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ME [ OOO : rosara ■ ■ f. lioWEST M A II KET PliJ; ... ... CHEaPEST STORE r sar t n Ei L3 T a. T s : Ol'tt BTOQK OF í'.i:atjy-made clotiiixg j Ia made r.p in the IIAXDSOMlïSr 21 A NNER -OF- LATEST STYLE GOODS! Kvery attent ion paad to C 11 t a ia d Fit ! laan house a fine , ..; rif II ATS, CA I'S, Trunks a:id Carpot Bags, FURNISIIIJS'G GOODSièc, Aii of whioh we offer at ASTOMSUING LOW P1ÜCES ! LOur'facilitietí for prccuring Goods on The Most Favorable Terrns anti froin the Best tïouscs in the East A-ÜE UNSUBPASSED, an 1 al! we %$k of thoso wlio mint goocU is to 3ALL AXD EXAMINE OUR STOCK ! .at o sci] Uk Ch apest and best Goof!.s. A. & C. LOEB, i . ' ■ ■: icb. City Cheap Xiuxnber Sas'h'; Doof s Bïiii'x, PlcttSter Pama, Grand Rivér I?lat&t Water IJ'::: t'iinit trut' I'utty, dr..;. D. DePorest, HAV1N: ' hi faoHitfes ior aöfffg biifiinei mi enlTged hie Yard and Stock ,la prelatcd the prfeeni 4t8on, with 1 hop lurg-est ikJ chea et seHéone.rt toeït overln thti mtrlLt to ■ 1 JcoetítatiOTií tí rJI. Om : nnt [-■ '■ u ;■ i-npi o dsllrerj wü 1 -. ■ in' pulïtïc b :i yii'v hat ihrywill ■:■■' ihaTcri il they "t ir-,v,.-,' for ivo presume tïmt xvilJaelJaslüw astlicy ctin Hord to . U lilmïs of Timber. Joists, nd Scautling, line, WLutewood , Uuaswood, desa onk 5laiiecï and Matched Pine, White-wrood ksh ' Inurinp. Planed uid rouíjh Plñesnd Whitewood dingfPenc. Tost f?. Oefc ajidOcclar Postt amï r l all lijnds. [Juk i'ati), atiïi ttiljitemoob C .o Ptae, a g Ij nul U'Mhewood fthtngle, 3iirn Boards and Bai-n Flooi Plank, ;1hc1ïV' ,i:.uu 'h rr and thin -lutf, vvagun aud JUGGY AXLKK and TONGüfcö, üx lid Body i.uribfi1. iM;ipit! l.oü Tinibi'f, Uickoty , iJak, Ash, Bïm, Beech, Ut t :].aic'iiietie, widtiio and loni-tlit , Sec. &.C., Piasier Paris, and Piaster l nicinds. 3XTL-i.Xs t' N stee, a-c. ,c, 'yi. oaous.d: nr.isDs, indr ly Iwind tnordtM s luw !s fectory piicPi". nli ie sliortcstnotice by the best of' workmen and iiest Seasoned Lumber. til e ohii lotfciipUon in the abovi buildinf Nne irnishiMlfmthii-i'iiriiFi i,i ' mwv lm We kr. ve T.V Gutting tiesiulwrhf. tii er kini't ' liuildiii" Mater jils onstantlv onband B1 tl) lawast pogsibli Cali ai.c! be Convine 1 few rods soutli frnm R fi hm on Detroit Strekt. Au a .rl,ii, üdich R OH ) P 1 N Or. I.B. I am iiow operating Sxtensively in the Patent Cement Öoofing Inu Arbor Marble Woi s. h ieele & Vaïideroooli;. ■ ouÜapda iiau assortméái ai ámei ' 7 ,1 a A i a ( b l h ■iiloh ihoy are prp&red Lo ra.municíure tato 4ONUMFNTS. UEAD STONES, TOMfí TABLES, TAB LE TOP Ir Um, Snd In a WolílíMAXLlKl'. manner im #iUi UaStactttr. ''S. . ■ :i I .0 W AS THïï L0WTCRT, : hin? r.nv hing Ín th ■ER ■u" Arhor. Scpt. 28! 18B0 ''".vl ETE and B. . ' 'dk p. a. cadwell, SKsS UI EK '.TOr. ON II1E l.YE AND Por Dcnfnrss, Bllndne, and atl clofeets of Slght and Hoarlng. i: i . ; iN(i a (O i.; ; vi , ;:nty i 71 ARí' exclusiva praciiee jn :r?átmrntif iisues ot 11). EAR.Tf ül be fotwd cure ia aiiy cuse witLin Uit' röacli f human ■ an fizaialna'ton or an opinión, rfor untuccestful êtrvietêt Í)H. O. 'a TliKAlUK ON Til: ■:. GOO pp.t íntaining reí'- Ib, ■ ' l" i-es, Oí.", and 91 íhOutostoste. Addrw Dr. Car nnaDfboza, Chicago, ni. . yili j eapomiblo aiid Soiet iguuís WANTKD VHUOUGHOüT the LuHmI Statts, tu wlicm wil ■ ii,.v i sftlury of from Í20 tf 60-pcr moalk nado.i;nsi!. THI8 13 NO ËUMBUÖ. For partTcutor, adtB (indosinf: Red Stamp, for returo postage,) or 1 p'v ia ofrrn to TWaia HM.E & CLARE, vc-h!;], llw,


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Michigan Argus