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The Plan Of Adjustment Recommended By The Committee Of The Peace Congress

The Plan Of Adjustment Recommended By The Committee Of The Peace Congress image
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Washington, Feb. 15. The Punce Congress nsseinWuii t 12 o'olock to-diy, and u committee on n pian f setUement reportad as foHuwt : Artidu ! Ib uil the territory oí tlni ITuittíd States not ombraced within tho liini s eí tha Cherokee treaty grnnt, Ijorüti ol' ilinefrorn east to west on tlm parallel oi thirty-six degreus thirty minutes nnrth 'atitude, iuvoluntary f.rvituda, ex: ept in puuiahineut of crime, is prohibited whiUt it stiull be under u Territorial governmeut, and in all tlm territory sou th of sai'l line the status of peraotis ovving service or lubor as it now exista shall not bo changed by lnw whilo suoh territory shall bu under u Territorial governinent ; and neither Congress nor the Territorial government shall have power ió h'iriüef oL prevent the taking to said terri'.ory oí persons beul to kbor or involuntary seryioe within tho United States, accordiog to the luw or usjges of any State irom wl.ich persons raay bc t-xken, nor to impair the rights arising out of 8aid relations, wiiich sha'l bü subjuct to jydiuial cognizance in tha Federal couFts, ttccordiog to the eoinmon law ; and when aay territory north or soutli of saicl line, within sueh bonndary as Congress ir.nv prescribo, shaü contai.i a populatwü reijuired íbr a member of Congress; aeconüng to tbe tlien Fuderal ratio of representaron, it shall, if its iorrn of governmer.t berepubkcan, be admitted into the Union on an equal foo'.iag with tho original States, with or without involuntary survice or labor, au tbo constitution of such new Stato raay provide. Art. '2. Territory .shall notbe acqnired by tho Uciteij States unkaa by troaty, nor, exccpt for nnval and commercial statiufis and depots, uniese such treaty sball bu raiitied by iourÜitha ol all themeaibers oí tbe Senate. Art. 'A. Naither the constitution nor any amendmuut theroof shall ha con.slrued to give C inress power to abolish or control withi'a any State or Territory the relation ebtabüshed or rocognizeii by tho laws :beroof touohiag persons bound to Utbor or involontary aervice therein ; or to interefjre with or auolisb uvoluntary servioe in the Di:trict of Golambia, without t'.io eonsunt o! Maryland, and without the consont of tho owners, or inaking the owneru who do ttot consent just compensatior; nor the power to interfore with or prohibit Repre.-entatives and others from bringing with tlvem to the city of Washingtop, retaining, and taking away parsóná so bound to labor ; nor the povei' to interfere with or abolish invo'untary aervioe in places under tho oxeluaive jnri-diction of the United States wilhin those States and Tenitories where the same is estabiished or reeognized ; nor power to prohibit the, removul or tfansportotion, by land, au, or rive", oí parsons held to labor or in-, voluntary service in any State or Territorv ot the Unitod States to apy ot( er ötato or Territory therei( where it is eatabliíhed or iv-cogniod by law or usage, - and the tfght during transportation of tiHicbing at shores, ports, and lanifings, and oí landing in case of distress, shall esist; nor hall Congress have power to authorize any higher rata of taxes on persons b,)und to labor thaa on land. Art. 4. The third paragrapb of the soco nd gectioQ of th ) fourth artiole of the oona'.itution shall not be construed to prevent any oí the States, by appropriate legislatioo, and through the c tion of thu judicinl and n.initerial officers, from enforcing the d.-slivery of t'jgitives IVoin labor to th-j .arson t( whom ?ueh servije or is due. Ai't. 5. The ioreign slave trade, and tho impartation of slavas into the Unitod States vnd their Terrritories frOm placas beyond the present limita theroof, are ioruver prohibited. Art. G. The n'rst,seeond, third, and fifth articles, together with this artiele, uf these amondments, and the third paiagraph of the second section of tha fourth artiele thereof, shall not ba am 'nded or aboüshed without the ponsent q!' uil the States. Ai-t. 7. Congres shall provide by law that the United States mI)iI I pay the ovvner the full valueof his fugitivo froin labor in all cases whore tha Marshal, or other ofBcer whose daty it was to arrest such fugitivo, was proventod from doing so frtjin violunco or intimidatiou, or when, aiter arrest, siich fugitivo was rescued by ijrc!,and tho owner iheroby prventeii" and obstruotjd in the pur8it of his rernody for tho jvcovory of aueh fugitivo.


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