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Gr O O 13 - LtlCU GOOD8! CheapGood! ! BACH & P1ERSÓN U AVE JUST OPENED TOE CnOICEST STOCK - OF- F ALL AND WINTER GOODS to bo found in tbis City, consisting oí GOODS FOR GEXTLEMBN! substantial and dura'ole, 000 DS FOIt LAD1LS! GOODS FOR TLTEMECHANIC GOODS FOR TEE FARMER! DOMESTICS, STAPLES, Carefully sekotcd, W'aranted to please, and Cor sale oheap. CO3VXÏ3 J.TS3T2 J33333. BAOH & PIERSON Ootober, 1860. 7C8tf i :f t ' FOR THE HOLIDAYS! SCIIOFF & MILLER A RE STILL ON HAND al thír oíd Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, wi'.li the most completo assortaont of Books and Stationcry, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, UOLLEES, COBDS, TASSELS, GILT C0RNI0E3, OïïETAIIiS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c Ever offered in this Market ! and thcy woaM suggest tothosc lnpnnutt cf anytliingin SANTA CL A US' LINE that they oan Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchssing from tliis mock, a each purchaser gets an idditiünal preatat of Jewtlrv, &c, Banging in value from 50 ctB. to $50. Thtytrust that thcirlon expjricnce in solooting goodsfortliia markel, and strict atteution to tlio wants of Customers, ïnay entitlc thcm to a liberal si fue o'. Patronage. Ana Arbor, Doo. 6. 1800. ' '"" 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTEÏRS WANTED! TO ASSIST IN" THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! White folies, or of whatever color, caste or nativity, whether married, single or of doubtfulconnexion, will be enlisted in the noble causo of EMANCIPATING THE COMMUNITV - FROM TOE- THRALDOIH OP HÏQH PRICES I and will receive their outfit at the Extensiva Furuishing Establishment -OF THE- G UITÊBMAN' X ÏÏEAD QUARTERS! having been establisiied íbr tbe LAST TEN Y E ARS, onr known rule of warfare is an U n d i sguised Deslruction OF MI-OR PRICES ! For all JLges! Sx ancí Conditions ! In eoneequonoe of tho very flittering eneourngement wiiicli we have rco-ived sinos our location in this ciiy, we havo inereaeel our Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHINC! To meet the demamU of our customers, anj haring becom e oiove fully coiiTinoed than ever, tliat our mode of dealÍDg,na'nely: at liie lowcst possible rates for is tbe only true plan; we will continue t: i?rve the public as heretofure duricg the cuming fall and winter. Our Stock eonsists in every vnriety cf READY M A I CLOTHIKG! Pi'iin and Fncy CLOTHS, CASSIMERR. S1LK, AND SILK VELVETS. A large lot. of GENTLEMEN 'S FUft:"Il:K]NG GOODS, which ure all wari-anted DON 'T FAIL TO OLXIj-A raC E3t. JL3l. $, For past farors wc aro gratefnl u all, The fcumc iorlargconcs in proportion, Ar.d tbose who seo nt to cali ShaJl receivo our bost srailes and devotion. M. Guiterman & Co, N. tí. Stndont6 and nll ot.hers who want tp eco SONDHEIM'S new jimde of cetting will do well to callaud laave their measutü For a Nice Fitting Suit ! Ano irtcr, fp ■■ '" " " i), l, wqod $ #. Iïa,xro Hcooivod. A. LARQE STÓÓiC OJR Seasonable Goods I FAffX. AjSV WINTER TRAD% or laso: WHICH TEE7 WITX SELI. CHEAP FOB C A & H. Olí EEADY PAY Cali and tee Beore Pvrchaiirg Ehclekert. D. L. WOOD, W. G. FOSTER. tITë ïïydeo pu lt l. ï , -. ......■■■-' ■.;:' An i n v? n t ii.1 n for throHh.y vator by hand-power, palen ted by W. T VO3B, Ii is oneof the most raluablo ia YCiiiion.i of the dajr. 7'iL HYDROPULT wlll, by the power of on man, throw water at the rate of 8 gallons per minute ütty feet high, with great forco It is the best articleeverisvented fvr EXTLWGUKH1NG A FM HíOTECTINli A KOOF 1T.0M T.UÍIXC riRF, ■ WiaUlHQ WINDOWS, SPEmKLINB l'l.ANTS, VVATItRlN'fl ÖARDENS, CLEAN81NG TRBEH KROM IVCKCT=, WETTING Sli eVLKS.' 8PBINKLING STKEETS, u ,'-:ilNü CARRiAGES, Xl' .■'-; cifTi-r.NS, EMPTYl.NGTEKI-KOMFAaBOAI;: ' WÏ.TTISO BAIJLS, ASl'KAY BAÏH, fcC. Thiu artlcle should be owned by every hnuseholder - It does away wtih tho neeess:ty ef a hydrant. It t light, portal)] FORCK POMP, always ready, c.-islly used and will como i b frqa?nt use by eveiy faimer, michant find rac-c-lmnic in ihe community. Please cali anti eiainine the urticle at tbid i I AMERICAN HYDROPULT COMPANY, 41 PARK ROÍV, il Y. W.M I. ACE WELCH, Agent forWaaLMisw Covutv, 771m3 yi'PILANIl', J!ich. Herriek's Eugar Ccated Pili CT CHILDREN CRYFOR THEM ! a ?s This remarkabla . fJ'!t Amprican remcdv is carf-A-H ï r-vin! ""' K"'á b ': ■ ' ■ ■ ■■ Ftorffi . Over !:ii uní , , liona of boxes are soUl ,' ■ . animal] v. Ccmpostvl 7:;t"' the syUcái' fca tiy ]ilïasanr: sauifactcrj IjHjfEOQ ace] üircpsfu!. Actinsr iLi RlamiKjSOlids and fluid, (B -' - pf the body. their ufc is attendeil ivith the hxpplest effect. In iid itindini; c-ri ■■t ofsicknesfi, smnll doses - rcpcate.i friiquentl o clenaes tbe system, that good hcalth is the rt-.vult K chauje in cmpt:yment or dict ia nccessary. Tbev nevcr cause sore inouths, 6wel)c(i joints, aching limbs te. ai do many other kinds. Tbey are warranted' to "giv satiófaction. orthe price refunded. 'Ih?y coi..iidrnl cheaper, ntfer, prettier, snd m all iviVctj supcriorty any purgativ.? pill in theirc?.. ifj-lhe discovi ry of coátinf a pill ivith sJfar emofiated wlth Ir. Utrrirl; All otiier are counterftit-, and if tw!, wil! do harm and diêappolntthèt'ei. Herriek's put are alezantlv pu:ii 30 in a box, íi a latgesheel of dirtctiuus. andstU fór 25 cents per bos; 5 boses fur $! Herkick's Kid Stren-qtuesino Pljutlits. Tkt grtnt Strmgther and Pain Detlreytr, The Bat and cheepsst Household Remedí; in 'the w.nrJÍ ' "' These rcuowned Piasters cure pain=, wcakneMnil ditntt In theback, aldea and breaat, in fie liours Iudeo.1 10 certaio are they tu Jo thie, that the proprictor warrar.t them Pprea.1 frnm resins, tafcanw and gnms, on bjautiful kint.lier,ronüerstheinpeciilmrlvada..tedto the wants ol Ftmfu and others. TlKirapj.üc-iUon I auü !■,. „.„e intant. Toeachandall tbfy vrill prove a bahn and a Messing. Tlielruseiü ajtreeable rid without, annorancs or truuble. lach Platter vrlllwurlcomcu to four uionths, and in vlipumatic eompinlnis, aprain and bruist?, frequsntly eifect cures n-ln-n aHutbcr reciadies (kil. Full directions will b.e ftnd on thehackof each. Public speakers, vocalt rinílT nf thrgo.sel andothers.wlll atren.trthon tiitir lungsand imprnvellielr vcicea by wearing them on their brcust. Prico 1SV cents. The aboTê artlclel ar iddkral) the deolera.ln Anii Arborand byl)rug(rlstst]iron(rhoutthf United StU, Cana das and Fout!) América, at wUlesalc btraB'tUn ürnggistsinthe prirc-ipalcitifa '' ■■ ' ' I1EREIC1C fe BR01 17 VmaWiiVCföSÖt, .ilbany, '.Y. PEOK L. M1LLEISS HAIU INVIG01UT0R. AN ETFÍCTÍyE, SAFE AXU ECOXUMICAI. COMPÓU.VD FO.Ï RESTORING GIi.lV IIAIR lo ita original color w,;áout dycirjg, and proveuts the Hair Efom turníuf gray. FOR PRICVENTINO ci:r!;.g it,vhcn tbet is the teaat partióte ui vifcilily or cuin-raUvo cufiv remainiu'j. FORRE.MOVING SCtJKf AND DAXDRLTF, and all cutaneous aíh'c'.iou1? of tbe ■ ■ - ; FOK B':aUüvY];,ü' raÈHAIH.bBpaTtioito uuequaliedgloáe'aóa brttr.adíyjrnakiny u ■uítundaill.-y in iti textsre xn I oau.iug ïl locurl leadily. Tho itj i!ii increasiag clriuand for ih uneqnalled preparation, oonvinos the propjietoi t&atït. trial isonly ueoa&sacj to nitiily a dií,[Hih'ic of lia superior qualitíes over an utber prepaiatiojj at preeu in use. ItclMDsai the heud and sralp (rom daitdivff aA othcr cutantius distases. Causea tho huir togruwliñcuriantly,and giiciit a rich, soft, glosaj and flexible appearanee,and alaowhere 1ho hair is iuiening piid tbinuing, it will give strengih au4 vigor to tl-.c roots.and' restore the growth to thora parts vlitdi !joíOido bld, oausiBg t to .--ivl.; ifieskcoceiir.g ofhair. Tdérean bundred of ladiea and gentlemen ja ;t Toik who hao hafl thelr hair fMtoreiJ jf hi iuit'ol this Invigors.1. r, v. hon all tnher prc-jc-raütas l,1 faíltd L. M'. haa in'his posseasion latteas iauÜBie:aUe tcstif; tr. r to the abor ftiet, fr mi persons of the highest reiurctf bility. It mU eüectually prevent xh?_tpir from turnivg ffray until the latost nfti'ioii of lifc; and in caaaa uhero the hair 1 [. the uo Invigomtor will with%ertainty rrslürc ii'io íís original hi imtw it a dark. glossy appearance. As a pj fume for 'the tnUot and a Hair Reatorative lt i-i partlêularly recominended, having nu agieeable; anJ ü greal lacilitif it afforda in dresin% tkakair, which, whon moi.t ivith thw Invigcrator can bed f rüjuired ferm io.a to preserve its place] v.i. ,■■},■■.- piain or in hía the irrra npmand for it by Un Lidies asa standard laW artidc. wbicli none ou;;i,: I ' .', as tho feit . t lyiiliiu the reach of all, boiüg ÖNLY TWEXTT-FIVE CEKT8 per boft];, to ■ pcetabk dr-gists" srx-ñ I M1LLKB wouldcalï !Jíí httenflnn nf Ú4 Guardian to he u-c "f hi [nviRoratur, jq eaaM l.oro Üiochildrens' Haír inclines to lic veak, TbeuprfM lays tho founi'ation fur a goed ien oi hair ris ií áñanfi nny itnnuriüc that ojay ii' liecrnie cuniipru-'i '. ih tbft Bcalp. th : ïtnoral oi ipíi'Ioi is bf w&i-arj bot fa f ei (he healLUofÜiti chlld 'ure t.i Hs Hair. ITWf.- 7?oní gftílne wjfhnúi (Tiéfnc .:,"milf T.OÚJ" .,■■ onif wrspper; a]n, h. MILLlR'dl HATfflNVïGOnATOR, N. Y. U4wr in theglass. WholenaJe D, pot, 5 Pey Et.'knd Rftld br II thimti ' p)ttMerobaatazkl Drugafiste throuKhout tho lor-ii Lif"raMis"fiiKtt to pui i by the r.iuintitv, I tlsuüíhiroto i recent to the Ainviicun Fubli'c 'my Ngw & Iinproved Instantancoua ïiiquid Hair Bye irbfch after venrs of Mtrnhflc nefeTimintiní I bnvf broughl to pufecti n H dj-es l!ek nr bravn loitartlr without Injury to the ffairorSkin vanuit-'; Uu' W -t e "f in? kind in eiirience. PRICE ONLY FIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 5v iJ-EY ST., Nere Tot, AUF.F: BEi.iFf1 irr:: 'j'EY - ■ erscJ Fe'.ief for intern.:! iwpMrtl, .i M : i hu, fain iu the Rto.-.uo.b pr Bowel r'sptp'w, FTif and ikuo, rm'fSt, CnldoC. Alto fVr Cütc. r'rtiub W'?iurt1ïuyDS,prü:;j'-. Kheum tisni. Xei:ra!gia. Influenza, fhi'blainy, Luo Back or Elde, Tnnthacbe Kirirho, Hm ''nel fre ju-'.-t.i S. p.uVt"L'll OKI''ERSH EELiiif" pd in 1vl! r, ! v I t'!sii.ti '-' ■


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