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-The constitotion of this Stiito bas beon :i!i)yinlod to sntisfy capaüits and bankers, and yot they are not satisfied. The last Legislatura and the people having giving them all they ank, tliey now ask for moro. Now, an amoiidmciit of thu coQBtitulioa is asked that will givo the I.egisluturo power to stablish a binkug systcm Btinilar to that of Ohio and ladiana. Tho Sánate Judiciary Comtnittee lms reportod in favor ol such an ainendineut, and advises that a. luw estabUebiug a Stata B&cM and branches bc pasuud at tho present n;s.ion, so that it may go into operation as bood as the pooplo shall have endorifed the resolution arnending the constitutiüin. This is sharp practice, a üttlo too shaip, we approliend, and wil] hardly go down. ii.firlTTTil H - t3P The Advertlner, of Wediicsday, charges Jiudges Martin and GaupbhIl witli liaving vulunteered opuüons upon a politica! qacstioj., and thiuks that they should have waited uiitil a case was expressly bcforo thcm boforc they vcntured to intímate that the personal liberty law is unoonatitutional., We caunot sce that they have at all overstepped the bouuds of propriety. A bilí had been referred to the Judiciary Ojmmitte'e of the House, that bill involvcd the conslitutionality of existing laws, it was tlio duty of that eommittee ío investígate that poiut, and frora what better source could they derive information thah fi-om the Supremo Court or ïncmbcrs thereof ? Iu bouic of the States it is expressly provided that SuprenW Judgcs shall advise the Lcgislature wben called upon, and we think it eiriineiitly proper Áat a Judiciary Committee sliould consult the Judges of our Suprenie Court. If it wcr dono more frequéntly there would be loss bungl'mg, unnicessary, and unconstitutional legislation than there now is. Their opinions are of course not binding as judicial decisions, or upon the Legislature, but they are certaiuly entitled to high consideration.


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Michigan Argus