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Tew-A-dvertisernents Lieotures on Greology, AT THE AGRICULTURAL IULL, Tuesday Evening, January 29tk. WILLUM DENTÓN OF OHIO, Will commence a course Of SIX LBCTUnUS ON as o Ju o aYr ■ Kxpiaining formation of Strata, describirá J fssil riiiA. u.s 1. 1 aiji.ii.ils whose Utm are writieii in tbê"STONE BOOK." Lecturas illustrated by large Charta, Fainting, í?I)iicÍBi"n Kossils and M.ueraln jkST 'FIRST LECTURE FREEJBH Scbject. - Utility of (eolopy. Origin of the Earth, Hlustrated by gyroücopes and other apparatus; Appearance of earth in iis original igaouit conditiorff' Shape of tliG earth; Increased heat as wo desctnd; Artesiiic wells; ThermalSprings; Volcanoes; Vesuvius, Heculaneum and Poropeii; -K'.na, Skapta, Jokul, Tomboro, Kilauca; Sulunartne Volcanota; Earthquaks, their phe nonoraenü and causes; Priinary rocbs; Uctans boru; Appe;irance of theearth iluring tlie Granite period; Hetaniorphic riu:kst formatton oi alate, marble, etc 186Ï 1861 CLOSING OUT SLE! UEFORE REMOV1KG, O.H.IVIILLENCO. Will acll U kinds of DRY O O X S , Groceries, Crocksry, Boots & S toe, kc, at Greatly Reduced Frices, From this date up to March lst, at which tim thev will remore lo tlio Brick Store now occupied by A. DlFUREPT. Cali and secure some good Bargaint. WINTEK DRESS GOODS at COST l WIWTí.ItN MONEY TAKr.N AT PAR. SM. C. H. MILLEN A CO. Ann Arbor.JulySt 1861. 4nrV81 Anmial Statement. To the Honorable JMüs B. I'ohtík, Secretarj of Stat fur II e ftate of Michigan. Stntoment of the Wwhtanaw Mutual Fire hwiltl Comiiany. from1 its orgnuimliiin, March 3d, 1860, (o January Ü2d.l8l. No of Momber whenorganized, 15f Amount of Capit! Stock, $130.96 Whole No. of Members to this datO 470' Amount ni cnïit:U stock or propcrtj instired 837,300 Amount of cash received on atlmission of Me nbers, 7M)2S ExpeusCR incurredin coniucting the Bamo 635 ,V Cash n hand, 114 71 Ons loss by fire asesM on capital stock 9S4 00 Paid to Ioobct a pcravvard of direct"", tlSO 00 Excess of tiseasment om lo lor oxpense, 34 00Rí,pootful.y 64W;iamraj ,p„Bidtn,, M. Kenny, Sccroiary Ann Arbor, Januarjr 21, 1861. Stati fHiohlgu: s„_ Washtennw Counly. _) On the 22d riar of January, A . D. 1S61 , ap - pearetl beforo int. U, CarpRülcr umi M. Konny, known t o me to bc the persons who sioed the abovo atatciuo iit# and each cf tliom beiníí duly HWorn, deposos and Haith, that the abovo statement, by thora snbscribed is truo to thebot oftheir"kaowloile aml belief. (A truc copy) 11OHKHT I. UAKRY. Hotarj PnbUe, Wuhtooaw Co.Mich gan. M. KEN'NEY, Sec ritary. 10O0 Vests, Shirts and Drawersj For Sal hcfip at GUITEKMAN A Co Ayer's Agüe Cure.


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Michigan Argus