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Action Of The Students In The University

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Ata meeting oí the BtlldèritS of the Literary Department ol the University of Michigan, held on Saturuay i.iorning, January 5th. 1801, ut t.he Uuiversity Chupe), tlio ill(i ing C"inrniUee was ppointed to draft resol jtions e.pressive nf the feehng ol the Studente wiili regard to the diffiuultiur betw;iMi the IVeMdent und lLi;.rr of Re"eiHs. O C. H I. N:-On, J. . ... D. J. J HA'itKMIN, S. I OWl.K.S, G. P. l'Kl K, W. I!. IIE.SDüYX. On Saturday, Jan. ll'th thu follovy. ing preamblo uid rutioltlljons were preulitod and adopieil : Wiicrtas, The action of the Board o{ Regenta at théir la e ineetiiiíí, was ol sucli a nntUI'o as lo give .-;nng groundtj to Ir; .r est Dr Tafpan iinty doum it imponed ble to reiiiuiii Ibnger at the liead of iheünivereity, tberefore Resolved, Thut we, ,the Ötudnts of the Uuiveivhy, believe Dr. Tappan to lie eiinnently and peculmrly tittcd to be itS lia(l and exeuuüve; mat it urénollt uiieSuinpled iio.-peiily is larguly ov i;g to the ii ble ana efficiënt munner in wbich he lias presided over its inttire8tí and tlial lus reoignution ut thu presen i juootUrtf, vvoiiln be the severest c.ilauii ty tiiat cuütd f.ill upo,) thb iii.siiuiiioii. Htsolcid, 'i' lint Ullder the pivselit airaiigenieiit, neally al! thu exeuutivo pDWuis ot tho Univeii:y are dívidfd auiong, and eXercised 'jy Coiinuittees of tlie lioaid oí RegeuV, a.d Dr. TiPPAN is leduued lo llio UOUd ilion ol il niei'ely nominal President, ooustuntly elllb;1tra!ed in thu discharge pf L:.s prupel' du lies; and as the nou. mal heud ol llie in&litulioii, regaidt-d by tho pcoplo of the State as responsible lor iis proper Itmnageintiut, and lor muasuies over whieh lie has na control. Resolved Tliitt il Dr Tappan ehimld reign, by reuson ot' the annoyauces Uiuler Wtlich he has been laboring duriug the pat year, the conequence Aould Ue ihat largo niiinbeis of thu dludeiitti ivoutd leave ihe UniveiMSy and seek nslruution in o'.her itltftll Ütt'lliH ot learmng, wiiere iho PreMdunl tmd b'acnlty exercitie more bubütuiiüal power. tiisulïcil, Thut wliilo we do not assUIne to define the spirit and intei.t ol tila (Joijsimuion i'esjieclinf? the povvers in uidputu bei%veea Jie President uiid tne iJoaid, yet il is our opiiiióa Ihat :he hightjsi intereblti ol Uw Uüiveraity requlio llml these powers shoultl be ludged ui tlie hands ot ihe President; anü no Miieeivly deiie that the' inav Uo setiled iu a uintitier to secure tiie .ei inanenl u-labii.-hnieiii. ol )v. l atpaN as t .e ; (Jlllel ËXeCUllVe Othctl" OÍ liaUniveivjiy." HiS"td That in our opinión it uouiu greully uolitribute' to ttie wellare ol the LJi.iveltity to have sucli U chunge in tlie luwg as would rêquire tl e Board lo be HepHrnted illto tliice cla.-st'S, and secure tne ek-cl.on of om; chs every htjeoni.! yua!'. Jttiitvfd; That in gis ing this explii i ulo Oll I leelings we hope we shaü not be regurded i.s un.uinng a position unbeooniing sltiduijle, eijoyisg the ad atiorded us i:eie. We do it us petitioners, not as diütator, and the iiiujórity of iu heiug ci;iüei: il tliia Staic, piirpi'Hing to go forth od exert our bost n.llueiice for the weliare and [iryflpen'iy of our noble Univcr.-ily; wilh the associalions gnthöred tluiing our lerin of tudy here, - u.-sooiuuoiw rondéred especialiy dear to us by reoollection of the kind, fatherly and christian caro ever n:aiiifested in our behali by our belwved and respected Preaideir, - e bulieve that none can have u deeper intorest, and nono have a r;ght to expreod tlu-ir scuiiiiients on this inportuut matter more fieely than we. And Wlurras, The charge bas boen made and eiroulated that Dr. Tappan has nstigated the Studente to take tiO tion in clipport of his claiui. thcielore Eeiohid, That this diaige i otiroly wiihout luundalion ; that wo have takm tliis step ot our own Iree wil! and iccord, and without any suggesiion or advice fmill Dr. TaPPAN Rétulo f d 'l'hat H copy 'f the abovc bo f_i nished to tlie Delroit uid Aun Arbor papers f r publicación. J W. WOOD, Chuirman. C. H. Dünison Sucittary.


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Michigan Argus