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I. O. O. F. WAPHTF.N'AW LODGE No 9, of the Independent order of Odd Felinrt meti t thir Oodgfl Boom, svery Friday eveninpr, at ü H o'clock. Ü.B. WILSON, N. G. F. Sonc, Sec'y. sTGÜTHËRLAND & SON, tlTHOLESALE AND EETAH. Orown nd Cnmmission W Mwdunta, Eaít Bidé Main Street Ann Arbor. B. HESSE, PBTWCUJr Si Smc.EOX Respectifully ton.lor liis profcsnional services to the citizens of Ann Arbor an Ticinity. aS Office in Mack'n New Building, Mal Ijtreet, Ann Arbor Mich. N.B. Kight calis promply attendedto. TWITCHELL & GLAEK. ttoknkts and Connsellors at, General Lire an Fire Insurance agenta. Office in City Hall Block Dn HuronSt., Ann Arbor. Collcctiona promptly mad .ndreinitted. and special attenticm paid to MmYeyanctng D. S. TWITcilKI.I., [743tfl H. 1'. CLARK. JAMES B. GOTT, "" r W OFFICE N'o. 2, over Slawson & Gcer's Store. L ___ J. M. SCOTT. A mbrotyi'E k Photockhi Aktists, in the rooms ( formerly occupietl by Cordley , ovor Iho store of Sperrj fc Hoore Perfeo t satisfaction guarantecd. W. N. STRONG, Dfaï.ek in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Bonnets,Fancjr Goods, ie. Exchange Block, Ann Arbor. " WINES & KÑIGHT. Dealers in Staple, Fancy Dry (ioods, Boots and Shoes, kv. &c, M:iinStreet Ann Arbor. MARTIN & THOMPSON. Fcrxitvhk Ware-Rooms, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture, &c. New lilock, Main Street. RISDON & HÏËNDERSON, DEALERS in Hardware, Stovos, house furnishing goods, Tin Ware &c. &c, New Block, Main Street. A. P. ÏIILLS, DIAIJR in Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes and Ready Made Clothing, HuronfStreet Ann Arborj ___-_ JOHN W. MAYNARD, Dealer ín Staple Fancy Dry Goorts, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. , M;iin Street, Ann Arbor. "bëakes & abelT" ttobseys & Cou.vsei.loks at I.AW, atid Solicitors in f. Ihaneery. Utlice in Ciiy liall Block, over Wabs'.er A Co' Huns atore, Ann rlior KÍÑGSLEY & MORGAN, A tTDBHTKTB, Counsellors, Solicitors, and Notarios Pubt. lic, have Book-s and Pi;its showiag titles of all landa 'n the -.ounty, ati'latiftid tooonveyaaoingaodcollectüig .cmands, aad to paying taxes and school interest in any part of the State. Ollice east sie ofthe Square, Ann Arbor. JAMES R. 000K, JiSTiCE of tuk Peace. Office neartheüeDot, Ypsilanti, Michigan. Wm. LEWJLTT, M. D., PSTVDUH .t Sn:i;r:ny. OiTice at his residence, North sidtï of HiinrtT strvet, aüd 2d house West of División tUreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, II TAXUFArrtRER and dealer in Boots and Phors. Kx'IVJL change Block, 2 doors South of Maynard, Stebbins te WilBOn'a lore, Ann Arbor, Mich. MOORE & LOOMLS. Mm'factl'bebs an1 .ioaler in Boots and 5b oes, Phoenix Block, Main Street, one door North of -Yashington. Wm. s7'satjndêrs7 Dealer in Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers, Ann Arbor Cash Boot & Sliue Store, south side of Public Square. M. GUITERMAN & CO , Wholesale and Retail dealers and manufacturers of ReadyMadeClothing, Importers of Cloths, Cassimerea, Doeskins, kc. No. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. C. B. PORTER, MM Sürgeox Destist. Office corner of Main 4KhJE&L and liaron streets, over J Bach's store, BflB% Aun Arbor, Michigan. -LXXJ April, 1859, - Wm. WAGNER, D Kaler in Ready Hade Clot hing Cloths, Cassimeres and VestingR, Hats, Caps, Trunks, CarpetBags, &c. Main ít. , Ann Arbor. M. CAMPION, Teroiant Ta vlor and dealer in Ready Made Clothing, yX. No 41, Phoenix Block, Ann Arbor. BACH& PIERSON. DEALKRsinDry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & öhoes, &c., Main street, Ann Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS & CO., :Jealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs k. Medicinen, UCBootB & Shoes, &c, coiner of Main and Ann streets, nfit bel w the Exchange, Ann Arbor. EBERBACH& CO„ DEALERS in Drug.s and MiM eines, l'erfumery, Toilet ar ticles, a few doors eoutb. of the Franklin House, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, hoceus, Psonmos i; OommMoB Merohants,aB44a■J lersin Wate Ljwr, Lam) Pi.asteb, and Plastkr of Paris, one door EaKt of Cook's Hotel. C. BLISS, Dkalkk inClocks, Watchcs, Jowchj-. and Fancy Ooodr, at the sign of the Big Watcli, Ko. 27, Phoenix ISloek J. C. WATTS. DKAUïït in Clncks , WatcheB. Jewelrj' and Silvcr Ware No 22, New Block, Ann Ai-bor. T. B. FRËËMAN. BARnisR and Fashionable Hair Dresser, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ilair Fronts aad Curia kept jonstantly on hand. SCHOFF & MILLËr! Dealers in Miscellaneous, School, and Blank Books Sta tionery, Paper Hangings, kc, Main Street Ann Arbor. i). DeFOREST. Wholiwale and Retail Dealerin Lumbor, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doijis, Blinds, Water Lime, Grand River flaster, l'Iaster l'aris, and Nails of all izM. A full and perfect a-isortment of the above, and all other nds of building material constantly on hand at the lowest possible rates, on Detroit Street, a few rods from Ihe Railroad Depot. Also o;erating extensively n Un Patent Cement Rootlng. WASHTENAWCOUNTY BÍBLE SOCIETY. DIPOSITORY of lüblns and Testamenta at the Society prices at W. C. Voorhcis'. chapín, wood & co. SUCCESSOBH TO X-TJJÍiri3, CHAFINdj Co MAMÜFACTURER8 OF 3Eii3a.t, BooU. - ANDCOLORED MEDIUMS, tVrapping Papor.tfcc. ANSÍ AK11OK MliH. MISS JENNIE E. LINES, TEAOHEROF Plano Forte, Oultar.and Ringing, being íesiroasol enlarngher clan, will receive pupils at the resiücMc of Prof. WINTHKU., „hirl, beíng near he Union .School, will be vory conveniíot tor íuch scholarBattL-.idinglhfrnwho ma y wtab to pnnue the study coimecüon with other branches. TermsSlO, half to be paid at the muidle and thc baluce at the close fo tho term. CARDS! CARDSü CARDSÜ! Haring purchased a Brr,i.Es Kíitahy Diamond Card Press, with a, fine as.sortment of Card type, tho Aec;ib Office is prepared to print Cards of all kinrta in the nratcstpossiblostyle and at a great rpduction from former prices, including BuilneM Cards formen of all avoeabon and profMsions, Ball, Wedding, and ViaUtag tbrd, etc.. etc. Cali, give yours oráur aud Eee OOff Jt )S OOM.


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Michigan Argus