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MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NOKTHKKN RttfUfA RAILROAD. 1860. WINTER AKKANUEMKNT. IS61. Iriín bqW run un tlris ron], Putüays uxct'p'ii!, ns folio: IíCiive Tolo'ln 'r Chtcajro daily excopt Mondayji at 12 15 A M.,nmi l.'.tti C. M , :,nl v.n Air ■ ut 9 A. M. I.cnve Detroit fi-r Umno m 10,-0 A M. .nul 9,30 M. Arriviiii in Chicago fruiu Toledo aml Detroit at 10,30 A II. ftñd 11.00 H. M. Ai:i.: at Detroit from Xftlado, at 0:15 A. M., & 0:00 l U. Arrivo In Detroit frora Chicago at 6.00 P. U.,nd3.16 P. M. .ïrrive i Toledo frum Chicago 3,10 P. M. and 4.23 A. M. I .e.ive Adrián for Jack son at ft,15 A. M. nn 6t1fi P, M. Jackson for Adriau ni 5,30 A. M., and 11,65 I M. I C0NNKCTI0N8. At Toi.Kno- Wlth Cleveland íc Toledo Rail Ilotul, with Qfobwb a!l-y Rail Hnad. AT DKTROIT - With (irand Trunk Rjiilway, vi tb Great fTostvrn K.iÜw:iv, also, with the Detroit autl Milwaukee, attroaJ At Kbw Aldany & Saiem R. R. ClO86ErO- Wlth Trama for 1 af&jrel Npw Albtnj &nd Louisvillo. At Chicago - Wiíh Chicago and flock Iátand, Galena, Milwtukee, Chicago Burlinff ton &ad Quine; - Nm-tb West Kiiil'A'ny - ('hic;ií, Alton ajid rit. Louis, Illinois Central,and to alt l'ointa Öfogt air! Sunth. 4J-3" Tr.iins arernn liy Chicago time, which is 20 minutKM,skwer than Toledo Urna. WoodrufTs Patent Sleeping Car accompany tbe Kight Traína on thi Route. #Sr Timo and Taro tbe Bame as by any other Rail RoadRouto. JO. D. OAMPEKLL. Ocno-at Suporiuteudcnt. UFE INSUltÁNCti. The Cornecticut Mutual Life Insuranca Company. Accumalatcd Capital, - $3,500,000. Wrj IN3ÜRK UVES for any amount not excoeaiufc $10,0)0 for the whole term of Life orfor a term of vears, on the most favorable term. N. lï Tbe Company is purcly mutual and the policy holders get all tbe surplus over tle exact cost of m-urance It accomodates the insnred in the setilemcut of thr premiunui ON LII'K POLICIEÍ, lf desired, by taking a note for oue half the amount, beaviug interest at six percent, par anncnil Divtdends are Declarad Annually! aad since they now amount to pifty per cent on tbe premium, cash and note, and aro increasing tbey may be applied to cancel the notes. jgTSf Tlic ratel of premium are as lnw as any other reBpojiflible Company and the lurge accumulated fund of $3,5HO,OUO is securely invested, a?) nmy be Béén by refereuce to the statement marie atfeording to law, on file in the office of the Couuty Anu Arbor.-ft JAMES Gl-'ODWIN, Prest. GCYR.PEiKLPSjSecy. Forparticularsapply to JAVS9 O. WATSON, 763yl Agent at Ann Arbor, Mtch. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accumulated Jan, 1860, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. C. K ENDALL, Vir.c President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED with theComptrollerof tho State of Kew York. Diïideads average 40 per cent. aanually. AS8ETS. Cash in Bank, $ 31,365,49 lnvested in seciiritie.s,crwitofl under the lawscf tbr State of N'cw York and of tbe U.S., 258,870,79 Real Estáte and Fixtures, Nos. 112 and 114 Broadway 132,450 04 Bonds and Mortgages 'Irawing 7 per et. interest 583,998 .39 Kotes received for 40 per cent. of premiums ou life policies, hearing interest. 675,316.85 Quarterly and éicmi.annual premiums, due subscquent to Janu.iry 1, 1S60 20,550.38 Interest accrued up to Jan. 1 . 1860, 36.488.77 Rent.i accrueduptoJan. 1, 1860, 1,708.34 Fremiums on noüdes iu hands ot Agents, 26,44-.l J Í1 ,767,133.24 Drs Wells nd Lewttt, Medical Examiners. 743f J. GILBERT SMITI1, Afrent Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN IS THE AGENT for the followinff first clasfl companies: HO.MI-; I.VSURAS1CE COMPANY, of New York City.- Capital and Surplus, $1,500,000. CITY KIltK IWSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. --Capital and Surplus, $400,000. CONTISEXTAI. INSUHAÏICE COMPANY, of New York Ctty.---Capital and burplun, $100,000. Three-quarters of the nett profits in this Company is dividcd aunuall; araong its policy holders. MII.I.ENAnn Arbor, December 13, 1800. 6ni778 Conway Fire Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Casb), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. O. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIREOTORS. J S. WHITNEY, L. 3ODMAN, W. EI.LIOTT, ASÁ HOW LAND, D C. McQILVKA Y, E. D. MORGAN WAIT BEMKNT. JOSIAH ALUS. A.H. BU' LKN W.H. DICKINSON, W.T. CLAPP, D. C. HOGERS. Ann Arbor Rf-ferences: Dr. E. WEI.LS, L. JAMES. L. DOPGK, ENOCH JAMES. CAPT. O.S. OOODR1CU J. W. KNIGHT, Acent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. THE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 ono of the HEA VIEST, SAFEST and BEST Insurance Co's. in the U. S. Insures on reasonable terms, and al -raya pay promptly. Tbere is no better Fire lusuranc Company. Mo ney Wanted. XV h o v i 1 1 LeudMoneyi TAM REQrESTEn BY SEVEHAL PERSONS to obtain money for thtm at ïen Per Cent I: itere st, (Or More.) For atiy one willing to lend, I can at once nvest on good unencurahercd abuoitant REAL ESTÁTE security anyRum of uiouey and see that the title and security areAi.L rigiit. jC3" Tlie borrower paying all expendes, inclutling recording. E. W. MÜKiiAN, Ana Arbor, Gct. 7.18S9. 715tf General Land Agency. PERSONS wanting farms, or reslctenceftD ornfld Ann Arbor, can by calllngonmo electfroma list i) f over 1OO Farms Por Salol Ofvarioue slzestrom 3, to 1300 acre Foacb;(some as good agany int hia Connty.) Mor et ban SO Dwelinp Housfts iothUClty.fromtwo huudred to fourthouflanidoaraeacb ; and n v.-r 2OO 6ÜÏIDIMG LOTSI Amonptriefftrms are the Bishopeiarm, ISOOacree, the Pottnr farm, i n Greon Oak; the Placcfarm, aj i 4. ) acres, tlieRlandonnnd Jcnke farms, in Webster; thr StubSs, Michacl Clancy, Newton Beefffin, nd Pallha farms, in Ann Arbor; Kingsley'4 farm, in littsíld' the Hntch and Hick tarms In Lodi;tho PatrickClnyularm in Frefidom; W. ri. DavUon, B. O. Raker s and Buck's farms in Sylvan . Mostot thno ind many otbers can be divided to sult purehasers 1 e. no u;a.. AnnArhoj.Jan Ut.lRSR M ÏT W.ÏOEGAN, Agent lor Mutual Life Insurance Company, Now York. Accumulated Assets, .... $5,350,000. the loaiing Life Insurance Company in the U. H. Kiiickribocker Life Insurance Company, New Vork, - a firt qUju safe Co. - term roasonubie. Humboldi Kirc Insurance Company, New York. Capital, with alarife surplus, - - $20U,000. I'eoria Marine Je Fire Insurance Co., Peoría IU. _tmt i Mo. 1 Fire Insurance Co'a. 7O7tf Capital, .... 500,000; DEFOREST.ARMSTRONG fe CO. DRY GOODS MKRCMANTS, 76, 11, 79, 81,83 & 85Duaae Street, New York. WOÜLD NOTIFY TIIH TRADE that tney are openin Wuekly, in ntw and bcautiful patterns, tho ALSO TUR Azxioslx.oagy A New Print, vhich exccls every Print in tho Country fo perfection of execution and design in full Madder Colors. - O r Prints aro cheaper au any ín market,and meeting wth extenftive satc. Orders promptly attended to 732yl EYE and E&7. , DR F. A."CADWELL, 9SS OPERATOR ON THE EYE AND EAR. For Deafiicss. Blinclncss, nnd all tlcfectjs of Slght and Hearing. DR. C. BKUíO A REGULAR fbjtídvn, wltb TWJËNTï YKAR' exclusive practice in tliu trcatmpnt of diaeases of the KYE AND EAK, will be found qualilied to jrive rcliof or effect a cure in uny case withtu the rcach t.f hnin:ni ikfll. flfj" o charge for an ezamlnoXlon or an opinión, orfor nnsncccssf ui service. Da. C.'s TRBAnsB on TnR Kve ad Ear. of 300 pp., contiiiiiiug nkmuai] TestimonialH, Description of l)iaeaics. Cases, and other important matter, illustrated with Cuts, to bo harlrftiis, hy Ronding Ten Cents to pay poütago. AddrcRB Cadweíx, 93 Raadolph Street corner caborn, Chicign UI. ly?68 Livery Stable. B. GREEÏf, at his I.ivery Stable, rear of Faoklin. holds himself rca'ly to furnish the best "turn out," Bingleordoublet short notice. CaUami Bee ''r Honl juni C'itiTiagea. Office eocond door went oí Webatcr'B Uook Store. P. P. A fin fine of Cutters fcr tboso wb' delijUt in ; th!ippBry iisca. THE BANNER STORE. SECOND ARRIVAL - OF- FALL Sc WINTEE E3r E O X S GOODS FIÍÓM AUCTION. Facts for the People "W .A. S ü T E KT -A. "W - iNn- ADJOTMNG COUNTIES! And Ilieir numerouB questions nnewered. Wh; is Everybody trading at the "BANNER STOHE? ■- Because A. P. MILLS, the Proprietor of that, Establishment hfis just returncd from the Enstern Citieswith thé Largeat, Uandsomest, Cheapest, and Most Attractiue Stock of STAPLE AND F ANC Y DRY C OODS! ever brought to this part of the State. Why is Ecorybody pleased with hls Stock? Bccaiiflc hisstylos are more beautittil, quality better, and pricos lowcr than at anj other store in Üio county. Why has he altoays Something New and Cheap to Show? Becaufiobo hasa frieml connectoci with onc of tlic ly gcst Ifi-y (iooils in New Vorkfvho is continuulst " ÜOBBING ROUFV" for cheap bargainsaiul tlie late styles, as thev appear from timo to time, and in this way keepa him supplifnl with syle, and conseq.uiut!v customers eau always fiud souicthiugFresh, NEW CHEAPand .DESIRABLE Why does he seü so much Cheaper than the rest? Encause be lm a buyer in the city all the time to take advantage of the coiitinual chanpe of the market, and in that way buys his goods mucl chcaier thau other can, and thoc hc marku them down to th IjOTVTEST FIGURES. Why does he teil Ladies' and Childrens' Shoet so mnch cheaper than was ever heard ofby the oldesl Shoemakcr? Beeanw ho buys hi slock In the lan5 of shoemakers, o( tbe manufacturera, fully '25 per cent cheapcr than tho New Tork Jobbors sell thom, aml much bcttcr worli than they geucrallr koop. This cour.-c euables him to scll & better Gaiter for 35 Cents. than othennell at 50 cent., and a better FOXED GAITER at 50 cents, than othera sell at 75 couts. Has he any Hats and Caps? Tes,! should think he ha stacks of them, onough to supplv the State, at prices lower than was ever heard oí roundthese parts. Why is his Tea so much better for the priee you pay than you get al other places? Because he takes great care in selccting it, and giveshis customers tho benefit of a real good 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS. It is a way he has got. Where should you go to get your CLOTHS and have ihem Cut or Made? To tho BANNER STORE, where the l'eople's Banner ' is unfurledfor tho People:Hgood. South aide of I'ublic Square, a fewdoors west of Cook'f Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Sept. 18, 1860. 76tf Ho for the IMfommoth Cabinet Ware Rooms, o MARTIN & THOMPSON, TTATK JUST OPEKED IN THEIR new and Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SIDEOF MAIN STREET, a f, xi r "fc or A COM PLETE STOCK OF ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY and SETS OF PARLOR ÏURNITURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany R0SE-W00D, BLACK WALïiUT, Plaln and Marble Topped O [1 Gfl TT H K ITtglLgs ROSEWOOD,! MAHOGANY, BLACK WALNUT, PANCY and COTTAGE CHAIRS, &c, &c, &c, &o. J9k. JLj SBS 9 El e g a n t MIRRORS, Bureaus, Secretarles, B e d-R oom Sets, IXCLUDING LATEST STYLES, -oíOF THE BEST QUALÍTY AND Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything W-IT-n V H-I-CH TO FU-R-N-I-SH PARLOR, BOUDOIR, SITTING ROOM, OR KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longer go to Detroit or elsewhere To Find ALARGE ASSORTMENT T-lx-i-S FURNITURE MUST BE SOLD - A N D- And Will be Sold : A- T VERY LOW PRICES! $f$r l'ft evcry man aivl Ui wlfa or going to be wife COME AND BEK, Theyalno have a HE A USE CAURI AG E, Arvl are alwnys ready toatiend to the burial f tho load in tho City and ftqjotatog COOStrj. Ware-Rooms cast Bidc of Mio Í3trcot, bctwcüu WasUingtou aud l.iln:ity O, JVL MAKi.N. C. B. THOMPSON


Old News
Michigan Argus