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VflüTlIifAN SOTJTHËRN &: TJL IfUKTIIBttN INTIA"A!1AI.'U).U. &'- ■ ■ 1350. WMTKR AKIU-VUJJEIT. ll. tnins dow run on ih;.; ron'! ?usdayi exco nli do 'or Chieagn dally exceptilondayaal 1_' !j : A ! .aii'l l.'.-!0 I'. l .ittlvu Arliiv'.!) .'.. M. I u... . ..! 10,-U Á M.n.l 9,öu T. M : ; in Chicago fr om Folcdo and DofVoit tti 11,00 !-.-M Ai-.icoat l)jli-.i.t trom lo'.sio, at ü:!5 A. M. , l il. Arrivo iu IVimit IVom CIkciïo at 6.D0 P. )I.,tmlS.lS ' P. U. Jrrivo iuTiihv! trom Chicago 3,40 V. il. A Uure AAziu fur JackiOp ut. 0,18 A. 11. r.uJ (!,'.' I. M. '■ Juiuon [or A-' t R,Sa A. ï!., nJ 11,55 1'. SI. COXXIXÜC.N. Ar Wltli CIl-vcIjii''. -v fdiwlo Rail BoV, villi (Vabnih V&lloy Rail Rood. At Dktbpit- Wiili Urand Trunk Uailwiy, wlth Graat i .i.Lüwi.v, jlUo, irílh Ihe Detroit and JJiiwaukLO. RuilroiKl At Seif Alca.vï s 3vjx R. Crotm.vo - Vy iUi Tritiui fot líirnycUe, ttaiM Ali:i:iy cin-' Loiü&liilé. . r i:!K_.'..s --'. ..'.i Chícaso aal íock Iiland, Galena, ■ MiitTHiikeo, Cbic-tjío. BurTíngtoa and Quinoy - N'orili v,V-.t Rail ny - Chicago, Alttfil and st. Loa, Ilhuis Coctral, &n 1 xo aii l'oínt aud ?oúth! &$- Tn.ine. arorun ly Cbioago lioit, whicli i. 20 minutwji Hl),7cr lijan Tule3 i;ino. J5JT V-.).!i;:rs ''..t'"nt Slctptng Cars tlp Isírí; CrailU OD &3r Timo aud K.ia the huí as by any other Kai: It iad !vute. JNO. 1). CA11PEEIX. Cue-1 8uperitnilent. LIFF. 1NSUKANCE. Tho Connccticut Mutual Life In surauca C'ompany. AccurmilateJ Capital; - 83,500,000. IXT'Il.t.lNiURK I.IVEá for anv amount aot exccc;llDit VV S1O.0 10 for the whole term of Ule orfor a term of yenrs, on the most favorable ternn. N.H The Coiupauv is purvly nvitual and the policy l-.olJors get all the. bu'rplui m-ir tl.e act coat of insurfcnoe H acöouwdales tlio inxured in the (eiiK-ment of thair premium ON LIFE POLICIE?, if deatred, by luking i a n.ito fur one half thé amount, beariug lateraal at six ler oeut, pt-i" :ainar.i, Dipdends are Dedarcd Annitally! nml sinco they now amount to iifty per cent on tho prem.uvo, cash and nte, and uro incroaalcg Uiey may bd r.ppliel to cancol thenotee, The ratea of premiums areailow a any other r spi.nMble Coinpnny ruid the l;irge aceumulated fund of $3,500,000 is .securel y Inrealftd, as may be Keen by to the atatemint made ncoordjjig to law, 00 ftle in UMOfttoeofths County Anu Arbor ,S JAMtS GCODWIN, Prest. ïCY R. lnKLP3,Pecv. Forparticnlartapply to J.VMR C. WAT3ON, 76Ö 1 Agent at Ann Arbor, Mich. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. 1 Accumulated Jan, 1800, $1,767,133,2-1 MORRIS FRANKLTN, President, J O. KliXDALL, Vir.e Presa', ,, PLINY FEE EM AN, Actuanj $100,000 DEPOSITED with theComptroUt'rof tho Stnto of Xew York. Dividcuds averuge 4Ú per cent. aunually. A9SETS. Cahinnnk, 31,365.4! lüvesttjd iu securitieh, created under the lawsof the SUte of NVw Wirk and f tho U. S. , 258,870,70 l!il E-tate and Futuren, No. 112 and 114 P,oadway 132,450 04 Bonds and tfnrtgagea dntrlagTpei ot. inicrost 5S3,OO8,3U N'otes recoived tor -!0 por cent . of premiums on Ufe polioli's bearing interest, 65,315.55 Quartei iv and Scmi.annual premiums, dne ubequeut u. Jinuary I, 18S0 i0-?-?S Tnterent accruc.l op to Jan. 1, 1S60, 36.4S8..7 Rent aerrued upto Jan. 1.1ÍS0, .'!t?Í Premiums on polloiesin haads of Agenta, .o.-H.iy 1 ,767,133.24 Hm Well and Lïwirr, Medical Exsminers. 743lf J. ClI.BF.RTSMIlll. '■-■■it Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEÜÏ IS THF. AGENT for the followfng 6rst tlm eompanie: IKOIE INM'RANCE CUHPASY, of New York Qtj.- Capital and Surplus, $1,500,000. CITY FIKE INSVUANCE COMPANT, of Bartfoid.- Capital and Surplus, $101) 000. COVTINENTAI, IVSCFRAMCV COMPASÏY, ol Xew Yc-rk City .- Cnplt land surplus, $100,000. Tbree-quf-rters of the nett jir.flift in tLis Compaoy ia dinded aniiunlly amoog its policy holilfrs. O. H. NULLENAnn Arbor, DJcember 13, 1SC0. Crü778 Conway FIre Insurance Co., Of Conway: Mass. Oapirnl paifl up, - 8150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - 269,963 12 Linbilities. - - 16.440 03 D. O. Ttoprcrs. Jas. S Whitney, Secretar i, . Presiden t. OIRFCTORS. i S.WHPntET, L. 8ODMAM, W. F.I.I.1DTT, ÍP1 DOW I. Nn. D C. McG'I.VK.M', E. D. MOÜOXN WAiT HKMENT. JO3IAII A 1.I.IS. A.H BI!' I. F.N W. I!. niCKINiON, V T. CLAI1:'. D.C. RÜGCR-. A mi Arbor Re fr-renecs! Dr. E. WF.l.I.P, L JAME'S I.. POrOK, KNOCIl JAMES. CAPT. O.S. OOOÜRICU J W. KNIGIIT. Airont. Aun Arbor. Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARTNE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANy, OF PEORÍA, ÍLLIXOIS. Capital, - - - 8500,000 one of the IIEAVIF.ST, SAFF.ST and BEST Insarsnoe t'o'.. in the U.S. Insuras on reas;nble terms, nd al v.'.ys pay promptly. Thero no belter Firo luttuianc Mo ney Wa uted. VV 5 o will LeiiiiMoiicyi r AM RSQÜiSTED CY SEVEKAI. l'KUSOXS lo oltain l mney l'or them at ïen Per Cant I ïtorest, (Or More.) For any one willins toU-ml.I can at once InTSSt on fiiod uíiencumbered abuudant IIKAI. : uctirity anvumu of money and see that the title and accurlty :irè ai.l RXOHT. The borrower pnying all expeineH, inclmlinit reoording. V. MOKOAN, Ann Arbor, Gct. :,18f-9 TlStf Genera) Land Agency PER9OJÍ8 wanting farrr, or reilrlercf n r ornoo nn rb"r, cn by callingonmc elecifrbma ut ■ f over KM Farm P For Sal! OfvarlnuK tze trom x, te 1301' acnuach ,(orae ! iood atn v inlhU i'onnty.) MorethHu 9U DiveliMK Hoiisi-j. inthli'Jlty.fromt" ïundred to fourlhomarM do - ars'iach : and otp' ZO f.(HI,l)lSG I.OTS! Amoniibo-fHrmF are tbp Klaboptrartu. l.'IOOacre, th l'ottir farti. inCiruci OiiKit'n. I'Ibci tnim . a i i ) icree. !lirl?lnnrlnn in.i J.'iikí fiirnu, i n '-Vobster; tVi ?-u!)'i, Mlchaei Olancy. Newton B4aCeA, "d 'nrmr. '■ Ant rber J. Kir.t'ilcv'4 fnrm, Inl't'Wüi-id-theHitnh n I Hi-k trm li. I ndi tho Patrie "lnju 'arm n Frendom; W. J. DívIkOp. B. r, "nakert „nd üu-'b fnrm. fn'T Moti ihp. .na many otbsra can b livtdodto iuit par'!l"18Cr' E. W, 'T IOAX. innrhoj. Jnn t . lcr' s ' J? W .MORGAN, Agent for Mutual I. if.' Tni;rancoCmn;iariy, N"''w Volk. Accumulated Awetn, - ï:,;if,0,000 the lea liüír Life ínsóranee Coropattj In the U. s. Knick'-rbocker Life Ceiiipanv. N. Vork, - ;i I i r - 1 l-;:iss s"fe. Co.- ti-nns reauu.ibU-. II intb ld lrisuiance (riip;Liiv, New Vcrk. Cüpiul, with alireurplu8, - 1900,000. Peoria F. ii' iiiiiirance Co., IVdiin I". -h,.tr h-Ko. l Fire l'iuianee Ái'. TOTtf fnplVil, - 500,000; DEFOKEST, AKMSTüüNG t CO. DRY (JOODS MKROHANTS, 75, 77, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duano gtreot, Wav; York TTriCI.Ii MiXII'Y TJJK iltAl i:tli;ii tney ore opculn VV HTuekly, ín lltw :.u: ;...:i ;l..l ;..: t i.ftlK, tlll AL&U TUK A Ni'w Print, windi cxo0lfl mwry Print In tlie Country fo perftjctfon of xeoutíoD and design in futí Usdder Colon. - Our ('riüt ure cie;qer n uy 'm in;:rkt't,ftnl meeting tiih xto4iw Rle. Ordttv pvauipllj atten.JpU i.. Ï;l2yl EYE stndB f PK F. A. CAD"'ELL, i S5'orERTOK (-N THE EYK AND K.R. For itlïitd-i-'-, nnl bII ïlcfrtts of Sl!l dd IIailng. DU C. BE1B I A REGULAR Phyaiel íh,í J WENTY VKAR'1 xpluaive priietlce in u--.t'i:, -: al ls: ihe KVK AKU Kil!, wi 1 ht Ibuad qulgd to ! givo relief or tlíucl a culti in any c;ise u-illiin ihe mach ' of Immui 11 ay Ho r.bnrsrt fat an cxamln&tlon or an opinión, or for Hntuecfful serrias Í)K C.'s TKK1IUK UK TUK EïK 4SD Kak, n! 300 pp., oontaloing reforeneM, TontlmooW, Dceriptlon f liiaC&g8 an1 ulhtr imp' r;;in: mnttrr. ilHis' r.iti-'l wlth iuts, to be liail rratu, by seading Ten, Ca,; tu py postaKe Addiaaa Br. c,mwku., a Randolph Street ,.,,i i.c r ivabi.rn. Cliicago 111. ly88 liivery Stable. B. (1RF.F.N, at híj I.ivtry Ptabli rear of Fia.ikHn, ],n,js h . to furnish the iwM "larn out.' ■ ■inglvürdoublejal short noticc. CaHin) is lloraos : aii.l ir iga OiBce secund dovr wcüt ol Webster líuok Store. P. a. A fin" stock cf Cutían for Ihozt f dwiighí m THE BANNER STORE. SECOXD AIíRIVaL ö 3 d JL sa .. OOODS raOMACCTION', r-mTPLsr o:eoi;-a.:i? Facts for the Feople "W .A. Si 2-1 T E KT .A. "W ADJOTNING aoüNTÍES! And ihrfr nntterotli quostione anewereii. Wbii a Evrrvbndy trading at tltt "BANNER STORE? ' - Becaust A. P. IVSSLLS, the Proprlettfr ol tliat Establishment has jut rc-lurui'd from t!ie Ensteni CiueBwuh thé Laryzi, lluuhomcA, Chcapext, and Most AUractivit Stook of STAPLE ANQFANCY DRY COODS! fver brought to tMi part of i Stt. Why i Ertrybody pituita utith Ais Stock? rc&uie hlnitjlei ro more besutitui. qnalif.T bUer,aEd piioce lower timn at anj oiher itore iu ihe county. WAa hat kt alwayt Somethïng A'ete and Cheap to Showt Becmiwbohasafrien.t conntcted with one of (lic Jy gest lh-T Gnoils lIciuRf" In New Vork, who is oontimiaw " BOBMKG ROUSD" iur cbwp bargair.s and tbe Uil e styles, a thcv appcai1 from líiii to tinw. anl in tl.i way kcvps htm sayiiUed "it!i vies, ;irvi oonwqiMRK cuetomers caá aúays Ond soraetking l'ronh, NEW CHEAritil DESIRA BLE Why doei he teil so mueh Cheaper thtn the reet? Bícause Ue has a buycr in th cltj U "i time to tak. sd'vantagc of. the coñtinual ohsoï "I tl'1 m.irket, and in tliat av tuyn hi ){m"l piacn oheper inan uthi-rt can, and thot ü nrfi thoia üowu to 'Ira IiOWBST PIG u Jr 3SSS . WAy os Ae f7 I.adieê' and ChUdrns' Short so mueh c'teiiper ihan was ttrr heurd oby the oldett SliOemakeit? Becauio ho buy hi tock In tho land of ehocmaksra, ui tüö manufactitrors, fully 'J5 per cent eheaper than tbt New York Jnbbers mll tïietn, voA anich betti-r work than theygcnerallv keep. 'lhiiicour&e unubleu inm to seU a better Gaiter for 35 Cents. than otheresoll at 60 cent,and a botterJOXED GATTEI' at 50ceuU, thau olhers .-eh at 75 oeuts. Hat he any Halt and Capt? Yes.I ebnuld think he has 8tack. of them, enough to aupply the State, at pricea lower than as over heardof round tli-su parta. Why it hit Tea so mueh brtt'r for the price you pay than you gel 'i! uther places? IïecAURo he téku gnat care tn'soleethw it, and giveshit cuatomoiíi tUe beuelit of :i real good 75 ceut TEA FOR 50 CENTS. It Is a way he has got. Where thould ijou po to get your CLOTHS and have them Vut or Made? To the BAN'NKR STORE?, wbere the l'eople's Banncr if unfurledfor the Poopié (rHld. South sido of J'ublic Souare, a few doors west of Cook'i Hotel. A. P. MILLSPept. 18, 1SG0. "H'itf Ho for the Mmrnoth Catoinet Ware Rooms. MARTIN & THOMPSON, rjAVE Jl'ST OrEXljp iM TUEIIí new and Elegant War c-R oom EAST SIDEÜl' MAIN STKEET, n. yi -xx xr To or, A COM PLETE STOCK OF KOSEWOOD, MAIIOGAJSY and SETS OF PARLOR FUllxNÍTUllE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WALXUT, Plain and Marble Topped O 11 GO Til IS TiBILgs, EÜSEWOOD,! MAIK'GANY, BLACK WxVLNÜT, FA NOY and COTTAGE CHAIRS, &c, &c, &c, ócc. a ar- 9 VA eganl M I 11 K K S , Bureaus, Secretaries, B e d-R oom Sets, 1NCLUDING LATEST STYLKS, -ofOP THE BliST QUALIT1 ANi Different Material. Iu Faot they Have Everything M-T-U W-U-l.C-H T-O F-Ü-K-.N' Ï-S-U PARLOR, BOUDOIR, BITTINÖ ROOM, OR KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZEN3 NEED NO longr go to Detroit or olsewhere To Find ALAROE AS8ORTMENT F JS sTïifï TU R E MUST BE S O L D - A N D- AndWill bo Sold. A- T V E R Y L O W F R T C E S ! Let i'v-rv man and his wifc orgmng to be wiff COilt aMi SKK. Tl.eyalso have a EA IISE CA URJA GE, I And are always read to at-nd to tlio burial of tl9 dead in theC(tyana aajoining onontry. Ware-Rximn MWt side of Maiu Street, betwecu Wanhington and I.iberly O. JJL .- - N. 0. B. THOKPSOK


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Michigan Argus