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(iRËATBARGAlJNS. Maynard, Stebbins & "Wiison's. WK HAVE M3AIN RKH.EKTSHKD OTO STORE WITU icot (.'ivU'liü Ir-L of thtt WAS ever oiTore.1 in m-.y one e&tabüflhim-ut u the State, ail of tfhlclj we uWc for is Iqw as cAU bt fouud la the Uuioa We went BToney ! md will isake Greal Sacriiices ou Anyilisi we havo to obtain it, uot Pxcopttaf OLD NOTES AKD ACCOUSlg We cordially iafit ALL CASH CDSTOMERS tocallaud examine ow Gooi and Pricoe. Ve alp mvite our Prompt Payirg Customers to Ciitu and bny Uietr zipplioa for tlio Winter. To thost Bashiul oneti tinA are atraid to cali, vre lj to lliem, talco uraco SnajLiIj Your TVSBA1 iiluut louter waitiigfor higher price, cuio in, old score, and thea at such pnVcs u 411 m ki p nll 1om. It is hard). nfceeA;ir v to euuuiemte our Cood, for We have Everything! A large aísortracnt of UARPETiNG, CKOtKEKY DRY GOODS, ME DUN ES, GROERIES, PAINTS, OILS, IIAT1, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE NOTTOXS &C, &C,j &C. OAIL [L ASO O[EldDO2 M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For Human Flcsb aud Animáis. rN cslllne tho attentim. of the PuMlc to tlils Medicine, we wouUl 5v tlmt t lifus been fully tricd, an I liundreds wlio liftve uil Itsneah in the must conipHnu'ntary tMms of lts wornlt-rful eflbeta npon Miminn Klesli anti ilie brute crejttion. It ïa fast gjitnfnt; pfipuhirity. Whprovej nsofl it ie receivfil witb cülainatiouA of .!"}', nd prottounceil to bt' the cnTitcst liemt'dy for Aclie anti PailH ávertíTered ti thn i'uhlic. lts moterly ellVcts over rlisease, when applied, civea it A celebruy ahsurpaSSed by any f.vtcm.i! pri'piiralion now In nse. Thereforo we c&n bay, wllh tlio utmost confidouoa that th Btnbrocat)F wlll Cars, " Miirni and tïcalds. " Weakness of. Joint, " " Swclllnes and Tumors, " HemnriïioidaorPHes, " Cliül.lalns, " " TnoTlinchamlOhppdUud KmbroettiOB 111 Caro Old üoreK nd C'iaiupe, Boils and Corns, " Contracted Musclcs " Gsllsofall kind. " " BlBg Bone and Poll Evll, " " CaJIous and SpavlD, Xmstooation wlll Oiie 8w,-,-n v and BltAat " Sprlnphanlt an.l Fístula, ScratclioM or Orease " Kxr.Tnal Polsons, " 8and Cracks, " Lamoncsa and StralrjA, KnbrocAtlon will Con Founilered Ini, Mange " " Orackeil Tiat, " " Gargft in Cowi, " " Foot Kot In Sbeep. _ Abbvl.v, ji. ., MarchS, 1S0. we, the un'lrnlsmcil. do certlfy, tlmt we liave usl M. W. Hawuiit'8 Celebkatei) Kmiikocítiox, for Intlni'itnatory and Chnmlc Uhcutnatifci, and clieerfully recomniend It as the best reinedy we have ever U6ed. J. II, Morrli, M. D., James I,. Ilowton. L. W. Clrincnta, On in Ilurd, Peter Fiero, S. K. Gould. J B. Robinson, of Prnphptstown, 111., .lays: I esteem it tb beet Llniment 1 have ever known. It givea universal atlnfocil", and I can tentll'y to Ita cfficacy froin my own Biperlence. Maiiufactured bv M. W. HAWLKY, Aubnrn N T C. N. TUTTI.K, Anburn, N. Y., General Aeent,'t wbom al! order ahould be addressed. Bold by all Druggtsta and MercluuiK Utrougboat Uw . at UAt'NAlW, STEUW.N k WlLroN, Ann Arbor, Mich . Gr O O D O . IlICH GOODIS! Clieap Goods! ! - - . BACH & FIERSON JJAVE JUST OPENtD THB C'HOICEST STOCK - OF- FALL AND WINTEIÏ GOODS to be found n this City, consisting of GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN! eubstfintinl nnd durable, GOODS FOR LAD1M! GOODS FOR TUE MECHAN 1C GOODS FOR TUE FARMER! DOMESTICS, STAPLH.S, uil Carcfully sclectcd, Wnranted to please, and for ealc cheap. OOTtóTEJ iLINrD S233S. BACH L PIEKSON October, 1860. 768tf npiIE PEOKÍÁMAii[ X E & FIRE 1 INSUHAKCECOMI'ANY, ■ OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 one of thu HEATIEST, SAFESI and BF.fï Insurance Co'h. in tho U. .'S. inmireH on raus-muble ter ni, mlalwayH pny {romptly Thsrw in n Uwttj utt loUKwe oi=ruy. ScroMa, or King's Evil, j is n co:: di ■ ■:! ■, p corruptioii of tb.o ' blood, by nrhich tliis l!i::..l bocomcs vitiated, wciik, and nopt. Jk'iii-t in the ctrculation, it pervades tlie whole bodj, nnd ijiay butst out in distiose on any part of it. Xo ofg&u is freo from jts iitmcks nor is thcre one wlneh it inay not dostroj'. The serofulous tuint is rarioudy ■ i:;l discasé, Ipw living, disordercd or imliwilthy f'ood, ilujiure air, Hlth and tiltliy liabits, the dëpressing vicès, and, above ail, by the vcnercal in&ction. Wliatever bc its oii'm, it is hereditary in the constitution, descèiulifig " fvoin párente to clüldren unto thethird u;d fouttK generation ; " indeed,. it Beems to be the rod of Ilim vhu says, " I will viait tlic iniijuities ot' tho futlicrs upou their chiidicn." lts effects commence by depo-ition from thu blood of corruptor "ulcenjus mattrr, wlmli, in t'iü lung-, liyer, and internal orgnnj, U ténned tuberclo-j ; in tho .glurnls, Bwellingp ; and on tho auijacc, cniplion.s or iros. ThU i'oul corruption, whieh fondera in tlie blood, depresses tha ciiorgics of lüe, i-o tlüit scrofulous constitutions not oiuy sulfer from ecrofulous conjplainta, but they have lar lexs power to withsiand the attaclta ot' otlioi disuades; conscquently vat numbera peri4 by di -orders t. hLh, nltliou:jïi not scrofiiimi ■■ in their nature, aro BtiU rendercd fatal by this taint in tha Bystcm. Most of the con-umptiou wliich decimatcs the human far.iüy ha its Qrigih dïrfrctly in this scrofulous contamiuation ; and (uaujr destructivo dlieasja nf the livcr, kubr-y-, bram, and, indeed, of all the orgnns, aiisü i'tom or re Rggrftvated by the samo canse. One qunrtcr of all our pcoplc are wrofulous their persona are invaded by this lurkiñg infetion, and their hcalth i-ï undermined by it. To cleanse it from the yotelti íyc must renovnte the blood by an alterativo medicino, nnd inrigoiate ie by healthy fond uud. euiciso. 6uoh a medious wc sunply ia AYER'S Compaiind Extract cf Sai-snpnviíla, the most cfiectual remcdy which the medical Bki'.l of our ti:uc:s can devise for tlüs cvery. whcro prevailing nnd fatal malady. It ií combinad from the nost active remediáis t!iat havo been discovered fortheexpurgatiouof tliis foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the eysteni from it? destructivo concqucnces. Heneo it should be cinployod for tho euro of not only Scrofuln. but also tlio-c otlicr affectio:i!) whieTi nrisc from it, mch as Eiuttivc and Skin Di-íhasts, St. ■ Anthoxy's Fiiik, Kosr,, or EuYsnr.i..', Pimples, Pusrotr.s, Bi.otchks. Bi.ains and Bon., Tumoes, Tbtteb and Sm.t Riibwm, Soai.d IIk.vd, Himíwoum, UiiiaMATisM, Sïi'un.i'nc nndMunci;iHALi)isKASKs, Di'.oi-sv, Dysi'im'ma; Umnr.ITT, nnd, illdetll, AI.T. C'OMI'I.AI.MM AUISINCI VltOii VlTIATri) ou ÏMrcitB Ijr.oul). Tho popular belief in " impuriry of the bloud" i foundcd in tiuth, for Ecrofiüa Uad generntion of tlic bloöd. The particular purposo and yirtuo of thU Sarsaparüla is to purily nnd regenérate tV.H vital í'.uid, without which f-ouud l'.talth is impoasiblc in coiitaiuüiated tonstiULtions. AYER'S Agüe Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CUPE OP Intcrmittcnt Percr, óx Kever and Apnf, Ktmittviit Fever, CUill Fevcr, Dumb Afíut', Perlodlcal Hcndníhc, orBiUous Ilcntlaclic, nnd UIHoiin Fe vers, Indeed for the wholo c-luss of disenees origlii;ttiï;i In bilinry dern iicnient, caiised y tlie ÜUnlai'ia of Sliumnatic tountiics. MO aro cnabk'd hcro to oiTtr tlie comtnunity n remcdy Tvbioli, while it cuie the abovt raniplaliitfl itli certainty. ii still perffi-tiy bvmleaa in any qiiftntity. Pnch a romed; i bivaloablê ín tlistiicta uIhto (li-st añlictíug dtdordera prevuil. This "OüBw expele inltuaiftllo polson of Fi:veu and Agit. fj-om iliw nyttetn, and preveutd the deveiopment of Ihe dinenso, il' taken on the flrst approafh of itö jiromoiiitory fyhiptttiua. It is not oiily tlio best ïx-m-.-tly evtr yi-t iliscuvcml for iliis cliias of coniplaintH, but ilso the clieapest. The huye quíintily we etipply for a dollar briaga Itwjtbln h:vi;Ii ofevery botly ; nñil in bilioxis dlfltrletv, wliere Fj vm and Ague ircvMü.-i. Bvery body Éthouid hnro t and n it fVoely boHi for cure initl protectlon. It is ïiopcd price n ill piare it l;liin ijig reacli of all - Ilic pooi' as well s tlic rlch. A great Biipcriorlt of ÜiJf i nn-dy over nny ollier ever dtocoTered for tho ipeody tt" cferiiun enmof Intonnittents 13. tlint it contatns no Quinine or, eonwqoentíy it produces no quinism or ctliér injnrlous efleota whattíver unon t!io corístítüttóh. ThOfe ciired by iï are left as heaithy ns If til -y hn. in-vev bad disease. Fever nnd ,ruo is not kilone the Pouieuenc6 of the mf::snmtir poïson. A grmt variety of dteordore Rrfse from its irritation; vftong wblcb ure PfcitTulffiHt Rlfumatismt Ooul, BetidacJte, ÊÜndntet. Tuotltadic, Earache, OUterrA, Asü.ma, Pulpitatiom F&inful ffietim of tfta fycrü. Hysterie, ïn (hc Bouels, Ooltc, Pat&ljf'sfB, nnd Dcrangement of the StamaeJi, all of wlilrh, wlien oiiglnatiit; in this ctiuBo. put on thé inb } ; t ent tfpe, or lircomo uerlodical. Tbis "Cürk" expela tlie pul. ■ n from the blood, and coiiüeqHeiitly curea them Bil alike. It is an lnralnablB prnteci ion to imiuigcantn and person travelliiiR or ti-nijiovniily rwltlfrig ïu tiiu matarionsdUlrlcts If taken oocftstoniilljr or duity while expoMd to tho infi-rtiuii. tliat will beexcreted from the.system, and cñónot :i. i'in;ir.l:iti' in safficinnt i'jnntittty tp iï pt-n Into dlwfe, it Uoven more raluable lor protectfon Ibun cine, and, few will ever piiffor from IntèrtnftfHils ff tliey anül thi'inselv es of tha protectioo tliin reinudy nlíuidá. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL, MASS. MAYNAÏjD S'I'KBIUNStt,! dy uil Druggietfl nnd Dewlri owryv hore. J. BUUK1I.L T'flyi' in? n1 A. aperieni St maclifó prepnrati n of liïON pwritd in rijfiii by combustión in tlytn en. c -i-el liv the liighesl Meoii -. botli in Ku ■■peau! the Cnïted States, ai ■: in theïr p'rac.ce Theexpertcnc4 ' f t ■i'i.-:u-.] y ymx? thai n prepiratioiiol Ircn . an jv com pared with i'. Irapur iti f" tlu bloüct. ik'i.i. -.-muis ni vr. al fii-.i _y, pule aud other os in.Kcales its necosflity in almott ■vltv conpeivaolfl aso InDoioue Ui all . laUtdie in wliich ie ba been tried, proved abaolutely curativo in each of tb e following i.rophjntf, '.■:-: In Icl)i:iiy Vcrvnus rfiVflIntT. Kmm -iiKlnu 'J'SIM puin, onstïpaiioii. I -lat i lin. Ojscmíc . tuflpIcMi CoHsnmpllon, Stroful.u TatHrcnOMïtt, Snit ilhcnm MikmtmiiruritU n. ü'.-;.-,. Cklo'os.f, Liver-QomplohU) Chnmic H adaches IliuümOtiêm, Intermití! ut Finrs, Pfopta fin tir. F'iCf.. A"C. [n ca--e ofüWKHAL I rbiuty, wiioii.vr the reguli of-aoute iÜsprso, ot of the continuad diminutiuD ol nervouB atfd muscular energy from chronto conplalota, one ninl f tliis l,ns jniivfl BUCC6M ui to ;m exlont which nu tltvci ption nor wriiton :iííe.--intitni tyould renIer credible. invalida flo long bed rldden ts to have becomfl furpoiten in their owii neijgbborhoodA, hnvcsin]deuly ni-iipir:uc.i m iin tus_v world asifjust returoed fi om protraoted travel in a dist&ni land, &tme voi nal ins'turuvfc of r li ï l ].: : ,; ,,r réntale u on ia ciat o i] v iet i nis of apparent marasinutt, Ranu,Uieotis éxhaafltioc, crítica) cna.ngeií, and thai comí I : of uervoua and djApeptlc aversión to air and exew&w for 1 whlcb the physicfan Ban ooVnroè, ._. ■ In NSRT0C8 An all kinds, and for reaóm ' miliar to medioaj nien, the o peen t ion of tha ;■■ Uoü of ron musí ni cesnurüy be nalutary, for, uuJik tho old xideRtitvtrigqrou0'y ronïc nrithoui being :ind ovcrlw-atijii:; anl gently, rcgularly aperint, een the i i mnt obstinate cwei of co8tiyeneHM witíiuut eveii benita a"stricpurgatrVé,ör IbHicflngn dïtuigreeable seonfition. I U Ís iliis ai u-r property, imimz oihen, which niakes tl1 so eróarkablj ciïeetual and permanent a reinedy for iits ' iipon which iï alooappeare lo exert adixtinci and ! ifio 'iction i-v dlspersing the local tendeDcytthich forms tlicm. In prspspeiA, Innumerable asAreifs eauVe, a Ringle ' box of rhse Cnulybente Pilis have óftcn ufficod Vor the most habitual cue, locladhig utiemlont CoxtireIn uncheckeil DlARRROU, even when nlvanccd ti Dystn tmj conftrmed, cnuuriating aii'' appArcutlj :ta li.ivinif bean qually deomive and afitoai In tlie loc;il ; ol fleuh and ntrengtnlobiUtiiUng : cnub, and remiitent beotio, wliieli gecemll) ii Tncipimt Onisumpih", va severa] vt-iy (eaüfying and intere.-ting Intaucett. In Sc-nfuhtm TuhercitoUi his medicatd fron hafl had far umre than tha ■ r tb mo4f %.uitiousy balancad prepandiona bt lodue, without any of i aneir wcll knowja liablhttCfl. The attentiOD of femaleti cannoi be toocon-Ödenlfv invlted 1" lliis remcdyund restoraiivc in the crises peculiarly alTectinpr them In It fie umaiis 'iit both chronic and lali.iinmatorv - in 11e latter, however, more decidedly- 11 ha.s beon ini ■ trell reported, both a# alleviating pain. and reducing the BvreUintiMrlcl ntHTneaa ol tlié joints and musecis. In Intcrmittrvt Frvtr it must nee ssaiily bea great reme iv .mu: energefcic re4toratfv& and its prófresa lp tfa settlf menta of th West, witfprobabty be onë of higü renown nnd uefulness. , Mo n'iiu-ly hn ever heen discovered in the hi.-tciry of melirine, ïvhieh gnortfl Boon prompt, happy, nnj torativa eirects Good appehtv, complete oigwnoL ri!jiii :icuisiti)n of strengt hj with an anwtcal diüpOfiitiOB foraclivennd oheerul exerciee, immeiüaieiy folio w its use. Put up in oeat Hat metal boxea CO&talnlog ííii pill, prico 50 cent per box : for ale by drugfflsts and Will bewntfree tn any qddrem on reeeïpi of (bc ríe letters, ordvrs, ett., shonld be bdrtressed to li. It. Ikikk..vC(. . Qanoral A fent, ■ 4T7yl 839 Brb Iway.N. Y. ' Howrard AssociUioo, Püiladelphia. A Benrrnlcnt ïntititi.(m estabHshrd bv special evd'jrmrn firr the relief of tkt -Svr and DhtTesêeedt njjlictrd wi'h V'rii'tnx (i7td F.pidemir. Digmum, and Mimri% tor th?. Citrt nf Digraats of Uta Sercual-Ornvn, Dispensan f ree to patten t?t nll part United StOtts, v"ALÜABLEREPOKTSon8pennatorfhcea,HlirtoherD!seasaa ol tlio Sexual Orcans, andoa theNÉW REÜlIKS emyrd, ent t(j tbe aillinir-d in tfeaied envelopeci, fi-'e of chariie. Vut o or.threo Stainps for póstage be will bo oept&ble. j5" AddrenDR. .T. RKII.T.ÏN' HOTTOBTON, Aetin gtvui Boward Asnriatlon No 2,soutli Nlnth Streel . Pbt' itielphift., 7Kr1 1000 Fine Overcoats! l'ur Sale Oheap at OU1TERMAN& CO'?, i


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Michigan Argus