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The Suffering In Kansas

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Leavenworth, Fob. 15. The signaturas to tlio following statements i;i regard to the dosiittition in Kansas are those of somo of our most prominent (itizons : VVo fyel ealled upon to warn the friends of Kansas nol to credit tho recent statemeots of Tbaddeus Hyatt n regard to tho sufforings of our peoplo. There havo been no authenticatüd cases oí deatfa by Btarvation, and f the contributioDS continue, as bountifully as beretofore nntil June next, as wo hopo thuy wil!, thero wil] be nono. Abotit one filth of the peoplo need help frora abroad, but tho statement that Kansas is a charnel houso, that all classes aro approaohiog starvation, that there is but one step betwccn (ifty thousaod and starvation, aro, as we beliuvo, reck-Iess and flagrant falsehoods. (öigned) V,r. C McDOWELL, JiiJgo. Ut Jud Dist. A. W. riLTSEK, Pastor lst l're Ch. Wm. W. BACKUS.of West minster Ch. J. KEMP BARTLETT, Prop. Daily Times JNO. M. LA1NG, latoof N. Y. W HELIIJ" Editor Daily Hrrald. ü. J. PARK. Sec. Ccn. llelief Com. C. G HARTHOLOMEW, l'n.v Christ Ch. JAMEá B. LAING, lato of K. Tho bulk of tho population of th& State lies in the counties adjacent toho Missouri river, and there i but litIe more than ordinary destitution. - ['hero has, uodoubtedly, boen much uffering frorjo cold andexposure among hose coming to the river towns for reief. and tho winter has been unusually severe. It is eetimated that 20,000 people wil] neod aid in provisions and clothes, and 10 seed, to cnable them to secure hurvests. A Cotton Factorv ín Grand Rapids. - r. M. Huntley has justleased a part of his woolen factor; and water-power ;o I P. Wilmartl), of Oneida county íí. Y., for the manufacture of oottoabattipg. Mr. V. ivill comrnence putting in his machinery early ín March nuxt, and be ablo to comrnence business during the fore part of tho coming SeaSúD, - Grand Rnpicls Eagle, Feb. lí


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