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ft A J ■ ■ . LAW ,-. íCAL liiMj Scof ö..t..V, aHtetilaetu$ H.inka, ISlai I; Books. Jan S T A T I O Iv S Xi Y ! ■ ■ fc&m Á7id all other kinds of Pi n and Ptiicl's ;:i 'i.r Cnrolcc, S!. :!■;■■■ and Flxture; POCKET CÜTLEEY! ' vcr. ■ h!nr luTt.iin; ■■ i. tr.-. rüi ,iv I niii; Ibpull ■ i'l-T. . V-r domvo th1 .:" rcftsonab!; man, TOmftD or cliilfj ih.ill li''i ny hult. Wt po . -.vul enivbU iu to suirpiy OMlU' i all . ■ r,inr.-t PbÁible Figures. Ka ;■ ï ;AV.:.taím.üiadvanc. V.V fxjci i ; r .l:t oni"-.i fifis, 'r.-.t Cash Sales wíil Admit cf low FIGURES. fli: - ■ ;■'. .i'ALDLN'G, lii'rnK uro prep:irel to ! VisiftvfrJtfeililing and all other Curth wri(,i tobrdtr, ui!i neatness ar.d ditpatch, y mai' or oUierwise. Th "K ■■ br agood 4cr(Mr,' rv v . i : i - ira xt . ntfi'1 . : .ill v, i;li, who w-ra fa - . lietjpembr v'üe "Emtiire Bonk Store." JAM ES B. WEBSTER & Go. Arai Arbor, Mar.iSCO. T f m ' ■ ■ - ■ ■■ y -. . .- :h Stiil ia , I ld! LARGE STOCK of GOODS New York, Bost?!!, an.l tho Manufacturers! I hcre jukt ceccivt! ;. larc .;; '. wel BelootedwMrtneDi CtOCïCg, VVAlCRE, S? TT JÏ3 X, 5. "ST. 2ÏTV')1!? ï- !í TPT roin; oiJLi t ïA lv 1 ;AJ A) VV Aivlj, Musical Instrnnio Tublo a d Focket ïaklery i LD PK Ar,' nriety of Tankeo Notions. te 1 mik'; i odll particular attéetiou to mj lnrgc stook of of Gold, ilver, Sted, and ]]ited, with PER S CO TÍO G L .-VS S A f iperioc rtiriOi and a %n& varït :y of flptictea in öii ilU''. "' r ■ ■■■.'■" ■ ' : ■ ■ . cn ' ; . r r t . n ■.i ., . ïakiug & setting Iev Jcwels, PJUOHS, STiVWS and (Jt i.INDKHS, aUo CL()UK; A Al) J] RY, 0. BLISS. ALL ao ö x ja 5 AT 0. H.Millen&Co's. LIFE ÏÏÏSUKANCK. Tho Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranca Company. Accumulafeu Capital, - L:",500,000. Wl! r ," i BE ÏJVES for anv wri! not oxo 910,000 fur the irhoïfl term of Life or for a term of ' v. I! rhrCompany te pnroly nataal and the pollcj holdri get H the BurpluB otot theexactcoat of rasar ttlement of tli'.: Inklng a note for one hAlftho amouat,boiiriiig iuteiest at eix jier een, ju ;:ünuin. Dividends are Declarad Amttaïïyl v amnunt to fitty por ce:i1 mi the promiuro, cash and öote, wid are uicreoaing thèy m.iy be tpjilu-fl to ciLïirel llicaotca. The r"ate of promiuma low ;.s nny otlier re e Cotnp ' thelarge accuioulated fünd 'f S:ï,500,UO" : i'uct to th item i ■ ■ ■■ i ■ ■■■■■, ('i íi-o i" the office of tbe t'ouuty Cltï Anu ,Vft G0O0WIN, Prest. CütR. PBiT8,Seöy. For iiüoa!arsorply to 7AMKS f". VAT-dV, .Agent nt Ann Aï'oor, Miob. NEW YORK LIFEINSUEANCE COMP'KY. Accumulaled Jan, 1800, $1,767,103,21 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. O. K);.1)ALL, Vice President, PL1NY FUEEiMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED ïrlth VMt Comptrollerof th State of New York. Divtduuu Meg0 I" ' collt. anuually. eu la ■ si,sm,iu Inven, . ''í'catpfl umler tho lawsof 258,S7O,ÏO ;eal i. : xture, 112 and 114 150 04 Bond and Stort ..'J98.S9 ■ 6T6 i ' ':.-i! premiums, dnesabw- . ■ 60, 3C.' Rentawrue4nptoJa.l Premiuins oa polioies in hands uf Agent, o, i4. 1 1 S! , 7 (j;, 133-1 Dm Vr.LLSnna Lim, JíeVIlcal I J, QILBEKI Blíml, gnt


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