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Congressional Apportionment

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The Senate lias preniaturely enterad apou the work of dividiog t!;o State into Oongressional district. We said prematurely, for thero has been no authorikive ntiniatioi) frotn Washington of tho number of Representad ves to wbich Michigan vill be entitled; and ;is yet it iü oniy 'atfa wi.rk to asauuie that ve shaü get five, aix or seven. As;.ir,i:ts ;irc detertníned, however, to talco timo by tho íoretop. and two bilis have been introdueed iüto the Señale, in advuuec of a report from a special comniiltee to which thi' subject had boen referrtd, oach dividing the Statu into six Congrcssional dislriets. The iirst of tlicse bilis comes from Senator Dk La.nd, ofJaokson County, and in drafting it there has beou au evident and taborod attenipt to guard agaiustany reverses of fortune 40 the Republioan party. It pays no regard to eompaetuess in territory, aud as üttle to business eoniieetious and interests. Heneo we have pan-handle óistricts, boot-j;uk districts, distrk-ts with big ends, distriets with littlu endtf, distriola with no end, and districts wiih populatious running from U5000 to 135.000; i différenoe out of all reasoa ai'ter every allowivcce. is made fór coniparative incroasc. We append the distrio ta as constructed by this Bill: 1. Waync, Monroo, ai;d Lenawee - 135.311. 2. llillsdab, Branch, St. Joseph, Casa, Bexrien and Kalamazoo - 182.567. 3. Washtenaw, Jackson, Calhouu, Katon, and Inghain- 130.560. 4. Van Buren, Allegan, Barry, Kent, Ottawa, Muskegou, Occauu, Nowaygo, Lake, Meeosta, Usccola, 2[ason, Maniste. Graud Traverse, Lelanau, Mauitou, Emmet, Autrim, Wexford, Mack. iiiaw and Delta - 115.452. 5. Livingston, Oaklaud, Maeomb, St. Clair, Lapeer, Sanilae- 127 083. 6. Ionia, Montoalni, Clinton, Shiawassee, Gur.esce, Gratiot, Saginaw, Tuscola, ♦Jie remaining nitieteeii counties, organized and unorganizud, of tho lower J'eninsula, with Ghippewa, Sehoolcraft, Marqaetto, HoughCon, and Ontonagon- 118 004. Senator Stolt, of Oakland, also introduced a bilí, which diners from the above but little. The first district ia the same. From the second he omits Kalamazoo and adds Van Uuren; from the tliird drops liatón and inserís Kalamazoo; and chaoges each of the others. Ex Speaker Shaw, now of the Tliird IIouso, has preparad a bilí, and if he can get t fathered by come mcuibcr, it may enter into the legislatio, and we are inclincd to think it some respeets a fairer bill than either of tho others. but for that very reáson stands no chance of forniing a basis of división. Witliout specuIating on probabilities, we shall wait the "turn of the bat." J&lST Sportsmen shoüld reroeniber thar deur are protected under thegame law if 1859, during the rnonths of Jainüiry, Febniary, Miirch, April, May, Juno, and Jnly, nnd ih:tt a penalty of five dollars ;s uflioted fo.r oach uuimul killed. Dealers hould lsr remetnber that the haing in poesesxion green deer skin r fresh veniiiotl is to be deemed a violution of tho act. Wild Turkey ;ire protectod b.ötween the first dny of February and tlie first day of September; woodcock between the first day of March and the fourth dny of Jnly; partridges, riiffed gnmse ir pheusants between the first day of Fc-bniary and the first day of Octobei; pniiiieuiicl.ens or ptnnatud grouse, mallard or teal dui.k between the fir.t daj of FebriKiry and fifteenth oí Auyrust; and quuil btstvveen tlie firnt duy of Fobruary and fifteen'.h of September. - Tho j.i'naltv if five dolial'.-i lor eacli and evury bifd kiiled, u JOöin is evidence of killing; Half llie fine goi;s to thöcchoi f'uud, and hall to tha complainunt. && On Wiiduosday tlic Illinois Legisla, ture elceted Senator Tkumbull for anotlier six years term in the United States Senate. On the game day the Maim; Legislatura elected Ex-Gov MorkIli to fill the vacancy in tholl. S. Sonate caused by the resignation of Vice President Hamlin. Wuich is lïiciiT? - In hiti lateannaal roport Auditor General Case says tliat the State does not uwe the COQIJlies. In his recent inensago Gov. Blaik s:iyn the State is largely ia debt to the counties. The llouse siden uith tho Auditor und has rejeeted a bilí providing fbr u paymentof thia indebteness. LA bilí has paaaed both braüehes of the Legislatura, iit.d becotne a law, for the re ief of school disti iets Nos. 1 and '1 of the Towntthip of Manchester in this County. Wo do not knovv whut iisprovi.-ions are. ff" Tho Senate mi the tirst or sec ond day of its session passed it ! tion order ing tho State Printers to end a copy of the daily journal to each newspapor in the Stato. We have receivad six numbers, we think, or oneth.rd the issues. 3C" Cokhvater and Pontiao now boast of gas works ia operation. Thcy are resiu works jL3sr Iludson, Albion, Allegan and 8undry othcr villages, are about ipplying to the Legislatura for City Charters. - We think the City-niaking business has been alrcndy run info the ground in this State, and thut it is time to hold up. Peo. p!e of othcr State9 laugh hugely at our ' eities with populations of froiu 2,000 to 4,000. LÊ" The Postoffice at Coldwator was robbed on Paturday night last. All the letters, stamps, &c, were taken. Entraiice was made by one óf the windows. The robber was traced to thebasfiraentof a barn about three fourths"of a raile distant whero the letters were burned. A persou has been arrested chargsd with the offoooa. S3T '-f 'ie latest datos from Washington and the South are conflioting. The President and Cnbinct aro a unit. Fort ! Sumptcr is not to be vacated, and Major Andersom says hu needs no reinforceinents. The Southern States are stil! resolving tbemselves out of the Union, and tliu wok of disintergredatio;i is progroásing. We cannot prediet tlio end. JC33T The State Sonate and House eaeh liad under consideration on Wodnesday aftornoon resolutions on National affairs but no conclusión was rcachcd. 7" Wc give no legislativo ooiamn, but separate items embodj the most important business thns far transacled jgT Gov., of Indiana, was elected on Wcdncsday to suceeed Firca in the United States Seuáte. 13? Doksticks, P. B., is to leeture brforc tlie StuJunti' L 'Ci ure Associuúo i on Tuesil '} evening iiext. L"ST" 'Í'1C Adrián Jïxpositor says that the President has aceepted the tender of service lüado by the Hardee Ciidets, and reijuested tin; Cotnpaiij to Imld itself in readiness for marching orders. Weduu't believe thu yarn, we don't.


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Michigan Argus