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Sx ECIAL 3STOTICE3. Taken.- Howevtr, that i neither here nor (hm; slie nc home ti breudut, and had scircrly caught U fllll Ilivorur her rit sip of tea, when tbc enrontpUKd her a plato of bisc:iit, the sight ol wliich, to siy n ithlng of the amU, immjlia'ely threw her ut j vioknl liysterics. -'Oh!" slie exolaim.-d, .n n agoni zin;; trmc of v .ce, :tak! tila horriil tilias ff.m my sight." Th6 sad spectacU' would Ij ire boen prjvented had the cook useil U. B DjLan'l & Co.'sChomicnl Saleratus, ïnstoad of tha arorthlMi, imparo stufl ivhicli fllc find its waj -iitt'iltothl?rwUe poïcefnl and ha p house h..k'. I). B DjIjmd&Co , Fairport, Monrf-e To., N. Y. makea porrectly p iré anl reüable ?aleriti. It conbe pnicuredofmu-tU.iUoisin groocrtc! , and at wholesale fromthcgroceri.nUrgotowus.and oi the manufacturers. BANK KOTK, L.AÍVD WARRANT SPECIE AND BXCHArtGE QUOTA TIONS. CarefuIIv Revised and Corrected every weck. KATES CUKKEXT AT Tilt Banking House of D. Preston & io., 73 Woodmud A?., Detroit Dec. 1,1860 BAN'K NOTES. Detroit City Bank, .... . par Cánida, (all Solrerit Banks) ' England and N. York, (Bolveat Bank) - . New Jersey aad Delaware, Ohio, and Kintiulv. ■ Bank of tha State of Indiana, u uncürkent mm IllinoN, Wiswnsin. Missouri andlowa ""T 'floï Virginia and District of Colombia, lo g . Cttrollika, Tenn and Louisiana, ]u l'eiinsylvanin iulA Maryland, io 5 Indiana Stoot Notes, 5 Aia.,Ceoivia.and ■'outh Carolina, L0 Bank nf Kngljuul Notes, L, Baak of Temmaeb. Michigan, üo dis Lxchange Uank of I). Ball & Co. . 20 " OUli KATES FOK Ü1LLS OF EXCHANGE. On New York and Boston,.. . 1 v Dn BufTalo, ";"; 5 On Cfnclnnatl, On Chicago, $100 or upwards. 5 per' et.' 'dis.' ' GOI-D AXD SILVER. Am. C„,d, U. „f 00 „r upwards, 'ï T' American BÜver, i LAND WAÜKAXTS. acr.'norrÏÏt:100'9 " 40 umfuLm "ï'To HhS 120 !. l 1C0 " i:i 5 10U 105 16 PREMIUM COmS. S1LVER COI.VS. (OLD COINS W3il,er,(sIli„i„, fonK'ïïT. ÏS (.'d-U)u.,t,íl0(o$16ft0reroz. ' ldl - Spanish chance $1.15 per 07. or 22e-ntsfnr U for nhilliDgr, S(braixpOCM. On lutiof !0oz, and pwrd. $1 .18 per o. DAVID PRESTON ds CO., ankers. 72 Woodwiijd Aw., Datroit. OIi=e Ioiir,fr'.ms. A. M.. to 5 V. M. Ayer's Ague Cur. To Cocr.urnptivea. Tho Afrerttrár, h&v!mr beea rf tid te heftlllt in fetr rt! i ';■ ■ v .;; mpls roimdy r.f re h&Ting "tifftfrci "-J . ' . ■ ars iffirii a so fie long aUfectlon. and ti.t droni dlsCAe, C ftumptïon - s (inrin to ra tkf knov n to ais Die raeim of cutí. Vo b, who d#sira It, )ip wil sfiid acopy nf the proneripttoa u.ed (free af enanco) vi:b thcdireotlonsfbr preparing and uslnff the aan, whleb thoy will fnd ft BCKB CfRE foT l,o.,-UMiTtOV, A8T1IMA, BRoNcBTITF, "C, Tho only object rf t!i atlrerttfier Ín ilw Pi ■ Kcii iflon [Ato hone'ít thö Rfflioted undsprend lnfortsftt n Wh'ch he coofmlrea lo be Iarlcutble, ni b bopM evey BuSferor wili liis remodv, ;is it wil) caKt tliein notfa inft and muy priro ti Mentad Fartitíá wislunctlte prccrlp'inn will plf-avcaildrc-BH rK Kuwahd A W;t-iüN' 768yl VTi'.IIamsbnrgh, Kinga County, New York. ï. Coügit?. The su'iüon cbangc-i of our climatc nrc BOuroH df PnnoXART, Bïioscnwi, and AaniMATic Affec ROM, Experienco hoving proved that simplo remedies .iften act ipeedily nnl ccriaicly when taken 'n Ihe eariy stages ort'i'; dÏMon, recourie should at ouc be liad to 'Tr avii's Bj tnohlal TrochR ." or LwflBgw, Itt ths C'jW, Cough, nr Irrltation of the Thrnat beever ao l:gl.t, aa by hÍ8 prec.iution a r? erious attackmay bi eSeCtaal] warded olf. PucucSPEVKrEsana Singers tü] f.nlthcm eifectaal for clearing and strttgtlitn'.ng tho Toice, See dvert setn:i t. 77CmO MQTHBRS RBAD THIS. The following aan e;tr:ict fr m a. Irttcr written by tlie pastor of ii K;i,t-t t'nurcb to the "Journal ml Measenfftr," C'incinnali, Ohio, and sjn&la vulumfs in favor of thüt torid-nnawned meiicn.- Mus. Wixs. LüW'S.'OOTUIXO 8TRUP FOK ( niLDKKV ÏKKTEIXO: "Wpim an aflverti.M in; nt In your columns of Mr-. Winalow'.s S04 t'iiog yrup. Njw we uever sai1 a wtfl in favor of a :ti nt nr-dicn? bcfirf n our life, but we feel eompelüd ta say t yourreadeti, ihat tliia In n liumbüg - WK HA VB TtÜKD IP, AXD KJhiV ITTJBEAi.Lït claims. Jt Í, prolwbly ono of the mout succea.-jful med. eines of the d;iv. twoauss t Is one of the oet Aud ttiose di your read ri wh !iavo bibiej can't do it better than t) I y ia a aapIj1 " Ügü adrerttsemeot in anotht-r nlumn RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BU Y A VS PÜL110NIC w A F ER 8 Tub Orlgiual Mpdicino Establi-ihed in 1837, a ml the ÉUn articleoi the kind e?er n rjducwd undir th Hum. o " PüLMitMc V.pE ,;' m thi or in any other coun'ry all other Pulmouíc Waferá ure eounterfeits The en uiao eau b ■ kno'.vn by the riuino BllYAN beingstumpe on each WAKEt UiiVAN'ft PCLMOMC WAPERS Rel. ere Cough, Golfte, S r i Ilirmt, Hoaraeness. HllVAX'a POUfoXlO WjIFKRS Relieve A-thma, Brooohitte, Üifficult Breathing. RüVa.n's Pn.MOMf: WjiTÏÏtti Hellere ípütingof lïloo I, l'ains in the Cheat. Brtan'ü Pülmomo Wapkrs Reliere Incipent Con.uuiiiii"n. Lang DiKeasoa. BltYANS PülüOMC WniB Holiore Irritatiou of the Uva! a and Tonsils. BltYAN'S PüïMOMC W.'.rKRS Relieve the abare Cnmjliiats in Ten Minutes. BrtasV Puimuxk Wafers Are a l lessing to all Classes and Cnnstitutions. lÏRVAS'S PCLKOMC WaFKIIS Are Rdapted to Vocalista and Public Speakers. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer Are io a simple forra, nd pleaaut to the taste. BnYAN'd PnitlRurxo Wafers Kot only relieve, but effect rapM ind Inating Cures. Bkyas's PpfjLoxj Wateks Arewarrantedto gire sati.sfaction to every on. NofHmily fhoiild be ffitbout a box of. 'l Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers " in the houso. No tra veler should bc nithout a supply of ' Eran's Pulmfmic Wafiri " ín his pocket. No pc-r.son will ev( r object to give for "Brjtt'a l'ulmon'ic Caféis" Tweiity-five CVütw. JOB MQ3ES, SuleProprietor, RuchefttcrjN Y. Sold by Orcnvillp fc Fuller, and all good drucinsts in the United Btfltu and Canada. && The Grcnt Beni'farf.or of hls Knce.L& The Oreat Heaïer of Mankind! Herriek's SugaT Coated Filis Th" whole World United! Stek Peoplc think! After which act. You'd scarco oxpect, at this Inte doy, With starilingcuresa book to flll: This is the c:ise, the mi Ui on mt, With the cures of HeVrfek 'flPfli Tlu'y cnmefrnm temt, unri Piorth, iiil Went, And vrith sla'i tiilinrs the papers flll, Dccausc thy arethf cheappst, .safes!, befi And mperiorto others is Fïcrrick f Pili Frfm Ufjolfc-, ni;d Plañís, andKlovrers thej're; Tncy always cure- tlmy nevpr kill Tliousand1 now in their ffravpf werf aid Were it not fop RerrfeE's Pilis. Each Pili u'irh sognru coa led oVr- A rara di.scovcry nf matchVss skill, Tlieirlikc was never seon bi fnre, Cntil it apneared n Hpi nek 'f Pili For yearv lie'.s worksd to lipal the .--ck, With joy elato hU ho-nm Min: For teil" of thoiiiind-; now rpjoice At thematic Po -ei RofH-rnck's ?Xx. '1 FTERRlCK'SSfATCHLESSVKiSKTABIJÍ FAMTI.Y 'ILI.' ha-'o inumUted the wprld witbtheJr pppnlaritv iver five milli-m of boxea are used annnnlr. i vin omplfiymenttoelehty-fivi'mn and romen to put thpm ltp i'hcir cures aiv ti u in ben 1 by their prai-ses on the tonques if all, Citizpns nf Wahionw .-rul i!ehre, hae you ever ued them?Put np in Fniih -pani-li Rwman, .in 4 Freneh direction. Ijirpp familv bnxM. '25 cents! Five boxen for SI. Sold evervwherê 3enBadrerifemfri1 on 3d pairo Important to F e mu leu. - o r. V il K U s e 1 A x ' . pn,[, Prbfabkd by Coii.vpnrs I.. CUMUUir, m. b., NYw York Cily. Thecombinationof mgredients 11 thesp Pilis are the result of ;i long and xtenaive practicp. mild In their operatinn. an 1 certain n cornetín?: jiit [rreffalarities, raiitful Mensumtion, reRlovitlg ;ill obstructions irhether from cold or otherwtoo, hwidneïie, pain in tlie sitie, p&lpatitkul of the heart, ahites, nll nerrou ffe. Unís, hysterie, fstigjue, pain in the back Hnd timba, Sc. it,;urbe.I slet.'i, irh!eharl8Qrrnú interraptionof nature TO ARKIEDtAOUES, Dr. Chefisfmmrs TüIk are nvaluable, as thpy wlll bringon the numthly perio.l with rfgulaiily. win havu been 'liyappointeil ntheusc of othea l'ills ran plce tUe utmust aoaadmca in Dr. Cbawemu'i PIU doing all they reprurient to do. y o t i a k TJtere is etvt r.otirlittim "flliefcmale atistím ín ichlch tht. PilU cannot bc laken withrml produciré n VECULÏ.4R PESULT. The r.n,,JHinrt rrfcrrtd ta ia PIÍF.GN.4NCY- Iht muit, Mf-'CA II Hl AG K -"u-h m tl,e irresistible tendtnc.y of Uu medicine tñ rpslorf the sexual funrtimis to a normal condttinn,lhat evn the reprodneiivr pover of noliire camtol reaist it. Warrantcd parel; vegetable, and Troc from anvtliing injnrioUK, Explicit.lircctii.ns, whirh hould be read,ao compan.v pacli box. sCnt y mail nn oncl"ine $1 to Hu CnXKUoa L. CilKESEiux, Box 4,531 ,1'ost Office .Vew York City, ' Sul.I by one Druggist in every town in tlioümtnd States, -Ol R. n. HÜTCHINGB, OUIUI AGK.VT FOR THE UxiTED ?TATK, A', 14, Brnadwoy, New fnrkt if To bom all Wholcinli! artera nhould be ddreiw Sold in Ann 4rl)or, by May.vakd, SnüBim h Wiuok, nd G, (;hk.ili.f, "3Cyl o. it. b. Passenger trains now loare tbe sevcral Stations in this Cuunty , as follows . COISG WEST. Kal. Ac. Day Kx. Jack. Ac. N'ight Ki ipsilanli, 8.C6 A. m. 11 ï9 A. M. (.45 p. h II.IOp. m AunArbor, 8.G0 A M li.4ï) ' " 7.16''" 11 85 ' ' ' ' Dnter, O.Ou ' " Kjoi fh 7 6t' ■ Chelse, 9 20 " " 12. --0 ' " 8.20 ' ' G O I N G E A S T . J Night Ex Jack. Ac. MailKx Kal Ac I ■'s, 6.3O"a. m. 3.88 p.m t.V.rn i Doxtir, U65 " " 3.63 " ' 8.45 '■ Ann Arlior, 4.40 A M ".15 " " 4 '.0 " ■ ■ o , . rpilnti, 5.00 " " 8.C5 '■ 4.40 ' ' 980 ! 6',"O O O DOLLARS WORTH -OPBOOTS SHOES ■27 COST In consequenoe of Making a chango in my business I will 8ell My Entire Stock of BOOTS $ Su OES! AT WHOLESALE OU RETAIL, AT COST ! Now is the time for fumilies and individuáis to supply themselv=6 for tlie coming Winter ond abo for next Spring and Slimmer. My stock consists of every variety of Shoes fcr Winter and Summer wcar, and purchaaed at low ]rices. WM. S. SAÜNDEES. Aun Arbo-,Dec 1, 1860. 777m3 CARDS! CARDSü CARDSÜ! HTOg muabatti a. Kroouw Bouirr Duaaan Card lres,witbfin Mrtment of Crd ti-pe tbe Aro- Oíñ.e:. ; prijt fíarit of ail kinds In il" '' I ■ luctnra from formor prieeu, mclmlinB Biuinrnp rrrJi for mon of all imcationí uil profejpo, Ruil, WidtSoj;, anl VltlM CkVda, ota. etc. Cali, givc us joure orrlirs aal suo ' (1UW t Is ÖCD6. Hifi e F actor y! A. J. SUTHERLA1VD HASiemoverhls Gm .Süo; ti.'hï Neu Bleek r Hutonlr;U. aouthoi Culii t Hcaiii ,dl. t. C i -cl.' fioor, win ii be i.- preparad to fcruUb Guns, Pistola, Ammunition Flaslcs, Pc. ;hcs Game Bags, and Evcrv otlier article in liis Liue. On lle inasí roiaonnb]'1 Nírap, nïid to rto all kinds .f n tile tfhoitc-t tiotico and n r.hebrsl manee! (nil fiiaortment alwaj-t fit-pt ODhand, ond mode t o orMANHOOD How Lost and Hcw Restored. .7wj Publixhöd in a Sealfd Bttvtfopt, A UXtOBfi OX tiE NATCKE. TRKATMENT .AND RADICAL CÜKE OF .AÏORKHOKA, or rininal Wenkiiess, Sexual Jebilitv, NerroasafW and Invoiuntary EmiaMiotu producing fmpvtency, Coüsumpticn, and Meti'.a! nat] Tliysicnl (;pbilit.r. BY ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. The important l'ncttlmt the awiul con?cqucnoea of self aimse may be eíl'ectuall.e removed without nternal ri medies or The dutïgeroua npplication of cnustics, natrumenti, mi'iic.'ilcd buniPR, nnd othcr empyricnl Oe rleettja clcarly deftinnsti-utd, and 11h evrircly uew and bighly succi-ssfnl treittnfeht, artuptpd b_v tlie ciïebrutod authorfuliy expliinie-'ï. by mcans of whicb nrery oue i ontbied ta cur bim-wlf pcrfe:tly. and at the least posrfifc ie cost, thisivby avoiiling nll tho advertisod DOAtrumi of t)ie day. Tliii Lnoturi; wil! píove a boon te th lucands and thousands. 8ent under senl to nny ddiM8. post paid, on tbo recpipt of two p'wtape fitamns, bv ftddrAfllog Dr. ( PIAS J.C. KLINE, 4S0 lii-bt Awu New Tork, Pokí Dox, 4,686 v7t-fi HIACKWiiOD'S MAGAZINE AND THK BÜITI311 REVIEWS. L. SCOTT&CO..XI V YOItJC c n'.inue to publlah tho foilowing leadmg Ur.iish Pertodlo&l?, Wz.: ï. THE LONDON' QÜAKTERLY (Conservativa) . 2. TCE EDIN'BURGII REVIEW (Whïg). THE N JRTII BRITI3II KJ5VÏKW (Free ChurcL), 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). BLACK WOOD'5 EDINBÜRGH MAGAZINE (Tor). Tlie present criüoa'. stata oí Eir pean affaira will rendtr the no palicatiom rïnusual y iLt.-esting during the forthcomiuK year. They will i.ccupy a middlc ground botwfevn the hastilj wrilten ncvri itifm-", cru'lft speculntionfl, an 1 tlyinj Journal, aod thp ponderoua Tomo of tba future blsf oiian, wrilt-'a after tbe living; intpïtt and excitenik.-nt of thy great political evénts of the time ihall biivo j:assed avay It m to ihosc Peirf odien In tint re.iil er; must look for the only reaüy intölligible ani reiiable hiat r' of current evonta, and as ucfa, in .idditii n o their well-eitablidlief Uteriry, cleatilTc. a'l tbpoloclo h charicter, we urgethem ujiuü t'iü öö ïaïdeyjthïn of tbe t reading public Tlie receiptof advavck shhes trom tle Briflsh put HlbngÍT44 addifinn-il vRl" tn t' Ilcurints, ii:as I mucb ai thoy can n w be placed n ihe baftXl ol b-ró abaut hü üuud ;is t:i oripinnl editiua x e :r Xvi s . Icr Ann. Ffir any one of the four Reviews, $3 Fr anv tro of the four Rentvs, 6 00 Knr any Ihree of the four lïy.wws, 7 00 F r Rll'foi.r of tbe Keviewj, R 00 For ESaokwood'a Müg.nine, 2 00 Fi r Hlackwooriiind noe Kevlew, 6 00 For Bliickwood andtwo lievieivi, 7 00 K r Rlrtckwuod and three }iiifTn( ÖCO Fur ü!iic'wooil ftnd ihe four Kertewi, 10 Gy 49 Üomjr eurreat In tha Mate whrrs Í33ued irül b received t [jar. Clubtoi ng. A discount of twunty-live per cent ir m the bnre prici-3 will ho allywïd to Clubs Onltrng fonr or mrre copies of any one or mr f3 of the above works. Tbos: Kom cojm s of LitackWfod. oror'one Üeview, will be sent tu onèaridr.'ss for $9; fyur copk-i of tlie four Revien-a nd Blackwoo'l lor $3n un I so on. P O S T A O E . In all the principal and Toratheatr works will oe dclivfred FltKK OV PÜSTAGK. Whci sent hy mal!, !he Fosiage t"r.y purt of the Unitei iitatc.s il be bLt l'wenty-Four CenU .a vear for :BUckwoot1," ad but Fourtíon Pentfl a j'ear f(.r "ach o! the ItevievTi N' B- The i rice in torent Hritain f th fivu Perlodicals iboTo nnme'l w $31 per au nu m FU-mHtaxtOM must, in all c.iaee. be msde d-rna. to hi PabliMkcrn, tot at the#4 r ces no cummisaion c. n by illowe t ngenta. Addres-, LE N.MD SCOTT k CO. No. 64GoW ttreet, New HEAD QUARTERS. K] Fur ili kinds of phthoxjiu aar , I 1 COAL OIL FLUID ij LAiVIPS. W PEÏEOLIÜM FLUID, W Coal Oils. . S Superior qu Jity, al priees giwrPj snlying saiislnction Lampa fe_J iltiTed to tlio abuve 011 short Aá notioe. jX . A DeKOREST. 1 .... -nWii'l Nov. 10, 1860, 774tf 10O0 Vests, Shirts and Dawers, For Salt-oheap at GÜITKKMAN t Co'3 oval Picture Prames IX SKE-, STVLES anj PRICEÍ just received and k fcruale ebeap;it CHOFF & MILLEK'S De 28, 1860. ,80tf Dissolu.ioa Notice. ATOTIfEishereby ïiven, tlwt Uw Oopartntnhip herall tafara eiistniï between SAMUEL G. SÜIHKRLANO Ji AS'DRKW BEI.L, n Ier thè naai :nn1 (lrm ut s.iihi-rland fc Heli la tliis Jav Ilasiilveil b.v mnlnal censen', na I s U. Sullic-lanil is heriibr authorlied ts ccillect all debis 3ue to, aiiftseitleall dem inda aninstsald finn S.IH'H (í. SUTHE8LAHD, ANDKEW BEI.L. Aun Arbcr, Dec. 21, 1860. 4w"S0 Important National Wcrks7 Pubüshcd by I). APPLETON k 10., Í4G AND 348 BROADWAY KEW YORK The following woiks are sent to Subscribcrs in any part of the country, (upon reotlpt cf retail price.) bv mail or expresa. p' paid: TUK Ï.IVA11F.B1M A I'opular Dictiomtry of (encral Knowledge. Edlted by Ubu. Rtru; and C'il.uil.lü .1. ÜJUU, aided by a numerous select corjn I rrritera n all branches of Sciences Art and Literator. vork i being publlshed in nbout lötarfte octavo volumen, eb contnluiug HSOtwo-column pagea. V„ls. I., II., III., IV. V.. VI. VII. Vil! J: IX are now ready, each containing mar S.tOOorlgifea] arü clea. Aa additional volume riü be publiahed oucc in about threemonUu. l'ricj, in Cloth. J$S; Sbeep, $3.60; Half Eussm, $4 50 euch. ' The New American ("yclopicdia is popular without beinp supcrlicial, learned iritËout belug peddtie, compreRcasivi but (ufflciently delailed, freetrom personal piuue and parij prajudleo, fresh and yet accurate. It 'is a complete atatement ol all that U known upon everv important topte ithin (be .-.cope of human Intelllgcnee - Lvery important articla in it has been spocially writtcn for . s pa-es by men wlio are authoiiiiis upon'lbe topic on wlncli they speat. They arr re quireif to brmz the eubject up to the present moment; 1,1 atate UBt Im-.v it stands twk. AU tb statistical information ia from the laica report; the geographical accounts teep pace irith the plorations; hi.slorical matter incliu'.c the freshuit jut vieiv.,; tho biographical notices h nk not of tseirh0(1''a(1 butaUo"f the I' a Mrarj i íiiíSSSSf ï?' OF TIIE OEBATES OF COACUK.S, ücing aFoUtical Hiatoryoftheünitcd Btotea, trom the organizaron of tbe tirst Federal fon. greu ie 1 ,89 to 1856. Kditedand compilun bv Hon. Tuo Hakt Burro, from me üflicial Records of Congrega The work wiU be üoir.iúeted in 15 royal octavo volumes of ,60 pages each, 11 of which ar, ow readv An ad. dit.onal vr,lu„,c uill be punlished om-e in three monlh. Cttlf 4 50 Jh" SheI' $3M' IIttlr Mr' ' 1Ll" A WA Y OF PROCURLVG TIIE CYCLOP.-EDI A OR 1JEBATLS Form a club of four, and remit thepricc of four bookn and Uve copies will be sent at the remitter's expense for carnage; or for tea subscribers, elevon copies will b stiut at our expense for carriao. To Agcnts. No othor work wiU so liberally rcward the exeriionn of A.v Ahkst waxted 1 TnrsCoiwTY Tcims iMilflnown on appücation to the I'ublUliera Aun Arbor, March. ÏS.VJ. fi!io?amt nt ""t11? WBT, agont at Kinnc Sfflith, Book.tore, psilaati. City Meat Markei. , The undorsigncii TIIEIR M4RKET TO TUK BOKSER OF AHM AND F'JÜRTH STREETV. And wiil keep constan! ]}■ on h.ind a íull af.sor1ment of 'F'-r-G-st-ti JST-c-CL-t-Si', wbich ti .■ , ge foatid ín readiuefisto cut unon Süll'OUSTOMEKS. No tain wül bc tuwwj tu kiep thetr muktl Clean, and Moa Is Sweet and patrnns mJ roiy npnn eetting tho boft rojsts siejkk. rurrs.ftc. ,t!ia.tcun be fuund in'thedtv CAI L ANDTHY US. S. l'RQi TO! I. WAUiHl. Aoa Arior. May 4, 1380. .. ,_ u For Snfe or to Rent. Mv Di'Kri.ivo non-K. jKw..imnivra ' ■ n Al . ' p rt f tho l price i $3 0'. Smi! am nt re :i .-■!!.. w.-i, nnntje UilmIJ uaaaf Uu-Ni" I I u t t.U'itt.1l;:;Mt. D. iUENNIN'O. I Aan Albir Jai;. Xvt, 1861, ira'M #r„Tc CjUaK', CM Ifirtnutn, l„p, cza anj rritatfrm ar S9r amj oj iik Tï'Oa'; Rrlitrtlhr Hn.knt C't.wh i i C .n-"jmri 'j, r"nt.:tili-J A Ikrna and t'a'ei tht Cl ttr o J fie.' ntrtngtA to 'hr ron nf l'XJiHAV rtPEMKKIla, oud aixtlïïK.s, 1 ■■ 're of the Uoportinceoi cíiecklng a Cotiph or "Comofon Cnll" n :u Qtvt Mago; that whleli In tiis blginnlDg vould jiold ton miW t' m -iy, if iiogU-oUd, non ntt;iol:i tho l.uaj. -Br iwn' Br mcliUi Tnchajl eootúDiu(dfflit!Mnt inp-cdicr.ts aiiny rdmccniT and Rp mcbitl I.rti'.ioTi. BHOWN'S 'TbattroublIomyThroat,(flr n-h:ch tvchttl" Bit a f.pccif:c; hoving inade TPnptJTC! ne GItü: inore víj nerrr.' I UUOHtb N p WHLI3. I rjoommcoj theirus to Frruc.-PRAKüüOWii'S iR3-" REV K H. cinri.v. " íín--.; i rcrcd eZtrUUftly :-í-v__ TROCHES KKV.HFJíRy WAR:.' BEECHEB. " Aln, lel in t iiü '1: I EROWN'á a'oor o: brcalhing peotlHar tJ ianat . " " l'.i.V.A. ; K'jGI.E.'JON'. TIKincrro "Contaln no Ofiuc: fr ujythhigfhjïp!1KUUÜÍ.O m,.ii DR A ;A ,. ;, Chemis', Qnsioa. BROWN'. "Asimp'eanJ p[oint coctWikiIíod f:r . :,tc.'JL'U. ü. F. BlUtLOVV. TROCHES ..BrtWdta BstaIjR. J. F. W. LAXE, BROWN'S Bton. "I huTC prove-] them cxcoUt.-jt for TRnn-IITQ Waaort.a Cocon." i KUL-diia eev. H, W. WAP.RK:-T, Boaion. ! BROWN'S "Eenoilolal when conspelUd lo speuii, uiTeriiig from Cold' lKUÜHKh .-t. Louis. "Eiruotual inrimoving Hnarfei:t3s and BROWN'S '"■'t''1 of Uu Türoai. ooommon with ífe-íkkks aai] HntatMè.'1 Teacher of Music iouthera BROWN'S „ PmleCoUire. j "Great bcnoüt irlicu takn bsioro nnd ' .„..„„. fter proachins;, as tbcy ir.vcpt HoarJCi lsUOitta aeu. From tluir paiteffpot, 1 ihmk t'.e .via bo of pcmkfinent a-Jvan:jif to inv.'' BROWN'S KKV.E. HDWIXY, .i M. President of Atiu-ns Cellfp, Tenn TJiOCHKS 1VK0BMTSABOX.-W 7JCiaii I A Sf.EIi;s OF School and Family Readers; Consisting of a Piímor & Sevon Rsadsrs! ! Bt MARCIUS WiLLO.W ïlic Primer, iind the First, Socond. Tbird, and Fourth Readers aro now ready. TH3 PRIMER (introductoiy.) BEGINNIXG with Ihe Al) luiLcf, 3 divMcd nto Four Paiti, and extfnds t' words 01 four litfcrn. Partí., the Uphabit, isillmtr.itod m.icli moro baautifuüy tuin anyotherl'rimr,both by leltir, ai.d out? explauatoryof the w.irJa in Alijhaue.ical ai rangement Tart II. contain 18 ReadiBg I.ossons or fforoa of ttro letters. arranged in simple seoteneos. N'o uiimeanng ayllablo.s aregireu. l'art III. h 8 26 UuoiK, o! wor.ln ofnut moie tlian three kliirs. l'nrt IV. Las 21 Leis;ns, of words ofnot mors than four lSepárale llProaoanciog Lesaon" ure glvvn, cimtaining the word.s userl in tbe Reading Iesaons. Tj gu;ud aainst tho formatiou ..f a monotonons hubit. and a a guide to the proper modulrtioo.1 of Ihe voict-, the cnQTfrsatonal siyle is adoptad lo a considerable extont. nnd nurkian gif to dsaotttkc riíinrarTd aUing loflections. Tue object of ihrs ia tonquire ehildisn torrad quest i ná and t hei r anweríi ia the saiueminnei' as (hev 'peak thern, and tliuntilay the founiatiuu of good rjadín at the very br-g;naing, TavFrimcr eontaJna more than a buadred beait:ful Illustntlontf, WiUsoa's Tírat Reador. Beginning with easy words of foui l.-t(e:s in Partí., cjc. tends to easy trorda oí ni. lettvra a París IV. and V., and i a few easy worda of tu-o and thice y ll&bler. In thi.s wo,k algo Ée conver.-;at o'.v.ú .style ís frjut-Et'y introtluced, as it i.-i that wLf"U tocapabiu ofeiviag the greatest variely to the Rwding MOni. and enj that eisi y familia zm the papila with the í'iüectocs, mi shows thcir necelsity. It la sci.rce!v pottible at Ihe pupil who foJlews Uw simple and e.:ny 3'KÍem herc m ■ ed out. canafterwar.l lall nto i dra.flini uuü uunotonouhabitof isading 'ibt Iilüatrations aro m:merous attl superior. Wül3on'a Seccnd Reader. IldlTidwlinto Seven Parts, oh preceded by one or more Elooutionary Hules, aeaigned fer the uo of tho teach r only , andio enforce upon liim tlie Imporranco oí requiring the jiupila t ■ ,ead as directed hv tho püeotions given. Tne m rks dcnoiing the mflectona are nct so numomus as to assume un unneceseary impfirtance ncr ars they used except where it w .ul.l bs a ui inifen er' rorto di-regard thum. Tac ílocuttonarj nim of these Reafier is totoaeh chil.lren to read coir-ttv nut bv r 'e but hy habit, and to thls end tho cuu.taiñ praotioe o reading conectly h iusisted upon, as being for ra.irc rffi. caoiouó thaaliulea tocoirect bad habita alreadj foim Superior llüstratiro engmlng are made the subjects ofa larga number of the Lefcons:- the persona represente!, their actions, supposed tayn-s kc , re m.deavaiiaole to give nijnalion cid varinj lo t ie reaiinir,and to impart in.-Jctioii; and thu urñinc la keptlnviewthatinehildhood it i, thr High the medium of the perceptiva faculties thnt the auentiun i-, thom st rcadily .walcned, ana memoiy an 1 judgment Iho moa; ucoeasfulljrculU atad. i 'art Vil., wi.ich h des'gned to Ulustratu tire prtcclplíni tí ra.srnd to, containa a Less ,n on Colors whicli i i] lutrated by a baaaifful colore 1 píate, in wiiich twantr üiUerei.t colora are accurale'ydea gniteJ. Wlllson's Thi d Eea'Jer. C .ntains, first, a b ; r t'ie "Element of Elo cution, ' Ih f!i:ch the "Rula" reaiy u'Ítoo in the ec ond Keader are repeateri, wlth soo.ea idütona and fur'h. "cxy Bition, and niore numernua axamnle Toen fullovr.i l';l-i j., entUlsd -Steriea frora tlie Mole " in which. soma of th mojt intsréüt ag laoidenta in .-acre! UiHtory are nairated iunimple langu ngi', v tli varl-ias ii1 .Rtratíye pootícal give v..rietv to the r -ai"a- Thspictorial illusi rationa m thia Part a unsuriws-ed in any work. Tart 11., intt'.erl 'Jltrol Leason " 15 defigucrt ti incúlcale moial (ruth, and Ís mide ün mostly ot selectod artieles. Part 111., anteiíng miro tüe more prominent and chaructor -ïic feature oí tlie ■ crin tata op the gntgreat división o'Z,,ooSy or Animal Lile' and.r. conffned to tbe subject of the klanunaUn, muBtly yuadr-apeda. AltáOU(;h (J.jadrj]jed-. are hereai ib tbe'.r scientlflr. dirir.oos, andiu-at.d upon a w basia.yet t'.lo who'eismade a interesiinif ai. a rotti n:e.' Sjjccieaand individual are deacribed rather than genera' illuslrativeorthe haliitsar. I charaoriáti oí animal are numerous: poítlcal and prose sc-iectom zivo varietyt) tho LessoB; acd the iriuatrations iré unïurpassed inany work on X.itural lii-t.i.y A newmidim poriact fe.ture is in:roduced- thut ol icruopinz theAn imals ol a claas in ooe ngraring, w!th their compan tire sizes and a. saile cf measureimnt. Part iV. is inaie un oí Mtscellaneous Articles. Willson'3 Fourth Reader. C;ntí-!nSi r'-'i the-'K'8..cntS Of JEtoouÖbn" tho name ia hc ihi.Tl Reader, and irequeui refermce is made tu the Hules throughout tho w;rk. Pau I. tienta of ■'ilum.n Phyaimogy audUealtri" in a series of interjftni KraAnx Leison, original and elected, which elude eientili'c technicaltties. Explauatory notas, ilh accornpn ovinoillustrative cuts, convey mach additional uwful informatiou thatcouldn'jt ell be in'roduced uto the LtssOM J'art II. resumes the subject of ZooIot n ihe divisron which treata of ümithologjr or Biris. A dol Kht ful field is hert opmed, and nothing can bo more in'e.cst.ugthantliemauiier ia which the snbject is treated The leading species of the sevcral Classes Dr (;■ der i. t . 'wl, cl' B.rdsaredlvided, wgroupei in cuts u-h ch show iheij Pitattvo iKs;and maay ol the most beautifalpoeticRem Inourlangiiageaccmjpanyand Uu tr-tetfa desiripüve pi rt ons, and the inciden! i nanated. Part III. takt op the First División of Vegetable Physiology or Uotauv and Kivcs to the subi-" ;n Interest and vartetr th;it can not be appi-eciatecl trom any descri; tion that' 0:111 bc rlven Part IV. is made ap ut HJacellaneous Setoctlooa P-Vrt v' tekanpthe Firsi División of Natnral Philosophv in uhic'i we look in upon the sohoolat "Jlenwlld " 'in 1 11 tci) to the Htructiuns giten to a Voluntcer l'hilosoph'v llass." and the convcriatioBI ivhich :ue lieM thcie - Part VI , ccmprising briol buteonaeoted " ketches frnm .acreii Hfstory,1' conlains some of the fine-t svluctiona of Sacred Poetry, wlth beautiful UIustratiODS of .■Jcri'lturc incidents. ' In M the Rendara afior thf Seoond the uiore aifficult wonls m each l.i sson havo srü.ill figures, :is referentes atfciclicd to Ihem, aud ure detined , as referred to at the close ol the Lcsoo. Tho accurate soundj ..f the Letlers are also detignated Tnete are new featurea The remaiiiing numbers of the .-eries, wUeh wil) embrace in the furui of practical, varied anj in tCNMias Reading Imwm, the sevi-ral deparlmentn of .Natural History- Ziiology. PhysiolQ(gr. Phjakal Ueography. Chemislry, Ctology, Astrnnomy.'&c; &c - and :!■,: in ihe Sevenlh Keailer, auch Buüjects as Kbetorie Criiicm, rte, Oratery, soulptore an.i Paidtinir, Mu sic, fee- aUpopidaitaedto ihe capaoitlea nf tbe varloui giadeaof pupiis tor whom tbeyjira designed- will be toniploted at an early day. #■ The leading points of merit claimed For tho, o licaders are; lat, Thi'jr presentan unusual Varioty in matlor anl mannor, aad willproiu ccouJingly iulerastiue to '' ;i tlron. 2(1, Tlioywill jocurotlic highest drgreeof potical instnicüun ia the Alt ut Keiiding. &1, 'lljpy will imparta great amiur.t cf Uacfu' Infr rmatiun, Uicb, in nu other waj, can bo brought befo i tne greul ■ uws of in n ourïohool. 4t!i, In Illastrations, md in Paper, l'niaing, an'l dura bility of Binding, tlicy gipatly excel othor Bffaden wbile n.o prices &re axtieL:tly low, Publishcd by HABPEB Ss BKOXÜERS. Franklin Square, New York. fl3T" To Principáis of Schools, who ivish tinglo copies tor Examination, witli .1 Ttaw to Introdnotion, the nboye Dooka wil] be sent, po-lage pak], on receipt o( half the pnces abovo namd. Io other perrom tliey will b,i sent postage paiü, on icceipt ofite lull prfce. l'-r TtriTts oflntroductitjn, and l'or Agcu-irp a' pres Uarper & Hrother. 719wt ÏO HOÜSEKEEPtRS. SOilETHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S Best Medical SUlbbatm. Is manufuctured froin coinmua s;ilr, and u u prepare cutirely different frotn other Salenvtup. ïïl Alttha doleteiiouB matter extractd ia suci m C!a nanner as to produce Bread, lii.-cuit, nnd al "' UH :iudn uf Cake, without cc taining i p;irticle oi 'tl íaleratus when tho Bread or Cake is baked j chereby producing whuleaomc rewilts. Kven Q partiële of 8aleratuKig turned to gas, and paft■or, thriiujli the liread and Uiacuil whilo I I (if! ■'"'.oijuciilly. nuthi-g remaii:s butccmii:. . "Uj.vatir. and Klnar. You will roa'Iüy .trcfivt-, h J taste of tb!s Saleratos, tbat it is oulirch 3 linVrnttroinotherSaloratii. " j Ii b paoked iu {iouM papers, cach rap, LJ :)cr Ijjiim.Io.1, "B. T. Baibitt' CÏQ alcratii!.;": iiiso, picture, twisli-l lwif of - UO vitli a glass of effoxvsaciog water nu the ■ ; iVhEnu pu-.Qbaw you Bhnuld . erve tlie wrappor, aud ln particular to a$t tin ■u'xt p.xactlv Iike the (ivt. brand as abnv?, wj 70 Fu" directionsfor malttag Bread rlth thl -4i P I J nitus and Sour Milk at Creair Taflar, willac ttmpany Rach packageí also, direction . makinpall kinds of Pastr.v; also.Yor nu! ■ "jijcia Wa ' 2' MAKK Yon! 0WM SOAP v-th y i3. T. BABBITT'S PI.T.E COXCENTTUITJ L1 POTASH Warmottd doab!e the trongUi of ordiaarj 'otash: put up in oanu- 1 lb, 2 Ibs, 8 ib.-, ( fl b-, aad -I' Ibs- wh fall tlircctiooffr m.iVirp " AN'D Inrd and Soft Snap. Cn-.:ir.ej-s will find th ;h# clieaptist in rearL-et. UdauboturAd úc for sal by J b. t. BABfirrr, ft ■4,Ci,úS, :u, T4 VFish'.ngtaa st.,Vew Vork. Q "71 aal .Vü3SIn41at,Bootoo. I 't T48y1 I ■ G9 TO GUítT;.í ■ N - ('O'S KOP. GRUOy'S PA ■ i'.t ö HBg. :jry tiav t.ic o.vol .vi rigLt for A'-c for the ;v.j.Kt Ei'acc ftispPBáer. Mrs. WïHSLQW, An cxjritn 'eil N'ar.iO etrl lámale liarxW&it, jrtv-entf to the Rttcn.ioa of MoCbtH.hcr SOOTHÍNG SYRUP, FO!l CHILDREN TEETHINO. rtfally ftallítatoii th prooMii nf t-.eth!ng, by ' : the gum?, raduciBf all iniamiuaticn- vrtli aihij" AJuL P.ilN' .ni npasindic actioa itad ia SüñE to RSRÏÏL.-tTE the BOWELS. Dvpcnl upon :t, mctíwr, It wül gire test ta yourolrc. Relief and liealtli to yoñr Infanta Wchnvoptt np tnl aa3 scld ftla of.iclo for over In yors, tnd OAJÍ a.VY, I.V COSFlpKJfCE ANJJ ÏKOïHuftt, wlwt we )i".vc norrj ixxn able to sn) f. any ctbcrmrfi:in - HbVEK HASffFAlLED W A SIN'UI.E ÏNSTHCK, IJ iniXT A CURE, when I t meij U3(hl. Nt-vrr 'il'l we knew an inrt-ince of j suti-.Ucti'.n by ar.v . n vli-j iixcd lt. On the contrary, nllnri dflightod with ti oper t: n , ml apeak la triua of commendatli n of tl uiagxal effect nnd msd gtl v.'rtup. Wo iMk In thl uisttr 'WHAT WK 1)0 KN'OW," titer ten ywtra' expciirne, AND P!.EI;;E OUK KHÜTATRN 'PO:: TilK FüLFILLMI NT OF WHAT TVL HERE OFTLAKF. Jn aiiuopt eíy ,n tuno wbrre the inrsnt i-i iuff( mr frrm pa n an 1 exhaa. tv n. rellei n-jll bc íoi,n i in fif:c.n r tv.ta'y mUMlre afr ■ ih1 } rap i- adsaliraUMd ïbi.-i v.'iliubli' ,rnritton s the prewipt'on nf rns of the m t EXPÏKIS.VCSD and SKILU Cl. XURSEü In N!--.r n;!.:ti:, has bt-eo ufod witb KETEE F.ilI.IJÍ i SUCCKjó in THOUSAND OF CASF.S. It net otly tqV.qt&í Ibech lifrim pnn, bat iavlrstM the ttimich n3 b=c-l. xrr=ct! och! t. rn'lgive'i tjj snl cnerj tg tiio ivhoiosys.iin lt viü ulinoht in-1aniiy I GBtl'JNG IN THE POTELS, ANO WIND COUC onl orercome convulsión, whtob if n-t speodly r ne i diw!, n I n dwtli. Wt hpliew t tlie BiT nd , SUKE-T ItEMEIiY !N 1HE WURI.D. In al) cifts „( DTNTKRY and I URrtiKEA IN CHILlJRIT, whothrr It OTLtes frim tocth nj orir raanotlur ciuse. We woul3 sny to crery mit'nr who li i cLild snm.rn? rrpnjanyol the frivno dt c-mp1! sf- ' u NOT 1.LT Y"UK Pi:E.JC ICE-, NOft THE í'RFJüi ICES OF CTHER-J. tmd betwwn jouBi toet na.TtTDi chilri j nn-J t'ie rj'of UwtwUl SÜRK- TES. AB OLtTtLY - Jo fuilow tío ue of (lij orixoi. if timelv uied. rail tilectoni f"r usln; wijl arai.npanr fsch" boute N' gonini iinless t o fiiosimüc nf CCR1I3 & PEEKIK3, New-Tork. i-ï on tlio outside wrapp rt Stld tv Drugjfi'iU ihrougout the wtrld.' Principal IHcc, 13 C-dr Sireit tf T PB1CS OKI. Y -:s CENTi PEE BOTTLE Fcrsaieby Ebcrbaoh Co. lj-7'3, MOORE & LOOMXS turne Removed to the STOÜE RECKNTLY OCCÜPIED BT C. MACK, Phoonix Block.East sideof Mnin St., AND HAVE STOCK CH J OF BOOTS SHOES Of every desciipiion which will be SOLD O m 22 X. X 13 3FS 74 iV CM.V BE BOVGII7 I' Thia City. Lío a Uugo assorlmcct c HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all kinds laade ir. tb mest Fashionnble Sí y le BT 800D iSB EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, FRENCH CÁLF BOOTS irc N'OT si-üi-.issh) this su'e of Xow Tork City, and ure rarnstad not l Kir. Uur prOGASANO KIP Sfe are madtr of tho beat material Oiir stock of Mo-ooco liootees tor I.i Uea is tho the vit in towa, wilh liools or witliout Wc BInke to Order, anti nerw miss of CTttxa tbc fu-rtt time bo i;ive una c:ill and wc wili sfaov yen mn-atock arr We hT cured Uie service of twn Lx pTieiiced Journeymcn wbn do nurmn'j;ntr in the cot .tiunnci', :md on horten notie. Onr motlo is (uïek Sales and'Muall Pï-oflts Thaskful "r fnvors ire hope bvpnjiüg strlct atto.itio.l :o our bu-jinchS to raerit a libt-raj Kiiare of your patronn? for tlio tuturc. BV Kemcmberwo nre not to bc nndor..old. -t 1YPMVRE 'Si IiOOMIS INFIRMAR Y, Fisirr's Block Wio.'licard Ave Detroit, Dis. S. J CIRPEJITKU & RAIHAED. DOCTORS gea rally i.r.-unl Ihat Omumptlcn is incurable, becauae tuey carnui cure it tLum.ulvos; but tbiá duet 11 t mnka t trd. Many mochan-e-, will wi rks oo a job al! day and af ter ..o.iij nüfjjog bi.t spoj] thc matsml they will fo'i yon t nerir caí. bed. nj n the wajf you wam t. Eut byapplyingtna bttter jpoikmau- cns who tbxrouglilT underHndj iu buslnes- you will gtt vour erk acfu!iiplisl:(.a iu shajie. Ín tliis respect thero Is tLe Mme ditTtreticc tu bo t unl m al( tr.ides and profeasionj. 'Ihc b.ngkrj in r.iich niíin.n tbsj a. tí. n laiv, In thcologr, aod id ihysic, will snysuch ihiafs ctniii.t be done. " An 1 ;t ■ truothut they could no: beil nll mon w.-ro like. Iberasclves. But fuitunatcly there ti anctttr clans of uien i:ir( the. lien tliey takc your case in hand, do ihc Jobaayoamotit, or rratb yon to healtli, aceofclñg to c!o..íe. Wohave in:.v to remember tl is act to jind(-i stand w'uj one pliysicisn fhoull pr,licui;co Ihat incurib!e whicli anotiur can cure. In meclm.iics, ve nomi tiBM tind that by a possasi!ln of KUparii r means, by orne w inver.tion', of whích he has thti solé use, ur by tilo Rrealcr ingenity of Ua mina, one peraon wU in-Ue nr do what uo cther can. Exactly it muy bo so in poyal, And tbU i the vi-ry reaal by I have imch gre:it succesH over al! othOT intbo treatment of Cunaumptlon. Vvluririi the original genius, by posseaaing tUe Luñg-Motcr, hich ensilles me to cearlr deti rmlnu the nature ,f Ihc diseuFean I by havinr su:li reraadies fot Cousuraption na ■i ntlieri'iii-sicN.n m; I.ikI, malo bi.Id t. that I have, and can eiTe.t a curo of this diicse beynnd the Maeh of any oti raan. To jrore lbn to hare H-en tlio case. 1 might bívo jou numbor nnon numUrs nf certiticnt-s ftom me and TOmra giren or to thc ïiave. wliohave buen rescurd and restored to beato by the prerering use of my nmedl. for Consumption. BtttitianataMMMa-ffir me to do , here. roí lüe faot of oneBuii doing what anolher carnet wunoí s evident to ali men of oummnn en. H i]L5 Couaumo tiw wisl.cs furtber proof Iban thia, 1 can only Hy, i,nl satisfy y, uraelf by rri.l of my still in tiie cure of yonr onjplalt Doctor Crp'üVr 11 visit Y siloDU. an) Arm Arbor lSSC-,1 . Arin Arbor, ilt Coo,, „„,,., J ■tliof eaeh montli; Knrkin, ll0USe, Yj.silanti. 6th and r,u, of eaoh miintii. The rnnaiader -f tl.e t rae he wiU be fonnd at his Lung InSrniaiy in I etruit. ly77S WlAES &KNIGHT have rcteived thcirsecond purohaseof ?ALL -A-ISTID WÏSMTER COODS, WMcli nill bo solJ nt the towest Pcssible Prices, FOE CASH, BARTER, OR PROMPT 7e invit all to cul! anJ bo satisfied Ihat onr GOODS ARE AS GOOD P R T C E S AS LOW asonn bo fnand in the city. Nor 10. 1SC0. 775tf AI.T.PE!WO' ,..,., Ani Vrtw, Jaa.l,ll. iv,-Si