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The Methodist

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- We have ïionally rcceived a numbcr of The Mcllioditt, , a large quarto "eligioua Family Newspaper, ' published at New Y(rk, by L. Baxcs, and 1 editcd by Rcv. Gforck R. CnooK, D. D.. assis'.cd by Rev. John McCi.intock, D D ' This juv.rnal though dvuuniiiiatioTial in cbar actor isrndeptndcnt of official or cliurcli ' trol, and comes befure tbc public on its own i merits. Jt 3 ably e til e.!, uil b H a oorps o . ; contiibutora including somc of the bost wri. I ■ tors in ihe lliurcli, wlule its literary and ncws departtnent will tiive it strong chiiuu ' npon Dthers than Methodist It is conserva j tivc in tone, a strong cumincudation in thcae ] days oi' rnmpant radicalism. We shall bo ' bappy lo raóéive it rogularly Bcc adviTtlsement in nnolhcr column. We inviic attention to the i isement of Ulactncftod's Magazine and "„bc fuur Bri ïsh Reciewi These p-'riodicals are re ' pr nted frora advauce sheets received from tbc foreign publisbers, and in typograpby ara fac timilea of the original edition; and j-et tbc American Pablishera furnisb the five for $10 a.'ainst $31 Che eest uf ihe English edition. - ' The oharaoter of the works 13 too well undcr , etood by all to need an elabórate notice at oui' hands New volumes will begin with the next issues, and now is a favorable time for subscribing. jLSjL Warriw & BöTHW&L have est:il'.i.-:i;.d theniselves in the manufacture of Roraliack'i Chemical 8oap, in the building next to Matlhcw'i J3eat Siarket. From trinis we have seen made :f it we 'hink it an exce! , lent nrticle (or all housebold and 'oilct pui ■ pose3. It c'.eans type fincly, and thal is one good lest. Try it. ' j"" We have rcceived the December number of tbc Comopnlüan Art Journal. - It bus a mngnificent full page steel plate, af er Mrs. Spcr.cer's benutiful painting, "Grand Pa's Prodigy;" and s veral full page wond engravings, gems of the graver's art - lts Btorii-s, art essays, verse, and gossip, are . all readable, and its typograpby is perfect - It is a beautiful and valuable nuuiber. ' by the Cosmopolitan Art 1 and a subscription of $3 entitles eaeli member . to the Art Journal, the large and magnifieent ' annual engrnving, ' FalstafT Mustering bis Recruits." and, perhaps to a valuablc work of art wlieu the aunua] dUtribation is made to menibers. Addiess O. L. DfapY, 51C Broadway, New York. 1 1 Gkbmax Porui.AK Talf.s axii Household StoBiis: Colleoted'by llic Bkotiii.cs Grimm - Ifewly TransloteÜ. With illusiraiiona hy ' üii'.vaui) IL. WgHííKT Two volumes. - ' Boston: Ckosbt, Niciiols, Lee it Co. Long ago, wheo boys were boys and givls were girls, before crinoliiie and standing collars with the tilles of youne lndies and '. tlemen bad been appropriated by little lads and lndies, the tales found in these volumes were indeel "popular tales," and were nightly rchearaed around some fire sido, with the approba ion of open ears aud eyes. Then the little folks never tird of "CinderelU," "The Robber Biidegrooin," "Little Red Cap " 'The Wolf and lbo Fox,4' "The Fox and the Gee8e," "How Six (raveled through the World," "The Water Spritfc," and abundred o'ber fairy legenris which have njver been beard of by preeooions 'Y-uni: America." - But th; PublUbers have here given the public a bcantiful edition of these orce familiar tales and we do not think more acveptaide volumescan be taken into a circle of little ones during the coming holidavs. For sale by Schoff ifc Millee. Cg" An adjournea term of the Circuit Court for tbis Connty is to be held on Tuesday next. A Jury -vrill bo in attendauce.


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Michigan Argus