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Mrs. WINSLOW, Anoxperien ed Nurae uni Feroale 1'hynician, prodenti lo the attention ot motLers, hut SOOTHLNG SYIIUP, FOK CIIILDREN TEETHING, whlcli ?reaty faoilitates the prooess of fcething, by sotteniag iha gums, reducinj all nnammatlon- wül illay ALL I'AIN" and spasmoiie actir.n. aad i SURE to REGULaTB the BOWELS. Depeod upcm it, motneri, it will ve rast tu yourielve, aad Relief and liealth to your Infants Wc have put up and and solii tilia articls for ot tn jtr., wd CAN SAT, INT CONFIDEWCB ASU ïliUTH of it what we have nover been ab!e to fia of nvotUermolijiii' - Kt-VICR H.V IT FAILED IN A 8INGLK INüTAXCk, XO EFFECT A CURE, whon timely usod. Ncvpr '1W wc know an instance of dia satisfactioh hy anv iv whr used C)n the contrary, al! ipe di'lightcil with [U oprtiom, aal sptak in ti-rins I of commemlalion of its magical effects and medical virtm-s. We iieak in this matter 'WHAT WE DO KNOW," aftep ten vpnrs' experieace, AND PLEDGE OÜK RH'CTAÏJON FOR ÏHK ÏU1.FTLLMUTC' OF WHAT WE HERE DM LAKI' . In alurnxi fttj n tence j whcre t'ie mlant is sullt-nng frim jjain and exliauti"a, rsliel will iouod ín ñrteen r twenty uiBut afltp the syrup ia admlnistere 1 Thia valttflble hir'jpantion is the preoiptionof one of the most EXPERIEN'CEÜ and SKILLI'UL XVR.SKS in New fn?lnd, and hai beeu ued wiUi NLVEB F.-ULIN'i SUt:i'lLS.-! ín THOUSAND OF CASF.S. Itnot oclj rolicTai thechillfrom pain, but Inyigoratei the stomach and bowls, correots acid:, and girs t. oa end energy to tb wholê.syt&m It wijl alm-st astantlj relieve GR! PING JU THE BOWELS, AND WIXD COLIC attd ovorcorae coiiTulaions, whieh if nrt apeedly rema died, end n death. We heliere it th Bi-ST and SURE-sl' RKMEIlY IN THE WiBLB. in all caseo ot DT-iENri-.RYand DIARKHffiA INCHILDRf.ll, whethrr It ames firoin tecthing or from any other causo. We would say to every nuther who h b a child suffer nu from any ot the forecins complaints- nc NOT LET YOUR PREJU! ICES, NOR TUK I'REJCMCES OF OTHIORS, stiind hetween you and your suffer O2 cbild, and the relief thatwill b 8ÜRE- TKS. OLUTELY - to follow tbe use of this medicine, if timely u&e4. Full rtiectiom fur usini? will accompany each bottle. Nnn genuine unless tbe fac-siinile of CVRTIS & PLRKINS, New-York, is on the outside wrapper, HolH bv Drugifists througout tbe World. Principal fflce 13 Ctdar Street, N. T PRICE ÜNLY 26 CENTS rEKBOTÏLE Forsaleby Eberbaoh &Co. Iy778, I F T FOR THE HOLIDAYS! SCHOFF & MILLER A RE STILL ON'HAND at tuair oíd Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Block, with themost completo aasortinont of Books and Stationery, PERFUMEROS, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, KOLLER8, COIÍDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CUBTAIN8, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c Ever offared in thia Markct 1 and Ihey would auggest to tïiose ia pursuit cf anytlirag in SANTA CL A US' LINE Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchaslng front thisaloek, as oach puxcUaser gets añ additisnal prenent of Jewelry, k. , Ranging in value from 50 ets. to $10. Tbny trut that theirlong oipjrienoo n selaetlng joods forthis market, and Itritt attentlon to the wants )f CuftomerB, niay eutitle them to a liberal sbare of Patronage. Aun Arbor, Eec. 5. 1860. 777K TO HOUSEKEEPLRS. SOMETHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S Best Medical Saleratub. I.s manufactured f rum comnum salt, and i'iJ prepare entirely different frmn other Sateratna. L0 All the deleterious matter extracted in such u u C yt marnier as to produce Bread, liii-cuit, and alí J O -x Kinds of Cake, wiUiout conttiining a partiële o! ( átlentuí when the Bread or Cake is baked: j Uiereby produciug wholetome raraltff. Ever}1 J partiële oí SateratHsis turned to gas, and pas(.'.-itbroiigli the Bread and Biscuit while bakíng. fc L T eoiiseciuently, nothrug remains butcummon ül' L HO A'nter. and Flour. Yuu will readily perceivc, b y the taste of this Saleratus, that it is entireh g liffcrent froui other irfaleratus. lj It is packed in one pmind papers, each □ [ier brancled, "B.T. lïabbitt'p Best Medicinal y fïQ -Nüeratus;1' aiso, picture, twisted leaf of bread, J? O O vith a glass of edervescing water oa the tn. - Q When y ou pu:cbae one paper you should pre sí-rve the wrappcr, and bc ]);irticular to get thi' ir oext exactly like the first brand u abnve. lj 7 C n directinnsfoi mKkingBread with tbls IV nitus and Sour Milk or CVennr Tartar, willac ompany each paekage; ulso, directions forrft inakiiii; all klmls of l'astrv; also, for mnlciug . Soda Water and Seidlitü Powdera. - O. MAKEYOUROWX SOAP With lj Iï. T. ÜABBITT'S rURE CONCENÏRATEI: U POTASH j Warranted doublé the strenffth of ordinary M f'otash: put up in cans - 1 tb, 2 lbs, 3 Ib. 6 j Ibs, and 12 lbs - wit.h full directionsfor making AND Hard and Poft Soup. Consumera Will find this S the cheapest articlo in market. r Manufactured and for sale by J B. T. BABBITT, 64,66,68, 7Ü, & 74 Washington st., New York. !H Ti A anl No 3b India et, Bosion. „ 74 743yl Üi Hifle Factory! A. J. SUTH.ERLAND H AS removed his Gun ShoptotheNow Bloakn Huton stret, south of tbr CpOrt House, oxitne secood floor, where he iá prepared to furnÍ6h Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasksy Ponches Game Bagsy and Everj other artiele in bis Line. On the most ressonablft terms, and to do all klnda lY REPAIRING u the shortennotice.and i n the best mminei ■H'Vhh. IB " Jak 9P4 A tui] Bssortmeotalwayskept on hand, ond made to order. MANHOOD How Lost and How Restored. JuH Pubhshed in a Sealed Envtlope, A LBCTCEE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CUBE OF -!1EH...AT(RKIIOEA, or Seminal WeiiknesH, Sexual Di'biüty, Nervousness and Involuntary Eitïission produeinp lmputeney, Consumption, and MeDtal and Ttiysical Debüity. BY ROB. J. CÜLTERWELL, M. D. The nijxirtant fact that the awtnl eonsequenoes of selfabuee m:iy be elFectually removed without internal rpmedifs or the dangerous applicatioa of ciLuetics, intruments, medicatetl bougies, and other emjjyrical de Tices, i.s here clearly dpniniirttnitod, and the en'irely now and highly succcsuful treatment, as adopted bv the celobrated authorfully explained, by means of wiiich every one is enabled to cure himself porft'?tly, and at the leant possitle eost, tberehy avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. This Lecture will provo a boon ie. thous&rKiB and thounands. SeDt under Real to any address, post paid. on the reeipt of two postage starapB, by addressing Dr. CHAS. J.C.KLDM!, 480 First ivteM, Now York, Pust Lix ♦,6S6. v7l Conway FIre Insurance Co., Of Conway. Mass. Capital paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 2&0.963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers. Jas. S Wbitney, Secretary. President. direcTtors. J 8.WIT1TNKY. L. BODMAN, W EI.I.1OTT, ASA HOM.Nn,D r. MrOlLVKAV, E I) MORGAN WA1T BKMENT, JOSIAFI ALI.IS A IIIBU'I.BN W.H. niCKINSON, W T. CLAPP, D. C. ROOKRM. Ann Arlior Rcferrncrs: Dr. E. WELLS. L JAMF.S L. TOnoE, ENOCHJAME8. TAPT. O. S. GOODRICH J, "W. KNIGIIT. Aire.r.t. Acn Arbor, Michigan. Xiivery Stable. B. OREER, at hi t.ivery SUble, ri-nr of FranUIn, holds htniMtr ready to fnrnlsb thf beul "tor! nut, Bingioor doublé, at short uotice. Ca!l and see ln Rarae riages Office second door rest of Wt-btor1.- Book Store. V. . A fine tnak of Cultirsfcrlbos 'bo deght m fbeilippery Basflta. THE BANNER STORE. SECCtfD AKRIVAL -OF- IF-A-T-Ij Sc "WHsTTErR. GO O X ÍS. OOODS FROM AUCTION'. Facts for tho Feople -or"W S H TENA "VCT ADJOTNTNG COUNTIES ! And thfir numerous (jaestions ttDfversJ. Whi if Evrrybody trading at the 'BANNER STOHEf Seeuuu A. P. MILLS, the Propriutor oi tbat Estabiiahment ha just i-aturnad from the Eaatem Citieawuii tba Largest, Tlandsomet-, Cheapest, and Most Attractive Stock of STAPLE ANDFAKCY DRY COODS! rer hrougJit to üuü part af Uu SutL. W'liy ia Etmybody pleasai wtlA kie Stock? fieoftuse hiastrles are more beautmil, quality better.aüd pricea lowör than at anj othr Wu- im til oounty. Wia iaa bt ahcay Samething New and Ottap te Shote? Bocausehs tmsa ftisnd oonnected wlth one of the l) ït DryGonrts Housos in New York, who in eontinualit " BOBBIHO ROÜtfD" for cheap bargainsimd tht lat e styles, a thev appear from time to tima, and in tbU way keeps him supplied with ïyles, and oniuqueaUy customors cumln.TS ftnd someümigFresl, NEW CHEAraal DESIRABLE Wiy doa 'nt ttü 8 macA Clisaper Otan the rttít Becauíe he ha a buyor o the olty aJl the Urn to takt ddvantaije of tho oontioual ohnnp) of the m.irktt, anrt in that way buys his goodá much choaper Ihaii othurk eau, aud thfcc he marks thcin down to the IjOTTBST 3ïIC3-XTr3SS. Why does he teil LadUs' and Childrens' Shoes so much cheaper than Kas ever heard of by the oldest Shoemakent Bocausa ho buy kia itook in the lan.5 of ahosmakers, o( tbe manufacturen, fullj Ï4 per cent cheaper Ihan the New York Jobbers sollthem, and much better %toik than tbfty genorally keep. lUijoouriM) enble iiim to ullu betUr Gaiter for 35 Cents. than othrsU at 0 ntii.and a better FSED GAITEP at bO ueuU, thau oUaiaü süII at 7Ú MBt& Hos he any Hals and Captt Yes,I thould thlnk he haa staek of thm, laush to supply the State, at pricea lowar tliiin waft ever hwird of round these purU. Wïy il his Tea eo much btttwr ftr the priee you pay than you gei at othtr places? Becauae he tAkosgreat care in selücting it, and giTwki cuitomers the benefit of a real good T6 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It id a vy he has fot. Where should you qo to gtt your CLOTHS ana hate them Cut or Madtt To the BAN'N'ER STORE, wbere the People's Banntr i unfurlO'l for the Pyople s(f'od. South sido of Public Square, a fw (loen we of Cok' Hotal. A. P. MILLS. Spt. 18, 1800. 7"tf 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTEIRS WANTED! TO ASSIST IS THB LIBERATION OF CUBA ! White folks, or of whatever eoW, casta or nativity, whether rcarried, single or of doubt lul óODDezion, will beenliituil in the noble cause of EMANCIPATINQ THE COMMUNJTl' -TROM THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRIGES ! and will reoivo their outfit at th Extensiva Furnishing Establishment -OF THE- O TJITERMAN'S HE AD QÜARTERS! Laving been established for the LAST TEN Y E ARS, our known rule of warfare is an Undi sguised Deslruction OF HIGH PR1CES1 IFOIl OLOTHIWO For all ges! Sex and Conditions ! In oonsequenee of the very fiattering oneouragement wliieh Yt hfivo vee v cd lince our location in this ciij, we have inereasej our Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING! To meet the demanils of our eust timers, and hfivin becoiiK' iDore fully convinoed than ever, that our mode of dealing, namely: at ihe lowost possible rates for is the only true plan; we will oontinu k: serve tlie public as hcretofore ilurirg the euniing fnll and winter. Our Stook eonaists in every varity of ÏIEADY MADE CLOTHING ! Plain and Fnncy CLOTHS, CASSIMRR?, SILK, AND SILK VELTETS. Alarpelot of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, which are all warrantcd DON 'T FAIL TO CJ-A-XjILi-AT GS-. H. . For past favors we are grateful to all, Theeame tor largeones in proportion, And those w!o sce ilt to cali Shall receive our best smiles and devotion. M. Guit er man 8c Go. N. ü. Students and all other who wnnt to see SONDIIEIM'S new mode. of cutting will do well to eail au J leave their measurt1 For a Nice Fitting Sujt ! Ann Arter, Ftt. 2S. 1SHC. 1l"rf D. L WOOD l CO Ï-Xavo Hcooívocl .A. Í,ñ.XÍ.G!-H STOCK OP Seasonablc Goods! For tliO FALL AND WINTER TRAPA, L- ïeeo: WHICE TilST WII4 SELIÍ CHEAP FOB CAS KfOIÏ KEADY VAYCali and ts Beftre Purdiuúng ÉUn te fi er f. D. L. WOOD. "W". G. FOSTER. THE HYDROFU L % An inveution fnr throning water b.v hand-power, patea ed by W. T YOSE. Itis oneof tho most v&laabie ia ventions of the day. THE HYDROPULT wil], by the power of cno man, thrnw water al the Mrï of 8 pillons perminute Ulty Teet Uigh, wilh great tumn l is lbo b8t articleoTtriuventnd fur EXTIN'GUISHIN'C A FIKE. I'ROTECTING A HOOF FHOM TAKING KIBH,. WASHINi; WIXDOWS, 3FIÍINKIJNU PLAN W, WATER[."; (iAKDE.N'S, CLEASSING TREES KROM IN'ÜECTS, WETTINö '1 I. WALKS, SPIUN'KUXU STI'.EKTS. WAS1IING CAKRiAüES, CLEANINÖ riSTH'.NS. EMI'TVfNG WATEK FROM ÏAIL BOÏS, WFITING SAÜi-, ASl'RAY BATH, AC. This article shouM be owued bj öTrT boLWhUl4r - [t does away with the necosaitj of a hydrant. It if ■ ight, porínbic FÜKCK PUMP, always ready eaAil hm4 and will cmti in frequent use by eTry farnr, ntchant and nechanic in ihe commcuit. riea all aai examine the article at tbis office. AMERICAN HYDKOPULT COMPANT, 41 PAUK ROW, S T. WAI.I.ACE WFLCn, Ajcnt fcrWaslitfnaw CooDty, -Tlm3 yi'ilLANTI.Mtak. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pili O" CHILDREN CRYFOR THKM I „Lj. JpSiPJKBjiiz&Jl 'Roots, Balsa ras a&4 ex fBJËFwSÊÊ tracta, thsir tiTwii - the human sysWm ia jNBHfHnflV pi easant atifticcy aod succntfnl. aoUm HBHKJLí glamls. solids anl duid) is atíendod wfth tbo liappícst effect, !■ ol slantWr Cases of 'cknoss, small doses - reprafïd rVeiJuently ,O densos the sytem, thatgood iiealtli i iu reurlt. & cbange ín emplovraèïit or diet is necesiarj.. nator ' cause floremoutfis, swellcf1 ointfl, acliing linahs, etc, a ' ,lo many üiher kinds. They are warraDtcc; tO gi s:Ltisf:iciioD. orthe price refunded. They re ctiwU4 cheaper, safer, prtlütr, and in all respect supertor to any purgntiva pill in the vorld. Ëg-'v difuvrr id coáltñg a pill with $ngar t-nianated witb Dr. Harria AH othors ure cnunterfeits.and if used, wil! do Aom.Má lisappoiut ílie sick. Herrítk'a pllln areeleAantir putao 30 m a box.wtíA a lare sheet of direstions, aad teJl ftè ■ó cents per box; 5 boxea for 51. ITrurick's Kid Strkn"otiiinin PtAttERS. The grntt StrerrgtJier and Pam Drstroyer. The Beit and cÁfiafat Househvhl Remedí i he wurld. These renowndd Plastors enrepainn, weaknenianid 4Ssiress in the back, sidos and brmst, iu 6 ve houri. la&tfoi. sn certíiin ftretlioy to do tliip, thutthe proprii-tr wnrraal them. ípread from resírta, balsarts and guau, o beautifnl kid leather.rendersthem pceuliarlv adapteiT the wants of Ftvnales and otbers. Their appliatiD im univprsal- eqnally tothestroni:man,thedf]icatwoB. ■ml the feeblo ii;íní, To pach and all they wil) pror 4bahnand iihleain. Their spi agreble ttnd witb -,nnoyancp nr truuble. Kach Piasier wül wtar from " to four rannths. nnd in rheuraatic compltfTntg, prn and bruisen, frequpntly effect currs whpn all oïhr rkdiea bil. Full directions will be found on tSbackaf each. Public speakers. vocali-íts, minintcrs of ihyes el anlothers, will trengthen their lungs and improvi thfir voicpB by wearing them on thclr breast. Prio ISL C.'llts. f& The abovo artiden nre soldbrall tJe d'ftn M Ann Arborandby Drupgist tlirouphoütthe Uuited 8t44Cana daa and South America, Htwholesal b aM fe?1 Drnggititsin the priiu-ipai citip. HERRH'K k TïROTm:n, Ij737 PBAmciLCHKMsre, Albnj, N.Y. PROK L. MILLE f 8 HAIR INVIGOKATOli. AN EFFECnVE. SAFE AN'D ECOXOMICAI. COMI'OÜXB 1'OIt BÏOTiWlNa OKAY HUP. to its origina! )or wttk. oul rtrcinp, and prevent tho Hair trom turaiog iThf. FOK J'lUiVKN ilXti BALDNEOI utd curir.s il,h, tcr is ths ltíüst parlicle of vitalily or recu; er&tiYe faatf remaiiiinti. TOBRKMOTUfO SCVRF AND DA.DECFF, d .. neous affections of the tcülp. FOR HK-AUTIFVING THK HAIR, impartir to i4 a oqeqnMled gloss iud brilliancy, te b-rft a-nd Kf n ü.s texture nn causinj it to curl readiiy. The gre&t colftbritj aiul the incieasing detuaad for ikis unequUd preparation, convince the propritor ïliat on nïjr tiecessttry to utlif; a dteerniug phlilit. of Ite Buperior qualitiaa over anj other prepara t ion at prB4 in uso. It olaft&Mti ihc hua'l anl Koalp froaa danëiug md othe.r cittiiiteous discaset. ('ausex the hair u grow lAurmntíy,anc.l giveeit a rich, soft, glonfcy and flexible apoiiL-;iiice, and alspwhen fh hair is looning and tblaninff, it will give stvength aiv! rigor to thr rut, nm4 restore the growth to thote prta Mhich hare Uci b.ihl, causing it to yield afresh r.arstin# of hair. Tdon are hundrw3i of ladies and gvntftMMD in Nw Vuik who have had their huir restored by the uf f thta Invinrator, hen all other prepnrationn hnl fuiltd. U -M. hits in hls posBMBion tetteai hanume:abt irstifruig to abore factn, from persons oftha Mglmt rwipectn Kility. lt wilt efkctually prevent ihej&irfroto turmirjj sro'i until the hitost perlod Of Hfi; anl in cases wBr the hair has ebanged its color, the uno of the hivignraiiwill withVcrtainty restore ft to its original hü?, giiug I) a -lurk. irl"-v ippntrance. Af a perfume fnr the toiï ;u; 1 :i ÜÜUr Kf.stni-ative it is partieularly reroinnn'n'ieJ , haring an ngr6able fragrance; and the great fnoiljtii it ■Sétda Ed mttinj' hair, whicli, whc in#)ist wiih tl iDTigoratoT eau be dress'd Ín any rqulrd fonn in m to prnerve itH placé, whethet plaJa or iu irurti hw the graat Aoaaauct for it by the ladies as a at mular d tnlmt article wiiicU none ought te be without, as the jrt placea lt withln the reurh of all, batog ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS par boHte,.to èt hal at all respectable Oruggistb and perfumers. L MILLER wTf.uM eaU tho atteniion of Tarcnta an4'L fiuRrdian to th uk? of his iu ignra'.or, in r?is!i ntcr tbe cliililrona' Hirir fati'WTt to be wcak. The um c4 rt layn tbt foinvlütiim for a gcnu hejid of ai t rrmoTii any liBpÜ rit hifi that rmj bave becom cnuncttd witli" I-. thereiiv'I f whieh íb nect'Farv both fortW health of the c'aildaaü the future uppeamnse t4 ?♦' Hair. Cafhos. - XnTie pemiine hliont tlií fae sñnilí1 1.OI'Hi KITJ.ER beino1 on the onter wra-jHw; iriso, L. .MiniBïï Ü1 BAIR I VHiOKATOii, N V. blowri in the glas. Whoteea! D-pct, Ka Iey W. aad koM byn Hip nr'nrt"pleMerchftnts an-1 Druggiflts throoghout thr irevM. Liberal discount to pitrahaven by lh# uaotttr, I :i1sd dl sii'c to j recent to the Aniericfin I'ublïc in' New & Improved Instantaneöü ïiiquid Hair Dye whicli :if!fr Ttari Of fciintiflc experiraentiDg rhjri broughi to perfectinn. It dyes black or brwwn nutahHf without injup.v to th Hflit'or S)uii wirrantetl the bVC article of kind in ejlstene. PRICB ON"LV nrTY CËNrTÖ: DEPOT, 56 2?Lr ST., jftw ]W( 76'Jyl _ v". MORGAN, AgiörW Mut) UTf In.niaDcr C rilfíanj, KV Vm k. Accti ni u la I ei I Apsatü , $Ó ,300 ,000. I e losurante t'ompnny in tlic I'. s. r I fe [nsuraace Companr, Vork, - s ört c'assrt Co - temí reasnnUf. HnraTmMj lire lusumnoe Ccdipaiiy, ifiiWi YorVCapitaJ, wilh alartt Enirplus, - - $2Uf.00r : ■ ■ - ■ ■ '''.. ?orln W. __hni+ i y;V i nrfÍHíurancCo e. ' T7tf