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GREAT. GREATER GREATESJ, B.UíGáJNS EVEROFFEEED 1859. JLqI85!) In tliis City, aro novv beiug oiTereil ut thn CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & J e -%3%7 = X ry SS t o x onpHE iiltsr-rirmr wowMaay to thi' citizengol Ann Ar1 bor. i pnrticular, iinri hbe ret 't' WnshtriiMiv "nunii in icnera!. tSiat hehiisjiut ÏMPOIU'EI) DlRECTLY from KVRQtX.t Tremcndous Stock of Watches! Al. nf wnfeh hn hinii himarlf to spII HIIKAPKR tliHn rnn lie boupht wra' ot' New York City. ;ienFv Cyliiulrr Watches trom f6 to $10 ilt do Lever do do rt to 21 tUittting ''" do do 14 10 3 An )o Cyllader do do 9 to 2è liolil Wntehca froni 30 to l.Vr 1 J ave albo Ule OKUöfiltATEI) AMEll'CAN WAT CHES, wl.ich I wlll eu Irr $3. Kvry Vvath warrantcd to perform well, ortlx inon.;y refunded. Cloc::B. Jpwelry. I'inic.i War, Kiiucy Goofls Goh) fVn. luíiral Iatruimirs ntrl .Stri"fr, Cut'.ery, A-a. ■uil n fftit varicty of ever; blus luuMty kepi jyjew vi'-.Ts enn bc '■ aght foi oe oext Dtnnty ;il viO W N PR1CE8! 1'crsoiiB huyiiitr njivthinff nt thls wil Vnown MtahlisiriDfl itt cari -■ly ni' 'ti rt-itjiig gooN ♦XHi-cy repriscnt d, or thi"1 ni' ti' y r im.ded. Cal'. cnrly and ; run1 the bat ba rotting V(;r olí'1 nd in thi ' 'ity O1 word in regard to Repftking : We np1 prepaïd to makp any repnïrs on fine ir com nioii Wdïclu'ft, even to in kini: c er ihf ëiltta umiii, t nfiCi Bflftry. Repairtng of 'Uicks " H Je dry u? ii au al. l:-u rte oí RINGS BRíiOril-:, or uythiue deHied fromCtilif ruin (iold onsbortuo1 lico. i:neravire in all ita brauoheteXBrated wilt ncat neB and djspatch. J f. WTTP. Anu Ubo'. Jt'n. 3flthi850. 7Hw 110 RACE V A'" E R S , yl C E N T 3 3 3 Rroidwiy, N w Y o r k PitblUhcr ot .Hn le nittl .tlnslt' Bonkü AM DKAI.KR IX Pianos, Melodeong, Ak'x:indrc Organ Accordeons, M;niin's cebíated and iither Guititrs, Violins, Tnor Viols, Violiiiccllus, Accordeons, Plutinae, Flutes, Files, Triángles, Clari inetts, Tunftijt Foi lt, Pipes aii'lHammer.s, Violin BoWs, licst Italian Strinpr, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. S lx o o t IM vx S i o. l'iuin al! lili' publwWrS in the L'. .. lU-rtini's Huntto'8. :iud Moik'rn ciiool, aml ill kind.-t óf Inntnictinn BookR for tlie above instrumcnts; Churcb Mihric Bonks: Mnsle elegant bound; llarfic paper, and all k'más oí Music MiTcliiuuliwe. A t t heLowcst Priccs. New Pianos, At $175, $200, $225, $250, and up to $800. Sooond HÁnd IVaiwfl from $-5 up tu $100; New Mt-tutleons, $45, $00, $76, $líK', '1 up to $200; Sccond I I:i rxí Mv!i"l-uns fn.m $üOtoSSO; lexanireOrjans, wfth flvetnps, $ioo, mnostop, SlSó and $226 tiilrteen stops, t?90( 8:275 and $300: fifteto stpp. $330 and $375; A liberal discount to Clerpymen, (liurchos, nbballi ?chooln, 9emifMrÍes aml ToacheM. The Trade supplie! at tLe usual trade (li.scuunlt A Testimoniáis Of the Hornee Water Planos Miti McIodcoiiR. John Hewett, of Carlhai-, Xew Votk, who has had onp of the HoraccWatcrs IMann.f, writcsas foUows: - ■'A fricnd of mine wishes mo toparcb&K i piano 'r her. rfhe likes the one yon sold me in IVci-irtVr, 1S6R. My piano s tíeSómlng popular íri this plnS?, and í tlúnk I can introduce, one or two more; thoy will be moro popular tlmn any other make.' uWe have two of Water' Pianos Ín use n ourFominary, one of which has been severely tesfed fr three reara, and we can testify to thefrfrood qn&Hjbr and duraliility." - Wood-íc Gregory, Mount Carroll, III. 41, Waters, Esq. - 0EAR SiB: Hfmog usoil ÓnéoT your Piano Fortes for two years past. I have fonal t a very superior Instrument. Ai.ozd (3kat, Principal fírooklyn Hri#kts Seminary, "The Piano I rcceived from you oostinaea to Rive sat■íraction. 1 renard it as one of tho bost instrumentrt intht' piare." JAMES U Clakkk, Chartctton, Va. "Tlie Helodeon han safelv arrixecl. I feel 6ilfge1 to you fnry i.ur liVial (ÜíQüutit." Rev. J. M. McCoKMick, YarqHcsvilleS C. ■'The p no was duly received. It carne in excellent conJítion, and is vtry nmcli adiñlred byrtiy nuinerou.s l'amily. Accept mv tnarika for your pr.nnptness." - KuKftKX CooPBB, Wdrrenhani, Bradjocd Co. Pn. "Tóur piano picases ua well. It i th bwt one tn our tn'inty." - Tií;M;is A. l,.vi'HAM, Camphcllton , í?rt. 'We are very much obliged to y ou forhavins nent Racli a Rne instrument for $250."- Braxk,IIeld & Co., BuJfaÍ4 Dcmocrai. 'The Horace Waters IManosareknown aunmon the very best We aro enn!.Vt to epeak of fhese instrumenta with confidence. from pewonaï knovledfte of thelr excellent tone and ilunible ijnality." - N. Y. Evangelist. 'W cHii gpeak of tbe merita of the Hora Wntertí pianos from personal knowledgO, :is Iwing the very linest qualitj.11-! Christian Intetiigrncer. ''fhu HoiAce Watera pianos are ouiltof tlie best and moSi ihuivughly uaeonod material. We nr e no doubi thatbuyemcan do íis wcll,perhaps beiter, at thisthan at any otíierhouse in the Union."- Advocate and Jovntal. Waters pianos and melodoona challenge oomparlson with the finost made anywhere in the couutry.1- Home "Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of fulT. rich and even tone, and powarful - Jf. Y. Musical Review. ■Our frieiuls will tind at Mr. Water1 itorp the very beal aMOrtmeni of Music and of l'iiinos to be fbnnd in ilir Unlíed Sutteaand we urjte our southern and vevtern fríenus to f?ive liim a cali whenevor they g; o New York." - Graham't Mnxaiine Warehouse 333 Broadway, W. Y. Sabbath Sch ool Bell. IOO OOO issrcd 1 ten Months. The unprwedented ale cf tliis br.ok lias lndiiol tl-.v nubllsher ío a.W wine 30 new tumwand bymns to ita pre, ent sis. ithüutVxtiwchurge.excuit on the oheup edition- Among tliemany boautiful tnne nd lijmqa tdded muv bt fuunil:- "1 "UtU tu leve mv mothi-r;" ['OJ'U h,. "r s-nn.1 chlld, incfcod 1 will.'' Ihese aml oight "tli'Tfnim tlio IMl,-pre mine t m Pumlny BcHool AaDiver snrv of the M. E. Chuten at tbe AcaU'iny ot" .Muííc, with Krciii pplnu8e The MU odíSio nnriy 400 lan n1 iivmtK. aini isone of the Wnt eolkcbom everlwued r'ricc Uíc U0;pwhundred,staire4c Klegantlj bound, ei jfilt, 'J5c, -- pi-i HW It lws bien IntmiluoeJ into many of the Public Schools. The e i publishftd m wsH num berg entitlea AnniVfr:irv :ui'l SiiTi'lnv School Music Bcok8( Nos. 1. -, 3,. 4, ici arderte aeoommodittt Üie mllHon; pricet2 í: i' ?r bundnd Ñp. w't sopo be iul - cnniinencenu'nt of another book. Al-., lít-vivul Mwtlfi BboJm, N'o. 1 & -. price 1 & S2 lr 1UO. pnstsje le. More thn.i 3OO.i:i ci'j.ii's of :tbove binks have been Mued the past elghteen ihonths, atul thc demaní In rapldl y ntwkaio? Tublitihc-d bv HORACK WATF.RS, Aiíent, 333 Hr..nuay, N. 1'. Publised by Horace Wate's No. 333 nroaiMvny, New York. Vocal "Kimt Word can neverdii-;" "TJie Apgel tfl W mp so;" "Wilds of tlie W-st : " "Thoughti of'Ood; T ' Gira me titnek my Wonntrfïn Hume;" "fia nreama:1' '■!:i:i.iv Gock Roblo;" "lm witb ÜM siilh 'Pet ñames;1 ■'[■[ii.iv'mm riaríln itli' luim-;" -- '.u :. li .l:ut' I ':' ' '■ Kv. eroflnée:" 'Tm leávlngtron In StífYoxéf'lt9riot Beaut;:" 'Home of our liirtlif' "Grave i f Etosabo]tf) asa 'Wake, lady, wake, ' price 26c Mch. 4 Ixotri'mbntai.- "Paldcc (arden, or injinir Bird Polka "Sw iiuinL' SelinMisi.!.,' ;" "Mirsfeel Pchotti-c!r" "nfomas Baker'n Schófttschéf1 iipfccoloniinj ! Polka, S5 cent aaob. Thc abate pieeehaebeautlful Vlgncttee "Wclroer Polka;" "Arabian Wai cry Mardi," th: v.TvI.i-t: "VasSovUnnn Dorilclla Maturka; "Reau lina Polka;" "Crinoline Waliz." and "lance' Qttí lrille '"_'.r)c each. 'The úmirf ftcich'tt Quadrille;" : : ,, .-.■.' 'dance, .'."'1 "Tnc Hibenian quadilllè," 8S Manv of these pieces :irc played by tínlcer t celóbrateil ! nrohshi ni rita (,'"'"' pplra.W" Malled freo. A ! largelotof Foreign MuíoíU hnlf pricu. , Piano, .lleioilpons Mid Orsans. Tlie Horace Waters Phino and Meloileonp , for depth, I . , v oL tone and 4uryilty, are unnurpaswd. l'rices l.,- ,,v. - xi HHr.'l Pi.inu-i :n5il M elndeonft f rbm $"'5 to 150 HuMc aud Muvlcal [triwfinniiof =t 11 hin4a,athe lowMt prlooa. HOBACE WATERS, Agent, tin, 333 Bcod,jr,N, Y. Th iim.aiaïs; - Tw Wators l'iaiiusiur known as amonii thevery bc-tt.' - Fvaneeünt. 41 We can aneak of thelr merltefron persemal kuowleiOp!' - Ctirhiipu hiirtiifi'ncer. "Nothingat the l-'air dbplayed sroater excellence "- CAurrhman. Waters' Pianos and Md.iifons challenge comparten itli the liuot rnaJo anywlwrciu thc country."- Home frtnui Uf Ir villa's Works - National Edition I'HIS Fine Eilition of the Works nf Waí?iiis;t'V Ip (In'cluding the ufe ol VhintiD), ivIlíUepkb Ibbed Tor SÜBSCRIBERS ONLY In Montlily Volumes Priee $1.50 Pttjabla on Ddivery. Beautifully Primad iwi Iitotj ujin-Bne paiier, of th verv be.-t' quftlity, and substantially bound iu heav; beTellftd boards. U"Each Volume illustrated with VignettC! on Steel nuJ Wood LJ Kníckefbocki ra New Vuiïi, Skftcli üuok, Cluth. ('oluinuu, :: v'.ls. Bracebri'ige Hall, .V-toria, Tak'sot' a Traveler, Orayon Mi-c.llany, Capt. Öonneviïjo, Oliver Qoldwnithj Mahomet - vols. Grena'la, Alliriinbr, Wólfert'n Book, Ufè ol Va-liii!."ton, 5 voir.. Salmasundi. TbbüdiUon will be nold jpcaeajvKi.y to Subseriberi and will bc greatly oner'ór to any vir bofore ssuert,A voiy haals.-mü set of those unlrcr-n'ly popular nork. ia thut plaoetf ■nitlim the m aaa of uil. O. 1'. PÜTNAM, Agt.,Publihor, Sia.. r.Uvt,yr York. rsUHB Op pósito tli- tSê t f i ffivmm'ibmí L 1 iÍF?:MP-:w3t. BV E i1"1 ■ ■■■ ■ ' I '■■ O '. 1... FR . ri.'Iïl.IHlhilS AXiJ ilíiinif.icturtraí, ;t New .. U ui'lelu atock of KWV & YlLDiCAL, liOOKs, School Ihmks, Misctlhneous Books, Blank Books dan ST V. T I O ÏXT J3 3T5. "V ! ft'aíl and fftndnw Pu por, Drawing -i mi Mathematica] Instrument Mn.ic, Jiiyenile Mbntrieb, Eim Un.t!, fakg a::i Oiid. GOLD e rWv Imdi tij Pina and Ptncil.i Wiñdow'Coroieei halts aud Kixture, POCKET CÜTLERY! And ev"iryïhin;f pertajnfug to the tnule, nnd more to wblöbthey ironía hïrite thekttentlon i the country. In conducting our bfflioe&s, fr 11 tbutoag he iloiH'.sit tlial no rcsAonable man, wuman or cbil linH any fault. We l'-,H'■. r.tcüities which will enjible us to our kïouht af the Lowest Possiblt' Figures. V pmpue tOMll for RfiADY PAY.ata Bmall al vanee. , XVi' c.pi:t a proñt on our gooils, Int Cash Sales will Admit of low FIGURES. Wf blTP omjnjM tfc WifcM o( JAMES F. ÍPAU0W9, Ihm'cí" no af" [m-.; 'i-I r i f;irni-h Vhitivg, Wedding tirul nll alher Giirdn wrillcn In ardor, wilh nenfness and dispntch, by mai' or nthrrwise. TIn1 "K.MriRi: Buoti Stuk::," mahlied hy agntfñ 'on-w.' o-I Ihcy will ahvavs bfl foumj on the "qu;irtT lrck," qaady and wllling td iiK-mlio all wïtli pteaiiimtwko will favor thrm with a o&ll. l'emeinber the "Empire L5ook Store." JAM HS R. WE'ISTEU & Co. Ann Arbur, Ma V, 1860 74,; ANTOHER m ARRIVAI. A.T ' HE W 0LD AND RELIA BLE BcLOTHIWÍ EMPOBIUMÜ jL 3ST O . B r ia: ces isr 1 2c blocis:, MAIN STREET. bujnst returnc! froio the Eatyrn Citios, with a largt ;uid 'tcrtiiablt 0OCk uf F ALL AND WINTER E3r E O 3O S i whicli he is aow üftoring at unusually Araong bis JUsortmont may be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASS1MERES, DOESKÍXS, fe VE8T1NGS.. uf all descriptions, especialty for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! which he is ciiííinp and making tu order, in UteUtWl Bilt heat styloü, CDgétlMV with u sujienor assortment oí" REAjJY MADE CL0TU1NG! TKUNKS CARPET BAOS, UMBREU.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with nitnu'rniis niln-r att'.clcs usually found ia siniila: egtaUbtbdwnte. As ANKMFOPIIÍM OFFASHION: the aubscriber fiattexs hïnwelf , that hts long experience ;iinl genera. aucce(s,irU enable bim to gire the greatcsl sntistaciion i il! wbb ui:iy trusl liiinin the way ol manuiiielurïni' garmüQts to onKr. TO'.itl WM WAGNER. tukTThp.-.hííN opej?: Carapion's 3?latiorm ! 1UIK auUaribsr bal nat raurnsü frgm the ast wtth hia F al! ard "Winter Or O O X Et Whkh he ia Detc rmked to Sell AT THE J.iUVKST PRK'E FOR CASH! nt wlncli. Quality GocdF. enn ne aflforü ed in tliis city. My clutlis are all of the FINEST QUALITY and as I mamif.icl ure thi m imo clothing myaeli, 1 i enabit'J to WARRANT KVERY GAHMExT I sell io be WELL MADE, wl.ich i a strong Dducement to iuatomeM to patronise my 8lOI-' in prel'i nnce lu pincel quiuititu-s of liali m-i.l giiod are kepl for sul,-.- I hve LATi.sT i'a ui' ss nt:il :in giv yon as Fint and we t Fitling G irmentí ai can bt bought unyuhere. I aiu buund to sell CIIEAPEU AKD . BETTFR G-OOIDS ! thnn nny oIIkt siniilnr establishment in this , citv. . . Youi cusloin is in st respect fully invited. M. CAMPION. Ann Albor, Nov. i GO. 773v1 lüOÖMISft TRIFP, SuootttfsorB to Chapín & LooniiR ;iiffCli.ipin, Tripp fe Loomis ■- o IIKabve lirm ot l.o;m & .Tripp having pu rehaced tbi entira iiitcn.1 of the forraer rinii[i;:..:s wfl] rntitiinu thja butiipefa t theolt} stan.l.s. whero thcy v.ill ; w n'jviy. on the shortMt riotiöO, t üH all oraetv u tbe line of Castings and Machinery, in thjB nwt (Torkmanükw mannoi', and on :is übpral ii-niis anyotbernhop in the State. Among the vari oua articlosmaoufaiiQtured bv us, wc n'ould enumernte STEAM ENGÏNiCS ,f al! Unds; M01 Genriiij and Fixtorèa, wvnup'.-i ;.nd cast; alltlif catiil({ f'"' mikmf :ml ptlrlng Iiorse Püwci-s & Tlnesliiiiir Machines UCb a nrpat present, or have fnrijiorly hren in use m this puri t thfl State, ; ''Veli :i all tlio variouH kindsuf caaiing and maohtaa "k callea for by farmers and mecliaoici Iptia pectiou of the win ry. of aü vocioufl pa:UH8 Pp in siwaiul jjricofi. will l1 epteofiStBatlj OU hand , got the mt-bt inodLi-n aud inï(iroved itylw HUBBA.UPS WROUGHT IRON REAPKHS & MOWERS. having tommratni manulacturlng this supcncrMachine, single and combineü, the fanneri ure mvitc-d to oall and se a specimen macliino nu In ;rm room, beforepnrcliaslngolaewhere, belicvin8tlitthla maehlae noeil only to bf usen toooDviac,UiofarníroI riS SUPERlüRITY over the Reaper and Mowert in thin market. IlMinkCul tor tormcr pitronnje m tho oW flnn, we wuuld solicit :i continnance from (M frierais, aml atrinl Ij aU wishing for anything in our line of busincw. LOOM i o A'. IKil I . ' Aan Artor.May lMh ISJT Estáte of Jofcu Jobnson. OTATK OF ffl&UUAN. 'iMiv Of W.v-htksaw, aa._ ,- Un! 1 r. m.,'1' Court tor :hv, (Vmnty of Wa?btena . holden ;ii Üi Probute Uf&ce ín th CMj of Ana Arbor, ".i :;. ; , ni li ;.y t' Jauutry, ia t,. i . . ..: hundredand - i - ty une. Jurige j l'robnts ín tlie luutur uí ilic ol Jobo JuLiiiuD, late of sa.íl County.deceaned. On reading and nling thc petítion, duly verlfit-d, of i.i i. .!-■: ii.i.n. j.i.iviu il'üt tbí instrument tbis diiy lío thU üourl, {.'i.rjitirtiitL' to be tbr Lbt Witl and ii-t.iimnt of tbe taai decemed, may be admitted to , Probate, tod tbat AdministrU' n f tuesaid antate niay by gninJcd to ltitn the said pötittonor, n-.mied esecutor ia ,s;iM Will. Taereupon tt-la orderodi that Mondar, tbe eleventh day il Febriiary, Hjti)tit lo o'clock ín íhe foreuoon, be aattigo 'I for tli1 heá u pl iatd prtition, aM that tho bein ;ii law ol Baíd -■■ , t - - ■ ' , undsli 'ftln-r persona ia teiesfad in foldeatele are reqmrvd tpapjjear it & seii.ii'ii y.ii.l r.u.rt, then tö 'be holde at the 1'rolMte Of Qce, in le Cliy ■' Aun Arbor, in uiJ Cuuuiy, nnd show oauae, if any Éher bo.vfajr tbí prayer-oi ihe potiiiuner tthould in-t ú graoted . And it i furt huí mMered, tliat saMFfctitioncr give 110tice t 'tlio perouos lntereled in Huid estutu, of the pee dniév of haiil Ji-ti1iin, iinl the hearing 1hfreif. by eau-iiifí a copv uf tbu i Icr to be publiáhel iu tho ftehU(a ArgusfH h-w-i,jht pHntéd anJ circulaiit nimia Cm.n.v uf Witsbtt n iv, febrp uccassivc H6vk piwíous Ut mid dav ui" httiriny. THOMAS KIN'DK, :. lúe cnpy.) 4wT83 Judgtí of 1'robnte. MtrigttLe Mile. 1KK.WIT liavinff b n inade in th payment of tho ' tumof ntum-y pccpred by a mortage, uxccuted bv ( Büwci uJ Jifhiph Ing, to Cbrisiopbrr HsuKcr, 'lait'.i Muiclt twvatjmxtb, A. i). 1859, viitcb Miri'c ' ILC1 r lc' in thcuflice ol the lÍMputer of Oeedeol Wii-l.t.-iniwi'nuiiiT, in CiberNo, twcntj-íUf, .OJdí UurtgngCH pajp 556, it twlve o'clock, A. II., lili the lítb da of [r.l. A. I., l5'i anl asHignvd to CbnHlAn Haley od tfae 13tb day of Oct iir, A. I1.. 1869 : a&slgDmut recrddno Üu -'Wb dy of Autro t, -VI.. Sw, ut II o'clock, A. M., Ín I-ber 26 oí uorigvgeKTonpaff ftSr, and w..ii;!i murtgasfl ras u . .'ür.lto JaintF. -celi-y i.ntl-4t!i day ■f Üctaher, A. I1. ISt'O. ty dt-eil! 'a-síiiim;nt rècordeann tlie 3d dayuí Octnber. A, I, su, jh IZo'clook, nnon, in IJt r '27 oí Morí aLoarouiK4eÜ'S, by whicb dcfault the power cl Bat ciiniuined in gad im r gagv becam opera tfrre,atid do BuitOrpmcevdïng haring ooen loftiUtted atlawt-iretltftftetot Rocared ibereUj omnjr i;te tbereof, and. j thert.ini ui ünehundrfd auil HxU'ernJol]arfiandÍXtT-tw"O ci;i'.-, being now claimed to be lue tliert-on - Ntico is Iborefurë herí by givoii,tba1 snn mortgkg wil] be foreclOftêd bysaVnl' [rfnrt?g pVemtMB t" wit: All that ccrtalntract or parcelot Lapd knuwn and dencribcd üu follows, to-vi1 : lifing lot Nt.fU-veD, (il) nection nuinbet foirti1' n, (14) nccor'liitgti 1tn: recir Ifl jilat of the village ol .--itliup, or K0mc imtthT. of, al public vendue, at I he front door of 1b Coorl Boom In the city of Ann Arb'-r. m'.i.e County of WiiMilcnaw, on tba ISth day oí larob', AAK, at cmo o'clocb V. M. of ssidday, t JAMKS F. SEEUEY, Assigntc, Datcd, December lSth, 186o. 779td ÏO I1OUSEKEEPLRS. ] L OM ET HING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S . Best Medical Saleratus. Is ruaiiulacltiH-il from coinmuti salt, and is LJ prepare enlitty different fruw othtTSuleratus. yj Al. tbe delêtertoóH matter traeted in sucli M i aanner as t produc Bread, Bincuit, and alt Jjj 04 Bnd f Cake, wiiï.itut contaiuin a par ti ele ol y -al-ttLtu& wht-n UivaJ ur Cake is baked. j iiert'by preducing whoiiome resulta. Every p4ftÍ6le ol S.ikraiHuia turuud togas, and pa■I- ïhriHJiili BnuM and Hiscuit whilv baldpgj H C C ■u''qiicnliv. iiothi'ig rcniaiiiA butcomimm íalt ' U 'Valer. andFlnur. ïui will rea"ly percelvt by H hetasteof tbfs Baleratns, tbr ït is entirely Q mt'rrent froin otiierSiilcratua. y It ís packuil in one pound papers, each wrap y u-rbran.U'd, "It.ï. BabbJtfn Best JliMÜciaal lj f Q -aleratua;" aiso, picture, twiited leaf of bread, J? Uu rith n gUss of eíTurvescing water on the top. - Q Vlicn ym pu-cliae onepRper you should jL ierre the wrappor, aai! ba jiartioular to get the Jr ïi'.xt exaclly lilLe tlie first brand u tbov. lj H ( FulldirectioóftrnmkingBradwitbthiflSl. j #1' Tatusand Soi r Mi kor CréaiP Tarlar, willuc jt .-onipanv each package; also, directions ïox l makinfráU kinds of I'astry; also, fur making " -ioda Waterand Seifllitx Towders. 9 MAKK VOnt ÜWV SOAP with M ;i t. auwrï's PURE coxcextratfj-C1 HOÏASH M Warraníeíl doublé the strenjeth of ordinary W 'ottth: put up in cans- 1 lb, 2 lbs, 3 lb, "Q b.s, and 12 Iba - wih full directionsfnr makinu ■ AND iï:irl and. .oft Soap. Will find thU K he cbeapèst :irticle in markt-t. Y Manufactnred nnd for sale by W IÍ. T. BABpiTT, 2 14, 66,68, 70, & 74 Washington st., Vew York, Q rf A an I Xo 3fi India at, Boston. J THE CHEAP CORNER, SE EK NO FA R TBERl New Store, New Firm AND LOTS OF NEW GOODS Í In Mack & Schmid's Nev Block. PlK(fïASKI) reccntly uo-ifr the most favorable circun ttanoeLtSO Wücii nothat f le-l cnn!ilt-nt ín sayin to all our old cutnufr.-i, anü as many new ones as ca crowd into our New aiiil Spacious Store Roou Corner of Maiu and Libe.ty Streeta. That wc art' now prepared to aell yon better Gooi tt lowcr prict-'s thiin onruBovl low price.s and are now i u'Ay riici'ii't oitnJlvM varii'te of STAPLE AND FANCY I -FL "S" O O 3D S LADIE?' & CHILDRENS' SHOES II ATS vt CAPS, BON KETS, ribbons. rushes, chockery, luoking olasses, glas.sanü stonevvare, GRUCERIES, &c. of every vanety Lots more of '.he saine gnod 50 cent Tea, that others sci. at 75 ets. Benr in mbnl thd our Goods are all f the besi quaUty. HP'Our Staple and Fancy Dr) Goodi PurpiiHS all previou stocks for beauty vari' ty uzd excellence. S;T Our Lailies Dress goods, Shawl?, &c , wera never be'ore hult 's attractivt. ! Hnd i'itnnot help btit ivin siniles of apjiroval froin our fair friends. 8. Our Flats and Cap.j surpass nll for stylo ainl chuapness ever hemd of i in Aun Albor, cali and set; them. BOur Ladius' and Childrens'Shoet combi neeiliííance and caso vvith strenglh and durabilily. 13 Our Cloths, Caswmerea & Vest:mí;s are all of the best qualities and stylus ol'ihu Frciuh, English & A.'nercan producUons which .vo w,ll sell at the sume price thut othui'8 ask for slop shop stuff. 3? Our Groceries & Crockery are liesh, new anil cheaper than ever. Onr Yankee Notions and small ■ fixinü; in vneral are t(o nunierous to ! inentioi) licre. einbracin every thing that a Meri'liaDt ,hould keep and a . Cuslcmer thuuld buy. t And now having pure ased a mucli larger und buttyr steek of goods tlian ever bel'ore; we eonfidently roly 1 upnn the appreeiation oi the public for aruady Sale ofthe sanie, feeliug confi. (lont that e cannot help but suit all ia prices quality and styles. Al' kinds of Produce taken in'e lor goods as usual. C MACK, 772 F. SCHMID. Ann Arbor Marble Works, Bisele &. Vandercook. Y 1 AVKun bandea flnti assorimcnt of Amoricnu and I TA L IA N MA H B L E whicli thov nre jm'pared to lnanufncture into ïiONUMENTS. HSAD STONES, TOMB TABLgS, TABLE TOP &c, Ac Ac. c- In nll thpir rUIeUM, aml In a. Wl)l!KMAN-UK.E mauner. liaving );i'l coiutderable expotisnee in the buíiutíii 11,,-v llatt.T thenuoívOT that Ihef vrlll ho aWc to pito... all who raay favor thfm with tbcir ordoir. Thwr prict LOW AS THE LO WEST, i rw wishliu any thicg in thr--r !ne are rwpectfully


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