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Hints For The Season

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The farmer tina now enough to d.) in threshing and ni irketing his grain and ottier produce, h. sking coro, und u.nderdrainiughis IuihJ, witii the hundred other Hule things tlmt has always to be done nt this seuson of the year. but airiong tha pressing woi k ho niust nut forget 10 soo ihat - I. His barns are in gnod order, and all lo so oLjjbimrda aad stíi ligias fa n ..lo I down ecuiely - úiut doura me Innig on hinges ii. d eloed .ell Alany ii b;trn i.i rddcéd to ruin during a lugo guie, y tho earoltHWOtítíí ot' tha awücT m ot fisRQg up at the proper time. And uothiiig s ;i btstter induje to it íunn er's tliriftuitíss, üiun tliu coudTtiof] ot liis biirntj und om hoiises. Wu doubt it if my farmer evür buiíuma rich wbosu buildingH were nllawad U ruiuuiu in h tu mble-duwii s ale. II. Save fead now, and yon vvon't be sünttíd threu or iour monlhu henue. Thw worst led cattlu are tilosa thut wade auiong íaad in Lucaiiiter and ftnrvo in March Givo theni ull they en eat, but do not wnste aoythlng. Have good rauki und ttiö foed will be kept olean; none but hiilf s:tiiVed animali will eat tha; wtiiul) they have litin and trarapfad upon. By buiting and ciitüiig corn stHllw, &u., they will bo eaten up clean, and benidött a aniount ih lequirad, tlian of unuooked iood. Give u variety, oocaMioDally ; a uiiifcirrmty pulls the appitite in bolh iiiLiii and betirtt. III. Feed hft'ga rapidly; for this rnrpose, cookud Kmd in pratarabln tq any ot her. Corn, of course, is best. A luw couked pi tutoes, occasionally, ar g. (id. It fad ID puin, kaep cluan and drv, and fjiVe abiíhddríoe of liedding. Hogs küpt all tha üuu wallowiii2 in their own tilth, can iifiílier be htfultby nor m iko gjd iiutnti ms pork. 'l'ho stencli dt tho p-'n permoutwi the tissues ot the animal through the medium of the lunifs. Still fed p!'k if, ín our opinión, not fit to eat, and ?hould bo nsed in tha rnaking of lard oil only. IV. Peed hH:wM Wall. Wuh gruin, 2Íve a good tbare f currötsj ot' ull roots, these' ure tho best for tho h'owé, and keep hifi) in betlei' conuif.uri thaii when föd grain and hay only. Bad well, and keep thu st.tlls olean, letting the urine run otf uno tank in ido to receiVe it. Fresh air u ubioluicly essential ti the heatttl ot the horsa, and a s;ahlo without pioper ventilation is tlie causo of a vast proportioa of tho diseas ■ íommon to liorse tle.-h Tho uld-fashioiied barn with a thouaand air hol ,-s sin it sido-1, is re illy.tiutler for the hor) than the tigh'est weU 4nihed )iii!din'Z, withutlt tho naces-a; y moaiis i( veulilavoc at all time and saims ío unTüial can brealhn i'.s ów'n c-ffl ivia vith saí'eiy, evon íor u liinitud time. V. Wií have said aSfain :md B3HÍn inake all ti'.o niinui-o you can," and h is ttie best time to begin. Kacol ect tlmt unlüs.-i you to tho soil ;i equivalent for that whici) is annually aken olï yoür farm, it is the o b;irrenness. 'To increase the valué if vour grourvl, it is necessary to add o its capahilitii'S of proriuction. No me. wants to buy or even live upon a worn-out farm, lor tt ofton costs more han lia original price to reclaim it, and 3e?ide=, timo is lost. Livery farmer should ni a ka enough manure, and i nargin over, to keep it in its i est pos siblo oondition, and thereby realizo yearly fro:n its musiiríiíin erop. Mini; niim ci-ops aro no ëvïdéncé of gooii '■'.io-, nd wo aro no blievurs in 'luck " Bad luck is usually auother aud inore entlu word for bad ment.-


Old News
Michigan Argus