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p-v_ -_ Mrs. WIETSLOW, Vu experion -l Nuw nul Feraalf l'fcysieian, ja tu the aft' tl ÍÍTO f mr.tllOM, li'T SOOT1I1 NG SYRUP, FOR ÖHltDREN ÏEKTHÏNG, procesa of teeUiing, bv Hofti-n'Tfi the f?iinn, rnilncinfj nll iriílnimníition- wil! ü Ai.l, PAIS ui i - modic actii o, un I t SURE to REGÚLATE the BOWELS ! ■■■] fl i apoii !t, üi 1 V' rj, it wül giro r t t yoaraelvw, ui l Relief nn3 health to vour Infants Wc hare put up ml nnd boM i'n's articla for oret t.n reara, and '.X SAT, IV COXFIDENCE AND; TRUTHoMt, whnl we have öwr &fl ail? tc Sit% of, Hiiy otlit-nn-'Sn. - Si' VK!Ï IIAS IT FAII.KD S A 8INW1JC ÏNSTANCK, '10 EKFtXT A CURE, whfii timely usfl. Nfvi r dïd we Lnow ;in int-tflce of dlsattsfacfifinby ani rnt who uneil t. On the eoótrary, all are ileliglited witb tl:-) ojier itionw, and apoAk in terms of cuiaiiif-iulutii n ftf ita lïiB ■ .and niodical virtuft. We ipeak in this mntl'-r "WHAT WE DO KNOW," after ten ywTs' experiedce, AND PLKDGK OUR HFPÜTATION " FOR TOE FUIJ1LLMENT OF Wil AT WE fiKlii: JiMf 'LAKK. Jn alinnt etry iristinco ' wbere the mfanl ia RufiVriog frim yaiñ an 1 elo en n, retlef will be founi í fifteen ur tweníy minutes tftef the BJ r;: ji is :nl]iiln'-' , Tbia valab) - n ís the preaciptioü of one of the mtai EEXPERIKMCCD and BKU.LFUL ; in New In :litn i and has beeu ued with NEVER FAILÍNÜ SUC) E8H in TIIOIISAM) OF CASES. It not orly r ilievaa I hc chll 1 ir m paifl, bat InrisfotntPs tlie stomrteh :int botrelu, cnitecti' acidity, aUdgivea totie sentí ea&rgy to th ffho esystem. It wiU almost bistantly . GRIPINC IN THE BCPR ELS, AND WINH COIJC and ovt'ivniiit' '-onviiision-i, whlcB ü' not BfeéSly reme died, on i in death. Va beltere it the BEST and PÜREST REMEDY IX THE WORU), in all oasoo of DYSJCNTttRy and DlAliKIIíKA IN ClIIl.iMïl-.N, whether frain lefthiug. or Irom an" other cause. We WOWld -'i v In t-(-ry motll'T Wh h s a child I fromanyof the foregoing eomplaint- DO NOT LET YOUR PllEJÜDICES, NOU THE P8EJUDICEB OF OTHERS, stand i i and your suiTerinst child, andje relief ilmtwll) beRURE- YES, ABK)LÜTELYt f'Wlow the nxe o1 ;'ne, if timcly nsed. Kuil diectiona fur nsinií wíll acoompany each bottle, Nonnfronuijw untens the nicimile f f'UKTlS & PERKllíá, New-York, is on the outaiide wxapper, Botd by Druggista throngout t!ie weaid. Principal Oittce, 13 Ced;ir Sireet. N, Y. PRICE pNLY 25 CEWPS PER ÖÖTTÏfe. Foraaleby Eberbacb &Co. ly7T3, MOORE & LOOMIS Ilftvo Removed lo tlio STORE REGEN TLY OOCUPIED BY C. MACK, PhoBBil Block,Enst siJe of Main St., AND . e HAVE T s; Jlip4% AI In Síore J -''jr A Large and HL " plete STOCK SS OF BOOTSc SKOES Of every JeecMpüon whicli will l)e SOLÍ? OBSAPEH TiíiV C42V PE B0UCS7 IN Xliif City. iso a largo ssortmea oí HOME MANUFACTURE, öf all kinds made in ibe ment Fashioiiabie Style BY OOOD AXD EXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, -OTTHFRENCH CALF BOOTS are NOT suïïpasred sidp of N"ew York CItjr, an! are warranted not to Riv. Our ?rOGASAND KIPSs, are made of the best Hiaterl:il Our stock of Moroeeo liootees for Ladles is the tho test in to.wn, wilh helR or without Wo IIalte to Orclcr, and miss of si;nj.r, the first time bo fire uaa caU and wo w show you stock fret' of charge Wtak wafd the services of two Kxperienecil Junrneysiif n. wliu do our meiiding Ín oat est iVlaimcr, and on attortest notice. Öur motto s Quïek Sales nud. Slnall Proíits Tliankful for past faT&rs we hope bypay ing strictatteution to our biisiutiss to uoexit a liberal hare of your patronage for the future. J&jF Remember we aro nut to bo nnderwotd. "Eft MliORE & LOOMIS LUCTG & BLOOD INFIRMAR Y. Fishcr's Block Wvodward Ave Detroit Xi-s. S. J, CAKPKATEU & UAIiVAUD. fo: DOCTORS gen. rally pretend that Confio mptloB is incurable', feeoanse they cannotcure it theinselves; but this does Bot make t truc. Many inti-lumifs wiil wrks on a Job all day and after dotng nothin'r but Bpofí tho material they will teil yon t n ver cae be done in the way you want it. But byapplying to ;i better wofkraan - me wlio thoroughly understands bis business - you will ge.t your work in shape. In this respect tbere Is the natu e differenee to be founain all trades and profensïons. The bunglers in mecluni-sm. in the art, In ïaw, in tbcology, and in physic, wil] say aueb tilines eannot be doue." And it is troethat tbey could nol bc ii all men trre like themBeïnB. Butlortanately there ia anothcr claM of men, anti tJbese, wnen thoy (;ikc yoot case in liand, do the jobas you want il, or restore you to lieallh, accorcing to desïre. We bare only to remember tl is iaot to oaderstaiid whj oae pbysidan thould jT-mouuce that incurable whicii anctlicr can cure. Ia mechaaios, we sometimes find thai by a posietsion of superior meana, by .-ome ne inyenÜQn, of -.hich hc luis the oie use, or by the trn-aUT logenity of his mlnd, one person will mah or dowual do othercan. Exiictly it may bc so in physfe. And tbis ii the MTv iv.ison why I nave suoSi great Buocéna over all othera jn the treatmeiït "of Consumption, By lis ring the orlgibal genius, by posseiiBfng the Fuog-Meter, ■vihich enab'.cs njo toclcariv dettrmine the nature of the diae&Maaa by hTÍBg snah renwdicn for Consaaiptfon as no fithor riiysician ever had, make bold tt say that I have, and can effect a cure of this dit e se bey on d th rf;u-ti of iny iithrr man. To prove this to hare been e, I m-ight give yu numbera apon numbers of certificaos from men and women given over to tbc grave, who have been rescued and resiored to health by Lhe persereriBg use. of ray remedka for Consamptlon. u. .- Z HOfc necis-a'y Ór rué lo do ko here, '.-■c Ihe fact of oaeman doing wh1 another c.innot cannot, is evideoi foali men of cdmiseo m-u-i1. 11' tlw Coiigumpüve wishes furthex proof tban tliis, I enn only say, oome and sattsfy yourseli by tri. il of my skill 'in the cure of your compfait Doctor Carpenter ill vislt YpsMtmti, mul Ann Arbor, L8KMI1. Aun .u-i.iT, at Cook'a Hotel, 8d and -Ui" "i' eacb month; Hawlüna House, TpsilcBti, 6th and iitli of cach paonth. 'i'v remainder of the time, he will be found at his Lung IniirniLiiy inl'etroit 1 v773. WINES & KNIGÍIT have received tlieir second purcliae of WINTER COODS, Wbioh will be solJ at the Lowest Possible Prices, FOR CASH, BARTER, OR PROMPT Wu invite all to culi anj be atiijad tlini our GOODS ARE AS GOOD AXD p i; i c i: s s i, b w na eau be fouml jn the city. Nov. 10, 1800. 77Í4Í 1000 Fine Overcoatsl For Sü'.o Chean t GHJITÈtaiAN A'CO'S. GOOD8. lilCII GOODS! Cheapiiooils! ! - - BACII & PIERSON IJ AVE JI'ST OPENI-.D TUF. CHOIOEST STOCK - OF- F ALL AND WINTER GOODS tobe found in tbis City, consisting oi GOODS FOE GENTLEMEN ! substnntial And duraMo, GOODS FOE LAD1ES! GOODS FOR TIIEMECHAN1C GOODS FOR THE FARMER! DOMESTICO, STAPLES, Bil 'Cnrefully selected, Waranted to please, nnJ for sale choap. BACII & PIERSOIi Octobcr, 18GÖ. 768tf FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! SCHOFF & MILLER RE STILL OMIAND at tbatrold Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Block, wilh the most complete assortment uf Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL aND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, OTTRTAINS. HOOKS AÍ7P PINS, STEREOSCOPES VIEWS &c Ever oifercd in tliis Mallet ! and they would suggest to thoae in puvsuit o( anyibing ' SANTA CLA US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! liy piirchlsing from tliis íloe!, as eneh gta on additional present of Jewelry, &c, Ranging in value from 50 ets. to $50. Thovlrust tlix'. tli.-irlonj CTp3rience in gnods fortlïis market, anl strict attentmn to tbc winilof Cn-i'.ini',-.-.. mt] entitlc tbem to a liberad: Patronage. Ann Arbor, Deo. 6. 1860. 7"'tf 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTEÏRS WANTED! TO ASSIST IX THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! Vhite folies, or of whatever color, cáete or nativity, whether married, single or of doúbtlul eonnexion, will be enlísted in tlie noble cause of EMANCIPATJNG THE C0MMUN1T11 - FR011 THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! and will reccive tlicir oulfit at tlie Extensive Furnishing Establishment - OF THE- G UITERMAN'S HEAD QÜARTERS! having been establislied for the LAST TEN Y E AR 8 , our known rulo of warfare is an Un di siiised Deslrueiion OF HIGH PIÏICES ! IPOIl CIiOTHIHTG For qII Zges! Sx and CondUlons.' Ift conseqüence of the very flittering cncourngement wliich "we have riíü.ived since our location in tliis ciiy, ívc have iucreaseil our Stock of FALL AND WIÑTER CLOTHING! To mcot tlie dcmanJs of or custninora, anJ having become more fully convincod than ever, that our tnodc of doaling, namcly: at üie lowest possible rates for B.BADY-PAV, ia the only true ]ilan; we will coatinuo t: Bervo the public as heivtofore during the cumiiig fall and wmter. Our iHock consists iu every variety of READY MADE CLOTIIIKG ! Main and Fanoy CLüTIIS, OASS1HKKS, S1LK, AND S!LK VEÍ.VETS. A Urge lot of GENTLEMEN'S FURN1SIIINÓ GOODS, whkh re all warrant sd DON 'T PAIL TO cjaLXjXjja.i? c. aat. , For past favors we aro graíeful to all, Theeaine íorlargeones in proportiou, And those wi.o eee ít to cali Sliall receive our beet Biniles and devotion. M. Guiterman k Co. N". I!. Btudents nnd ftH othra who wsn) to see SONDHEIM'.S now nindc of cattng will do wll lo eall und leaVe their naeasure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! . r, fci.t. 28, 1SCO. I). L. WOOD & CO. Havo icöiixrcct A. LAUGOE STOCK OH? Seasonable Gcods! Por tko FALL AÏÏÏ) 1V1NTER TRADB, WIIICH TJJEY WILL Bfitt CHEAP F OU O A fe ií, OU RE Al) Y PAY C? aní? scc Befare Pvrcliasivg Et.iewhere. D. L. WOOD. W. G. FOSTEÏÏ. TO HOÜSEKÊEfLtiS, . . v; ÓOHETHTNG NEW.- 13. T. BABBITs" Jj BfisT Medica! Salehati:s. Ts manufacture! froui coimnon salt, and i ire ■■].li:i'!y different jfreni other Su lera tus. U AUthe deleterioue matter èxtracted ín suoii a JJ " , '[íaiiA'T íi.-í t o produce Bread, Bincult, aml ;il! u Ori" tínda oí Oak% wítboat cootAinuig a partiële ol & Saleratus wben tVw Bread or Cake la baked: Fft ilicrclty invMiuciiiï wholesoiae rrvults. Kven ■ partióle of SuIstaI uii turned togan aml hj sen tbrougb the Bread and lïiscuit wbne bafcing ïOCrieciisiitly. Dottóig tcmflliia but eotttnon Ha li 9 O U (Vüter, r.i'l Klonr. Sfou ifill readily percelTe, bj j tAietasteof tWs Sálfato8, thet it is (tntirel; ú liffereal IV ■■ - ittw. M Ltis packedin one pouad paper?, eacb wrap H branrted, "II. T. Babbitt'd Bwi Hedfcina Q r Q SüleíatliH;" ii;. [.ictiirc, tw-sl(-i li :; Di bd, H (JO 'vitli a (fUws of eífervescing waiérnn th top.- Y 4Arln h i raepaper yo hoald prp M -"rveii ' wra iertftiiá be parúcular to gt a iiexi cxactly líke the flrsV bfand abnve. . ryr M i J eratua and Sour Milk or CreaíD Tartar, willac w ■ ■"injin;; v oa'-li pftckare : al so, direct ons for makingal] kindfl of Piírtry; al, fur ínükitip 3 -fndiv Wattixaaá SeiAlíti Povdcrs. Q, m"KK YOrií OWX 8OAP with y H. T. BABJilTiS PURE CON'CEN'TRATFl P l'OTArll. J Wsrranted doublé the Rtreníh of ordiaftrv j "otasli: put ii p n cana - 1 Ib. 'i Iba, 3 tba, m bs, and 1'! !m- wiÜi ftitt dtrectioimTOr making AND Fïard aad 8oft Boap. ('onsuraers wmIJ find K the chcapMd artiete in iii;írkctt r M&QUfactarecI and foi sale by lj B. T. nATítílTT, 2 4,66,08,70, Íc74 ViahinLrton st. , w York fj f A ' an.l Nü Incliast, BMtMt. T Herrick's Sugar Coated Pili ÏÏT CHILDREN CRY FOR TIIKM ! j Tbia remarkablc f -í'Sr l American rt-mr-dv iscarjy 'í - ' r.vinK icvrlA by storm. Over fi+o mfí lv, . liona ofboxeR are soírt isJiSrHk WiHKk? . -.v. aníiüal! y. f.mpofsed ■■ n t in ly of í'Iov (.r '-, Balita Du and ex ■"HS?í traets, tbeir effect - ■ human nyítem fi ' pi t-n.-iant s.itisfnctorj [ul. ActinK P "f-JNi djroctly (n tlie bhod '■ -"-_ ■ -:■ glimflp, so!Mp and fluid, """ -' " " -i rlie bi.dy, ib, r URe s attended with , effect. Jn old standing cases of sietness, r -peated freqoentlj so ie the s.Tstera, thatgood hea&h Is the ftnTt. No change in eHiploymeul or die) i nëeessarj, Tliej Bftveí ■ rom mouibs, WEed Jüíbíb, b hiöfl Btakbs, etc., as ftn man y other kind. Tin y are warranted. to eive ction,ortbe príce refunded. Tliéj Breconded - ;-. safer, prel I er, and in all repppcti Ruperto to aay purgativa pil! in tbe worid. r-'l hf. iiiscnvery of coátnig a pill w-ith tugar nnnnated with I'r. JIcirict All thprs nre CfrtiirteTfeita, and t tised,wi] do hèrm&aA toftppointthefc&, Hecriek'a pille are eleëantiy ptitu]., 30 in a box.tcííA a largesheeAnf direction.-, nnd.-ell for '25 cents per box; 5 boxes for $1. HbRBICK TCfD STUKXaTHEXIXO Pl.ASTB&8. Thcgrewt Stre-ngther and Pain Destróyer. The Best and ceaest 1 Hovsehold Tiemedy in the worJd. Tl-'■" i't"i-i cwrep.-tifís, treaknessanii rTt'. in live bours. Indeciso i-ertaih are they to do tliis. 1 the proprietor warrant Spread ir. m ff ■.- ., .,„,1 emrf ofl beau Iful kid leather.renilersttienipseuliarlradaBteuio the wante of Fcmale an.T otíiera. Theirnpi-lioation is unirersai- 00,11!! ily tothes: r(l,1Lin.ifi.1 i.., luiente Woijisn, and the feeble intant. Toeaehandall they wlll m! a Dalmand a blwssing.. is ajrree.ible and uithuilt truuble. Eaeh "'--- n niiTf ai frnm 11 to foor inrnt],s, iinj in rheumatic complaints, sprains and bruisen, frequcntly effect cures wlion all othcr remoales fail. Full diracüoni ill ba fooad on thebackof each. speakers, voaallsts, miniaien of thegospel andotliers.will strpnrthrn tlieir Innjs htii] improve tneir v-oices by wt-aring tliem oü their breast. Trice 18X cents. Tbc almve artirle n sol,U,v.-ill tïe dealers in Ann Arbor an.l l.y Druggista Uiroughoátthr Cmteil States, Cana dus nd Bontll America, at wholesale bj all largo Drnggiats in tlie principal eities. 11ERKK K k BROTlOni, lj'"S l'Rvriü'.]('i!,"::.i;.is. Albany,-N. V. PROK L. MJLLEW8 HAIR INVIGOEATOR. AN KFFJBCTn E, BAFB.ANB ÏXOXOMICAI. CÜMrdUjND FOR RESTORING GRAY ii.VTli to Ka original polo itboni .Ivcni.r, and prevenía LKe Hair from tarnlag gray. Foi: ■RKVKNTINC BAU)NE33and onrtng il ben Itera is tbe least partiële of vitality or recuperative enere n maining. FORRKMOVlNr, SCÜBF AXD HAXDRtTF , tinj nll cutaneous alleetions of tbe Sealp. KOR BEAÜTJFÏ1NQ TilE HAIR, impnrtihf-to ft an unequalled glosa i nl briUuuiM. laaUng it soft and ilky m lts te.xtui-e and tautlng t bjcnrl readlly. i'he rrmt celebritj and Uw inereasiog demaad fur thin unoqualled prtparatioo, oorinoe the proprietur that one trial sonly neceaaary to satbrfj iHncffl-niDgpuhtteoriU superior oualitiea over other preparation at present in use. lt deanses 1 1 ■ o head und sclj) fn m tlandrvff and othcr cutuneo'tf: dacaêet. Causes the liair togrpw'iox uriulttly. aii.l giyesit a ii'-!j , soj I . and !1. jtile ifr pearance, and also where 'ha hair is itrayeDiog and thiuning, it v.-il! irive stre-mtli an).ij..r to the mot, nni restore ttye gi o Ui ti. thoss parta kicb faava botóme bdldj'eauBintf it to yfeld a.tsA coceing oitnir. Tilerraro hondnds oP hKÏiea and gentlemen h, N'eV Volk who havo had tKeir hair rvstofd by tbe us-é o{ tuia lnvigorator,heti ill othef pn parations had fnilul.' I,. M. hts n hiH '-sossiun letteaü inniimeiabhi tc.-.tifying totheal ■ , fi m persons of tbe bighoit respeclbility. It ilt effect aally pre vent Xh-Juürfrom turnivg gray until tlie lafeet period uf liLe; ana n casos wliere the bair has ehangeel its coNir, tbe une ni the InvirQrater will ith]certalnty rrs'orr. tt (o-ta mie-hial hiu, giviuir it - apptarance. Así perfuma (ur the tuilet and a llair Restoralive it is partieulariy reccimmen'led baviiiLT an igreeable rrntrrano; au-: the jreat RiciHtlea it in ármmg thêhair, nhicli, sh molsl v,üb tho [nvigoratorc I in n.y required form so s to nresorYe Un place, whi-ilnr píain or la caria- berro the urea 'lema. I for il liv the lrtis i t yiandnrd tinlet . rUicb none oúglit (o be ivilliout, as the prico it within the reaob of all, being ONLY TWENTF-FIVE CENTS per botüp, to be luil at al! respectable 9rugts and perftjm I MILl.KIÏ woald cali (lúe a tí ent ion nf I':ircDt nnrt (uiinüicis to the ose nt bis invípn-ator. En canes wliere '.:Mnns' Jí;i ir í -u lints to bfl weak. Ttio upe of it taya : fór a Rood oí hair p,ai1 remov-'M ai j ,i Iparitlea ttuti nótiy h;-' becomfe oonnrcfed with the Up, th remora! of w'tiich ie oeeestiary botii for thc health of tbe cliild and tho future ppearanc9 of i Ís Hair. ('ai-tips.- Xmc geouine witlmut thofac simtíe I.Ol'l UIIJ.KR beína on tho oufer wiapuer; nNo, L. MULhR'S HAIK [NV1G0KATOR, N. Y. blowu in tbe a Whnicsalr D" pot, S I l't-v St. and wH byaB thrvftesi1 le Uercbanta ana Druggi&tê the wnritf, Lilc[-;1 ilisconiít to pBrcbaWê by tle i,n;uiíirv. I aUugcsireta píese it ta tbe Aiutrican Public un New & Improved Insta ntaneous Liquid Hair Bye which after year of pcientiGc exierimentiríe T bave hrought lo perfectinn. It WacV or l.rown inatunttr tb. mi iiiiury t tbe Hair Or Skin uari-uited tbe bes't a i : ;i-.!i of tiic kind in exmtence. PRICE ONLY FIFTY CENTS. í VEPOf, 56 DE Y ST.. New Y,,rV. 7li'.:yl City Meat filarkei. tui:íí; .m-vukkt TDTH'r TORXER F ,wn I IüSTB BWBW. An.ijvilll ., lian. I a full .Tssr.vtent oL J5"-x--c-s-lx JSt-o-tK-t-tm-, to . 'nf aftiifi ' ' ..':... s'u ■■-,, . lV(Il Ij'i bj red lu keen ■ll ct Clí'iui, nul Ment; Sweet iiKiv riv iijion üi'ítin';4 'fie bost IIIXAWft . riioi'K.ctc.jthutcuu bi ;■ . ■■. : c.'itv, f'AI.l, r: w.-.r.i.' ;■ 74aul '


Old News
Michigan Argus