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The Doing's Of Our Visitors

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In our lasfc issue we noticeï the arrival in pur city of a largo number of ladioj and gentlemen from Chicago and other western o-ties The excursión was gotten up under the auspiees of the Chicago Academy of Science8j and the inain object wa to visitthe Univereity Cabinets, Obaervatory, eto We have already said that "n the eTening of the arriyal of th psrty, Wednegday, Dr. Douqlass ehibited the fine lettrical apparatu of the Uniyersity, and gaTö manyj brilliant experimenta which H'ere witnessed with ctí dence of the most liyely satisfaotion. At 9 o'elockon Thursday morniog the viêitora were received at th Univerity Chapel, and welaomed in a brisf and appropriate speech by Dr. Tappax, Prof. Johnscw responding on bhalf of the party. The day w:,8 spent in visitingthe Museum of Natural Hiatory, Cabint of Qeology and Mineralogy, Hall of Fine Arti, Medical Museum, Lsborarory and Obgervatory - at the latter place Prof. Beun.vow taking great pleasuro in ahowing them the line instruments, though the weather [Jid no' permit them to "fee star3." At 4 o'clock P. M. Prof. Wisohell gave a brief lectura on the Qology of Michigan, ilIii8trating it by large and beautiful charta prepared by !iim from actual obaervation and survpy The evening of Thursdoy and forenoon of Friday were occupied by the party on "miscellaneous buinefs," each membtr consultinghia or her own convenience and picas ure. The party toak tlioir depurture homoward on the Friday iioon train, aad by invitation of Dr. Rai'ch, the business manager of the party, a number ef lfulies and gentlemen acoompanied them as fur a Jackeon. Before learing onr City depot, Pi-of Blaney in behalf of the party thanked the officers of the Faculty and our citizens generally for the generous provisión whichhad been made to intereit and entertain them. They eame strangers, found friends, and irarmly appreciated the hoapitalitie of Ann Arbor, Such ia a brief record of their coming, doings and going.


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Michigan Argus