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Message Of The Governor Of Kentucky

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We havo received a copy of tho iuussage of Guvüi'Lor 31agoffi:i to the Logislature of Keutucky. lio favora a oall of a State conventiou to determine the qucstion of the fut-ure Federal relations oi' the of Kontucky ; wliile doiug sa, huwever, he adds : " There is hopo that an adjustmcut, honorable to all. mav be cöecitcd tbrough the aotion of the border slave States, in cluding Tennesseé and Morth (Jai-olina. Their approval of tliu uineiidinents to the constitution, proposed by Senator Crittenden, witli sei;urity tor their future hservauce, presented to Congress, to the free Statoa in Legislative aiiüsioa, and to the people, if practicable, i a;i uitima tuin, may yot secure the guarantce we require, aud, possibly, i i tlie end, briug back all tho States in oue Union. To tins last cilort a cunvention of these States is necessary. I would, thcrefore, reeommcnd to you the aduptiou 'f KáobtÚOVá inviting a conference of these Sjates. and of such others as may choose to oo-upcrate, at Baltimore, for au early day in February. It will tlieu dovolve upon you to provide for the appointuieut of (Jommissiouers to represent Kentucky. Tue joint declarations of these States againsi coerción niight do much to avcrt impeiiding war. Their uuited QQ-opératioii, in fcuy eventj would materially promote their future safety aud pace " He takes strong grouads against railtary coerción of a seoeding State. Spoakiugof tho U:iioi lu remarles: ' It eaunot bo held toathor by forC'.', and the attenipt au tu .sustaiu it will not only fail, aud fail 111 bloüd, but will destroy the last hope of reeouftruction. - Kectucky oannot and will Kot be au iuditferent observer of the ' foraa policy.' The seceding States have not in their hasty aud iuconsidt-rate actiou our approval; but their causo is our rights, aud they havo our syuipatliies Tlie people of Keutucky will never stand by witii arnis fulded whilo those Statos ütruggliug for their aoiistitutiouul ng.'its aud reaiitiug oppression, are bjing subjoaj ttöd to au auti-slavery govcnuucut, Thousands of ourgallant citizeus would Üy to the confliot. Moreover, the idna of coerción, when applied to great polition.1 conuuuüities, is revoltiug to a fruo people, co.itrary to the spirit of our, and, if suceessfuliy prosuuntnd, would eml.iager the liberties of the pcopld I uauoot believa that tlieso thryuts of coorcion, nor these denuiiciatious of troasoQ agaitist tliu peoplo of i.!iu Suutli, coiuiiig us tlivy do trom men wlio have fot ycard hubitu illy violated tlic coiistitutio:i, ulicit aoy sympathy in thu hearts of Kuiituckiuns, uu matter what niay bu tlieir opiiiious touuliing the abstract riglit or prossrit policy of secession. I trust therafbré, you will at once declare by rs-solution the uucotiditional disapprubation of Kontusky of the omplojinent of force, in any fonu, againsjt the seceding States."


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