BR0ADWA.T KÏW TORC Tbe fUowJDg worki are tent to Smbrttr i emy pwp of tbe country, (upon receipt f rtail pric J y aaA or expres)!, prepaitl: THEAKVVADIKRIAN A Popular Lietionary of Gtneral Knuwlwigt. Ldita hf Geo. Riplbt and a., atdd by a numrMi select corp.-i of wrilers in all bmnehas of civncM, AH and Literatura. Thit work ia being publishedin abomt 15 large octavo volumes, uch containine ï&Otwo-coluwi page. Vul. L, IL, DL, IV. V., VI.. VIL. VIII., IX. are now ready, each containinf near 2.60üoriginal avtj cl-. Au additional volustt will bt pabüihtd tmmim abut three nicntbi. Price,iaCluth.K$3; Shttp, M.tü; fiaff Ruttia, M.J0 - h. The NVit American Cyclopiadía fi popular wiihoit W ing duperñeial, learned without beiug pedantic, oonpr hensiTf but iufflciently detailed, free from persomal pijft and party prejiulice, iresh and yet accurate. It 1 a complete itatement of all tbat ia known upon every taaportant topic within the scope of humim intelligtnee.- Kvery important articie iu it ha been Npecially wnMi for iti pages by men whoareauthoritie upon thetopi on which they xpeak. They are requii-ed to bring tk subject up to tlie jirefient moment; to state jutt how il tands nam. All the itatistical iutnnnation 1 from tk Uful reporti; the geographical acctiunts keep pace wítk the lateit explorations; hiütovical tnattera include tb l'rtiheat juut view; the bipgntphical noticei 4 ak ot only of thedead but alo of the livinr. It is a Iibrary of itaeir A tltlDGEMR'VT OF TUK DBBATEI OW tOKCRKSS Being a I'olitical llistory of the Cnit44 States, from tli organization of the Brut Federal O gres in 1789 tn 1860. Kdiledand compiletl by Hou. Ta IJiit BMjrroNfrom th OfiBcial Üeconii of Congres. Tbe woik will be completad in 16 royal ooUvo to!mj of 750 pages each, 11 of which 'ar nu reody. An a4ditional volume will be jmbü.shed ouon in three moathi Cloth, W; Law .hesp. Half Mor., $4; Mal Calf. $4.60 ach. A WA Y OF PROCÏJRING THE CYCLOP JSDIA OR DKBATm Form a elub of four, &nd remit tbeprioe of four kook, and flve oopies wtll be sent at the ï-emitUr's expviaefiucarrige; or for ten subscriben, eleresi vpWa wJst W sent at tfur stpeaM for oarriaf. To Affrti. K oUmt work wni sd UberaHy nwar4 Mie i- i ffciis of mm. Ak agkst waxted iv Tirti OorxrT Twns mtlf known on applioatioa to tb Pubilshers. Ann Arbor, Msroli. 1869. DOOWmt " ltv Tnon. Wbiuht, agesii at Einn A êiuHhm Booktitore, TpsiUaCI. Oysters ! Oysters ! ASDPERIOR ARTTCLK of Oyter constantly on han d ndatery low pricp. Dwln anii all ppiaons TlshingOyster wilMo well toKive uac:ill, me fürnish any quantlty rtehired on short notlw, and will war, rant them nic aud fresh every time. 775irS THOMPSON 4 SOK. MISS JENNIE E. LINEsT" TEACHER OF Piano Forte, Guitar,and Pinging, being desirous of enlargingher cUrh, will receive pupilR at the renidence of Prof. WÏNCHfcLL, which being ner athe Union 3cboo)twni be very eouvenient for sucb itoJaolonattending there who may wLh to pursue tbe study Bi'rftusicin connectïon with other branches. TermB$10, half t be paid at the miedle id the bs!r.m et e fle M 'kt t%.


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