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E The February number of the Atlantic Montlily is on our table, and it is say that it is fully equal in interest to nny preceding issue. The papers ara twelve in number li ililes the literary revie-ws, and offer an interesting variety. Among them, the first read by all is the continuation of "The Professor's Story." We may also name Our ArtUts in Italy, The Fir-t Atlantic Tel("graph, Lady Byron, The Great Lakes, ond a Dry Goods Jobber in 1861. $3 n year. AddrcBs Tickkoe & Fields, Boston. The Atlantic and the Argut for $3.50. ty We have received the January number of Blacktcood' Edinburgh Magizine. - Norman Sinclair still draga its heavy lenath along through its pages, and there are eight other papers after the modern Blackwood style. $3 a year; with the four Reviews $10. Address L. Scott fc Co., New York. SiFZECIAJL, NOTICES. Tet It. - With these words the stranger puta package of De Land & Cu's Salera tus into Kate's hand, and disappeared. Everafr this m-mrirableday, pi)or bread, dingy pastry, and nulphurous biscuit were unknown a this family, but the fame of Kate's excellent paatry, bread, &c, spread over the school district, and led many envious people to make the iniuiry, "Whose Saleratusdo you usef" to whïch sha invarhibly replied, D. B. De Land & Co.'s. It can be purchased from most grocers and storekeepers, and is for sale at wholesale by the manufacturera, at Fairport, MonroeCo. N. Y., and by the grocers in the cities and villages .hroughout ihe country. MOTHBRS READ THIS. The following is an extract from a letter wrïtten by the pastor of a Baptist Criurch to the "Journal and Messenter," Cincinuati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor oí thut world-renowned raefiicmü- Mrs. WisaLOW'S SOOTHIXG SVRUP FOR CHIUïRE.V TkETHISG : 'LWesee an advertist-mont in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's fioothing Syrup. Now we nr.ver said a word ín favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelledto say to your readers, that this is no humbug - we have tried it, ad know rr to be all tt GUIM& It ia. probabïy. one of the most Euccessful medicines of the day, because it is one of the oestAnd those of your readers whr have babies can't do it better than to 1 y ín a supr.Iy M See advertisement in another column. To Consumptives. The Advertiser, having been restoied te bealth in few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having puffered several years with a severe luüg afTection, and th&t dread disease, Co:isumption - ie anxious to raake known tohis fellow-Fufferers themeans of cure. To all who dosire it, he wül send acopy of the preGcription used (free of ctiarge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Conscmptiox, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sc. The only object of the advertiser in send;ng the PreBcriptinu ík to benefit the afiïieted.and spread informatron which he ennceives to be invaluabie, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it wil] costthem noth ing, and may prove a blessinp;. Partios wishingthe prescripción wil] picase addresg ïtfcV. EDWARD A WlT.SON, 768yl Willïamsburgh, KingB County, New York. tfcT CotGHS. The sudden changes of our climate are Bources of Pi'lmo.vaby, Bbokchial, and Astomatic Affec tioxs, Experierjce having proved that simple remedies often act speedily and certainly wben taken in the early stages of the dUeasa, recour3e should at once be had to i'Brown's Bronchial Troche-," or Lofienges,let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat beeverso blight, asby 'his precaution a more seriouR attack may bi effectually wardtd olí. PruLicSpEAKEEsand Hingkrs will find the m effectual for clearing and streDgthening the voicf. See dvtrtisement. 776m9 THe Great Benefactor of hls Race. -L$ The Great Healer of Mankind! Hêrrick's Suga Coated Pilis. Th whole World United! Sick People thivk! After which. act. YouM scarce expect,at this late day, With startlingcuresa book to fill; This is the case, the million ur, With the cures of Herrick's Pili They come from East, and N'nrth, ind West, And With glad tidings the papers fill, Beca u s they are the cheapest,safest, bes Aaduperiorto others isHerrick's Pili from Boot#, and Plants, and Flowers they 're; They always care- they never kill Thousands now in their graves were laid, Were it not for Herrick's Pilis. Kach I'ill with U coa f ed e'er - A rare discovery of matchless skill, Their like was never seenbeforo, Until itappeared in Herrick's Pili. For years lie's worksd to heal the sick, With joy elate his bonom filln: For tens ofthousands now rejoice At themaíric Powersof Harrick's Pilla. X%T HERRICK'S MATCHLEPS VEGETABLE FiHTtt PlLLá have inunda ted the world with their popularity Over five million of boxesare used annualy-givini? em ployroenttoeighty-fïvemen and womento putthem up Their curesarenumberelby thousamis - thoir pmises on the tongues of al!, Citizens of Washtenaw Co-, an( elsewhere, hae you ever used tbem'Put up in English Spanioh, Germán, and French diifctionft. Large familj boxes,25 cents! Fiveboxes for$l. Sold everywhere. See advertisement on 3d page Important to ÜTemalO. - Dr. CÜEESEMAN' PILTjS. Peep-abed hy Cob.velius L. Cheeseman, m. n., Kew York City. Thocombination of mgredients in these Pilis are the result of a long and extensiva pract ice. Thevare mild in their (peration, and cerUin in correcting alï irregularities, Painful ïleusurations, removing all otwtructions, whethor frora cold or otlierwise, headache, pain ín the side, palpatation of theheart, whites, allnervous fcffections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back indlimbs, kc. , aiuíurbed sleep , which aribes from inteiruption of nature. TO MARRÏEDLAIHE8, rheesemíin's Pilis are invaluable, as they will bringon the monthly poriod with regularity. I-adies who have been disappointed in the use of othea Pilis can place the utmust conSdence inür. Cheeseman's Pilla doing all they represent to do. X O T I C K . There is nne eonditwn ofthtftmaU syttnn in whir.h the DviïraArOtLï taken withnut roda cing a VECVLIAR RB.HUH. The eondition Tf.ferred to is PREGNANCY- the result MISCARRIAGE. fiurh is the ifrtsistable ttndencynf the medicine to restore the sexual funr.tions to a normal comluwn, that evtn the reproducüve power of nature cannoX. resist it, Warrantedpurely vegetable, and free from anythlne j injurious, Explicitdirections, which ehoulti be read ac company each box, Pent by mail on enckming Sl'to Dr Cobneuus L. Cheesema.n, Box 4,531. Post Oflice yew York City, ' fl Sold by qne DruggiPt ín every town in the United States, -eft R. B, IIUTCÍIIXGS, DVVUL Agent for the Unttep Ptatïs, Not 14, Broadway, iVew ïorht lr#" To whom all Wholesali orders chould be addreefSoldin Ann Arbei, by Matxard, ixbbib & Wiion, na G, Obk-vviiet, TTi-i O. 3Ft. H Passenger train now leave the several Stationi in tui L'uunty.aafollows. GOINQ WEST. Ka!. Ac. Day Ex. Jack. Ac. Night Ex. Ypsilant!, 8.CS A. M. 11 Ï9 A. K. 6.4b e. M 11.10 r. M. Ann Albur, 8.30 A M 11.40 ■' " 7.16" ' 11.35 Dexter. D.00 " " 12.09 FM 7 65' ' Chelsea, 9.20 " " 12.20 " " 8.20 ' ' GOING EAST. NightEx, Jack. Ac. Miil Kt Kul. Ac Shelsea, 6.30 a. M. 3.38 P. x 8.2C P M üexter, 6.55 " " 3.55 " ' 8.45 '" Ann Arbor, 4.40 AM 1 35 " " 4.20 '■ ' 9.Í0 - ïusilantl, S.OS " " 8.06 " 4.40 ' ' 8.60 . THE 6REAT ENGLISH BEMEDY. KIR JAMKS OLAUKE'S Cclcbrated Ffinale Pilis. FROTECTED ÍÍiJ!2S LZTIESF BY EOYAL PlSÉPPx ÏATSNT Vreparedfrom a pretcription oSirJ. Ciarte, M D., Physidan Extraordinary to the Queen. ThiH invaluable medicine ifiunfiüling In the care c! all Ihojis tiaioful and dangerous diseaae to which the female .!-ii?tiUition tg subject. It tpodeniten al] exceiw and remo vee all obstructions, and a fipeedr care m&j be rfrltod on. TO 7. Ut tiltil! I.AD1ES [t i peculiariy Ntiitert. It mü!, in ihort time, kling os ihe monthly period with rejrul&rity. a.-li butlie, price One DoUar, Wars the ÖOTOmaoent Ump of Great Briütio, to prevent counterfeiU. These Pilla :W nol bt U&tn ky ftmnltê iwring (tl FlttST THREE MO lf TH Sof Pregnancf, ai tkey ara m te bring on Mitcurriaft, hv'. Í iJf ! l In al] caaes of Kerreua and Spinal AffectionR, Piln ij the Back aul liiab, F&tigue on slight exartion, Palpita ■.un af the Heart, Ilvuterios, and Whibs, theie Pil: wil -(W-et a cure when all othor meaui hare failed, &m: ittiouh a pewerful remedy, do uot cont&in iron, om txiúnx u_v, or any tbing hurtfal te the eonstitmti. Kul! dlrectioD accomp&r.y each package. Sole Agn lor the UoiUid SUtes ad Cxn&i, JOB 1ÍOSES, fLt I. C. Baldwin ftOn.i Rucheiter, I. T -#1,00 kfl 5 psstaj iUdW endoaêd to aoy n Sold be GIÏEN'VILL & FULLER Ann Arbor. and by Druggists nevery town. MANHOOD How Lost and How Restored. Just Pubhshed in a Sealed Envelope, A LECTURE ON' THE NATURE, TREATMEN'T AND RADICAL CURE OF SPER..1ATORRHOEA, or Seminal Woakness, Sexual Uebility, Nervousness and Involuntay Emissions producing Imputency, Consumption, and Mental and Physical Debility. BY ROB. J. CDLVERWELL, M. D. Author of the '■Green Book," $-. The world-renowned author, m this admirable Lecture learly proves fiom his own experience that tho awful onsequences of self abuse may be effectually removed without medicino and without dangerous surgical operaions, bougies, in-trüments, r.ngs or cordial?. po:nting ut a mode or cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may le.raay cure himself chtaply , privatcly and radically. - 'his Iiècture will prove a buun t: thjusands and thouaands. Sent under Beal to any address, post paid, on the reeipt of two postage stamps, by addressiog Dr. CH . C. KUNE. 480 First iveeue, New Pogi Box, ,586. 785 1861 1861. CLOSING OUT SALE! BEFORE REMOVI1VG, C.H.MILLEN&CO. Will sell all kinds of Grocerie?, Crocksry, Boots Es SHoes, &c, at Greatly Reduced Prices, From this date up to March lst, at which time they will remove to the Brick Storo now occupied by A. DïFOREPT. Cali and secure some goud Bargains. WINTER DRESS GOODS at COST ! WESTERN MOKEY TAKFN AT PAR. - O. H. MILLEN it CO. Ann Arbor.Julj 841861. 4w784 DOLLARS WÜRTH - O I - BOOTS SHOES A.1? OOST In consequence of Making a change in my business I will all My Entirt Stock of BOOTS Sf SH0ES! AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, AT COST ! Now is the time for families and individuáis to supply themselves for the coming Winter and alw for next Spring and Summer. My stock consists of every rariety of Shoes fcr Winter and Summer wear, and purchased at low prices. WM. S. SATJNDERS. Ann Arbor, Deo 1, 1860. 777m3 FOK. S-A.H.E 1 Valuable Be al Estáte In, th.o CITY OF ANN ARBOR. AS T IN'TEXD TO MOVE IART WITH MY FAMILY, I will sell the followingEeal Estáte, my TWO BRICK STORES, on Main and Hurón Streets , TMTS" Xl3ESXXL3Kro3 A TWO STORT BRICK HOUSE. Modern Stylp, built two years since, with out buildings, situated in a Grove oí Forest Trees, Near the University Grounds, the most dcFirable pnrt of the City for a residence, with ten or mort; acres of land as the mrchaer dttaires. 1OO City Lots With a grove oí trees on a part of eacli lot also 35 Acres of vory rich natural grasa land. 20 acres enclosed and laid down to graas, the balance wood land, situatec half a milo fri m tlie c'ty. The description of property, price and ttrms, can be bad by calliug at rny atore. WM. S. 8AÜHDERB. Anu Arbor, January 10, 1860. 73mï 1000 Vests, Shms and Drawers Kor Sale ohveap at SUITEKJ1AJÍ A Oo Ayers Cathartic Pilis.


Old News
Michigan Argus