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KISDCLN & IlENDEltSüN '3 CC BLOC ES. - NE "WTIARDWARE STORE!!! WE WOn.P CAI.I, THE ATTENTIOXOF THK fTTÏI.IC to our stock of "K A. Rl J "W.W L. U. JR3 - -A.xi.cL LS rat" I 'W" -S32 B 9 iron, steel, na1ijs, tin, coitek, & sheet ikon ware, otiain akd CISTERN PüMPS, PAIMTS, OILS, GLASS, BRITANNiA WARE, tLc, fcc, c, c6c. And ever kiml of Hardware and House Furnishing faSr CCD Cfc JE gg o AU fuik will be ttoM au CIIKA1' as;it any otltcr Establishment Iu Michigan, Vf e say we have got the Best Assortment of Cooking P ARLO R A ND l'LA TE STOVES I3T THIS STATE, And will sellthem C'hóaper than THE C E E AP EST, Pican? eMl and w uu. All kinds of tin ware kipt on ham 1. Tat tleaUur alteutioo paid to all kinds of Which will be done, wlth NE A TNESS AND D1SP TCI1. Pleae otllnnd tca our STOVE ROOM in 2il lry nf New Ulock. KI.-DOX i HENDERSON, Ann Arlmr, Oct. 7, 185!). A Novelty in the Art World ! Photography on Forcelain ! Securekl iy patent Iu t'.p Vuito-l States". l.i .■■ ,i! Kiancr. aihl liclimn THE AMEMICAN PORCELAIN COMPANV No. TSi Bnmdway, N'ew York, hvinp goured thfir n 'v;l a: 1 in fenload iovcatton by A monean wnA BuropeaD patontB, aro fulljr preparedto exoeut íili order for . Miniatura Likonessos of Peroons on China, presenting all the atiractive ml Hi(tntageouri features ofordlnarj photoraphi, tht' brillónos --.!il ünÍHli iíji vater-color dcuvrfüg and a httlicrto anattainoi qnMi-y ■ of ilurabi'itv. bj büïng reodflwd impetittbivblfi as Ihi óatur VpropertiO of ihe arUeloft apon whiefa Ihe) &ve trnnfiferredAs the piitontod procos of he ('ompany enablefl tlie repruluction of l'lintigiüpli-, nof only on phiin hurfec . but upon utcb ■ are round or oí aay 'I'icí of íitok1Iantj- - portraïtB can be reproduced with faultless ' racy.antldelicacj of lol.neat.oa, upoo PorooUlo are o' anj dOTcription and dïmoasioa uaodas articles af Iun ury or of hoasehold utility, sucb as Lrrn8,VasC8,Bronkr:6t Cups.Tuil.t Artic'ef.ifeö thereby sccuiinfr fait h ful porlraititand furoifthtnjt t ': que aod oxquiftite atyla of ornamentaron oí article . oomestta um-. In order to furnKu EacilUIcs for the gratificailon of ' pnpuiar tat, auil to meet 'ho wants of tlioe patioi ef th Fine Arts deiiirou of huving Portrníts on loi ciiain, the ( ompany bate ímporUjd from Kunpea coi [eotion of atipcrior porcclftin joodrf, rmmufactured t tli' ir own order, whic'i thfv wil t cost piicej. As the American CoupaiDjr are own ra of Ihepatwil right, au'l eoust'Ourntly tneouty persona án horized to uie th prucess, tlioj h;ivo determina) j i:i Ofdor To iifford Pople in ev-ry scetion of the tJnion an opportuoltj to DOftSOM Portraits on China, to malte the foilowicg projiosition to Residen ts in tlio Coiintry, rho are uiinble to viait pcrspnally tho Atelier and Gtilleriea in New York Pwnons fiending a phtitcraph. amhrolype. or dftffuerreoiypo to the oilico of tho Company in New York, ac eouiimnied by Five Dollars, will receire in return by expresa, freo of nther chargn, A tichiy ornnrrented Breakfat Cup and Snucer, with the portrnit tranafurred tl.ereon. By transniitting a daguerreotype and Ten Dollars, thy will rcceÏT in mauniM-, A hftmUom French Vaso nr Toilet Afticle, win iho portea}! reproilucel j the paient proo s. By seniioga piroL"dguerrootypo aod Fir'teen DoU;ub, they will receive in turn A pair of ric!i Sovres Vase, with the portraits execut:l eqaal to Uiomlnatare pafntïiiRs ; ana in like awnaor, portraiti oab be r(iroiiuceil I on orccl.iin wjircn Óï Vases of evtry quality of fiuish, rngine; in price from Twenty to OncHundred Dollars the pair. N. IJ.- fii' particular in writing tho address, town, county and State diitinctlj. M letterw to beaddrOMd to 'OaTHtffT American Photagraphv: Porc'ahi Co.,1 76Sm3 731 Bioatlivay, Nkkw YoKK1LOOMZS & TRIPFr Succiíásors to Chapin A Loomin.nndChapin, Tripp k Loomis TIIEsbove firm nf Loom is fcTrtpp baring purchasert the entire interest of the forran compaalw wil] continue tlio bnsini'KH nt thcolil stanJs, vhcre Ha will bi' redy, on the hort notice, tu fill all orders in the line of Castingsand Machinery, in the most wnrkmanlihe manner, and on n libcrnl terms Hf any other shop in tho State.Among tju vnriou articlesmanufactured by us, we wou ld enumérate STEAMEÑGINKS of all kinln; Mili GarfQg and Fixtures, wroufïbtand ct; all the variouB cnntiiis foi-raaking an-1 rvpjiirintf HorsePowers &Thresliing Machines tiucb ao art at prcuent, or have forinci ly hovn in u-e hl thix part of theStnte, a vrell au all the vanmiH kiiuU (.f carttinijH anl machine work called lor ly iaimiTp and meñbaniM inthis seeaoa of thn eonü ry. of al! the various pcttenis, up in ilzevand prictf wül tckeptcoustantly on haml, got tho moBt mwlcrn and iinproved itylea. HUBBARD'S WROTTGHT IRON REAPERS & MOWERS. Haring cunincuwl manufacturinf; thti luporlornft' dhioA, BuiglQ and combinad the bnners are lnrited to c;tll and BM a specimen maeblne now in our ware rotmi, before piiTobaingeUw1iere, believíní thm thls machine nced only to be seen to convince the farmer of irS SUPERIORITY OTer the Reapers and Mowcrs in Ihis mrtrkct. Thnnkful fur fnrmer patTOlUg to the old firms, -n-e would Bnlicit a eontinuanre fr'im olil frifnfls.and a trial by ui! wihhiug fi" au3'thing in mr line ol buaineu 3 LOOMIS TRIPP. Ann Arbor.Mnv I8th, 1859. tWTU' Mo ney WantecL VVlio will LeuilMoneyl TAM REQUHSTEI) BY SfZVKRAI, TERSON'S tu obtain money for thein at Ten Per Cent I. itere st,(Or More.) Koranyone willinj; tolvn.1,1 ean nt onee urent on goxl unpneumberi'il REA!. ESTATB i-cnrity any iiinw f inoney and lee thttt the titlo nud ecurity are all kkíht. The borroivcr rnving all npenjes, incliKlin; roto"w. E. W. MORGAN, Ann Arbor, Gct. 7.18S9 Uüf 1000 Ve6ts, Shirts and Drawers, Fr SnWVin-" z 6U1TERMAÏ.' A O1, GKE AT B A íidA i i S AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. TTTE ITAVE AC.MX REPI.ENTSHED OÜR OTORE WTTU V f tliti niost sptenjiri stock of GOOBS, tht WAS evi-r offi-reii in fcny onc estftbüwhnicut ii ilie Stal, all of vttlotl c oflV for O&OK] OK EP ÍS @ dD O ü ulow au CAn be fouud In tb? ünioa We want 2?Tcney ! Great Sacrifiees on Anyihin w#1iatï In obtafa it, not OTccpttng OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS Wc corilially Inrit ALL CASH 'CUSTOMERS to cali and examine om GoqJb and Wo als invite our Prompt Paying Customers to cnmo mi'l biiv thoir tuppllei for the Wlnfw. To ChOí i Basliful oaeri thitt aro af raid to cali, wc a,y to thom, tak courage withojitlongor w&itii g for liighev prices, como in, oM scoren, and then nt fliich prips as will ni iVo op all Iokkm. It ia bard), neeceasary to enumérate our Goodt, for We have Every thing ! ] A large ■ssortmpnt of CARPETIXG, CKOtKKUY DRY OrOous, ME Dl IN ES, GROERIES, PAINTS, OLLS, HAT", APS, BOOTS, S II OES YANKEE NOTIOXS fee, &c,, &c. O[LIL AM Q H:Í M O Ij (TIMf) MAYNARD. UTBJtBWS .V WTT.S') M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For Human Flcsb and Animáis. JN calllnï the attentloi. of tho Public to this Medlcln, w wouul ftay that it has been fully trted, and hundreds wbo have used It peuk in tlie most complimentory tanns of its wonderful effocts upon Human Fleen and the bruto creation. It la fast gftinlnjf popularity. Wherever ascd it i? reoeired wit!) acclamations of loy, and pro ounced u bo the frreatest Iieaiedy for Achea and l'fiius veroffered to tho l'ubllc. lts miterly effectó over disease, wben applied, gives It A celcbrity unsurpASSed by any cxtcrniü preparation now In um. Therefore we caq soy, wlth the utmost confldoao, tht tbs Bmbroct))f wlll Cor Ehoumatlsm, " Burn and Scalds. Weakness of Joint, " Swollinra and Tumor, " " Hemorrliolds or I'Ue, 14 Chllblaln, Toothache and Chapped Uuk, kakntsttos 111 Oor Oíd Sores and Cranipt, " Boils and Corn, Contracted Musclos, " " Gallsofall kind, " Eing Bono and Poll KtU, Callous and SpavJn, Aabraorttaa win Om Bweeny nnl, " Bprinjhault and FMaJ Bcratcnes or Gretig Ëxtcrnal Polsona, Band Craeks, LatnoncfiA and StnCBA Bnbmaflon wtll Ou Fotindered Fat, " Manso " Cracked Teati, " Garget In Cows, " Foot Rot In Sbeep. Aubün, iN. ., March 0, 1860. we, the nndersipied, do certify, that wo havo tisod 1Í. V. Hawlky's Crlkiirated KMIíeocation, for Inll.uiimatory and Chronic KheumatlHin, and chcorfully reoommBA it as the best remedy we bave ever uod. J. M. Morris, M. D., James L. ITewaga. L. VV. elementa, Orrin Hard, I'eter Fiero, B. F. Gonld. J B. Robinson, of Prophetstown, 111., aays : I cfitoem tt the best Llnlmont I haveever known. It gives univenal Mtlefaetlon, and I can tettify to lts edicacy from my ova xperlenco. Manulactnred by M. W. HAWLEY, Anburn, N. T C. N. TÜTTLE, Anbnm, N. Y., General Agent, t hom all orders should be addressed. Bold by alt bruggists and MercbasU thrsuiboot tb ■ffutr. mdby MAl'NARD, StTEBBINS J. WlI.soN, Ann Arbor, Micli . ' C3r O O X 5 - 0 I RICH GOODS! Cheap Goods! ! - - BACÏÏ & PIERSON ! TT AVE Jl'ST OPENED THE n CIIOICEST STOCK: - OF- FALL AND WINTER GOODS to bo found in this City, corwisting of ' GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN substantíftl and durable, O 00 DS FOR Z AD JAS! GOODS FOR THE MECHAN 1C ; GOODS FOR THE FARMER! DOMESTICS, STAPLtiS, IFlMDtLV O[g(Q)O[lD[?OS all Carefully solocted, Wnrantcd to picase, and for sale chcap. CJO3VIE! --3MI3 E53333. BACH k PIERSOM" Octobcr, 1860. 768tf T'TlE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRB insukance company. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 500,000 one of the nEA VIEST, SAFEST n.l BEST Inaurance Co'i. in the U. 8. Encarta on r"::s 'tiable ter m. amlalwajB y riowfllf Tfccre' n ter lir luworano Ayer's Sarsaparilla A eompound remcdy, dcsigncd to be the mos cffectual Altcratice that can be made. It U n coiiccntratcd extract of Para Sarsaparilln, so comlmied with othcr substances of still greatcr alterativo power as to afford an cffeetive antidote for the diseaseu Sarsapftrüla is reputcd to cure. It ia believcd that such a remedy is wanted by those vho suffer from Strumous complaint., and that one wblch wiU accomplish thcir cure must prove of immenso service to this larfje class of our afflictrd fellowcitizons. IIow completely tliis compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the folio wiiig complaints : - ScitOFULA AD SCROFUI.OUS CoMPLAITS, Bkuptions and Euuptive Disbases, Ulceus, Pimples, Bi.oTCiirs, Tumors, Salt Rhbum, Scai.d IIead, and Sypiiilitic Affectioits, Mercurial Disease, Duopsy, NeuKAU3IA on Tic Douloubbux, Debility, DysrErsiA and Indigestión, Erysipelas, Rosb oii St. Antiioxy's Fihe, and indeed the whola CÜBta of complaints arising from Impuiuty or tui: Bi.ood. This compound will be found a great promotor of health, when talcen in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in th8 blood at that season of the ycar. By the j ly expulsión of them many rankling disorders j are nippcd in the bud. Multitudes can, by ! the aid of this remcdy, spare themselveg from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous ores, through whlch the sy3tem will atrive to I rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterativo medicine. Cloanse out the ! vitiatcd blood whcncver you find lts impurities bursting through the skin in pimplo3, eruptiona or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob i structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it ! whenever it is foul, and your fuelings will teil you when. Even where no particular disorder is feit, people enjoy better health, and livo longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tho blood healthy, and all is wcll but with thi pabulum of Ufe disordered, there can be 110 lasting health. Sooner or later somctlun. I must go wrong, and the great machinery of I life is uisordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these cruis. Hut the world has been cgregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug : alone lias not all the virtue that is claimed ' for it, but more because many preparation, pretending to be concentrated extracta of it, contain but little of the Tirtue of Sarsaparilla, ! or any thing clse. During late years the public havo been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quait of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curativo proporties whatevor. Henee, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extract:) of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly dospised, mul has bicorne ynonymou3 wifh impoition and chcat. Still we cali this compound Sarsaparilla, and intond to supply such a remedy aa shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we havo ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of tho dieases it 8 intended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the systcm, tho remedy should bo judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. MEPAHED BY DR. J. C. AYER A CO. LOWELL, MASS. Vrlcc, 81 per Co t tic ( Slx Uottles for f 5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself sxich a renown for tho cmtc nf every varicty of Throat and Lun$? Coiaplaint, th;t it is entircly unnecessary for ua t. reoount tho cvidence of its virtucs, wherever it h:is boen raployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we neet! iintd'i more thim ssure the people its quality is kept up to the heit it ever has been, and that it may be relied on tO do for their relief all it has ever been found to d. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, roa the oír Costivenesí, JaundUe, Dyspcpsia, Indigestión, Dyscntcry, Foul Stomach, EryHpl93, llcatiach?. Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptiora and S.'ri?i Z)mum, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tettcr, Tumor an4 Salt Iiheum, Wornu, Gout, Ncitalgia, ai a Dinncr Pili, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so th:it the most insttive can takc them pleaaantlr, and tliïy are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Prico 25 centa per Box ; FÍ70 boxsi for $1.03. Great numbers of Clergymcn, Physicians, Stitrmen, and eminent personages, have lont thrir names to certify the unparalleled uscfulnM of these remedies, but ottr space here will not perniit tho insertion of them. The Agents below nimed frnish gratis our American Alm anac in which they re givcn ; with also full descriptions of the iborc eomplaints, and the treatment that should bc followcd for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers wiih otlier preparations they rnake more pnilit mi. Demand Atf.r'h, and taka no other. Thf si -k want the best aid there ia for them, and they should kave t. AU cur remedies are for sale by MA.YNAKD öTKJ'.BlNSA WILSON, an.l ty all Druggists nd Dealere evorywhére. J. BURRILL. Traveling Agent. Am aperient StoRtftchic preparation ni'lliON" purlobd in Oxygcn anl Carbon hy combastioii in Ilyrinyn. cÜODQd Ity tlie highuit Medical Authoritift, boOi in Y.w rope a:ul thu Unffod States, anl pic-icribcd in thfir practico The ppfiiionco ff t'imisninl daity provo íhut no propif tho btood, deprH8ions of viinl enorgy, ysaV uní nther■ '■■y cÖmplextoos tulicates ití neces.-íiíy iaalmoat nvriy i-oiiccivRhlf cast'. laooxtoua lo fl inal&dtos in wliich it tuu heen tricd, bas prove! absolutely curativ e in each of the fouowlng coiDplainti, vi: En Dt'bllliy, IVorvoua MtVi-tlnn. Emnrint1t i'jspi psln, Consttpattoli, I'lnrrhwu. Dynteyy. In iplint Cattsuin{itlon, SrnTn:. m 'In bêrcalonii, Salt Rkeum, Atimn$truation. White, Cfilorosit, Complaints , Chronic Ifcadacneit, Hkcw malism, nlermittmt Fnns, FUnpUêon Úit Fnct, flTÖ,. Incane of OeckoaiI ibiuty, wIioiIht Uw rasult of acute linease, or of tho eonttnued diminution ff nervoos and Tiusculnr enorfry from chrtmic comjilaini", one of tliis restorntivo has iroved success'ul to an exiont ivllicli no tlüRcrtption norwritten altestation wouM renlor eredlble: tnrallda so Iour bed rldden as to have Decomc forgotten in thoïr own neigbborhoods, havestulleuiy rf-Rppoarcd in the husy world as if just n-ttirm-ï from protraotd travel in a distant land, Some rery viif inl in atancos of thix kind are attosted of (emalë ■uil r.r.-;, ïmACjatcd viriimKdf apparent ünaraemuS] sanguineoua ïxnanstlon, criticnl chanpex, and that oompllcatlon )f nerrotli and dyspeptic aversión to air anti exorcist; fox ivhich the phjatclan dm Dóname, In NKRVOCa AnmcnOMS of all kinds, and for rOUOQfl faniüar to medical nifn, tlio. opcration of this propara'Adii of iron must neoesffftrUy benalutary, for, unltfcc the lid. oxides, it ia ytgorouaïy touio without befng exotting vnd ovt-rlieatin; aml gently, reularly aperient, evyn the nost (rbutinati' case? of coanreAOM without even iKrin? a íntricjitircíitívr, or In&ictïng a diflagreeablfl Bonaation. It is this latter property,amonK otlittrw, which make.s it (o emarkably euVctuat and pormanont a remedy for FiltB, opon wliich t aUn aparare to xprt a dixtinct and ípeiflc action by dispersing the local tendency which forms [Juni. In Dvsrrri'iA, !inumorftl)lp at ftre it en usos, a sïnc:Io tmx of theie Chaly beate Pilla have often nufflced for ihe most h&bitual caaes, noluding tlie attendent CottireMH In unehpckod DiAiutnoï., even whenadvaneed t" Dyscntry conñrmed, emaciating aini apjuuTiitly mallffnant, the effectfl havlng been eonall docisive nd astontühlng In the local pauM,lOM of flesh and strengui, di'lu lita tini? jougb, and remUtent lioctic. which getier lly imheato Tncipinit Cfmtwmptian, in cvcral vpry jcratifying and inberMttng Inatancec In ScrofuIoHs TuhcrcHottiit, his mnlicateil Iron lian ïml Uw niore than the jood ofAwtfl of the ntoat oaatlous' ly bala nood propt rat ion of iodinc, without any of toeft wfil knowo líabihtícs. Theatti'iition of femaien cannotbotooeontldcntiy inviled to this remedy mX reêtorative in the cases pocullarlj Ifcctiní tbom. Tn Rhcumattnm, hothchfonic and inflainmatory - in tlie latter, ho wever, more decïdodly - it lias been inv:iii:ih y ivell reported, botli asaJlevlaUng Rftln and rwlaeing tbc iwelUngsand sttflneaaot ihejointn and musecla In Intermittent Fevcrit must neci-ssarily bea great r-in■■'.y and energetlc reatorative, and ita progresa Ïd the new settUrments of tin; VVent, willprobably bo onfl of high reliown and tUiefJlinOSfl. N'o remedy hos ever been áiacovered in th whole hiatory of melicine, which exérta tóch prompt, liappy, nmj titlly restorattve effoctH (Jood appetite, eofflplfite "i?ostioK, rpil acquisition of stronth, with an Dnasuaj dlapoiltion for active and cheerful exerolBe4 tminedtately foUoW tK iur. Pnt ttp In irwt fint me-t.ii bnxos contninint; "50 pilla, price 50 cent; per box; for flale by druggtttfl aad de%ln. Will be si-nt (ree to any addresa nn reoeipt of the price. All letten, orders, eto.. ihould be addreased to B. B. LOCKKj&Co , General Acpnt, 47Tvl 839 Broadwny.N. Y. Howard Aasocintion, PHiladelphia. A lienerottvt Tnstitvtion estabHsked by trpm'nl tüJwtil fr Ou: rtli'f nf the. Stek and Dittrwtfid, ttfflictnl trifh l'iru:m añd Épidémie DifMMi, and e.tpcctaUy for the Cure ofDineases of the Sexual Orgnnt Ditpensary free to pat irut tn all parta nf thr United Aotet, VAMJ ABLE REPORT3 on Bpermtttorrboee ,nd other Ptgcaaefl oí tho Sexual Orgiins, and on the KBW KKMK1HK3 oinyt'il, ent tn the nWictêd in sealed enrelopes, freo of charge, rwo or Uiroe Stampa for postage bo will be Adi1rrsiJn. .T. SKII.I.IN" HOÚffHTON, Actlng Sur on Hmva-rd Aftsociation NoÜ.soutli Nlnth Street, Phi! n1$hfe., W6fl 1OOO Fine Overcoats! For SaW CUeap t GT.J ITERMAÏÏ GO.


Old News
Michigan Argus