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Union Meeting In New York

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JÏBW Youk, Jan. 29. A large meeting of tho oitizens ot' New York wís heid at tho Coog?r Iattitute' [ast eveniag, to expross tho sentiment of the puople of this city on the nqtiqnal crisis. J. DePoyster 0den was anpointed chairraan, and a large number of pïoiHinont citizens ware oatned as secretarios. A long prcambje aud resoiutions wjSr preacntud bv Mr. Appki-i (iksmith, giriug a compreheusiv survcy of tha pust and present eonditioa of the cjuutryanu oouofuding by the reoomtnendtia uf 1 1 o Critteodeu Compromiso as being, in tbe opinión of tho peoplo of this oity, the bust plan for the sottlemsat of our uatioal difiieultics. James T. was then introduoed, and made an elabórate a;id able speooh in support of the Union. Ho was folhnved by Hon. Hiram Walbridge, Hou. Htóry llyde, and othurs. A resolutioa was adopted to ippoiut Uirco coinmisáioners from tl: is oil visit the Oüüvofitions of thè sáoeding States, and confor with the dolegatos in regard to a settloment of tho secession quostion, and the Chairtnan appoiiil suoh omm S3ionQr3, Jam33 T. 15 Cornelias K. Garrison, aüd Appleton Oaksmith, Tho oommissiortonf are tu ! upoa thair mission iumndiately, and to report th ïvsalt of thair lalwiU at the oarliest practicable moment. L3C '"ia inony inaplco ii ft nd pi moaey bcóuuse be o .ves uil hiimporianca to t. IJ e s notbiiig without it, uod vury ül.Iü with ic iy The tear o! alov a fik$ a dew-drop on il. o roeej bttttbat oii ' tho uheek r.f a i!c is u drop uï poisou ' to her busband, üT A gentl.'iiiaii passing uorosg tho pluy-gruuiul of a pu' lio auh ol, was tbe b iy-, and was adviaed to Boniplfiin t tbe principal, which hê ciid hua: :'t liuvo bö'eu abused by sprop' a of tbis plaoe, nod I c uno to íwquaiutvoa of it, 's I uuduistaad yen are the priuwpal." 0F" Doa't i)';V(r-drH:inr. A. dttgfei when shot at, often tiiuls it t;rlof to divt than to ïiso.


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