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VT. GREAÏER GliEATEST :.(AES 1.YIK (]]]!]] In tbisCity, ure now heilig nfforcil üt tbs ClIEAl'.CLOCK, WATCH, & -T O %7E? ulry Siorej M! " :ribscribRr wmildaay to til'1 citizfna Ann Ar ; (mu i parliculnr, uno1 tl:' rt of WhIucdüw innWU thiil hnha-ju" IMPOIU'ED DJ. :i:i:!l.v tv,,,., .;UHpK. Tremendous Stock nf Watt-hos! ). n( whk'h he binria bUdaf Ifto ril CHKAPEK ihnu b raghl WP8' óf NVw York City. ipenFaca ('yiimli'r Wntche Irom t6 to Sin du do bever d'i do á to 21 Ig Cm, In do do 14 0 3' 'fin r!o Cyllnder do do 9 to 28 iulil Wuiebes frum 20 tu 15:) 1 I aro (tUu mo CBLKBRATEI) AM EU' CAN W AT CUES, will sn ti.r $3. Eynrj WftU-h warraatcd to uoriüim woll.onho inonoy rëinoded. JewclBj, i'UtcJ Var, Fiin"V Öoodi Gold Pen. Moficttllastruxneuti tel Suings (utlery, 4-c. r,id in fflet a vflrifty of vpry hlñic óU11y kop by Jew ■i. re can b ("ughtü : Uu bext ntU'ity ÓAy at c-'ur 0 W N PHICE8! !'eraon$ buylng iiything ht this 11 fcnown pptMilifume ut run rt'Iy u['n grit ing goodf exact' y &s roprrsent d, orthemDPj r '"■■; " fïalleax.y and se '■ure. th'i brst biirffHliifi or offarcd ui City, One woid in regard to Ri-pair n(; : We preparad to innke ny reralrs or.finf or comui on Waiflirn. tjvi n in m kinvcCT ibe enffTfl watrb, f netvwary. Repttlnng t ( Ucks 'i JfwHry u laual. Ako t%o méiiufaetuii'ïe ol KING?, BROüiMl, r : i u y i ! i i ■ í 'li'sired, trom Culif riá (iulil 6n short no tice. ]]!iuthvípl' in fill its branches e vtented witfi oc.&t iras ai:d dU(jatLli. J C W'TTS. An'i bor, J-n. S8th'PSÖ. ÏHw HOU ACE WATERS, tf L N T 3 33 Broidwa], V w Y o"r k IubUsïïcr of M n Ie :-. n-.l ilasic Books AM DBALKIt IN Pianos, Melodeonp, Alexancire Organs Ürgan Accordeon, Martin'e celebrated and other Guitars, Virtline, Ttsnor Vinls, Viul'mcelluá, Accoraeons, Flutifias, Fhites, Files, Triingles, Clíiri inette, Tuning Foiks. Pipos andHamméht", Violiii Hows, best I talian Strinjzs, Bura lust rumen ts fór li-.nuls, Pinno Stoolf, and covers, and all kinds of' Musical Inolcuuiepts. JS la. o o t 3VT -e.1 S 1 c Utc publishera in the l'. S., Bertini' Huntin's, iv Modcrti School, andall kinds of Insirnetion liooVn nv the aboT instrumenta; Church Music Bonks; H laic -legantly bound; Mumc paper, aul all kiudii of Music ',i'i:m', t t ti e L ff w e s 1 1 Prices. "Vew Planos, At S1T5, $200, $::'". S-_TiO,;ini! up to $S00. Socond, tl -:n-] Pianos from t'Z"S up to SlfJO; Nfew loludoon, S-Í5, 960, $75, 10 , ui-I ap to Son; Second Hand Melodeoma "f ni íjO to S80; Mexnudre 'rujins, with five Btops, $160, :. :w'i É225; thírteenstopR, V50, $275 and íSO ;ui(l S8T5: A liboral di 0 ClPipHi"ti, . hurebwt Sabljiitli Schools, emioftrfes The 'liaiie Buppiiéd alQieusua) trade liCOUr-t;: rcstitnunlaUof the Hovnce AVnícva Planos JoIid Hewottj of Carthafiff, New Vork, who lina liad ■ !!■ of tfie HoractWal wrjtci m fctlows: - " A frieod of mini.1 orfrbfiK me to pnrehase n. piano or lior. he Llkoa Ihe one yon sold me in l ec nober, iSSti. .-; becomlDg popular in thin ]1 1 c-, and I thtnfc I i:' n; tlu-y will ue more popu,.ir than any otber make." 'We have two t Waters' Piaijoi in pac In ourv-mi. nru ónê of wliic'.i bas boen scfarely tested fr tb ree . ! we can tátify to (beír (foon quaïïtjr and dura!„lii;, .■"- Vi. ,1 SsGrejiory, Ao; Cnrroll, III. "tl. '.Vittcr.,, fCsij.- DfiAK Sn:: Ha ving ust i'iii'of yotir l;ano Foftèk for twoyeari pastJ I have fotmd it :i very .-tnpcrior Instrument." AuwatO GKay, Prtftcipttl firnokhjn lirivkls Srmmary. "Tho Piano I rec'eived tr.-ni you continups to eive natisfaetwn. mentü in the ::■■■-' IáVKS ] ClJLltKR, l"itfir!-.!7, Va. '"i lio Meiotïeon has safely arrived. I feel oblffM fn yod forv our libera] discount." l!cv. ,1. M. SIcC'OBUick, yarqumilieS C. pi no wan daly nroived. Ite.Ttnp in excoltent iinilit.on. and is vcry ïmich admired by my aamerous .iiniily, Accppt ntv thftnka ir your prompluefts," - ii ikkÍít COOPRB, Warren friim, Wadined Co, Pa. ■ ■ ■ i, I '. ; - the ui'-t mi' ín oui1 m,i:i:t.'Iii mas A. EmxHAM, famprMtov , i7r.. ure viiv mncb obür1'1 '■■ wm for ha vina; sent - ieh : fine intrument for f260. "- !írvk.Hkld h Co., ■ .'.-n era. ' -Thi Uoracs Wtfl Pianos are known fteamonx the ■.'..■ ai '■'. ito apeale of t hem tnstru menta -ïli oonfitfñiee. fmm ptvsonal knnrlodm of their excellent tonp and ilurtble quaiity." - N. Y. snanfftïiM, ■ : nf ilii' merite tf the Boraoe Wtèrs pi hding tilt vciy liat-sT ■ Crris!Hitt Inuiii&enetr. ' The Hor.ioe Waters pmnos are ouïlt of the best nnA mom rhorotigbly eaOned material. We bí1 nodóubl tiiiït h iyw can do as wclï,prhapH better, ;tt tbiHthan at anv otberhhusc in the önion.'1 - Advocate end Jonmnl. pianos and metoAeöna ohaDeoge comparlaos with thtfflnestmadeanyirbwe (nüie country. ■'-Home Journal .-,■ Waterft' Piano Portea are of Full,rioh and even tono,an'1 pnwferful- N. Y. Muttcai Reve. (Otir frlends will finl at Mr. Watrts' gtow t tic vory r1mentof Hunïc ond of Pianos tobe found ín ed Si:iti--,:iu'l wc ur'-ce our snufnern anl wewtern fnenils to flcïTe him a rnll whOTOTOt ilu-y potoNew Yori;." - Grrtttam' Magazine 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b ba t h sTh ooi Bell. 100 rtoo-Iasced In tpn Bloiitiis. Tlic unpreceHented ale oftWsbookbaa Inducedthe :-,'i nor tañnindhymiistte pres. , -i "li. mi rxtt ;.aijc ■ on th chwp edilïon1 Anuí1; thenrany beautíful tañes Rod hymng :;'ï-!.il . round:-"! onght to lore roymortiw;" 'M]'!i .1 1 eliild. ih'.i-i'.! I will." Thfse and cight otlipr , n.ll. !■!,■ mi..i-:ui the Smulny PohoolAnDiTCr i E.C ircbattfoeA lemy of Muxlo, rith hrini iK-iriv -J0 t.Kicsanil nd none of the Wst Mllccboiu everlisned . ïio . rhun'dreii. pol ■ o El [anüy bound, (mbo43od ipertöo It h:is been intro 1 ai i ■ ■ I1 ibllo Sohwls. ■il... s h published in Anifll numbers entltle verfiaiy and Sunday School MusicB is. Nos. 1.-, 3, k I, in nr.! l4íethe'mlHlon;priíe 2 $:! icr bundred Np. C irill soon b? iwued - cnnuiienpoiiK.iit of Al-i', Revival Wiisic Boos, No I fe, price si ík $'2 per 1"". p'Miige lc. Morcj tlum 300,000 conloa of th" abovo bonkt !i:ivo been mued the pst eilitci-n months, aml the deman.1 is rapidly incn-.i [n l'ubHshc-cl Uv H0RACE WATERS, Aprent, 333 linadwuy, N. i'. Wove Musio, Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Hioadway, New York. oc:il. "Kin-I "irts can nevor die;"1 "Tlx Axuselfl told .■ "Wüils of the Wmt" "Tlmnfrlits of r.nd;'1 m;.v.i b.u1!. .'iv Uóuntaid HuCse;M "JDa? nronms;" 'Mi.ui'iv Codf l'.i'u'ii;" 'Tm nitli thee still; 'l'ct nann's;'1 ■ ;' "&. rr il theeï' 'I ni li':ivinpr thee in Sorrow:11 "fiin'ioj' IV nitv:" Jlome 1' "ur bi:;!i;" "(irave t.f liusabol," anl . 'v, :iki., ' prtee ■.'■"'e rarii. 1 I.vsntrMKvTAl.. - l 'Pulaci' Ci:inlen, or öiniïini; Ilinl Polka, 40c; ''Swinsiri'j; BchottiscbeJ "Mirabel PchotBr' Schottiache;" "Piccolomini each. rhe botopieoesliaTeljeautifu) "Wclmpr Polka:". 'Ambian Wai oryMnreh," !;ii; "Vassi ■ ' ejls Mftzurka ; "iïcal: iny Polka;" 'Crinoline Waltz." nntl ''I-iiicicr-i' Qua ilrilli'," -.V ch. 'TIn1 Frapreof Keich'i Quadtüte;" a in-w daaefr, and "'Mie IlilMMtiiaii Quailiiili," 36oeach. Unny of these pfeces are plajed by M.ilitnV celobrated órehefti ra wfitb ruse.JSt Mailed freo. A largclot of Kort-iga -Music at half price. liano, lc!o(!,.oiis nl Orjaiis. The Horace Watori Pirinoa and Meloneon, for dopth, pnfllv nf tono nml 'lnrahiüty, are unBarpancod. Pricea v." lii.v econd Eland Pianos and Melndeona frnni S'ñ to MS I. MiKicaml .Musical rntraotl"iM of all kind,attbe lowest pvicu.s. UORACË WATERS, Agent, Vo. 383 Bnwflway, V. V. TiwrnioviAr.: - "The Horaee Wapent Piauofl are knofn ns amon(; thevery best.' - FwaürUlüt. '' ::i ■--. óf their inerlttl t'nnn personal htiowlense. ■ '-Ckrtttim Tnfltvmicir. "Kothingat the l"ulr diupbyed greattr excellence -"- Ckurrkman, Waters' Pinnos ani Mflo.ienns chaUcnirecompnrin '.vi!:i the finust maiie anywiierein the country." - Home ; , .lr,„rnal. TlUtf . .i i ; Iiving's Works - National Editiou 'j'IIH Fine Edltlon. of tbe Wori of ffittnn 1 1 i. . . ,. .i. :n ling üic lifc o! Washlngtt n) , will be pubi.slu-d for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In MonLliiy Volumes Priec $1.50 Pagable od Delivery. Bottuttfally Prlntad on hvavy (tupurfins paper, of tin vci v bot (Juallty, and Hitbstaiitiully bounl iü hftavj bevelleii b QiyEach Volume illust-rAtod with Vignettef on Stoel and Woed Jft Knickprbi'ckcr'H NVw Vork, Skettffa Book, Clotfc. Qoiunkbus, y vois. Urac-bridge Hall, Astorki, r a Tmvelor, Crayon MisocUnnv, Tapt. Bonneville, Oliver Qoldwniih, Itahamet ü vols. (rmada, Alhambr. iaat, I iffl of Washington, 3 toIs. SalnaauQ(li.' Tblttdiuun ' 11 ' gold BXcrrBrfULT to Ptinsenbar: i and iviÜ b i . er'or to any evt r b jfo e iwued,■ . E thepjinlyenall popular work. l ii, thui placed vlthin tho ni :n of all. Ci. P. PÜTNAH. Agt.jFoblííbW, ! 110 Nassau pVreet, Kw Vork. NEW COODS! The citÍ7Qs of Aua Arbor, Mch., and viciniiy, &;c in i th&t A. & C LOEB TI WE OPENED A NEW STORE and otocked it entire'.y niih NEW GOOQS, cspcdally adutk-it to the coming boaaou hiiJ rk-L-Ltl witk ;;. -■■ car.1. At iho Cleveland Clolhing House W'ill be found cvrrylliiugdesirable aud. iK'C&iauvy for LOWEST M A II KE T PEICE-i. Aa wo ro determino! to xuako our store popular, and to couvínce tbc public that ouis is tho CHEaPEST STORE X INT TZZSi JS T -a. T 33 ! OüR ETCCK OF EEADY-MADE CLOÏIIING ! Is niado up in tha IIANDSOMEST MANNER -Of- LATEST STYLE GOODS! Every attention jpaid to Cut and Fit ! We havo liksivisu prcoimM from firat clasa homw a fino aasortnient of nAÏS, CATS, Trunks and Carpet Bags, FUHN1SIIING GOODS &c„ ct-c, All o" wíiich vre otTer r.t ASTOKISIIING LOW PlüCES ! Our fcicilities for procuriug Goods on The Most Favorable Term.s and f rom th Best Houses in the East ARE XJNSUKPASSEE, anl all wc aik of tbohe who want gooiln is to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK ! and sa'.isfy themselveB that wo aell the Cheapest and best Oooris. A. & C. LOEB, South f the F:irk, a few doors west of Cok's Hotel. Iluron Strce), Ann ArbcT Micb. 7G5tf City Cheap Lumber Sash. Doors Blinde, Piaster Paris, Grand Hiver I 'laster. Water Lime. JVails of all sises, Glass. Paint and Putty, c6c, ific. . D. DeForest, HA VING iticreftscd hit fKcilitios tor doiTig businies iifi Onlrgcd his Yard and Stock, is prepmod the prent cusur;, wiih U hee lirgcst Htiri etica est a.HsonpiTgtuclt verin tliis n7srki.ï to sfttiaiy the reaêóDabl' axnwtfttloni il all. Dm j motto is nol t" b UDfftortOldKH1 cash on dolivery i I wil! nut mdfrtaki'Ui f 'rtahitiiitlit' public byaylBg i t ïi n t thrywilf ffetahaTedil they DQTeltewbere tr wp presume thnt otliercwilfsellHsïowaatliey can All kinds of Tlmber, Joists, ■.ml --car.tli.Tj;, Pine, Whitewood, Basswood, Hem lork. Planed and Matched Pine, Whitewood tehl-'laoring.Planf1dindriiiiïh Pinrnnd Whitcwdori siiiinj:, Penbi Poste. OvV tindCudai Postt andPickctB ol all kinds. Piiu f atl), anïi lUljttctvoob C .0 Ptne, AshnnH Wiliewood Shlnglff , Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, Blnek Wt..iiil ind '-h Try ;tud thin ntuti, vva-ün no 13ÜÜGY AXLB8 and TONQUES, lioxuiid Bdy Lunober.Maplfl '-og Timber, Hickory, Oak, Ash, EJm, Beech, Of' tM;iiickno8e6, widtha Hmllniithu, Sec. &c.t Plaáter Paris, and Piaster ol llklnds. lSTXlst "f all flizn, c, c, SASÏL DOORS. cfe BLINDS, marlt; by hnud to ordci ns low s factor y pricet. on thü hortnsinotice by thf1 beet of workmen, and Best Seasoned I.umber. Billf oí uil descriptlnn in the Hbov building line 'u rnishedon thfhortrít ot' tor We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful' nd a perlcct asortment of the above and other kindL ol Building Materials Constnntlv onli.tnclalth. lowestp.)ssible rates Cali and be Convinced. A few roth south frnm R. II. Depot on Detroit Street. Ann Arhor, Mich R O O F I N O, N.B - I am now operating Exteusively in the Patent Cement Roofing. Ann Arbor Marble Works. lïisele & Vanderuools. I 1 AVK on hand a fine astiortinent of American and I T A L I A N MA BLE phiob thoj aro prfpnred to manufacturo into Í'ONUMENTS. HJ5AO STOrtES, TüMB TABLES TABLE 7"OPS Ac., Ac, Ac, Ac, n all their varittie, and in a WÜRKMAN'LIKE manncr HiivinR had cnsMerabltt experienea in the bu lln-) IliitttT tlicmst-lv. th:it tlicy will be able to ple;ise all who may favor tbi-iu with thcir order. Thcir pnces are ah LOW AS THE LOWEST. Hiose wfohing any Ulüjg in thf'T 'no :iri rpipfctfnlly u -led tci cal! EISKLE i VA.WEKC0OK. nn Arhr.r. Pept. ÍS, 1RHO. TBTyl -! DR F. A. OADWELL, QBS orElUTOR iN THE EYE ANO 'CAR. Por Dcafncí. Rlliiilnom, nml nll doA-cts of Slght mitl Hinrlng. Dn 0. BE1MO A RE6DtAB;Phyiclui,'irlttiTWENTï EAB ' coluèiw pmotioe m thu tceatment of leases of ilir KVK AND BAR, wül I found qualiBed to give relief or effect a cure In %nj OftM Tlthin Ul rcach oí lunn:in skill JVo chnrgc for an examlnalfon or an opinión, arfar itnsiicctarjul servicri. Dn. C.'s Tkkaiisk n tur Etr axd Eai:, of 300 pp., OOntaioJng relereuces, Testimoniáis, Doccriptlonof l'iseaíes, 0. and othtr im[. rianr nntt, Illoriíated wilh Cuts, to bc had frntií, by sendinf; Ten Ctnu to pJ Addteu Dr. Cunrat, aa Handolph Mrect pornerDeaborn, Chicaso III. iye Bexpuniblc and Honest Agenls ■W A N T t, D rnHROl"(.HOI'T tli l"ri-ti"l Staten, to Irnra w ivil I i.ay a "ílnry of from $2" to SCO per imrnth and xpen7 THIS 18 NO HÜ31B00. For pmrtlooTar, j drc (incloBing Red Stamp, fur returu postnge,) or I rlv in per-ínü to 7lion WUX fc OLARK, HhroVn, NhM. ' AKDTHE1Í A $ ARRIVAL AT THE WÍEjE0IjJ) A-110 RELL1BLE ifflËl CLOTHINt. EMPOaiUMÜ &fa 18. 3ST O . 8 xLa:cB3sri25: block, MAIN STREET. hatíjiiHt vt-lurnM írom tbe Ku.-tjrp Cities, with a Urg and deslnblq stock ot F ALL AND WINTER EL■ O O X S 2 which ho is no'.v offtríuu; fct ununu&llj IOXTZT XXZ.XO33íS! Aiuong bis AööortmeiU ta:iv bo foumi BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERER, DOESKIXS, & VESTÍ NGS, of all liescriptíons, eppeclally for FALL AND WINTER WEAR! which heis cutting amï making to urder.ín thelateitand bedt Htylcji, togeílier vriih a superior asuortment of READT RADE CL0TI11NG! TRUNES CAUPCT BAOS, UifBRELLAS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goodef with aumcroui othor i.tí:.c1o usuallj found iu íióilar eMÍablifihnieuts. Aj ANEMPÜFIÜM OFFASHIOiN, the Bubscriber Öatter:i himself, that hislonj? oxporienc aml genera.! suecesp.wül ennble him to give thO gretost fiatisfacliuu tu all v. hu muy trusl himia tho way uf maauíaeturing garraenta to orUcr. 7G9tf WM WAGNER. THE CaMi' ItíN OPEN. Campion's !Pla.tforra ! MIE subacribar has just rottirned Trom the cftit with Falí and Winter Gr O O 13 S Which he is Deíerm ined to Sell AT TÜF. LOíVEST PKICE FOR CASII ! at whioh. First Quality Goods cnu te aflbrdcd in tbU city. Jly cloths are all of the F&raEST QUALITY and 8 I mnmifacturi; thi m into clothing my solt, I am cmibifd to WARRANT EVERYGARMENT I to bc WELL MAPE, wl.ich is a trong ioducement to easromers to patronize my in prefeivnce lo plat't'8 wlieic Inrge quantitit'S cf hall mail gnods are kepi for sule.-r] havo iheLATEKT fa'IU' NS and can give you fls Fine and we I Fttting G 'rments as can bt bouyht unyicltere. X :ii:i buuud to sell CI1EAPER AND BSTTFH, GÜCDS1 tlian any otlier similar establislimcnt in this. city. Your custom is nnet respectfully inyited.. M. CAMPION. AnnJArlrer, Nov. 1 60. 773yl THE CHEAP CüRNER. SE EK N O FA R THE El New Store, New Firm AND LOTS OF NEW GOODS ! In Mack & Schmid's Neif Block. PUHCfïAPKD roei ntlv i:n V r the nvt favorable circum .-t incftrtj su m ui., nu t!i:it we iet-1 c nfi '. nt 'n sajín to all our oíd cufttoiiiersi anct as muny ne enco as ca crowdmtu our New umi Spacious Store Roon Corner ot Main and Libe.ty Streeta. Thxtweare now prepred to scll you bctter Gooi il lovsir (iru-i-s tiiiin ur UBQul low prices and ure now ie duily roceil t ol vtirtettSd i STAPLE AND FANCY 33 TFL 'S" O O O I S . LADIE?' & CHÏLDRENS' SHOES IIATS & CAPS, BONNETS, RIBBONS. RUSHES, C ROCK EK Y, LUOKING GL.ASSES, GLASS AND STÜNE WARE, GROCERIES, &c. of ovory vanety Lots nore of the samo good 50 cent Tea, that others sel. at 7ö ole. Bear in mind that our Goods are all f the best quality. f3F0iir Staple and Fancy Dry Goods PUrpHRS all (.-revious stocks for beuuty, varuty and excellence. tsrr'Onr Ladies Dressoods.SliawIs, &o , were never be'ore huif s attractivt and ciinnot help bilt n'in siniles of approval from our fair friends. 8@-Our ITats and Caps surpass all for style and chuapness ever he:rd oí in Ann Ai bor, cali and seo them. 8_Our Ladies' and Childrens'Shoc combineeiliifünceandoasö with strongth and durabüity. 1 Our Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestnjt are ;ill of the best qualities and stylus of the French, English & American produetions which we w.ll söll ut tho sanie pvice tbut otheis ask for slop eihop stuif, 3fp Our Groceries & Crockery aro íresti, new and cheaper than evpr. B&r Our Yankee Notions and smal) fixiogs in general are too numerous to inentioii hore, embracing every thing that a Merchant should keep and a Customer should buy. E And now baving pure ased a much largor and bettur stock of goodn than ever before; we confidently rely u pon the oppreoiatiöh oí the public for Rready S.ale of the same, feeling Oortfi'dunt that wo cannot help but suit all in prices quality and stylee. All kinds uf Produce taken in Eschango ior goods as usual. C MACK, 772 F. SCHMID. Ayer's Agüe Cure.


Old News
Michigan Argus