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Mrs. WINSLOW, in cxperien.ed Murse and Femnle Pbycinn, presenta to Lhe attetitinn of mi.thers. her SOOTHINGiSYRUP, , FOR CHILDREÏT TEETHING, j s-liirh cjrcatly fbolUtat tb procM of fcething, by toften'ng the gums, reducing al] inflammatiun- will ( iJluy A IX PAL-V and spasmodic action, und is SURE to REGÚLATE the BOWELS Depend upon it, moliera, it WÜX give rost to your-:elvea, and Relief and health to your Infants Wc have put up anfl and sold this art iele for over . ;en years, and CaNt ÖAY, IV CON'KIDENCE AND TRUfil of H, whnt wfe have never betn able to a ïf, anv othermprti;ine- NfcVER HAS IT FAILED IN A 3INGLE INSTAKCE, TO EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never did w(f-know an instaöce of dissatisfaction by any onc who used it. On the contra ry, il! are delightcd with ita opera tioas, and speak in terms oí commendation of its magical effecti and medical ArtoM, We fpeak in thi matter -'WHAT WE DO KNOW," after ten yenrs' experience, AND PLEIHÏE OUR RKPUTATION FOR TUK FULFILLMRNT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. In alinost every in tonce j nrhen tb infam I sulíering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be Jound ín tifteen er twe-nty minutes after i the syrup is aflinluisfered. This valuable proparation is the preseiptiontif one of the most EXPERIEN'CED and 8KILLFÜL NÜRSKS in New Enjhin'l and haa butu used with NEVER FAILINfi 8UCCESS in THOUSAND OF CASES. It not ocly rolieves thechiMfrom pain, but invigr.rates the stomach anrl bowela, corrects acidïty. and gi vea ti ne end euergy to th wholesystem. It wtS almost in.itantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELP, AND WIND COLIC and overeóme convulsión, which if not speedly reme died, end in We holleve it the BEPT and SUREST RKMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all oasen oí DYKNTFRYanrl DIARKHCEA IN CHILlJREN, whether it anses from teething. or fr m any uther cause. We wou ld fay to erwy inother who h s a cbild sufferin? from any of the foregoilK complaint-: - DO NOT LET TOUR PKEJÜPICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTÍTERE, stand betwoenyou and your suffer -nar child, and the relief tbat will be SURE- YES. ABr'üLUTELY - to follow the us1; of this medicne if timely used. Full diect'ons for using vill accoropany each bottle. Non (rpnairiR unlcss tl-e fae-rimile of CURTÍS k PERKINS, New-York, is on the outside wrapptr, Puld by Druggists througout the wcrld. Principal !'ffice, 13 Ccdnr Street, N, Y PRICE ONLY 5 GENTg PER BOTTLE. For sale by Eberbacb & Co. Iy773, MOORE & LOOMIS Bave Removed to the STORE RECENTLT OCCUPIED BY C. MACK, Phoenix Block.East side of Main St., AND ?J7 HAVE In Store A Lsrge STOCK v" 0F boots" shoes Of every desotiption -whieh vid be SOXX CHEAFEH TBAN CAN BE BO ÜGHT IN This City. Also & large ssortmtnt o' HOME MANUFAOTÏÏBE, Of aU kinds made in the mest Fashionable Style rr soos axb EXPERIENCED WOEKMEN, -oxmFEENCfl CÁLF BOOTS are NOTsurpassed thi3 si3c of Xew York City, and are warranted not to rip. Our PfOGASAND KIPS are made of the best materials Our stock of Morocco Bootees "or Ladies is the the best in town, with heels or without We Make to Order, andnevtjr mis of suiuso the ürst time so gire us a cali and we will ahow you our stock 'ree of charge We have cured the services of two Exerieuced Journeymen. who do ourmendinp in thelVeatest lUanncr, and on shorteat notice. Our motto it Quick Sales and Small Proftts Thaakful 'or past favors we hopebypaying strictattentioii to our business to mei it a liberal hare of your patronage for the luture. S Remeniberwe ara not to be nnderold. & MltORB & LOOMIS LUNG & BLOOD INFIRMAR Y. Fishcrs BJock Wvodw&d Ave Detroit On. I, J, CARPKXTEH& RAINARD. :o: DOCTORS gen. rally pretend that Consumption ia incurable, because they eau not cure it themselves; but this does not make it trueMany mechanica will wurks on a job all day and after üoing nothing but spoil the material they will tel you it n-vt-r caa be dene in the way you want it. But byapplying tn a better woikman- one who thoroughly underetands his business - you will get your work accomplished in shape. In this respect there is the name differente to be founi in all trades and professions. The bunglers in mech:tnism,in the arts. in law, in theology, and in physic, will say such tliings cannot be done. And it is true that they could not be il all men wtre like theraGelres. But fortunately there is another class of men a.nd these, when they take your cast in hand, do th( jobas you want it, or restore you to health, accorc ing to delire. We have only to remember tl is act t uüderstaüd whj one pbysician should pronounce that incurable which another can cure. In mechantes, wesometimes find tbat by a possession of superior ineans, by some new invention, of which he has the soie uae, or by the ereater ingenity of his mind, one person will make or do what no other can. Exactly it may be so in physic. And tbis is the very reason wby I have such great success over al othera m the treatment of C'ousumption. By having the original genius, by possessing the Lung-Metcr which enables roe to cleavly dettrmiDe tbe nature of the diseaseand by having such remedies for Consumption as no other Fhysician ever had, make bold tt ay that ! have, and can effect a cure of this Oüeise beyond tbe reach of any otltev man. To prove this to have heen the case, I might give you numbers upon numbers of certifieatos from men and women given over to the grave, who have been rescued and restored Lo healt' by the perscvering use of my nmedi s for Consumption But it la not neo( ssa y for me to do bo here, lhe faot of oneman doing what another cannot cannot, is evidtmt toaU men of common, If the Cousump tive wishes further proof than this, I can only say come an'l saüsfy ycurself by tri d of in y skül in toe cure of your complait Doctor Carpenter will visit Vpsilantl, and Ann Arbor during 1860-61. Ann Arbor, at Cook's Hmel, 3d an. 4th of each month; Havkios House, Ypsilanti, ötl and 6th of each mnnth. The remaindcr of the time, he will be fouud at his Lung Infirniaiy inUetroit 1773. WLNES & KNIgW have received theirsecond purohaseof WINTER GOODS. Which will bo sold at the Lowest Possible Prices, FOR CASH, BARTER, OR PROMPT We invite all to cali and he satisfied that our GOODS ARE AS GOOD AND PRICES AS LOW as can be foiind in the city. Nov. 10, 1860. 775tf NOTIOK}, ALT, PERSONS indebted tn the nnden'rnwl , .itbor by nu te or account,, aro requevted to cal! amlfeettle, a I urn clos!n up my busiuo'sB 'preparatory to moving WM. ï. O O D B . ftlCH (JOODS! ChcapGoods! ! i, - f j . ■ i i BACH & PIEP. 30 N Have na ornis tuk i OHOICEST STOOK - OF- FALL AND WINTER GOODS tobe found in this City, consisting of i G0ODS FOR GENTLEMEN ! Bubstontinl and doïablff, G00DS FOR LAD1LS! G00DSF0R THE MECHAN 1C GOODS FOR THE FARMER! DOMESTICS, STAPLES, i , IFAR5001LY OKOÊ[iC3i]KO 2 a'l Carefully selected, Waranted to please, and for sala cheap. coaiu .visrao seb. BACH & PIERSCN . October, 1860, 76Stf FOR THEHOLIDAYS! ■■■- Q ■ ■■- j SCHOFF & KILLER RE ST1LL ON HAND at their old Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete assortiment of Books and Stationcry, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SE.U1ES, ROLLERS, CORD3, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES. 0UBTA1NS. HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS & e Ever offered in this Marfcet ! and thoy would suggest to those in purult of any thing !d SANTA CLA UW LINE tbat thej can securo % Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing (tam this tiock, au each purchaser gots au udditiunal prient of Jewelry, ie, Eanging in value from 50 et, to $50. y Th7tra.-t that theirlong parfenoa in telectlng goods for this market, and atrict attentrn to the wants of CuEtomers, inay entitlo them to a liberal sharo of Patronage. Ann Arbor, Dec. 6. 1860. '77tf 8,776,994,650 VOLÜNTEÏRS WANTED! TO ASSIST IX THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! tfbite folks, or of whatever color, cante or nat.ivity, -wbether marriod, ingle or of doubtful connexion, will beenliited in tbc noble cause of EMANCIPATJNG THE CQftMVNlTH -FROM THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! and will receive tbeir outfit at the Extensiva Fur nlshing Establishment -OF THE-O UI TER MAN' X HEAD QUAETERS! haviDg been establiehed for the LAS T TEN Y E ARS, onr knovrn rule of vvarfare is an Undi sguised Deslniction OF HIGH FR ICES ! ion clothing For all JLges! 8x and Conditions! In consequence of the vory fiattering cnrouragement wliioh we have reoiived iiDoe our location in this U, we have increaee;! our Stock of FALL AND WINTER C L O T H INC! To meet the demnmU of our custoniers, anj baving become more fully convinced tlmn ever, that our mode of dealing, namely: at ihe lowest possible rates far is the only truc plan; we will continue t: aerve tbe public as heretofore durirg the coming fall and winter. Our Stock consiyts in eviry variety of KKADY MADE CLOTHING ! JMnin and F.-incy CLOTHS, 0A8SIlifKES, . SiLK, AND SILK VELVET8. A líirge lot pf OBNTLSMSK'S FJKNISHING GOODS, wliich ure all wanuiited DON'TFAIL TO Oa-Xila. T 3r. I3C. . For past fa vors we are gratefnl loall,. Theeame iorlarpeonos in proportion, ' And tliose wlu see rit to 'ca)lShall receive onr best smiles aiiil devotion. M. Guiterman & Co. N. 1!. 8t uden tí and all othen -who trant to eeo SONDHEIM'S nw mode of cutt,ing will do well to cali und leave thoir moasuie For a Nice Fitting Suit ! o-xriTEri.iVEjíviw xSo cfo. Aon Aiict, ;r' :? ises íw I 1). L WOOD & CO. K. IjATtG-E STOCK O3P Seasonable Goo4s 2 For tXxO F ALL AND WINTSR TRADR, Of 16GO: WUTCH THEY WIU. Sl-LL G H 12 A P F OH CASH, OR REAUY PAY Cali and see Before Pvrchaiivg Eliteui ere. D. L. WOOD. W. G. FüSTER. THE HYDROPÜ LC An invtjnlH.u for throwing Wtiter bj hamt-power, pat ted bv W. T YQE. Itiaone'of the most valuable la vemiuus of the THE IIYDROPULT wil) , by the power of on1: man, throw vater t th r of 8 gallons r minute íiíty fe?t bigh, with great furc. It is the beet arttcleeveriavented for' EXT1KGCISHING A F1KE, PROTECTIXG A Iïi:C' l'KOMTAEISG-nRE. WASH1NG WINDOWS,31JR1NKUNU l'LASTJf, WATERIKG GAUDENS. CLJANoING TREES KROM IJ.VF.CT3, KETTING SI. E VAI.KS, eraiN'KLIN'G STR0ST8, WASH1NG CARKiAGKS, EANING CETERNS, MPylNG WATKK TROM ?AIL BOAT., WITTÍNO C.i;-?, A SI'RAY BATH, &C. Thts articie sliould be owned br crert bonuhoMar.- It does away with _the necessity of & bydrant. It ie ■ liirht, portable l'OBCE PUMP, always ready, easiïy nJ and wili come a frequent use by ever? fttmer, mn chant and raechanie in the comnjunity. Please 11 and examine the articie al thi office. AMERICAN HTDROPITLT COMPANY, 41 PARK ROW, N f. TTAII AT TYELCH, Agent fcr Waslitrnaw Cotimr, V71m3 yPSILAinï.llick, Herrick's Sugar Coated Pili CHILDREN CRY FOR THEM ! J% ssss This remarkahlfl a 'Sb . American remedy i cr' y - .:: "-. su.rm Over live mil, ' lious ofboxesare gold ,-ffi annuall y. Composcd - 't __ HItÍ e n 'Ie'y f ï lowere ij F.oots, BaNains nd OK '."r; 'r - ' Eï e Dunian ystpin in Icasant sitiLactory ■;- . ' BmKSjr T-d suecsiaf. Actinff ,. n -'. ■ n t?,e ife-ï Sigiöfci glanda, solids nd Held. of tlie body, their u,. is att'-nned wi!h the nappiest effect. In old htandiijf casefiOf sicknes?, small doses - n-peated frequently- o clen.sPs the system, tliat good hcalti. is tïie rrsult" No chnnge in (rnjtloymcnt or diet is neceasary. They ner caust: soremouths, swelled jointa, aching Iimbs, te, do many other kinds. Thoy arrantfd to giic satufaetiea, orthe price refunded. Ihey are consideird cheaper, wfer, prettier, an1! in all respects superior to imv purgstira pill in tnp irftrlrl. JQ9-1b dfsctiTrr)' of codíifijr a pill with tufiitr emanated uhh Ir. l:cn'ik All ottoeri are counterfeit, aud if uspii, wil do hai m,anl disappoint the thk, rieVh puin dreeïeauntiv pütvp, SO in u bcx,wi;A a lare fiiet of directionS] anO mU for 28cnti per box; S bu.tes for !, Herrick's Kid STRKsaTiitxi.vo Piasters. Thcgrevt ííírrrgtJífr and Pal D'stroyer, The Beit avd chr a-pest Househcld Remcdtj in the word. These renowned PlastTs curi pain, wcakr.css and litresj in the baelr, M'des aud Lreast, in (ive hour. IndrcJ . so cerUin are tbey tojo chía, that the proprietor warrant them. Ppread frm resins, bahams and gunm. rn bcautiful kid leiilicr.roniiers rlioni pccuüarly aAapleét the wants cf Frrnalts and others. Their application ia universal- eqvalt.vto the strong man, the delicate n-uniao, nnd th feeble intant. Toeachandall they will prov a. balmand a bleasinp. Their use is agreeable md without innoyance or' trouble. Fach PInter wili wear fromoua tii four months, anrl in rheumatic comp!aintn, nprain and britises, freqnenïly offect ctirt? when all other remedies fait. I'ull diroctions wili be found on tliebacknt each. Public speakers, vocalista, ministers of thegosp.'. and others, wili strengden their lnngsand improTe their voJcea uy wcarir.g them on their breost. l'rioe 16 cents. CST The annre articles are toMb.TUll the dealen in Anu Arbor and !jv DruggiBta tliioughoiitthc Dutrd Ststw, Cana das and South -A marica, at wholesale by all larga DrnggisU iu the prin-ipal citios I1ERR1C1Í k BROTTTFH, Iyf37 I-KiCTiCiiCuEMisre, Albany, .T. . . . PROF. L. IlILLER'S HAIli INVIGÜ1UT0K. AN EfTECTiVE, SAKi". AND CCOXOMICIL CuMPiilNP TOR REBTOHUÏÜ GÍ.V IIAIR to ita original color irithout 'Ij-eng, aud proventa tiic Uair froiu turainK grj. FORPUKVKXTINTi BALT.NEöS and curir.g t.wlien Ht-i is tliu Iv&si piirticle uf or recuerative onejf rymaining. FOK RE.MOViNG SCüÜF AXD DANDRt'IT, aad all cuUücous aiftctions of tbc Pcalp. FOR BEAUTTFV1XG THE IIAIR, iicpartingto it n uaequ;Ulcd gltíñs tti)d brilliancv , makiug it soft uuu aiü in its texture an-1 causin it tocurl readily. ' - The great celebrity nud the inoreacing doiünad for '-j I aratiuo conriuce the propiitttur th( .ina trial is onlv necessry tu Ratisfv a discrning public ni tU superior qualities over ay "tyLT preparattoii at 'ics-t It cícansfis the head saj sct.íj íruui dandi uff7.r4. 'aricni. lii.icafis. fVusos t'y haïr togrow lultunantly.and givesit a rich, sull, gioa&y anJ fiexible f rypp.Ti-íiiiCí'.anií i! Uu whcre fliei)a.r ut hntn-.iiig . ■ ■' i;' ■■'"'' '■■■' i -n.i vigor tit-the rwoid-, #n4 r?:uore th.e grmvth ín U- pikfta wljich hye beconie buW, eausiug it Vj u ■ -t-ing ofhetir. re hnntlrwls oi ladi#s and gentíemen ij. ft mr I hjl :' Iftuivd Uy th -J!;tt ní this Id vigora lor, when uil oiher prenar!i(iuns (ad failcd ï 1-. ba ■ t teas ítiuuiue:abl tcstifyinu to 'Jie übovu facts, trom persons ofthi liihest respecta WlHy. It wili eiTcctuuliy prf.i'nt thejyiirfrcm twnivp gray untü tlie lat1 N); SZtd in cí.fc. w:ir tb" batí has ehaoged itfi color, the use ofthe luvigorMut ■ wili with'lcert.iinty restore it to Us orignial hür, trivnig (t a dark, glssy appnarance. Af a perfunu for tb? toilet. ana a Uair Kcstorraive it is parfeularly rc-comnv-ni.-id, haring an terooabl' frasrrance; anil tïie preat facJitM , it iirtoicLs in drc3: thehair. tvfaieh, when mni&Jj w;jth ihi Iuvigorator ca;! . ■ . id tona so 'M rve lt plaE#i Mli#:3te? i!Jw j.v bor ■ the lílTítt 4riiV ti t'.unl.ird loilft articie w'iioli be without, as the priqp tt wil din tisú r.acít of all, bi'ii; ONLY TWKNTY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, to ba hal at all respoetable drugisl1 ani pvrfumert. L MU.LER wonM cali the attenfinn of l'jirentn anA ; fiuardiftns to tlu use of hfs ÍnTÍgor;r, In eau wbere Ireas' Halr inclines to W wvqk, Thcuj-cofH - I luys the founi;i ■ i ■ ■■ ■ hcanlofhalr MÍtrciqova íiny impuvltkfi thst my bare bweme oimiimH with 1 ■ ■■ ■;■ blji for f.p healtb ; the ■ ■ i :■ appea ranee of ir ïïilil . ouine wtthoul ihfnc shnilt I.rtTB MII I EU ■ ■ ■ ■■ ftM ter wrapper; als, h. M)l.l.lMM IiAÜi 1 blolrr i;i th.' rl pot,fii) iy St. and koM byall OtprtolpeMfrchtt and iiirnuhont tiin imrbt. Lib !liafri by the unntjty, I also ütsirf to prötent to the Ainerloan Public vny New & Improved Instantanooxi? Xiiquid Hair Bye h'--!i after vpjlifti of ucientlfle lxr-r;nTrutmr I Ji;-e ■ ■ Dl i", ii-ii Mifctnnthlthout in.inry to '!"■ tfair oc ?kjn vai-stiiied th( )-'t aïti-' ' -'iK'. PRICB ONLY FIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 50 DE Y S7„ NrwYóA KSLttit' i Ui: Li. b' j jiiii-.-: 'l'UV I!ny.s Coircraal K:ivlf.,r int. mal enaiphln, Í -üud : I i r.i M-lhus, l'ain ui Mc uuiiIj ot . reviT nhil Aiíbo, r,,i ch". i nMp, Ac Alao i' ii ut.-, Freli WuunflsBurfi] ain, N'"r.i'i;i. Itifiuopza, t'liilhljiins, tjfiiM Kick or-Slde-Tootliache. Earai ' . Ri" r. c: l;o vuri; aud)tJ. (i !"', i ; ri '.r.SAI, KLl.Ir : n.rst.t; x 1 .' '. ■ ■ ■■■ ■ . . u


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Michigan Argus