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GREAT. GREATER OREATESJ, B A KG A.INS EVER OFFERED 1859. Jsg)1859" In th3 City, are iiow beingnffered at tliri CIIEAP.CLOCK.WATCII, & Joelry Store' THK Subscribí! r wonlilsfiy lo the oitfcflnaol Ann ArI hoi. i particular, ami [} ret of Washtenaw Onnntr In general, thal hehaijan IMPORTED DlRKCÏL.Y (torn llUROPJK.a Tremendous Stock of Watchce! Ui t wblcfa hfl binds himftelf to sell CHEAPCB than ciu: bc bcuiïhl wi'm' oi New York (My. Open Face Cyllndor watchoa trom ÍS to $10 ; do do Lever do do H to 21 tliiuüiig Ctíae do do do 14 to X: rio !n Cylindcr do do 9 to 3e (oM Wutpheafrotn 20 to 15U 1 i ave altio the CELEHRATED AMER'CAN WAT CUES, wiiicb I w3)l en ttr #15. Evñryateh warrantd (o ■ perform well, or ih moitdy vetumicd. Clocki, Jewelry, l'itc;i Varrf, Fnnny Oonilfl Gold íVns, Musical butramenta iwrt dtringa, Culïery, ftc, and in tart avartety of fv.-i yhim.' urfunlly krpt by Jew elr;r8 cnn bc bought furihc oext uinety diys ut vut O W N P R. I C E S ! IVreoiiï buyinx niiythitfg ut tilia wrll kr.own estab iit cnn rHy opon getting goorN rxact;y as rtprcuciit' ri, or tln'uií'íH'y reíunded. Oallearjy nnd se cupo tíif brst borgnlua ever öffefed in ihir City. Ono word in regard to Rcpairing : We are proparnd Lajnake any repairs orifine or com mon Wnicht?8, even fo m-kinscír the ent I re tratcb, ■ t necetsary. RepaJrlng of Docks and Jewelry ns usual, A]so tT mttntifacturinji al KIN(.if BitQOi'HH, ar auythinir deaired, fromÜallfofnia Gbld on short nnt(ce. EnpraTine in alliu branchueexccnlcd with neat nfhH and dispatch, J WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jnn. 28th!809. 7L4w HORACE WATERS, AGENT 333 Broadway, NcwYork Publtshcr ofMuJc and fusie XSooUb AND DHALKIÏ BI Piano's, Melodeons, Aloxandrc Organfi Organ Accordeons, Martin 'e celebrated andother Guitars, Violins, Teaor Viols, Violincelloe, Accordeons, Flutiuae, F]uto9,ríes, Triangles, 'ClarnnettP, Tuninff Forks.Pipes andHammeröj Violin Bowe, best italian Strings, Bass Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stool?, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. 3 Xx o o t 3VT xx S Í o, l'nmi all the pübltsherfl in tbe U. S., Iicrtuii's HonUn's, and Modern School, and all kinds f IiutmctioDi Booka fflr the fcbovfl instrumenta; Church Mukíc Booka: Muslo elegantly bound; lluaio pftpftr, and all kinds ot' Mu&ic Uerchandlso, A t t heLowest Prices. New Pianos, At $175, $200, $22ö, $250, and np to. $800. Second Hand Pianoe froin Í-5 ny to $100; Isew Uelodeona, $45 $G0, $7i, $100, and up to $200; Kecond Hand Melodeons from $-'i0 io JftO; AWandie Orgao. with Uve .stops, $160, -:, $185 (Tnd $226; thirtrfn stops, $250, $275 and, $320 and $375; A liberal discount to Clergvmei), Churches, Erubbath ' Schools ( Seminaries anl feftefaers. Thö Trudo Rupplied at the usual trado (liscnint 'Fcatlmoiilals of the Hornee Water Plunos and íIcloIt:(iis. .Tolin Hcwett, of Cfertl.agPj'Kew York, wïio has had one of tho HoraccWiftWM Pianos, writesaa folio wa: - 11 A frioii'l of mine vishea noe to pu rebase a piano ror her. She Ukee Ehe on you rold me ín Deeemlrar, 1856. My piano la becoioing popular in thta plftce( and i tbinSt I can introduce one or fcwo more; they will be mure popul.u- than auy other mul;1.11 "We have two of Waters' Pianos in use in ourPominary, one of whicn has been severely tested for tliree years. and we can, testify to 1heir good qualfty and durabtlity.'1 - V.'iuiil .t (Jro'ory, Monn' Carroll, III. "H, Watera, Bsq. - Jíhaíi ?m: H&vlng useíl oneof your Portes for two year past. I have fonad Itavttry superior Instrument. Aunoo GkaY, Principal Broohlyn fjeigkts Stminary. "Tbc Piano I reewved froin you continaea to eailafaction. 1 regard it as one of Hip beat instrumenta in the pbce.-' KtUOB I-, t'r.AitüK. f'hnriiMon, Va. "The Metodeon has aafely arrivr.d. 1 fee] ouüfie'i to you Uy oor liberal diwount." Kev. J. M. McConmck. YarqwavilUS, C. "ihc piano was fluly reeeïved. Itcame in excellent condition, and is very inuch admirod by ny numerous lamily. Accept inv ÖWJlkfl Ur your proniptne8Bn - Cuoi'ER, IVdrren ftii, ïfradjotd Co. pa. "Your piano pleftses us well. It U the best one in oui Tiium;i,-: A. LATBAM, CtimphdUon, Ga. lfWe are rery muen obtircd to yoa for baring sent :i ünt; iust ruiiliiilt for $250." - BRANK(HKLD k Co., Buffalo Dztn:crat. (4Xhe Horace Waters Tianosare known as amone the very beat We ar enabled to speak of iliesc nstrunoentai with oonfldeooe, from personal KnoMeáíte 6T tfieir ■ tone and durable quality." - N. Y. Evangelist. 1 'We can Bpeafc of tho merits of the Horace Watew pi anciH from personal knowledge, as baing the rery fleest ChrUtfan InmHgmctr. "The Hprftoe WatarB pianoi are Doilt "f the be; and most 'lnnouRhty seasoned Wehavenodoabl j erscan do aswcll,perhaps better, it this than at my otherbouM m the Union."- Advocate and. ïourual. watcw' Ríanos and melodeona o&allenge oompariaon with the flnest made anywhere in the country.''- Home Journal "HoraQO Waters' Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich anl oven tone, and powerfnl - #. Y. Musical Revew. Our üifM.l-. v.-,ll UndatMr. Wnters' etorfi the vcry bast asBortment of lluslo and of Pianos to be found in the Dnited Ë tateaand w; urge our Bonthern and western frieiwls to ffire hhn a cali whenever they go to New York.'' - Qrnkam's Magazine. Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b b a t h S c h o o 1 Bell. ÏOO.ODO lssued in ten Month. Tho unpncoiT.onteil "ftl of this book bas influceï the publishcr to odd gome :" n'w tonwond bymnfl to lt prasent tire, witbont oxtm charge, cxce;)t nu the chenp iliUon- Amnng llu-uianv beauttful times AinUijnu. nwy be foünd:- "1 oujebt to lovo my niother;" "O I'U bfi v good ehild, Indeed I will. ' Tüese and eight othera Trom the Bell, were svinfr at tlio Sumlay Sohool Aiiuivovs;iry of ha M. M. Chnron ut tin Aeaüenar of Haale, with n,!i! appÜnisa The BalleonteinanearijrOOtunaaand hymns and w of tlie bost cnllections ever issued: rt-ici lSc Slfl per hundred. poatage 4o Elegantly bound. ! gilt, 26c, S20 per 100 it has buen introduce ato iiir.üv of the l'nWW: Schools. The ê ti pttbliBlwd in small numhera entitled Annïversary aniTSnnday Soh"6o1 Hnoks, N'os. 1,2, 3, fc 4, in order toaooommodate the railllon; prloe t2 & $3 per hundred No. -r' wil] Boonbe iaiiued - oommancemeni of another book. Abo, KeriTal Hnaic Books, No, 1 : 2. pHce $1 Je ï'2 per 100, poatage ie. Morethaa 300,ooo copie of the ftbore boon h.ive been iaaued the paal richten months, anü the (Iemand israijidly incryaijirPublished bv HORACE '.VATKP.S, Ageót, 333 Broadway, w. i'. Publised by Horace Waters No. 33 3 Broadway, New York. Vosa) "Eind Wordacaa never die;" "The Angels tnld rao so;" "Wllda of the Wmtj1 "Thoaghts nf God;" "GlVO fneback my Mountain Home;" tl]ay Prenins;" ■Tm with thee atillj'PetJiajmos;" "Therea Ho dsrilng-like mine?' "Sarah .'.me Loc:' ■ i:-or of thee;" '-rin loftTing thee in Sorrow;" "Hirdof ■ 1 1: iih1 of niir birtli;" ílOrave íf Kosabel," and 'Wiiko, lady, wafcen' price '25c each. ' iNsrnrMKM-M, - 'Palace Garden, or PinRing nird Polka.' Wp; "Swinging 8chottische;' "Mirabel Schot':iiom:is lt;ikor?s 'chottis(;ho;1J "PiccOloiniDi 35 e, iis li. The atmvepil havcbeantifol "Weimer Polka;" "Arabfan Wai oryManh," the very 1 t; "VasKQvianBa Dgniolls Mazurka; 'Rea-b nit Polta;" "Crinoline Wáltr.,"' and "ljincers' Qua drille "'J.r)c; eac-b. "The Bmnireof Keich's Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Hibfrni;in Soeeaoh. Muy bf tneáe pieres are playea by Rikor's celrbrnted omhest r:i with great applruse. ,6"" Mailed free. A Ürgolot uf Forelgn Uusio at half price. Planos, Helodfons and Organs. Tho Bornee Waters Pianöa and Melodeontftr flepth, puijly of tono and flurábiUty, re unsutpaased. l'rices n . ■, ! ■:-. -■.■,-. i;id Bánd PianO8 and Melodeons frow $'_'f to M-.isic andMuaioal IntrmïtioM of all kii:'is, atthe lowei i pricc. HORACE WATERS, Agent, N. 33: Broadway, N. Y. Tkstimoviais; - !Tlie Hotaee WAten I'iauoanre known aaamon'g thecry bent.' -Frtmsfelin. uWeoan speak of their merlcBfroaa penonal knowlt:tQfi."-Chriiiliim "Nol hing at the Fair dJsplayea greater eïcellenco ■"- Chnrchman. Wators' Pianos and Mvlo.'ieons chaUengecomparisnn with the ttnest made anywherein the country."- lame JiMrnal. 719tf Irving's Works - National Edition IJUUS Fine rMiti'in '■! tlie Works of Wasbixgton In 1 vin; (inoludlng the Ufe oí Wahhingun) , wilt be pnblihed ir STJBSCRIBERS ONLY In Moiit.lily Volumes Price $1.50 Pajftble on Dolivery. BeauUfnlly Printed "" heavy iupeiine paper, "f tin -t" quo-tity, and Btibstadtfally bound in tieavj li il boards. ETEach Volume illustrnted with Vigncttei on Steel and Wood J$ Knlekerbocker'a New York, Sketon Book, ('luth. ColumbiiH. !i voIh. ; ; ■in-iiigi' Hall , Aatorla, ralea of ;i Xrwreler, -üany, Capt. Boanei . i . Oliver Gotdemitn, Mahoiuet '.' volg. (ro... Alhambra., Wolfert's Roost., Life of Waahington, 5 vots. Siilniarnndi. Thia edition will bu aold mcirftmcLT to 9abscriben :vinl will be ereatty superior to iny ever before i ued',A ■' y liap l set of these anlverfiaUy popular work, is tli i'laceil witblñ the m ans of al!. .. P. 1'fTNAM. At.. Tulllil)er, 11S . (tmi, Wr Ttt. f ■í'.-v '■ ■ -c C,'t y , , tij _. tí. Ui F ) : : iT.i.i.-in Hs AND Manufacturéis, a .V-w ,l: d ■ -u:;ïete stock of liAW & MEDICAL ÜOOKS, School iooks, Mticellantous liookx. Blank inoks. ian !ST "T I O KT E 3Ti ST ! '.Vuil uail Wlndow P8cr, Dramng nml Hathenmttoal Imtrmneats. Muslo, Juvenil Ubrari, Earelopes, Inki and C-mlt. fcgPSSSHr"'''" " ."""TTT.-" GOLD ylnfi a7 Jciitds of Pcn-i and Pencih Win'lovr Cornioe, Ettiadae :'.nri Kixture, POCKET CÜTLERY! Andcrerything nerfninintj t the trad", and more to whiolühoy wonM invite the ntt::iUon t the country. In conductint; our bufiinoK.i, we hall d- nll Uia-tcan j be that no rcasoDiiblí; man, woman or child shall fin'l anj fault. We posteen fhoilíHea which will enablc ur to Rupply ' our atomers at the Lowest Po&übta Figures. Wcpropoflptiscílfor READY TAV, atu amall adT&nce. We expect !v proftt on our (jonds. but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. We havo enp'.-c-l Ihe service ol JAMES F. SPAI.PING, iMrefore ai e i rnliii Visiling, Wedding and all other Cards wntkn to order, with ncatness and dispatch, by mai' or otfierwhe. The "EhtoibBook &hrb," íh naanned hy agoorl lcrow(' nd thov will alwaya be found op i!: "qnarter deck," reidy anti wilüiig to attend to al] with ploasure, %vko wil] favor them with :i calL Kemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, Hay, 1860. 746 ANTOHER A . A ARRIVAL AT THEá fOLD AND RELIABLE .ilfP CLOTHIEft EMPORIUMÜ Eaaala. 30" O - S PHOBNIX BX.OCK1, MAIN STREET. h&BJust n-turiifil trom the Eteffieni Cities, with a larg and (leiiiablc1 tock of F ALL AMD WINTER E3r O O X &i : vrhich ho 'm now oíforing at unusually LOW PRICES! Among bis AHsortmcnt m&y be found BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMEUTES, DOESKINS, & VESTINGS, of all descripf ions, fspeciaKj' for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! which hff ia euttiag tn ia ie1, r.i thlatee1 iin: beni stylci Cogetker with i superior asortmcii READ T MA BE C L 0 TH 1 tSXfSKS CARPET BAGS, ÜMBRELI.A8, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, witliniirv ■ ■ rttclo-í usuttlly fouuil in t-imiif: eitttlitishjnAntfl. As AN EMPOtf iUM OF FáSflIO, th sub?cribcr fikti ra himself, fftat ï'.:c hmg oxporienc nuil genera. aucce85,wil1 mablo htm te give the groatest satisfkctiOD toall who may trusl hjunío the wáy ufmanufaeturing garmentts t order, 76ytf VM WAONEB. TUE CAMPA1ÜN OPË.NCampion's 2?latiorm 1 'I1HK Bubaóribar u;is jast returned from the aat with 1 tut Fali and Winter Gr O O 13 S Which he is Determined to Sell AT THB LOCVEST PEIGE FOR CASH! at which, First Quality Goods can be afforáed in this city. Jly c!ulU8 aro all uf the FINEST QUALiTY and as I manufacture them into clothing myeli, I in enablcd to WAKRANT EVERY ÜARMENT I sell. ro be WELL MA.RE, wl.icli is a strong inducoment to custoiners to patronize my j store in preferenoe to piucos when; large quantities of lialf mndt gooils ure kepi for sak-.- I have theLATEST fa nioxs, and can give yon as Fine and we'l Fitting G irments as can bt bouyht anywhere, I am bound to sull OHEAPEE AND BETTFR O-OOIDSij than any other similar eBtablishmcnt in this eity. Your custoni is most rcspectfully invited. M. CAMPION. Ann Arbor, Nov. lJ-60. 773yl Il&ÖMÏS &TTRÏPPT SnsofeMom to Chapín & Loomis.anrlChapin, Tripp t% Loomis 1HE above flrm of LoonHfl k Tripp havlng purchased j the cnlirv Interest of the farmer oompantta will oontinue th business al theold ntaads, where they will be rftady, od theshortest noticí', to lili all orderá in the line of Castings and MacMnery, Ín the raral wovkniiinlikf m-uincr, wai on MtRwnl terna a anyothershop in State. Amcmg the vari ou articlprimanufactiircd by os, we would oiiuniorate TEAMÊNGÏNKS of iillikiinlii; HUI Gaaxtsg and FIxtiiTW, wroughtand c:ist; ulltlio vrius oastings for maJdng and repairing Ilorse Powers & Tlircsliiiifr Macliines ,,.,.!, .,, areat praunt, orbaTfoimerIybeenlausa ia thií part of tbe State, m wU M all r'lt' varioua Uiinls of OMttnge and machine irork oalledforbjr brmerj and lia Keüon f co.m ry. of atl tlie mriona patterns, vi] in sizosaml prices. will be DStAQtlj on havd,got the most modern anl lmprored ■ tyl -■■ HÜBBARDS WRO'TGHT IRON REAPERS & MOWERS. havinp commfii i DBimufaAtaxiDg thu suju-riorMacliinc. Blngle and combmod b farmer are Invited to cnll and ic a specimen maohlne no in om ware room, beton purohMlngetoewhere, believini thtthia machine baeen toconTince Ihe farmer r ITS SUPERIOR I'l' Y oferÁeReaperaand Mowerilii 1 1 1 ?- market. ThankTiil for tnbm patronage to theold finr,, ire maU Bolloit ii i-iiiii ïvi.-m-c froiu "W l'rn'nil,aml ntrial bj m tibbg tbranything m out !;i;J;;,fMs'11PI_ Ann Tbnr,lfaj lh, 180. n Estáte of John Jobnaon. STATE OF MICBJGAH. Cotirnr of Wamitrxaw, 8._, At i .-tw-inn of the 1 r ibate Coort fÖr ;he County uf [den ui the Probnte Oilr: in the City o( Ano Arbor j on TtaurmUj, th tenth iiav v' J.inuary, in the }v■■'■ hondrcdaad ixty onO. Present, Tbomai Nindc, Judgi '.t Probato In the matter of the estáte ol Jlm Julin-ton, late of said On reading aad films the petltton, duly Terifled, of CeorgeJfchnAon, prayïoK tb? .Datraraeat tliis jy fi'tMÜn Ui;.-, ( ■).uri', purportlng to be tbe Last Will and Testament of the Mtiq dceasid, maj be mlmittcl to ( Probate, and that AdminislrutH nof tbc srn-t estáte maf i ■■! to bim the aaid petít t n t, naned execut-jr in Tbercupon H is ordorpfl, tbat Mui]fl;iyt th oicrenth dayol February, 18Gl,at in oVih'ck Inths ["orenooft, 6 a sigo I'"' t ! i ■ t Raid petitton, and that the i.lw of said deceo cd, and&U otber persona int.-ics'.ci ui s -.ui n'.juir: 1 toappear :it a - onoi aaid Court, ttaen to be bulden ui tfie Probate Of ::.■■ , in :). ('il; ut Ann Arbor, In aid County, and show lmv therebe, wby the ptayer of the pi-titiouor ■ ■! . Apd 1 Ifl fiirthói Ofiïéred, thul sanlPetitionergivenO' tice tothe'persons inlerented In aaM sstatv, of the pn■ l'-Tcv of said petiiii n, m 1 the hearing Üiereof b eatiHtng a copy "f or'k-r ft) ïm publUhed in the S'irh'iK'an Argtts, :i aWtppM prínted ami circul&lic toaaíd Countj of WaehlenaWj three nüccétófrt weélu i.i-i-viouK to Haid (Ihy t' hoariugTHOMAS NIN'DE, (A true copy.) 4w783 Jfudg of Probate. Mort gage fale. DEKAULT having hvnn mudo in th' payment of the sum of moni.iy w.eured hv a murtgage, executod bv (.bailes Bower atul Jo6epb I.anjf, to Christopher tlauser, dmeS Marcli the twenty-Bfxtfa, A. I. 1869, w'nich Hortgag w:ls recoried Lu thofflct i the Bagtstev of IJciidüof VnshtvnawCi)uii! y , in I.ib'-r No. tweniy-fire, (26,1 of Mortgaes, pago 5'( t twclve o'cloelc, A.lf., on thelSth day of A ril, A. I., 1856 and knaipued to Chnstian Saley on the 13tb Jiiy of Octobor, A. D 18W br deed of assigninent recordftd oa the 25th day of Auïufitj A. I)., 1860, at 11 o'clock, A. M„ in Liber 26 of Mortgiiges, on pftf!e &5i, nn wiiich murtjiage was M■ .l;ci:i-:. F. Sci'icy on the4th day of Ovtoler, A.D.18C0 !'■■ I ui nraent rcconllmi the 31 day oí Ootober, a. 1. 18C0, at 12 o'clock, noon, iu r 27 of sronpage 13, by wbich dèfault the power cf salo contatned n Miid mi rtgafc beoftmöOpertirt$od no Ruit or procpudings fi&ving bWD Inetttutod atlawtortcoverthedebt securel thereby orauy psrt tliorwof, and the su muf onehundi-ed and xteec doUarsandfxtr-two oents, l 'inií dow clafmed to bö due thercon - Notice i therefore herebv kít ti, that said mortgage will lx forclosed by siiltMif thf moitngQ premiHCd t wit: All that oertaintnoi or pafCfiiof land tao'wn an-1 deBcribed at füllows, to-wit: Betng lot No.elqven, (11) seetlon miraïxrt I fourteea, f 14) aooordJngto therecorded plat of the rlllage of Saline, or ftome part tb'eraof , Ht public vendue, at the frnnt door of the Court BoBH In the city of Ann Arbor, iuthe Countj of Washlenaw, on the 18th day of Maich A.D., 1S6U at one o'clock P. M. of gftlddiy. JAMES ï'. SËBUC7, Ashigneo. Usted, DecPDibcr 13th,1860. 77Ötd TO HOUSE KEEPERS. SOMETHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S Bjcst Medical Saleratls. Is m&nufactoRd from coniaiun, and 15 lj prepare cutiroly different from othfr Satoraima. yj All tlic deleterious matter extracted in hucL k ijf% 'nanner as to produce Hread, BUoalt, and all J OtI: iiinrls of CSftkO, wil hout ontiiining a partiële oi Qj SoJeratttfl when the lir-ad or Cake io baki-l: j thereby producin wholesome resulta. Kvery T .;iriide oi SaJefattu ft turoed to gte, and pas-tiiï throiigh the lir:il and Biscuit whiïé baidnv, H[Uibntly. Dotning remaina butconunon Saït S M 0 Water, and Ptour. You will reaJily percetye, by w the taste of tbisSaleratns, tbr it 'm entirely [y liflerent froia otherSaleratur. lj Itin packedin one poond papers, each M ïti-braudeil, "B.T. Bnbbitfs Best ildlicinal Jj O aloratus;" aiso, picture, twisteil leaf of bread, jj Uö .vith a glasa of envrresclng water on the top. - Q Whcii vim] pu: ul.iise ont'paper you should pre C ifiryo the wrapper, and be particular to get the r Éiot ecxoctly Uke Uu ürnt brand as above. LJ fff F u 1 1 dlrectionjiforinftking Bread with thli ( I J 'ratus and Sour iiilkor Crearr Tartar, willac eoAtpaoy eaoh paebage; also, direcaons fpT .JJ makingaU kfndfl of I'astry ; also, tor making J Soda Water and Seidlitz Powders. a X MAKK YOÜR'OWW SMAP with u Iï. T. KABKIITS PURE COXCKN'TRATKI) POTASII J Warranted doublé the utrenffth of orlinary W l'otajib: put up in can.-;- 1 Ib, '2, lbs, 3 Ib.i, ' n Xw,;n- 12 lbs - with full directionn for making AND Uiint and Soft Soap. Consumers will ünd this tbe cheapest artielo in marltet. f[ Uannfactured and for sale by u B. T. BABBITT, J $4, 66,68, 70, & 7-J Washington st., NVw York, n ry A and SoöH ludia t, Boston. ZJ iLk 743yl (t THE CHEAP CORNER. SE EK NO F A RTHERi New Store, New Firro AND LOTS OF NEW G00D3 I In Mack & Schmid's Nev Block. pURCHASKI; Fecently un [r the ra tst favorable circun X tn '■ that e íeel co&fident n sayin t" all our old custuiner, anu as uiany n ones tt ca crowd intu our Nüw aad Spacious Store Rooü Coruer of Maiii and Libety Streeta. That we ik' prepare.! to sell yo better Gn3nt r ■ ■ (han 'uir usual low prjoea and are aor í ipt oi endleas rarieties of STAPLE AND FANCY 33 "Ct "ST 3-OOI!S, LADIES' & CHILDRENS' SHOESHATS & CAPS, B0NNET8, KIBBONS, RUSHES, CROCKERY, LuOKING GLASSES, GLASS AN-D STONE WARE, GEÓCERIES, &c. of every varletj Lots more of the same good 60 cent Tea, that others sel: at 75 ets. Bear in mind that eur Goods ari all of the best qualiiy. EPOur Stnple and Fancy Dr Goodi surpass all pruvious stocks for beauty, vantty ard excellence. EpOur Ladies Dress goods, Shawl, &o , vvero ncver belore half so attractivi and cunnot help but wii smiles of pproval from ouv fair friendo. 8;Our Fíats and Caps surpasB all for style and obéapnSBB ever hourd of in Ann Arbor, cali and see them. S.Our Ladies' and Childrens'Shoe combine elliganceandoas vvith strength. and durability. Our Clotbs, Cassimere & Vestings are all of the best qualities and styles of the French, English & AmericBD productions which we will sel! at the same price that others ask for slop shop stuff. iy Our Groceries & Crockery are fresh, new and cheaper than ever. S& Our Yankee Notions and small fixings in general aro too numerous to mention here, embracincr every thingtbat a Merchant should keep and a Customer slwuld buy. ty And now having pure ased x much larger and better stock of good than ever before; we confidenlly roly upon the appreciation of the public for aready Sale of the same, feeling confident that we cannot help but auif all ia prices quality and styles. All kinds of Produce taken in Exchange lor goods as usual C MACK, 772 P. SCHMID. Ann Arbor Marble Works. Ifisele & Vanderuook. 1 1 VKonliantla fine assorlment of Ammciin and I TA L I A N MA Li B L E wliioh they are prepared to minufacture into ffONUMENTS. USAD STOiïES,. TOMB TABLES TABLE TOP tc, etc, tc , 4c , in nllthcir nrlttles, ud n . WORKMAXI.IKK '"■ had conaldermbl uMttoBM " "■■ 1"S"'" liicv ikiUi-r ihcraM-lvc. iliiil tlicy ill bi ableto picase ïll who may tuvor llium rlth tieJr ordorr. llictr pnce LOW AS THE LOW EST, Bio lAbto nuj thing in thr !ne are r,pocU,iUjr


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