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ötov-us & . ar tí ! RISDON & HENDKHSON Ilive now in siora 1 irge assortmntof fm rM7 a -ya& je ss Hi (iwa o and House Furnishir g All nrk will be sold aa CïIKAI as ut nny other Es Hbüshmeiit in Michigan, They have got the Best Assortmeixt of Cooing 1' A It L H A N D 'LA TE I3XT TUIS iB11.'X'33, Ard will sollthom Chapor than TUE C' i i KA 1' ts y, Pha cali and se1. Atl kind f tja ware kept PU hand. Particular al tent ion paid to 11 kiuiU oi' 7 iD OJ S&3P CD i_S OS; Wliich will be doue wllli NtiATNICSS AND DISJ'MVI. JO-l'iuiiMs culi and m tlicir STOVt KOO1I u -d tor.1 of .t Ulock. K1SDÜN k HÜNDEBÜOK. Alm Aibnr Jan. 6, 1801. litfle Fadoi)! a. j. sutui:rjim HA?remove.'hit Gun Sno]l. 'I:? N.v nltk il1' tontr' t simtli ■ t til. rni'1 i i m i l t. e " 3oor, In1 i pfmtu'il tf ' rnih Guus, Pistols, áLmnranttion Flaxks, Pc. a4í C?(v?nt' Bi. fln Rvert ' tlier rticle n lis Line, K)n ihc m .Ji t.-rn-f . nl tu Hn ..II klad' I REIJP fiLlRIKTGn tfce Aorm-t wic wwiln th"bl nwinwi lat! iiiinrim.'ir (.!!■■ --T1 r"l'i""1-0"1' ""1)ííc)or Aer - MANHÜ )D How Lost ana H:w Bestored. Just Puhhxh$d n a Seahd Ertfopet A LMTCKK ON 1UL N ..T-'IÏF. TÜ'AIMLNT . KD RAI I Al, ( Uhb OF I 1-K AloKKI-Oi-A, (ir Ul ni We;tktH'8, fxiinl Jt-biliy, Xt-cvoii-iifs Hii'l Invoiuinarv l'.]ii.hs,ií!i-í producioff funmtiMicy, L'ouauroptjon, and Ment ■'! i IiysicM l pVlity. BY KGB. J. CÜLYERWELÏ . M. D. Tli" mportuii lítct timi Hwtul euiweqa now frf t 11 ali.,bc may bi t'ITecti.iuly iuii"Vi'l wltboul tntern&l jinicdifs r the daugerouit opplicatïrn it causticp, in ■irument medfCHitKl bontnnF, und t-ifcer cmpjr c: 1 '■ vic-s,is cliurly denu Oftratefl, onl ""■ ■ n lrly and highiy uece!iful rrptment. a ixiupled by the c'!e br,ad au t hoi fully explulnert, by mean of whlch pvery on is eu ibled to-curti perfp tly. aii'l at the least nrt.-ü.le c"-it, tlisn'by Jivoiling 11 tlio aii of tho day. Tin-, .ecture will [ivove :i buon te thuanls and tliousand. Sent ander al tu any juldrws, poní puM. "ri thp reoeipi of two pontaje Klamp, by aMixs'riir Dr. CRA' J.C.KLINL, 48o first Avveue Nt'W York, Pmt Box. 4,686 "' 3 BIACKVTiQDfS MAGAZINE AD TUK BUITI311 UK VIEWS. - o L. SCOTT Si C.. N'i W VOKK c nüuuc tn pabliah the fulloirlág Iealing ür.tib Periodical, vii.: THE I.0NDON QÜA1ÏÏEKLV (CoDBirvitlw) . ■l. THE EUIN'BÜRUII RLVII-.W (Wliig). 8. TliF. NJRÏH BR1TI.-H REVIEW (Free Churcli). 4. THE VKíTyX-TiT RKVIKW (I.iberil). BLACKWOUD's E:NBU'rUH UAbAZEÍI (Tory). The pres. n' criiica' Btatd if l.i.r :iíT.iir.; will rt nder these puhHcatiotH unmual y lit' cs'in!? during tlif f.irthcoming year. ïöey will i ccapy a miiltllo ground betwwii the iiaslily wniti-n new, item'. cru.K spcfiliitions, an I flyin: .Ic.unial and thf poniiaroua Tome "I tbe future hUto.l&n, rritt"n fter the living inbr.'st nd exoitiBwot uf thegreat political t-vents ni t!e tima BÏiall havt; p&BRed ün-av Itwto'.hMe rcrindi..-;ils tli-il ivii'l er must look furtha onlj really ntelligible an l reliablf htatory of ourrent evin"s. and ucli, In idtliti n o their ell-eitabhslicfl lit r tiy. -eit-ntüVc. añil itioolo; a char.Lcter, we urgethem upon t ie e isiderition of the reaüing public Earlv Conioa. The recyipt of Any.wcK snEBrs h-i'ni tbe Hiitish pub lisliers givcs ftddltinnal valtie to tiicse ReDrint, iuas rauch as they can n w bc placc-l n llie bafl ís otdubjeriberá about as aoon as tic editiua TEBMS. Per Ann. For any one of the four Reviews, $'i t F"r anv two of the four Hcvic.vs. 5 DO i-nr anv 1 lirre ol the for lie.iewí;. 7 otl T r aHfour of the Reviews, R OU For HIackwoo.1% Müg.izine. 3 00 Fit Blauliuoori apd oue liovicw, 6 00 For UlacUwoO'l amllwn ücv.fws, 7 011 F r Blackwund ani th-eo Kmirwi, 9 I 0 Fi r Blac wow! ::nd the tuur Ravirwi, 10 t.u ta„ MoDpy ci.riii t in tbe i:'.c whcrJ issueii will bireceived at p:.r OlubbinÈI. A discount of tiviuiylivu pw cent r m the b"v? priö will he all jw'd to (.nns nnlirug lour or m reapiw of uiy one or-merJ of nhovc wtirki. Tlius:- Four co,.i Of m.ickw. o.l. nrofune Hcvlmv, wlli tu one andr 'M fop t'; f.Ji.r oplM of tUo fuur Rerlewa and Blackwoon l..r SS" i n so nn. P 0 8 T A G E . In al] the pr nolpul Citicn and T" n tbeM workB will oe iel.vcved l-'liKi-. (' PtiSTAvil1 . Ui -n peni by ui i . tlie Piiiage ti itny piirt of i he {Jn't 1 títatfrf will ba bt t Twenty-Four CDta a voar fr ■lïi:iokwooi1," and bui F'inrti tn '"entK ye&r f r ' o i KevitWf N' il,- i r cl' D i-ifal llrituiu OÍ Ule live Ptriodicalfl above nam1'1 is SU per innum must, made drets ta the Publtsfiers, fcr at 1liu-c t r ees no ooitiiniiHion c n b.lio f agenta. Aildrus-, LE N II D 8COTT ft C. No. üii.ii.i! btntft, New Yoik" heaïTquarters. rn Fur nli kimls of f i COAL nn,. & FLüID I LA1VIPS. M PETROLIUM FLÜID, W Coal Oils. gf Superio: qu !i'y, at piiei'S -jti.irjS Biityinx siiisíiii't ion Lampa lilttT'-il to l he itbttvo ou ihort jE nutict'. &"X. A DoFOHEST. " ..■n.niS'l Nov. 10, lf-G J. 774uf 1000 7ests, StiKt? and Dtawars, For Sal ■ ebcap at OUITKHH N Co uval Picture Kranies ALL PEES, STYLES anl PRICEi just reoelvrf anl fi r .Hu cljeaj. at -CHOFF & MILLEK'S. Dec Í5, 180Ü. Oit BrTeat Miarkev. Jmi_ Tlie ii n tra t ncn THEIR M4RKEI' TO THK CilKS'EK UY ANN AN'l) F lUETH BTRLETS, And will keep oonstantly on hand a full assorlnn-t:t ol 35-r-o-ai-la. ÜMC-e-a.-'t-is-, whichthcy will alwarx found in rettdiuetfsto cut unon büll CU8T0MEB8. No pai.ns will be apared to ki-t-p their niarket deun, and M e i )s Swoet and patrons m;iy roiy lipon getting h.' bent H ulTa tiTEAK.". ruo?s, de, iIj.u tan be fi-und in'1h(-f il v '"ALL ANÜTRY VÚ. 8. IT.OvTOÜ I. YVA1.KI K. Ann Arbor. My 4, 1S0O. 74:iaS For Stilc or to lïnt. MY DfELLIMQ IIOUSK. posfKsiou givmat snflimt Also scv. ilwtli ii.-i loeated in different pi; tt of the city, at pi ices from Sso;) t o -J ').). ■íu'.-i.n n re quTö'l down, auii tho bal mcu oa a jy Iüucü oi' time to uit thepurebaser. i). UEhNlM'. Ani) ArburJin lrt,JSSl, lm7Sl eriza nny írr'tation or $ur. &w qf tk Ti "a-: Rtlkrttkr Ha !; v CnutÁ i ■ C 'it-iiinü i a. rront:';';i Ath nía and Cl' TÍk (lar aid 0Íos ntfí-ngth lo thc voict nf rUiti-lu IPËAK KUa, mid Sl(iKUS, K-.. e of tbe Import n eot clieeking aCough nr "Coniurm Culi' íd ití ür.-l stage; that whioh in the beg'nmng would yield lo i mild r.metír. if ueglecttd, aoon attactd thre Luiij. Bruwii'd l r nchlal Troco," con)ün ngdemu'ccílt iügrc-Ji.n'..5 -.huy ialmounry and Iír mehial ïir &1U0B, líliOW WS 'That troubk ín my Thrant,(rVír wUich t'io lftehe" ara a epeclfta) haring made TROCHES f. p. W1IXI3. 'I racommend thetrusa lo PcbuoíPEakBKOWNS ' IlEVK H.CHÜK. "lía?e prowd extremely aerviceuble f r TK.OLHÍ!. i,lv, HENTtY WARU BI'ECHER. "Ah&asi iu-i .'mi rc-Hel in ib", diatrutting UROWN"'1 abor ot braathin peculiar to Astïtma." Kf.V.A. U EUGI.E 'ION'. TRiinTTFO "cn'n "O Ofium iir anytliiug injeríTRUCHES .,.J3.i. DIÍ. . A.Híítá. Chemií-t, Rnaton. p nOWNS '' R'Jtnplo and pleuant combínation fer íocom.Sc.'DB. (i. F. B10EL0W. líos ton TROCHE "Deneflclal in Eawcnma.1 LR. J. W. LAXE, RROWN'S Boston. : "I havo proTod them excellent for ___■__. WflJ'jPI-VO OüGH." TROCHES KEV. H. IV. WARSEN, Boston . BROWN S "Ben:?fIotBl when ootnpolled to speak, -utïering f rom Cou.' l 1 KOtül' .-t. Louis. 'EíTüctual inrjinoving aD'l _ _„_ Pro .Ü.SfACTJOHN'SON', TROCHES I.aGr.n.;6,ün. Teacher of Music Southern RÏÏOW"S Feaii.l' Co.kttc i "iïrsat irniSt trhea tukn k[ut und ifter preactiMig, m they i r-ivent Honra TROCHI'.S i-,a. Fiin thf'.rparteflfct, 1 h n t .ey i'i ba ol' jjtrm ment teivantRgg tu me.' ppnWV'KKV.E. ROWLEY, M. 1:3. -olliiy ah Drudrditaat XWIC.N'TYTílOCHES .■IVt.CCMi A BOX.- 7JCm6 A StRIi'.S OF School and Family Readers; Cousisting cfaP ina & Saven Readers! Dr iUííClUS W-U.-ON Thv Piinier, nnd the Firat, Second, TliirJ, and Fuucth líouíerd aro IKAV ÏOiUiV. TEI2 PrUMScl (íntroductoiy ) HEGINNiXO with I he Ahsbet, [h divlded luto Four I ) l'.i.t-, had extenúa t worde ui i'uur l t' r . Part]., the lptiabet, ía illiutnteJ ra ich more beau tiful.y tn in any t iei' Prim r, both by letttí, n,,d cuta o ry of tlie WOfÜ tQ tile A lp ha be.ict I airüiigemdiit Part II. c rntuia 18 iíe.ül n Letona of vrnrtu 1 tro ltters.arrnDgtfd in sout ucea. No uuaiejnm are giren, i'art III. h a 26 Imuiu, o: of nt m than torpe tetti-rs. Ptr n. baa i'l Le-is Dftj of wor'ls of nni r thnn fnur lttra. Separate 'Vron&aucing Isson " aru iv-t-n, mtitaininz the worl-4 usel tu the Readiog Lashoiií. T gunrd aaimt tin ionnilioii uf a ín moruno. ís hbir. md a." a gaide t" the prop6r rn idul&tw n ni ihe roict, (ha oovtrv t 'J ijtl s'jHe ts a iojjtcl lo a caniider&ble extent, and ni irkfl tra giren to donata the n : ani íalling infice Liona. T.EMihject of ia to reqiiirft ohildrdn to rrerf tli"-t ii ;t ii'I th ir ! n wci's n the -ia me ui inner a thtv "pra'e iliin, an 1 t)i i t la.v Lbe lun 1 itioa of good r-adni at vety beg u i ug. T ie ' r ni r:' than a hundí e J beautífut ílÍLUtralious. Will3ons First Header. Begínniig w th easy wordd offour lottcrn, n Part T.. exI ■: ..-y wi r 1 1 ui itix lettera in l'.-ins IV. and V,, and aft;vei-y wur-U ï tv,o au thiMyUaUe. In ilii-. w i h itJtta tú' con vu -et onal styto ís rr.'quci.t y intrpducei], as it 1 that wliicli Esc&pnbte otgiv-mg Um rt-atesi va ríe t y to i lt ■ - Rediug l.e-Hii;y. ano n.í that íifli y funu.,i i;ej tho oapilj itb tha Infle tout, aa! fbuva thtfir íifef.t t ■". Ii i- nca;eelv postilbla that ihe pujj i bo folJowa tiiea mpWaod e-nysvrttem ht-te mirkeu "u'. cánafierwar !í! !'lt" adr,rling uul uuaotü of rñ.diínf Hu iUattmttv ni are n noroni afti upcIor, W l3on's Seccnd Readar. ís di vi ! f l .,ïo SfVt-n Partn, i ac'i prece-led by one r more Klfxs itlonary Ralea, :cs, cd kr ilio u,-e of the tfach rouly, and uenfurce up(n liim the tmpnrtitact1 uf requ iw Dupih t .ead a-i d.rected by the lnflc t'.uat giTCn, T ii m rbd denoUng thfl inQi tt ons are iitf no i.umer'-us aaio aúui&enn uaece-8iry .mporiance. mr . r: tlit-y a-e I excfpt r'ura it w.ullbe aunnileit er r( to di'Tegnrd them. T e el#caH'inary Mim of ihee Ki'-.i 'er i., tu t.' eli l-íi I Lea t ■ read cotret y,n il b) r Je, lut by babil, aud tb t.iii end the cua taut praotioe ol ru.ifling a nectly Uiuilrtted upoti,as being fsr m rc rffic.icicui tiiaa Uu.eá toootrjcc b .d babitj already formbaporiof illasírn'iíre engrirlng aremae the subjeotl ofal.irgc iiuin )i r uf the ng Leacon: - the perrons represente 1. t-ie.r aciioae, auppo iay:n.., &c., re ni ide av'iiilab e tv gif an tnuon md i:-"y lo tje ra ilc : a i I t- ini.i t in t "actiou; and iliy pr n - ï j e i.- kej.t in .evt.iHi iu cluldbood it ís tl.ruihtiiemeliuni of tue perceutin ficulties tbat the atieutiun is Uiem st readüy wakeirtd.eni memoiyunl Jttdgwent iheiuost BucCüAitfally calti iie.!. l'art Vil., w ..ah ii des gw to iilmtritf the p'-ltcipl1 h(-rj r.e-ried tot coatam h Lesá..n on Cotota, whieti ía il iu.-ir:tt'-d by a üe.iu'itul ctlr 1 p'ate, In w.,ich iwuirt 'H:lcie. t colora are acounte y des gauád, "Willson's Thi d h eader. C níains, Brst, a brie! svmp;is of t lie "Elementa nf Elo cution, ' in wii cu "Rules" airea y giren la the t-c ond Reader are rept'utei', it!i aomea taitfona and fur hw xl ttitions, aud im.-c nunieroua eXHmplea Ten fullow, i'iirt I,, entitlwi -'.-'torieá fnm the Hible," in whic'u som ■ f iii'jit niiü tacidetiUin aai'Ofi Uirftory r,r nairated i Ríinple langu age, w t.i Taríoja iil .trative pofioal trleetuinj, tu give vriety to the r -i Iíng. ïhi pi('t)ri-tl.iliiiiraiitm in this Prt-aie unsur puBed ín !tny work. I'art II., ntit!ed 'Mi r.'l Lettuns," iá defigned t inco'cate muial t .lhíi . aud is mide up moslly oí sajeeted articlw Part III., ontering u.n a the ín'jro proniineíit and;c'(TÍatiu ít;itire ui the eriet9 t'tkes up the Qrotgreat 3iviitipn o'.oolugy or Animal Llitand if ciníTutíd tu the yulijix-T offhe Mummalia( mostly Quadrupedt1, AlWounb Qaadrapedá ara tterearranjrod n the!r cietitiflt! dïrii'ona, aodtieated upon a scientiflc basis, y et 1 1 who e is made as mterc iting as a romance. tfpecÍMand individuAld aredttsoribed rather thB genera: íauidiitü Uustative of tbe habite :iuí characU'ri.itics of animáis are numerous: pottcnl hkí prose óelection-i give variety t the l.csscni; and lbe illuatrattons re unsur p;i-sei in any workoo Natural líl.-lm-y. A newand important feiture i n rodocftd - that ufjíruupinj the AwEssuli of a chiss m onc tngravmg, v t'.i teir comparutire si.cs aijil a ecalfi ( í m'asufemcttt. PartiV. ia made up ot iliácellanenus Articles. Willaon's Fourth ReacUr. CoataiBt, fie t, the-'EIe itents of Elocution" tho same :is he Thira Ueader,and frequent referente is made to tbe üules thruuglioi t the work. Part I of ''Human l'hysi 'icgy and ílca.t.'' iiwi series ofiLt rj-t njf Hfftd.n Lesson, orig nu and selected, whïch exelude Bcientilic teehniCalities. Explaaatory nutot, with accompunyint IllBstrative cais, ooavey mach additlonal meiul informatiuu Uiüt eoul.i n 't weil be in'r.jíluct-d inte the Kenln Leasond i'ai-llJ, resuine- the subject nf Zuologjr ín tht diTtsiod which trehtíi of Um'thology or Bitas. A de' glu ful fleld ís here c n id, nnd uothing can be mote in ei eá i n.,tl;.i:it ie iiminer in whicli thv anbjectlatrcated. Thlea i ii KpeJed nf the severa I Clast' ir U. derft ii t whioli B rdsar diTided, reicruaped n cms wh ch nhnw theii r i ti'í tes; and m ny uf llic moHi heautiful poeticgvui-n iur iHititagencc mpany tad illa t-' tithe desripilte p rtons,aod the irtuidenta narratiíd, í'wrt ni. takus up Fir t ! ívíííion of Vegetable Phyaioingy ir 13-ttany, and i ves t'J tlie subí' n interest and vatiety taat can ii"i be appi-eciated tmiu any deicri tion that can he giren. l'ait IV, ia CDüde u. of iliscellarieous .ciec'. un, ■;. i'az t V. T.ike-i up tlio División ol Natural Philoflophy in uiic'i we look in apon the seboolat '-(lenwild." an'l listen ti) the l2truotioas givtn to a Volanter l'hil isoph v i la-s." and the oonverHitloBa wbloh are beid there. - Part VI , ccropiiing br.ü hut ennected " ke ohea rrom Sacre I íl siory," i niAÍS -..:;;aol line-t hílttctions ol ;ci-fl Poetry, with beauriful iUuaUítUoin oí' .-eri,ñinr Incidenti. In all the Readera nfter the eond the m'ro difilctilt wíir-l-í in caca U.-'U' hare sm;ill Ogurea, ns referencan, att icha 1 to Uu-ui, a:i1 ure ñ Qn i , a reflurad u, at the elude uf I os .).i Tlie accumte uuuuda - f the Letten dre :tlso rte igni ed These, are oew feature The rom.. ni ng numberi uf tbe series, whlch wil! ciiib: are .n un fim if practical. raYied, and m tere ueg Kending Lebotii, the eeveral depanmen ol Natural ili-.tu- - Uiology. Ptiysioli) y Fbyi'l ueugra j'-y. Oh mintry, tiwslogv, Astnm my, &c. , itc - and --. i n me oi'vi;uih Kender, a.ic i -.Lii)_ecLs as Uhetoro, (rit ui-m, 'lisie, 'íniioiy, calpturu an t Puintiag, Mu ti c, vc - all popal 11-,cil t ' 'lie p'i ad tfea of ihe ar.ous giii'les of pupils Tur wliijn ihcy ace dealgned - ivill be complet d ai hq early daj . i f Phe Ifadínjj pointd of inerit c'.airaed for the.-e Keadcrs are. Ist, Thry preaent an uauttual Vnriety in ra-itíer and maiiuer, uad wUI pruve exceedl&gly Interuating to CV'iJreu. id, Tliey wül secure the highest dpgreeof practical instruotfun in the Art Kead.iig. ód, hey will imparta gri'it am ■mut of t'softi ' Infcrm i tiiui, rt hich in Ru ottier wa , can be brouht befo ■ !ii' g.fta m ib.i of L'lül r 'ii in chol, 4th.In lilatratúms, iiDtl íd Pap r. Priming, aní dur; bility üf iií:i-liu_-, üvy giwitly excel -V. Ucadcrj, while ! be prtcea are extiectly low. Publlalied by r-X-A.ÜJBJR, ic BROTHERS. FraaUUn Square, Nw Vcrk. ,806" To Principáis of íchoos, who wish sing'o copies for t xa m' i &ti n, wiil view 1( Intn duction, tbe )iioe booktt wi 1 be M'iil, pn lasi' i a.d. on leceipt of hajf the prices abo ve nanWri, Tootnéf per, they wifl W rent, poattige paid, on ipeeij t i iLc ful i price. ttS I' r 1' rui-i ol intro'iuttit'n, itud i'or ,gtn -Iíp, a ■ iics-. Harper v i rotl er, 77Öw@ TO IlOUSEKEtrKliS. w OMETUIKG NEW.- B. T. BABIJIT'S lihüT Medical Salerati s Is manulHftured Trom cumm o &Ui and i j ; tpre entirely dilfereni 1Y ni other sateratu J) lIi tbd deleterioü matter extractad in hucÏi í Ü -lanuci i tu product Uread., Bitcuit, and ni -j indit tii Cali1, wi-iiout cjiitüining u partid1 aleratut wll4T the Bread r laKi ib baked 3 uen by prlucing whtikx me rt'-ulis. 1 i j .irticie ol Sa]erainlit turtiéd to pji, .mi pa■■.'th:Migh tht' Bread and BUcuit n hil ü i L} Cí ''iseqairnly. iiutlir g bul Ci mnv.i-; Ï O 'ter ani fluur. V-íu wiUr''1 ly ufrcvivf , ly y .ic tati' oí' tnÍR H;t!t,.atus, tii t i entlrel gj US rent friui other Sa íeraí tipIt U paokei In one poun'1 papers, aach wrap rrbraua.-.l. 'Mf.'l. BiibbtttV Bett M I ƒ? Cv 'iTHtiis;' aiso, pif-tm-c. twisit'd leal f bread j. Ul .ti. a gl;ús .i! ■ water if tUt tp.- J íhen yu ,)u cua-c-'une pa per yon tAnuTH pre v tvc']1, :iii'l be particulado ■. '■ xt pxaí'tl Uv tb' flrst brnnd um b vp. v rf Futí direclinnfíi wnkingVreftil witfc tbis -ali i} and Sí:. ir W or Civjur Tfirtar, wlllatf ■■ mparu' eaph pickse; also, djreelion' t' i tjrftll kinda ol Mastry; alflo, for makinp íoda Water ind Seidiltn PnwflerK. 9 UAKRTOÜROWN SOAP ut)i 4 ï. T. ÜABKITT'S ITRE COXCENTRAThl 7 iOTASIl j WjirraijTitl rlou0 'll1' '■''(íIl-1h of pfdiaar; ïl ntftsb; put ii], i.i can -I Ib, 2 ïbn, ''■ Ib-, T] h,-, mi ií Ib? - w;'ii full dlrectlopufor nmkinjt AKD lü'l niid oli Si'jij. Consumera wjU fiud K lie cheapusi ai'ticlc ín m&rlcet, ManufHctured and for aale by J lï. T. BAHRIIT, 4 ( 66, OS, TU, í: 74 Washington ít.(Xew Vr;:. Q 1 A an I No Ü& India st, Bostón. 7 i Hr 74::y1 GO TO GUITBRMAN & CO'S T?QS GBrhLY'tí PATST PANT- a ftew nrfei at.H P Just .ho th'as. Theyliave the exclusive rirLt fcy tbe City. Aldo íf tboyst-nt r=c Puajenlor.


Old News
Michigan Argus