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liírs. WiNSLOW, n yx;orien el i:r=e aal Femule Pli?se'iíiri, pranti to tho iittiUiiua ot' ínijtht! , In r SOOTHTNG SYRUP, FOR CHILDRE TKET1IIKG, whlch grefitly fneilHates t!. proowi) nf t etliin, b_v -r.'t'.'.n n; thí gutiüï, Hïduoinj n;l infla nuüatica - wiJJ aüay Al. I. PAIN ;in 1 S] ■ tion, anJ is SURE to REGÚLATE the E0WELS Depend upon it, mctheri, 11 frtU gita.rwt ta your-Vivts, anl Relief anc] health to yonr Itífanti Wc have pnt up uil find eold vliis prho'o for ove ten nui, an-1 CAN" SAT, IN" CO3ÍFIUENCS AJÍÜ TRUTHofit, what wc Imve nêrw been able tu wi of. anyÍn= - NJüVER HAS IT FA1LED ÏN A SIXGLE lNSTAHCfc, TO EFFECT A Cl RE, when t'mcly a sed. Ñevcv lid we know nn Inñtallea of di sAtnsfactíou bj íuy i,np who used it. On the Qf&irary. al! ;iri delighted witli ifa operattand, nn-J sprk ín térros ol' cummendaticn of ti mágica I eífects and medical rirtuM.. We ?peik in this matter 'Wil AT WE I .'O KN'OW," ftfter ton jrMra1 serte, AND FLEDOB ÜR HKPUTATION 'FOa TDK FÜIJTLLMFJÍT Oí' WQAT WE HLRE DF.fLAKF. ín aliuort wtry u t nc w litro th illfató Ís luffef ing from puin nnl exliaustioa, rU1 rtil bf founí n íifteen r ttniy in'nufc-a afctr tbc BTTup ti ailialn'sterert. Thi valoabie prepara ti n ia tho pretolptíafef mw of the most EXPEEttENCfiü and 8KILLFCL NÜRSE8 in NfW IjvImtiiI, iind hai bt-eu ut-ed ffith NïVER PAUJKö 8UCCIESS in THOUSAND OF OABR&. It not ocly rjÜevi thech;i 1 frm pain, but [ortgi rttte the stomach an-l bowela, oorroot acidrív. tvnd fives tuna Cttd enorg'y to th Trhül#sj"4Lom. lt win alm. initnally relieve GKTPING W TUE DOWELS, AND WIND COLIC añil ovetcomo coTivulsion, which if aot fipeedly istno died, eud in death. Wp bellflve it the BET anJ SITRET KEMEPY IN THE WORI.D. in nll isO8 of DTENTI.KY and PIARKHOBA IN CII[LüRrjf, whethrr it anses Trom tof-thing or fr m uny üther crusp. We would say to every tutitbcT who h s a cbiid suQer'ng from any of the forgoinff compïfiints- !;o NOT IJÍI1 YOUR PREJÜDICKS, NOU THK PKEJUU1CES OF OTHKIÏ?, stund between you and your suffer' b child, and the relief tbat wïll bc SÜRfi- YES. ABí'OLÜTELY - to füllow tbe use of thU madicno, if timely uao4. Full diections ffir ueing will accoropany eoch botile. None genuino uníetis tbe fue -simile oí CURTÍS & PER.KINS, York, is on tbe outsidfi wrapptr, 3ull by Drugiiats througout the wu-id. Principal C'ffice, 13 CAr Shnwcf, W, T PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS rERüOTl'LE. Foxsalüby Ebtrbacü & Co. Iy773, MOOHE Sc Ï.ÖÖMIS Hne Removed to tbe STORE REOENTLY OCCUPIED BT C. MACK, Phoonii Biock.East side of Main St.( AND Cf HAVE BOOTS SHOES Of every deseripiion which will be soiiB cxzxiAzi:n THAN CAN BE BGUGH? J7V Tiiis C14 . lio alarga assortment o' IIOME MANUFACTURE, Q{ all kin Ja made in the meat Fasklonabie Style BT 8000 A.-OI EXPERIENCED WOKEMEN, FEENCfl CÁLF BOOTS are NOT sttrpas&ed this sirte of New York City, and are warranted not to hip. Our "■OGASAND KIPS. are made of the best mate-riáis Our stock of M o ■ o o c o Bootees for Larlies is th the bst tu tovn , wi tli hools or without We Malte to Order, andnevyr min of the first timt ho (íive usa cali and we will show you our stock free of char We hftT i cjred the oorvlces ui' twa l-.x psrieDced Journcymen who do ourmending ín the IVcnt. est .in tier, aiid ou bhortest nutce. Our motto is Qiick Salen and Nmall Proiits Thinhful nr past favera wc hope by pa y ing strictattention to our business to merit a Ubecai .share of your patronagf for the luture. Siir Kei.i'.mber we are oot to be nnderyold. O& MiMmE & LOOMIS LUNG & 3L0OB R! F I R IVS A R Y . Fisher's O'ock Whodward Ave Detroit, Dl-S. S. J. ciapKsl'BR & KAISARD. DOCTORS gen. raliy pi-."te that Consumption is incurable, because ihey ,iïot care U tbemselvesj but this does not make it trae. . Uny mechantes willw.-rka on a ;ob.ai11day a.?.d a, terdoing not'iing but spoil the maters.1 W you it nevt-r cao be doaa in the way you AVönt 't. out byapplying to a better woi liman- ene who Cïiorougtily undurstiindá hi3 business- you will get your WCT accoiupli.shd in shape. In Uxis respect txsre Is the Rarae diiTerence to e founi iu all trades and proffissions. Tbc bnnglers ït mechanisflMn th arts, in law, in theoicgy, and m physic, will say such tiiing cannct be Ami it is truo that they could not be ii uil msn . ÜLe theraselves. But fortuaatöly therc is aoouer clas of men, and these, wlieu tiiey take your case in hand, do the job a s you want it, or restore you to health, acor: ing to desire. We have only to rcmembiT tl is act to uiideratand whj one pby.sician sliould pronbunw t'a'i incurable which ano t hor can cure. Ju niechaiiics, wesometirnt1; find that by a jíc.sscssíoe of superior uieans, by some aew iuvention, of which he has tbe solé use, or by the tri-eater ingenity of hi ininri, one person will make ;r do what no othér can. Exactly it raary be so in physic. And tbis is the very reason wby I have such great success over all othera m the trefttment Of ConsumpÜon. By ba ving the original Keoios, by possetslsg the Lui-Meter, hichenables me to clearly dettrmine tbe nature of the diseascand by havíag auch remedie for Consumption as no öthcrl'hyslcian cer hart.rTike bold U say that I have, and can efftct a care of tbis dis bevond Ihe reiich of any othoi' man. ïo provo this to have fcceo tho ense, I might jiive yu numbors upon uumber? of certiücatös from men and wotnen given over to tie grave, who have bet'.n resiiued and restored to hoaltli by the perseverinj use of my rtrootlit 8 for CoQ3umptin. Rut it is not nec ssa" y for to do ro ber, for li;1 fact of onemüti doms? what another cannot ennnot. U evident toali men of curamon kensd, If tbe Cousumptive wishes further proof Ihan thfc, I can oiilv say. come :tnd satisfy yourself by trM uf my skill in Mie cure of your complait Doctor Carpenttr will visit Ypsiïanti, and Ann Arbor, during 1860-61 . Ann Arbor, ut Coók's Hotel, 3d and 4tU of each month; Hawkins Iíouse, Ypsilaníi, 5th and 6th of each month. The remainder of the time, he wili be found at his Lung Infirinaiy in Detroit Iy77. WLMS & KNIGHT have rfceived thuir eccond of FALL A.1STI3 W5NTER GOODS, Whioh will be sulJ at the Lowest Possible Trices, ?0R CASH, BAETER, OR PROMPT Wc invite ill to cali and be satisfioJ tbat our GÖODS ARE AS GOOD AND P R 1 C F, S R I, O W as can be found in tlic city Nov 10. ifPO. 775tf KTOTIC-F?. AIXPïJBSONSindcbtsd to the n.vkie. i ■ ■■ or aooouat, are requos ti callanií I i a c!oa'a; up my b.ninc;s prepfiratory to moTliu cast. "■' ? ' 'ynr'ic des ' ■ l! GOODO. .. . - o-- IlICH GOODS! Clieap Goods! ! BACH & PIEE3ON [JAVE JÜST ÜPESF.D THE 3HOICES1 STOCK - of- FALL AND WINTER GOODS tobo found in tbis City, consisting oí GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN I aubttantial and dui-abU, GOODS FOR L ADÍES! GOODS FOR THE MECHAN 1C GOODS FOR TEE FARMER.' DOMESTICS, STAPLES, F&WïiLY ÊföÖSKOSS Ï all Carefully sulfeted, WaranUd to plaau, and for sala cliep, OOIWCI3 -AJNTI S3SXB. bach t pierso. Ootobr, 1860. 7C8tf 1 f re FOR THE HOLID AYS ! SCHOFF & MILLER A RE STILL ON HAND at thr oíd St&ad, No. 2, Pranklin Block, wiih themoat complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMEE ÍES, PANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES, ROLLERS, COEDS. TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c Ever offered in this Market ! and they would suggest totaosa in pursuit cf anytliingin SANTA OLA US' LINE tliat they can ecuro a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchaírg fr m this alock, as each purchaser gete on additiouai [iiesent o! Jewelry, &c, Kanging in valué from 50 cts. to $50. &f Thejrtrn-t íhat tbeltlong ep-rianoe in seleoting goeds for this raarket and striet attention to tlie wants of ''ustomers, may eutitle tlitm to a Ubt-ral sLaie o Ami iu bí.r, Deo. 6. 1860. '", 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTEiRS WANTED! TO ASSIST INT THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! White folks, or of whíitev" color, easte or narivity, whethor marriod, single or of doubt ful conntxion, wil! beenl3ted in ihe notile cause of EMANCIPATINO THE COMMUNITV - FROM THE- THRALD0M OF HIGH PRICES ! and will receive their outfit at the ExtcsiveFurnishing Establishment -OF THE- G ü ITEEMA2V S HÉAD QUAETERS! ííáving been established for the LAST TEN YEARS; our known rule of warfare is an U n d í s 5 u i s e-l Beslrnclion OF HIGH PRICÊSt I'On. OliOTHïNG For all Lges.' Sex and Condilions ! In consequence of tlie very flittering eneouragement whicli ïe hnve recrived since our location in tbis city, wc have increased our Slock of FALL AND WLNTER CLOTHINC! To meet. the demamls of onr cuatomers, anO having become more fully convinced than ever. thftt onr mode of doaling, namely: at vhe lowest possible rates for nEADT-PAYj ij'theonly tru plan; vre will continue t: servo the public as heretofore during the cumiiig fall and winter. Our Stock consista in éfery variuty of READY MADE CLOTHINCJ ! Pin in and Fancy CLOTHS, 0A8SÏMER8. SILK AND SILK VELVETS. A Urge lot uf GENTLEMEX'SFUBNI3HING GOODS, which ure all wuirui.led DON 'T FAIjL TO 0-öl.XjXj T? GV. X3T. . For past tavors wc aro grateln] U all, Theearae torlargeonos in proportion, And tiioiC w: o fee át to culi Shall receive onr best siniles and devotion. US. Gniterman Si Go. 1T B. Student and all others who want to IM SONDHEÏM'S nwode of eutting will dn well io ca!l a:;d thoir uiciibUie For a Nrce Fitting Suit ! DL WOOD & O Ilav !3FLoO5i-Crci A. LAEGS ÈTOCK OP Scasonable Gcodsi r Xö:r !?O JFMLL -iVD F'JATLL TRADB, Of XtJGo: WHICH THST ÍTILÍ. SEÍL CHEAPTOE CASH, OR REAÜT PAY Cali and iet Btfore Purchasvng Elf infiere. D. L. WOOD, W. G. FOSTER. THE HYDEOPÜLf An invetition for throwing water bj haod-power, palen ted by W. T VOE. ïtil oneof the most vaiaaol Uï veation af the tlay. THE HYDROPULT wil], by the power of ona map, throw water at th rat of 8 gallons per nrnutu fifty fcot higb, wíta gre&t fura. It is the best articleeveriarentcd fur KCnKGnsHING A FIRE, PBOTECTINO A RcOF rROMTAUIÏTG TIRK, WASHJKiï WINDOWS, 3VRINKL1NÖ TLANTS, WATKRIN'G QARDEXS, CLEAXSING ÏRKl KROM HiiEOn, WETTINü SI E WAIIS, SPRINKUNU STBEEIS, WA8HIKQ CARR.AÜES, CLEANING CISTiltNS, EMPTTING WATKK FKOM BOATS, WI.TTING SAII.S, ASWUYBATH.fcC. Tlm article should b owned by erery homehnMör.- Iï away vrüh the neeessity of a bydrant. It I m lilit, pnrtahle l URCK l'UMI', alwtyrt ready. easily umd and will in frquent use by rveiy furmer, m-rchant and méchame n the cimmuDiiy. Please cal! aud esjimine ihe arbole a', t1'' ' fti, e. amkrican htd;;opult company. 41 PAKK ROW, N T. WAIÍaCE WELCII, Agent fctWal.t;nsw Cfvuir 771m3 yPII.AKlf. Mieh. Herrick's Sugar Coatcd Pili ET CHILDHEN CKY FOR THKM !. 3 " 'f X55 1t;n'ürkatle .tr -?T Arotricamemtdy iï car Je &- t 'f K r-v:l?s 1h' K'd hf ' '1 1 m fflÉ Over Bve mH, tjj'T-v ; lions of boxe are io]d :='A annuall y. Competed r;j:': -' f n t i;f ly of Flowers 'J Hof ts. BalM1jl3 and et ■ , ' ■ ■ ' ■ s, tb effect oiiuman systein In -. ' pleasant 6tistactory I and s'iCcesKfuI. fletin HL Kr dirtctly on the blutm 54Lrfr giundf . soiid and Btid, Brzüz of the bod-, tLeir u is nttended witli the happiest efltct. lo 'oíd stan.'íinj cases of siciinpip, sm;ill doses - repeated frrqueütly- so clenseü the system, thátgood bffth Is b'3 r?sQlt. K chiinge in emijlovmeüt or diet is nciesstiiy. Tbey rever cause sore moutha, 6welled joints, achinglimfca, etc, kt do mony otht-r kinds. They are uarranted to iie satisfaction, ortbe price reTunded. Tbev are corideird cbeaper, snfer, prttticr, and ir. all respect,, nnperitr to any puigative pi ï I in thverU. jflÉF1 Ihediscitiy of coátiTit? a pill witli Bvgar emanated witb It. Ht-nicJs AH otmn are counteifeits nnrüf uscd. wüldn ici-m.and disappoint the t'cV. Herriek's pfUa areelean-lv pj: up, 80 u a box,wï(A a large-shMtof directiuus, so3 fu 25 ceuts per box; 6 bosfes for $1, Herhick'? Kid Strengthënino PtastKRS. The grem ' Stnns'her and Pat Dittreyrr, The Bnt and chtapett Houaehnld Remedí in the word. These renowned Piasters cure pains. weakne6 and d). tressinthoback.sidesanr! breas t, n flvehours. Jndeed, so certain are thoy to do thi, that the proprielor wan aa't them. .pread frnm reins, bal,ims and gnmj, on beautiful Uid Ip-ither.rondersthem jecuiiarly adaptedto the wants of Fnudetlnd others. Tbeiraplication i universal- eqr.allv.'o the itrong man .tho di licatf wogÓM, and the feeble intant. To rach aad a'l tbey t tl! prove n balmand a btessinjr. Theimseis afrreeable nd without annoyanoe or truuble. Kach Piaster wil! wear from oa, to fonr mnnths, nnd in rhtfümatic comp'ftints, jirmi and. bruitii, froquently effect wha all nther renl; dies fail. Full directions will be found on thebaclrf' each. Public speakers, vocalists, ministers of thpgr'.ieï and others, wil! strenprthen thelr Innysand improve thflr voices by wcaricg theru on their breast. Fricó 1S) cents. r The abore nrttolw are snld by all the di-alr ia Ann Arborandby Drii.ïuisrthrnncbniittliel'iii'i-dSti'tcii, Cana das and Souih America, at wholestle byalliirj Druggistsin principal citieo liLil'ÜCK BROTirER, lyT37 rKicncjLCHEMfcrs, Albiny, N.Y. . PROK L. Ml LLERAS HAIH INVIGOKATOIt AN EFFECTIVE, SAFE ANfi ECOKOMICAL COUhOüND' KOR RESTOHIHO ÖRaY HAIR to Ita original color without dyeing, ani piweui;' the Hair frura turning gruy. FÜR PRESENTING i5AU)NE.íind euring ií.when tí,r ia tbe least particle of nUUtjr or rcuptrtiT tu,ruv remainin?. RDBwaiovnfQ pcvrf ahL aonacar, and u cuuaepns fecüoo oï tue ïcaip, FOR BEATITIFY1XG THE HAlft, impartingto it n - equalled gluós iml brilliane}', rnaüüig il ñOftananiLf in ld testara aun causing it tocurl rendi!. Tho gret ce'clTit v mid c& ocretólog deinend for unequiilleii preparfttion, convince the proprivtor that i na trial is only nece.iiry tu s%iiefy a di.-cerninsc puMic of it superior qa&litiea over auy other ircparatica at pitfieni in use. It, oiennsm Ui6 bdad flnd BCftlp írum dandrvjf anL Qther ciiUmcons ducases. Cfeuaefl the bir tngrowtuk ur bntly}and gires W a rich, soft, glossj and Qex.blt ap■ , aad ftlsowben 'h. butris l(M}afng mid tbinDing, it wüi giv atrci.grh n.i vigor to xh ruóte, and tb to thoie rjtits wbich utc Occoni baM, c&using i! to yitifl a 'rtr-K '■ovcir'ofkair. ol tftdiea and geiulmnen irt Keir Yoik w-hu h:wc thoir tu by tbo uso oí this tavigorator, wuen all otliei prepjiratibüs' Ijad filfd L. .M. tías Lu Uh posswsion letteub inuuznei'able teatifymg to the above foetn, (rooi persons of tb e highest resitctiIt willefccmally prevent ihe]jfiirfroi turnir.g1 gray antil the tatest period of lift.; and in cases wiir tho tmir bas cbaaged irs eolor, ihe us? ofthe-Invigorator WiH wiilTeertamty -cstore. it to üs origina} hñ' , jrivn-g i a drk, glossy appearanoe. Asa perfume for the tolkt an I a Hair Iteetorative it is parfeulrly reeommen'ied, haring an agreeable rrattrance, and t!ie great faciiitin tt ftfford !n dr&Bting thehair .hicli, hen muit) triih th Invigoatar oan t6 dressed ia anj reqoired fuim bo e to preserve ith place, whethep pJaln or in few i deiand tor ' by tho Iadies as ttandard toúec article which none ought to be without, &n the prio places it ffithlu tho rach of all, boing ONLY TWENT7-FIVE CENTS ner buttk', to ha ha 1 at all respeetable drugijta' iifl petfi.r 1 MiLLEH would nall the altentfon of Parenti Dd Guariiians to i]ie u.-c df his inyioraior, in rases whéf tho chiMrens' íiafr inclines to be weak, Theufeöfr% lay the foundation for a %noA head of halï as it rvtnoretf iinv im; i Ênay lii've bocmo cnnreied vrit-h the ftcalp. thoremoral of whteh is necpssary bo1h for tr% health of tho cbild atd the future bppcar&nce of Ui Hair. c jiwii ïovm MIIJ.ER beinc nn tbr tmttr wiaprr: also, L. JU1LI.UVS HAllUXVKif.'RATOT'., N V. Unwuin thiglM. Whoirnic p. pt. .1 ' Dey Et and Mtld ï v al! tl.p pripipie Merchante anl Druj1ti thmuphout the imrïd. Ltbral(Uacoiin1 to purchavr by tl. e quanMtv.I alsü atabe to present u. the Amerieaa Tubiic mv New & Improved Instantaneou Liquid Síasr Bye irhich iiftir futin of ientifle xrfrimriitlm I .h brought to t rfctcvlon. It dyes blficli nr bi-.wn inst.-.itl" to HsírorSkin warrauto the bii arttcle of tlie kind in - -■-..,. PRTCE ONIY FIFTT CBNT3 DEPOT, 56 Di?y r., J- íbry. liKtltr ! CÍL1EP j El IrF : , . üniversi Btl'-ffor mier,'; corapln:nts i sn ! a, '■■!:■''■ MSÏ -. l'ain in the Ptornach nr ineU. Imrrben. D i , Kerir Cnrirht, 0 . un-1 Tiirns,-íi..snt Rhsum t-1"-. Si.j'g i Influfn. rhi'hlplm, ïjun I : iche, Bwlii'i '■. fre iJ. ■;. P. 'VCr.? ÜMVEKAL BBJ1 f . ■ ■ . i ■ '■'%


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