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G REAT. GREATER ORE ATESj, B RG AINB EV EK ÓFFERÉD 1 859. jflífo I &5Í). In tlii 3 City, aro uow benig offered at tbe CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & iT o vit' elry StoreriMlK ShbsnriÏK'r wouldsaj to tbecitfzensol Ann ArI bor.i' purtlcithnr, Bnd Ui" rost of vvliirnw Cnunti In sencrnl, lin.i hehasjust ÏMI'ORI'KI) 1)1ItEcTl.i from IXKOPK.o Tremendous Stock of Wat ches! Ah üi' whieli hn bloda hlnuelf to eeli CHEAPEH than can be boughl west of N;w Vork c'ify. Open Face Cylliidèr Wètchet trom $(! to $10 do do Lover do do 8 to 2L 11 Litit jng Caert rïo do do 14 CO do do Cylindcr do do 9 to 28 Gold Watchci Ifom 20 to 150 I 1 uvu tilso Hlö CELÉBRATE!) AM Kil' CAN WAT CHES, wUrh I wlll ac'n ttr S35. Every vatch warranted to pcrlurm wcll, or the money relunded. Clockg. Jewelry, Pintcd War1, PanAy ("Joods, Gold Pens, Musical iuütru menta ao'l ritringa, Cutlery, &c, and in fnct a rarfoty ofötery&lDg u.-uially kept by Jewui era can bc bought fortbe oext uinety dny ut vut O W N TRICES! Poraons buying Atiylhincr nt this well known OstabÜSbme ril cao reJy upon gutting goods (ixact'y as representad, orthemoney reiundcd. Callearly utid secure the best bargaïus ever utïered in thif City. One word in regard to Repairing : Wc firc preparnd to tnnke tiny rODalra oi.iims or cominon Wmchüs, ííVfcii [o nikinL o or the entfro watch, if' ncceaaary. Rnpirtngr of Clockn nnd Jowelry ae aurfl. Also the mmitifeoturinit nl KIN(ïS, BROOCHS, or auyjbiog dealnK), from California Gold on short notice. Enpravipq: in allita braDchcöCxet-'ntcd with neat üegs nnd dlspatch, J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jn. 2Stht8.r9. 7Uw ilüRACE WATERS, AGENT 33 ;j Rroadway, JïewYork PublIsUer oí Titile nnd Books anu DSJU :ü i.x Pinnoa, Melodeons, Aluxandre Orrnns Organ Accordeons, Martin 's celebrated andother Guitars', Violins, Tenor Vio]?, Violinccllos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes, TrianglesClarbnetts, Tuning Fovks.Pipcs liiHillanimors., Violin Bows, bostltalian títrinps, Bass Instruments for Biiiids, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. S 2x o o t 3VC tx S i o, from all-the publuhera inlin-l'. s. , l!iv : ooi, :uil uil kiinl.s of In-' ■ fjr al. i.i' Uuttrumentn; Church Uusic eleganUy bound; ilusic paper, uud all kinds uf Music Uer !■:: ■ Att heLowest P rices. New Planos, At $!7"j, $200, $225, $250, and up to $S00. Socuud Hand Pianos teem %SS up to V160: fcíew Helmteons, W6,1 ... S10, anti up to $200; Second Haud Melodeons lfo$80; c-witíí live stnps, $1(j0. Diñe stops, S1S5 and $225; tbirteenatops, $-50, $275 and $300: fifteen stops. $320 and $375; A liberal dlfteouol to Clerp-ymon, Churrhrs, Sabbatn Schools, Seminaries and Teacber. Tlie ïrade BUppUed at the uaual tradc dfscouota TcstiiiioiilaUiof tlie Hornee AVaters Planos cncf 3JclodcoiiL. John fléwett, of Carthage, N'cw York, who has hád ont; of the HoraciWiitcrs PI&H08, writesns follows: - "A friend of míoe wíshee me to purebase a piano Tor her. Sfie Ukes the one yoo sold me n Deccraber, 1856. My piano üs becomlng popular In tliis placo, and Í tbink I can introduce one or two inoic; Iht'y will be iuuic popu l.i r th;iti any other malí.'." uWe haVe Iwo of Waters1 Planos in uso in onrSianlti;iry, One of wliïcH has been scverely tcstetl for three s"''.lcs. and we can testify to thelr good qualfty and durability." - Wood &'Greffory, BSoum CarroU, If,'. ators, Esq. - DsáB Sin: Havtng aneé onc of your rtesr for twqyears past. 1 .&-o fonnd ïtavery superior Instrument. Atoszo Geay, l'itttripal Brnokhjn IS ights Scvainary. "The Piano I veceiveil from you continuos tn rfv vnlBfactlon. 1 regard t as one of the best instrumenta ín Üxfl place.'3 TavesIm Ci.aukk, Charleston, Va. The Melodeon has safe y ttrrived. I feel oblwed to yon fory our liberal di?count.." Rcv. J. If. Mct'oitMick, YarqitesvillcS, C. "'The pbtno waa duly roociv-il. Hcam in excellent condition, and is vory mucb adtnircd 6y my numeroua tamtïy Accept my twft-nkn for vuur promptoess.'1 - ROBBRT COOPE$, Wcirrcííftaw, Bradjoed Co. Pa. ''Vuur u ■'.ill. Tl is tlio best one in our coi'.n! v.':, - "ii1.■"■. CamphcU'.ort, Ga. ■ ■ .. ■ r . very maeh obl [Od to you ' r '■...- :■. stic.h a fine instrument for $25'.)."- Biumc,Held & Co., '-The Horaco Waters Pianos aro known asamonjr the vwy beat We bm enabld to bpuue of Uiese instaramentí witb oonñdence, from perqun:tl knowledge of their ezeelleni tone and durable quality." - N. Y. Evangelist, "We'can speak of the merits ut the Horace Waters pianos from personal knowledge, ns boiiig the v : ■ quality.'1- Christian Intelligenter. Harace Watera pianos are o li í H of tlu best and most thoroughïy Beasoned material. We hate no aoubt woll.perbapa better, at tblataan a1 any other! ouse tq tïe Union," - Advocate nnd Journal. Vai' ■:■-.' pianoa and melodoona challenge comparisott with t'uo Oneat made anywhen in the country.". - Home Journal "Horaoe Waters' Piano Fortes aro of fulT, rich and rvi-n t"i,c. and powerful - ff. Musical Rev'ew. '■Our frténds wïll flndal Mr. Waters' store t!io vory ortmentol Mnsio and uf Pianoa tobe fouml in . ■ ,and wo urge our Boutfaern and ■ I'riends to gtoe him a cnll whenevcr they go to Xew York. ' '- QrahamCa Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway? N. Y. SabbathSchool l5ell? 100,000 Issued iti ten Munths. Tho unprecedented sale of thisbook bas induced tlio publisherto addsome üo new tunes and hymnsto 11 b, ffithoutftxtra charge, except on thech Am ■::: themany beautifuj tunes aodhymn .. tovè n mother;'1 t, Indeed I will." The.-e and piglu otli'-r from il" BelljW) School Aamver aary of the K. Church at giriit applaose. The Beltcontainfl nearly 200 tunes and hymntt, and m one of the bes collections ever igued ■ [- $10 per bundredTpostage4c Eleganfly bbund, ■ i -il!, 25c, $20 per L00 It hits beea ntroduced in toman) of the PubHo Schools. T!ie è Ia pubHshed In Bmall nnmbqra entitled AnntreraacyandSnnday Sohool HusJc Book, Noa. Ji2, 3, k 1, in oi tpd&te the miUton; prlce ?'- & Sö per bundrod Ño. 6 will Booribe ! sued - commencemént of another boofc AUn, Reyiyal Íubíc Booka, No. 1 & ', I ,: Í.-2 per 100, postan 1c. More llm.i 300,000 .■: the abovc booka havo boen [aaued the psii ■■ monthj aud tbc demand israpidly increasingl'ublishcd bv IIORACi: WATERS, Agent, oü3 Droadway, N". i'. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Hroadway, New York. Vocil,llKinil Wordacan oever dlej" "The AngeU told mo so;" "WÏlds of the Wrt;" (cThoughta of God;" ■back my Monntain Home;1' daj 0r " Dandy Cock Etobin " 'Tm witb thee Btiil, Poi nameaj" 'There'a no darilng like minei'! "S;uab June I-w;" Kv er of tii. : i-r-i loavlbg thee i' Sorrow] 'vBïrdof Beauty ;J "Home of onr Wrth;1 lOraTO cf Boiabeltr} and 'Walii-, lady, wak.', ■ 1 lvsn:rMi:T.i. - l 'Palace Garden, or Pinirinfr Bird Polka, -"'■; "Swinging Schottische;" ■'Mirabel Schottisch;" 'Thomas lïjikt't-'s BehottÍ8che;'{ ' Piccolomini Polka, ! s each. The abovepieoeKa,vebeaottftil ■ [mer Pblki;" "Arabfan Wai cry March," tlie very lant; i Donielta Uasurka; "Rea-lï in.: Polka;" "CrinoUnfl Walt," and "Utncera' Qua 25c each. LiThe Fnipireof RelCh'i Quadrille;'' a new danoe, and "The ölbernïan Quadiillet" 35c each. Many of thi-'si' pteoea are played by Baker's celebrated n with greftt apilrns. jftpgf Mailed free. A largelot of Foreigu Music ut half price. Pianos, nicJodcons and Orgaus. Tlie ]i ' Planos an3 Melodeons, for depth, mriiv of tone and durabtUty, are unaurpMMd. Pricfcfl . áecond Uand Pianoa and Melodeon from $2ó to Uuslc and Musical Insiructtonn of ill kinds, at the loweai '■ " ■ ■ HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 888 Broadway.N. Y. Tbseotoniam; - "Tho TIoTact Wifttera Pianos w kuuwn it.' - tvangdiat. " '. ■■ uan speah i tholr merïti f rum personal kuuwledge." - Christian ntr.Uigc-ncer. 'Noihingat the Fair d&playod groater excellence -" - Chitrchnian. Watera1 Pianos and Uelodvoos challonecompanin with t!ie Qn'est made anywherein Uie country." - Home Journal. 710tf Irving's "Works - National Editiou rpHIfl Fine Editton of the Works of WiSBlfiOTON In I mm; (nclucUng tfce Ufo of WanhingUn), wiUbe iub ishcd lor SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Mootbly Volumes, Price $1.50 Payable on DeHyery. illy trinted on 'hmvv auperftae fpr, of the vt-iv bf-i 4Li;iiitv, añd substantially buumt Ed hOaiQ bereUed boards. QC3"Eacb Volume illustrated with Vignettei on Steel and WocJ. ,r Knickerbockcr's New York, 3ktoh Bqjok, CluUi. ■lis, 3 rol. " Brftc6b,ridg6 Huil, A-i'iiki, Talesof a Traveli r, 'i:i mi M i .- 1 ' !'.i BJ , i apt. BoDoevlUe, Oliver Goldamlth, met. ii vola. Grenada, Alliamlnn WoilVrt's BQOstj 1. of ashinfftOB, ö vols. i :il . Titis ■ iitinn v.iii })v Bold RJccrrsmtLT to Subscriben and win bo ereatlj auj i uw befort Wsaed, A reiy haaosome lol 'i' tb.09 ualversaUy popular work, ■ l.uf-L Wlthin tho mMins of all. G. P. PUTNAM, Ar1 I ": 115 Na6au Btreet, Ncfl Vyik. (EüL!_"".j!'"iHH'i't ,? Mjoi mji tt PR B0OK ST0RE lï A JWXO.W.OPKN'IXG, WRECT FIO .1 PUBIJSHEBS , - ANI uanufactuferg,a New ai d Complete stock f LAW & MEDICAL liOOKS, School Books, Mticellancous Books, Blank Books, elan STATIONE JTi "32" i Wall and tTIndow Paper, Drawiog tnd Mathemnticnl Instrmnr-nts. Muslo, .luvcnilc Librarás, Euvelopea, Inks aud Cardi. $--== GOLD yl all oilier Idnds of Pens and Pcncils Wiuilow Cornice, öhades and Fixture, POCKET CUTLEKY! And everythinpf pertatnin lo tlie tradi;, and moro to whicitiln-y iruuld iürite the attention of the counti-y. In conUicting our business, wo Hhall do all that enn be don6t8Q tlmt no rcasuuable man, womao or cliiUl ahall flnl aiiy fanlt. We posmsa fricilitics which will cnablc us to supply our .-.tuiin'rs at tho Lowest Possible Figures. We propose ío Bell forKEADY PAY, ata smalladrancc. ! tt'ti expeöta profit on ooi goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. We bavc engagcd the services ot JAMES V. SI''C , herrforcare prep:irdl to fui:uVh Visiting, Wedding and all other Cards writlcn lo order, with ncatness and dispatch, by mail or otherwise. The "EHPIBB BoOK Stork," is rnannod by agood 'crew,' od l'i'V wil! alwayil be found od the ''quarter deck," roftfly and willing lo nttcudto all with pleftsure, wbo wil] favor them with a cali. Hemember the "Empire Gook Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, May, 1860. 7J ANTOHER Ml M ARRIYAL AT THEPÉOLD AND RELIA BLE SHfB CL0THINC EMPORIUMÜ Sa-ly. asr o . 3 MAIN STREET. ■7Vin. "7S7".A.G-:!Sr:EJ:F&., has just returueil f rom the Eastcrn Cities, with a larg and tJesirable stock of F ALL AND WINTER Gr OOBS! which hc is now uííering at unusually IiOW PB.IOES! Araong his Assortment may bc found BROADOLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOESK1NS, & VElaTIKGS-, of all descriptions, especial!)' for PALL AND WINTER WEAR ! . whicli hf la cutiing and making to order, in tlielatest and best styles, together with a superior assortnient of RE AD Y MADE CL0TE1NG! TUt'XKS CARPET BAGS, UMBRELIAS, and Gentlemen's Furnisliing Goods, with numerous otlicr arteles usually found in similar es'ublishniciits. As ANEMPOHJUM OFFASHIOii, tho subscriber flatters himself, that hislong experience and genera. sacces8,vfU on:ible him to give tl ie greatest s;itisf;iciion toall who may trust liimïu the way of manufutfturine armuiits to order. 7G9tf WM, WAGNER. THE E AM P AlWüPËNT" Cainpion's IPlatform ! ÏHE subscribsr bus just rcturueJ from the taet with hts Fall and Winter C3r O O X AVhith he is Determined to Sell AT TUE LOWEST PRICE FOR CASH! nt which, First Quality Goods ctin üe affordcJ in this city. Sly cloths are all of the FINEST QUALITY nnd as I manufacture them into clothing myself, I am enablcd to WARRANT EYERY GARMENT I scll. to be WELL MADE, wliich is a strong inducement to customers to patroniae my store in preferonce to places where large quantities of half madt guods are kept for sale. - I have the latest fa-dions, and can give you as Fine and weU Fitting Girmenls as can be bouglU anywliere, I ain bound to sell I CIIEAPER AND BETTnt GOODS ! ' than any other similar eetablishmont in this , city. Vour custom is most respectfully invited. M. CAMPION. Ann: Arbor, Nov. 1-60. 773yl loomïs & Ttjripp," Succeásors to Chapín & Loomis,:tndCbtipin, Tri pp ife Loorais ' THEabove firm of.Loomis & Trfctph&ving piuohased i ntiw intoresi of the fórmer oompanléa will continue the businrss nt the old stands, where tluv wlÖ w icady, on the shorUist uoticc, to fill all orders in the ( ino ui Castings and Machinery, n the moot woxkaiaaHk Bpannev, and on as liberal trrnis any wtlicr shop Ln.tlM i:i '■■ Among the vari nis utlelwmaniifoctvunBd by os, wc would enumérate STEAMÊNGINES 4 all kinds; Mili Goartng and FUturw, vrought and c:ist; all the various caitingsfor mnkiniï aiul rc]Lring Ilorsc Powers & ïhrcsliiiig Machines raob i re at present, or have formorlrbs loo m thia part of the State, iw wU as all the vardows kldaol oastingfl and machine work oalledforby farmers und aeóhaDlca inthlaaeottoiiof tho ooanlry. df :i'i the various patterns, up iu sizesand prices, wil] bo ttaotly on the most moJcrn and improved itytoe. 'UUBI5ARDS WR0UG1IT IRO1T REAPERS & MOWERS. baring conunenoed nanuihoturing thla iupörlorMachiue, single and comblned, the Dumen ar mvited to cali and sec a Bpedinen machini' now in mr mure room, boforc pnrcuMingéUewhere, believinS tliatthis machiue uut-d oiily to be .mmii loconvluce Ihc farmer of ITS SUPEEIORITY osor (heBaapara and Moweia 11 tliis market. Thankfiil for fnj9t pOJIOIUge to Die "ld firm, v.'c would soliclt a contínuance from qldfHond&,aod atria) bv all n ishUu foranjthlnff in our linenf bnhiness. loo.vis TKirr. Ann Aitor, May 18 tb, 1889. CV7U Estáte of Jolm Johnson. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Cousty ov Washtk a-, , ,- . ion of tli'1 I róbate Court for the L'oüqi Waslid-naw, hulden ;it the Probat Office n Iho Cíiy (]j Ana Arbur, uu ïhursday, tile tcnth dayf Jauuary.jj the yeor onn thyusand eíght bundrédanu nixty one. I i. -cni . Thomas h ode, Judge tf Probuto, Iit the ínatfír of the etate oí John Jolmst.n, latt o( .-ni. i c, untj , di ■ ■ On readiog and filiog tbe petition, iluly rerlfled, .,[ Joliiuon, ]tuiv:ii tluii 1 1 1 nstruru' n' ,i:,v fiV'l in thU Courtj pürporting to be tb haai Will auii Testament ofbe Baid deewised, maj be adtnitted tQ Probate, and that Admintalratí fl f theaaid estáte wv be grantci) io tmn the said petit'.onorj nuned executor iu ■ala wiíi. Tiioreupon it s onloreil, 1hit Monday, the eloventh dayol Februwry, 1661, al 10 6dck in the rotenonn, ín1 usljgilfd for tlie bear.Dg of s:til petition, a mi that thu ;.uv ni said deccood, and all other ponióiM i. I Ín s.i'l r.-í.it' are troquhwd toapuea'r al i (i M of s.ti'l Coiirt, tbsn to be holden at (nó Probate Of fleo, [n tbe City uf Ann Ajrbor, Ín ?ald County, and nhow cause, if any tlien'be, whytbe prájrer of tue jftitíoncr ' should net Ik1 granted. And it s furthei ordered, that said Pctítlonw give noti.-'- tvthe iitlrur.tcl m sagl estáte, tf tlic pon. deney of said pfitltloa, and tlie hoaiiog thereof, by eaubíng ;i copy oí' tbi? Drüer to be piiUÍMÜt-d tu the Michigan Argu$ i a newspaper pruited abd blrvulatlng til sata County of Washteimw, tlnt-o iuccobvít Breol previous to naiil dav of hearing. THOMAS NINDK, (A true eopy.) 4v783 Judgu uf lobate. Mort gage Sale. DEFAULTbavfng been made ín the paymoot of tbe Kiiin of money secured by a mortgage, i-scrutH by Charles Bover and Joseph ing, to Chriatophti Hauser, dated Harch the timljr-nxtti, A. I. 185'J, whloh líortgage was recpriod ín tbuuflicool the Hegister of Deedsof washtBna-wGoonty, !a LïKtXo. tweutüve, (,-5,) uf Kfoftgagea page 566, ;it twelve o'flock, A.lf., ontnel8tbday of april, A. Ifc, 1856 and ansned t.. Clinstiüii Saley on the lotli day of Octobtc, A. D, 185'J by deed of aasignment recordedon the Cijth day of AuRUfit, A. 0., iwO, :it 11 o'cTock, A. M., in I.ibt-r 2b UortgsgeBioapAffe 55i , and wMch murtgage wu at nigned to Jauoee F, Seeley onthe4th daj óf Octoiier, A. 1). 18GO,by deed of aasignmont rccrdtion the 3J day uf October, A. I. 18C0, at 12o'clock, nntin, in Lit.r 27 of Uorteag' :, by rbith defanlt tlio power oí táued in saidmörtgage becameoperativefcaDd no suHiOrprocevdbigfl havt been institutêd atlaw, torfcóverthedebt secored thereby orany part thereof, anJ tiif -urn ut one bqndred and sixteendoDaraandJsixirjtwo cents, belng dow clainied to ba due theréoo - Notlce Is therefore hereby given , that said moragjQ will be foreclosed by sale of tlie moitgage premises to wit,: All tliat (■eft;viniricL br parcel of uind knovrn and déscnbM aa follom, wit: Belng lot N o. eleven, (U) eectlon aotnbettaarteen, (14)aiflordingiotherecordedplat of the villageof Salino, or soine part thereof, at public venduc, ut the front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the Cuuntv of Washtena'w, on tliu 18th day oí llarch, at one o'clocfc 1 M. bfaaiddij. JAMES F. ÜKKLi-Y, Aufgnee. Dated, December 13th,18flO. T7'JM TO I1OUSEKEEPERS. SOMEÏHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S Best Medical Saleeatus. l manufacture! froir. cumm'jr. s.ilt, and i-U propajn entlrely diflèreDtfrom uthcr SateratuK.(2 Alttlie Ut'lctcrious matter üxtracted in sucli n!kl r a maniHT m lo produce Bread, Biscnft, and &HJK )Q tíaÚÉ of Cake, without oontaining a partiële oii{J] ■ah-nitus when the Bread or Cake is baked:j Ihercby prodadsg wholes-ome results. Kvery " article of SaleratHS i turneti to gas, an'l pasacsthrough the Bread and Biscuit while bakins, 9 J i:ocfiequL')itIy, nothiug 1-emains butcommonS:,;f S 1)0 Water, andVlour. You wülreadUy percelTe, .1, r1 thetasteuf toia Saleratu, tlic.t t is cuiii-ely l different froia otber&teratQa. . u Itis packcdin ons peuad paperï, oaoh y perbrauded, "13. T. Üabliitl' Het Medicinal lj LJQ jaleratus;"aUo, picture twi?led l:if of bread, V ÖO lv'th a glau of eflervescinf; water on the top. - (J When yim puirliaso oiR'paiH-r you shouid k ■ierve the wrappér, and be particular to get the (r ii(-.t oxactly hke the brand as iibove. LJ ryrj I'ull lUrectioiwfor making Bread wlth tliis f I f eratns and Sour Mllk or (L'ream Tarliir, willac companv each package; also, directions for ïg makingall kindn of Pasty; olso, Tor niakingi" Soda watoránd SëldliU i'owüt-r.s. t Q 41AKK VOL'H OVVX SOA!1 iv.ih U B. T. BABUTTTS l'l'RE CONCKXTl'.ATEIi C POTA8H. .4 Warranied doublé the trenjïth of ordinar H Polasb: put uy in cans- 1 lb, 'i !!s, 3 Ibs, CjJ '.lis, :mrl 12 Uis - with full ilirectionsfor making f AND Hard aud Soft Soap. Cousumers will liud this tlie cheapest article in market. " Manufactured and for sale bv U B, T. BABBITT, 2 'Ï4, 66,68, "0, & 74 Washington st-, Nuvr York, Q ri A and No 38 ludia st, Boston. 2 74 74Syl (Q THE CHEAP CORNER, SE EK NO FA RTHEltl New Store3 New Firm AND LOÏS OF NEW GOODS ! In Mack & Schmid's Nev, Block. T)VIÍCIIA?KD roccntly undef tho most favorable circun X stahces, bó mach bo that we fel cóaBSênt n ayiu, to all our old customtrs, aud aa mauy nuw onctí as ca crowclinto our New and Spacious Store Koon Corner of Main and Libeit3fi Streeta. That we are now preparcl to scll yoa bettcr fïoolai lower prices tlifin oup usual low pricea and are now i daily receipt of fndless varïcties of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY iGrOODS. LADIES' & CHILDEENS' SH0E3 HATS & CAPS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, RUSHES, GROCKERY, LuOKING GLASSES, GLASS AND STONE WARE, GROCERIES, Sec. of every variety Lots more of the samo good 50 cent Tea, that others seli at 75 ets. Bear in mviid that &ur Goods are all of the heat quolity. SOur Stapie and Fancy Dry Gooda furpass all previous stocks for beautyy vanety and excellence. GjFOur Ladies Dress goods, Shawls, &c, were never belore half so attracüvc and cannot help but win siniles of approyal froni our fair friends. B@_Our Hats and Caps aurpass all for style and choapness ever heard of in Ann Arbor, cali and seo them. 8@u0ur Ladies' and Childrens'Shoet uoinbineelliganccandeaso with strength and durability. GF" Our Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings are all of the best qualilies and, styles of the French, English & American productions vvkich wo will sell at the same price that otheis ask for slop shop stufT. ü3 Our Groccries & Crockery aro fresh, new and cheaper than over. Our Yankee Notions and small fixings in general are too numerous to mention here, embracing every thing that a Mercbant should keep and a Custorner should buy. l And nqw having puroliased ;. mucli largor and better stock of goods than ever before; we confidently rely upon the appreoiation oí the public for ueudy Sale oí the same, feeling confident that wo cannot help but suit all in prices qualitv aud styles. Alt kinds of Produce taken in Exi change lor goock as usual. C. MACK, 772 F. SCHMID,. Ann Arbor Marble Works. Bisele Sc Vandercook, U wK 011 haml a fine assortment of American and 1TALIAN MA R B L E vhlota thej nre prepared to mDufacturc iuto KONÜMENTS, HEAO STONES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOPS. Ac, tc., fec, fec., D all their varictic, and ijl .1 WÖBKMAKIJKE muiincr, HftTing hnl oonsiiK'niblo i'1 ie busnmsn tliey üatter themsches that they 11 l! W' please all whq outy fiivor them th their ordcin. Tlieir pneca l'o w astiielowest, [hou wiahiug ay thtog in IWt ne Mrtpü)j u tfd to eall. V.IdLLL i ANÜLKtOOk. nn Arbor. Bept Ï8, 3SCO. 167yl


Old News
Michigan Argus