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anan Cure Cougk, CbM, Hontnmê, lnfiurfÏAV#m cnzl, „rjïrritiHtoii ïn, s oj ihfi PGBHnA ThrMI; ntllerellivHnchtiiiC.nlih ffBnfX i:t Onitmpti"it , Rronchili', Astti í1uÍkUiWvÍ9 7'"i' anf Cu'iï-ih. C"ïi" "'"Í &S-a(flPSy il". .■(■(-.?' hillmri.h-v if KVjTflVHF PUBLIC SPKAItlilt, müalr aiil SlMGliltS, Fow un ntfare of toe importaöoe of ehecking ; ('hil'Ii i oo in lol I" in Iti in-t stag; irtiioh n the pginning would yidli! U mild n-rnwlr, il peglected, urn attucks the l.unj. 'Brown's Bronohial Troche," tntainingdemulcent ingrodiunU all}' Piüñonary and ronehial [rtitatlon. 3R0WN'S "ThttronM)ninyThwt(ft)r which tlie "Troches" a ipeeiBo) miTing mftds TROCHES x. i', wil pa. "I Noanunend tli'-ïr aM tn PruoSraK. BKOWN'S -" 1!KV " ('llAi !N'"Hare prorod ttremely ervloeabto Ier TROCHES "rky.'henby wabd bkecheb. '( Almost instiint rehirf in 11 dif trosfliog RROfffi'? 'alor of breathing peculiar to Astiim.i." "Costain do Opium or anythitiglnjuri . TROCHKS 1M.n DR. a."a. iiWKS, ('h.miot, B(i I TUïOWiC' "A Btmpleand plftganl combination Tor lnj a a ,.uu(.USj ,. )R Oij. B1GKL0W. Bwion. TROCHES "Ccnoüiiulln Büns-caTns." DK. J. F.W. LASE, nSnWlf'S Boston. J lwl" "'I havo proYod tliom oxculk-nk fo TROCHES ''" v.Kv.iL w.WAur.K.y, Botton. TïTïrtTCM' "Ii'noficiftl wlien coaipolks] to pcak, isnuvvix o su(rwng rromOoLD." TROCHES St.oiJi. "KlTtrniiiiil inrnmoYing Hoarenefll and nnnwU'S [rrltatlon ol ih Throt, bo common with l'io' . il. STACT JOHNSON, TROCHES U rango, (U. Toaoher of Music Boutirani after preachlag. ú they pieren HORrTROCHES aeu. From th pasteffeci , I tliink they win be of permanent adrintage to mr." T!PnwW' REV.B. BOWLET, A U. xjivwKii i President of At heng Collega, Tenn. Soldby n!l Drugglstsat TWENTYTROCHES nvK cents a BOX.-Tt 7Vin(i "lúñg & bloöbT INFIRMAR Y. Fisher's Block Wooáward Ave Detroit, Drs. 9. J, CARPR1STEU & RAIKAHD. DOCrOHS gon. rally pretend Uiat Consomptlon 1.-; brourable, because ttiey wenoteure it themselTes; but tli's does not make it true. Muuy mechanica will worka on a job all day and nf ter doing notbing bt spoll th.9 material iltfv wlU tn'l yon it nftv&r can bc dunt in tli; waj jov nnt it. lïul byapplj'ing to ei better woikmaa- one vJio thoroughl; uaderetanda bia businaw- yoa will gt yuur worW acoonaplished ín sliap. Iu thia respect thero Is tlio snniP difToronco to bc fouirl in all tmdos and profstafliobs. Tbe baqglern in caechaoisniyiathe art) in law, in thology, and m phjslc, will sy such things cannot be done, And t la truc that th"v could not be if all men were Like i bemselvea. Bot fortuna tely there ia dnutbet clasa ol men, and these, when they tske jour case in hand, do i!m job a a y ou. want it, or reaten you to lifalili, accon ing to dealre. We have only to remombor tl is ict tu ml wïn one pbysldan raouM pronounco that iii':i,r.ibh; wliicíi anothex can cure. In meehaaicfi, we sometlmes ftnd that by a possrssion ol Buporioff meaos, by sume new Lnventíon, of wbi:h he l.;i-ilie yulo uso., or by llie greater inrnity of hi-s mimi, oiic prpu will tnahti ur do whftt no uther can. Kxiicllv t in.-iy te 10 n pbysio. And Ibis is 1he very reasea wby 1 havo saca great Buqowi orur 1Í otberi in tliu treatment of Consumption . Bj h plag the original ni lis, by poaseoaing tin: fjung-Motxr, i li i'' h onabldfl ni e tn clearly öeU rmiDG tbs nul uro oí' the dïsease&nd bv haring Buch remediei f"T ConsumpttoD a.-i no othor Ph jician ever );;td, tn;ikf bold te say that I bftve, aod Oan effect a care of this diiense beyosd tHa roach ef aöy other man. To prove 1 His to htv. been the e&so, T oaight glve you numbors npon numböra of cerlilicntos froni mi'n mul WomQ ffivcn 0T6T to tbc grave, who bave been reacued :unl rtnruT to health bv the perserering liko of my remedb r tor Coniiunij'tin . But it is not nec b& y for me to do so hwefox iho faci of onenmn doing what anotlier cannot ennnot, i evident toali mtm of common eonse. ïf the Cousumplii' wi-ncs fiirthcr ptoét tban tliis, I can (nily MT] como and sniisfy yoursolf by trial of my skill in tint cure of your complait. Doctor Carpenter will visit Vpstlatttt, anJ Ann Arbor, darlng lSOO-91 . Ann Arbor, at Cook's Hotel, 3d and t tl of eacb montfa; Htnrkína ltouso, Ypsilan'i, íth and öth ui' eacb muntb. The remainder of tut' time, Ue will be found al his Lung Inftrniai y in J)otroit ly77S. Oity Oheap Lumber Sas7i, Doors Blinda, Piaster Paris Orand Biver Piaster, Water Limê, Nails of all sises, Olass, Faint and PuiD. Deorest, HAV1NG ncreued lii fai-.ilitica for don tiusineef nd enlarged hia Yard aud Stock, is plo parod the present season, with tte bea;. largesl and cheanest aeasoned stock everin thia mark et. to satisly the reasonnble expoütations of all. C)ui motto ie DOtto bc undnraold f'or cash on delivory I wil! not undertakoto f riglltonthe public byaaying that thrywil! irotahnved it thuy buy elaowliera, for we presume that other willsellaslow as thcy enn ali'ord t o . All kinds of Timber, Joists, and Scantllng, Pine, Whitewood, Baaewood, Hem jork, Flaued and Matched Pine, Whitewood AehKlooring.Planedndroush Pin e and Whitawood ldlng,FenccPoU, OokandCodar Poste andl'iukuti 1 all kinds. iphu fatl), anb UHjttcttiooïi &. r ]'tne, Aihan-1 W'iitewood SMnglee, Bain Boards and Barn Floor Plank, BlaekWa.jUt.andCherry and thin stuf), Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUEö, Box and Body Lumbor,MnpleLog Timbar, Hirkury, Gak, Ash, Sim, Beecb, Of alhhickncsses.widtha andlenythe, &.c. fco., Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkhids. INTa-ils of all site, &e., &a. 8 ASH, DOORS, cè BL1NDS, mnde by band to order as low as factory p rices, on the shortGstnotice bythe beatof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bilip ofali dcs.-ription in tho ftbove building Iltw furnJshpdonthi'sbnrtestof nu tire, í'o r We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful! nmln perfect aaaortment oí' lbo abovo anc other kiuds uï Building Materials Constantly onhand al tlitlowest possiblc ratoí Cali and be Convinced. A few rods south from R. Jl. Depot o% Detroit Street, Ann Arhor, Miei. ROOFINÖ. N.B.- I am now opcrating Bxtensivels In the Patent Cement Roofing. D. L. WÖÖD & CO. Havo Hcooivod ufiw. LAROH STOCK! OF Seasonable Goods Í I"or tlxo FALL AND WINTER TRABE, of xooo: WHICU THKY WILL SELL O HE AP FOR (!ASH, ÜK READY PAY Cali and sce Befare Purchasing Elietekere. 0. L. W00D, W. G. FOSTKR. 1000 Fine Overcoats l Pof Halo Cbeap nt ÖÜITEBMAU A 0O96. GO TO GUITBRMAN & C VOÜ CKl.KI.VS l'ATKMT a u:v ;.HM ■ ;u,.i J u tli bti 'i . Theyhavo the 0tcI1ï(1 rlijfit fur Al o fur tlie pnti'nt [3race Busjender. L8611861. ( AM REDUCED PRICES, .Vil Kintiw of FALL AIsD WINTEB DTIESS GOODS ! Glove?, Hosicry, Cassimeres, Flannels, REDUCE O PBÏOEB I AT STRONG'S Chéap Cash Storo EXCIIAInGE BLOOK. 782tf MOORE & LOOMIS Have Removed to tho STORE RECENTLY OCCUPIED BY 0. MACK, rhcp.nix Block.Eust sido of Main St., BOOTS SHOES Of cvory desoiipticn whieh will be í3OXj3I O 3E-1 13 J&. X? 33 Tï TÍLliV C.íV LL BOUOH1 IN Thw CKy. aUo a largo aaortinwit oí HOME MANUFACTURE, Oí ftli kinds marte In f be moet Fashion atole Style EXFER1ENCED WOKKMEN, FEENCfí CALF BOOTS are NOT fliTRFABMD thls stóe of New York Qtj, and are amuitcd iiot tu kip. Üur SrOGASAND KIPSa are of the hcaí inaU-riüls Our titock of JMorocco lí o o t e e s For lAdiee In il:1 tboteit lo iown, with heeïa nr rithottt We Malte to Oixler, aaduever mitra of STitijíg tho firsi tiaA sn give nsn cali and we will ehow yim out ntoek free Of charge UrC havo BBOlir&d the BOT1 ices of tw'ft Ex: Journeymea, who do ourmending in the IVeat(st itlaimer, (tnd uu shortest notico. Onr nióüI-f Quick Sales and Smal I Proflts Thankriil'nf pust Favora we liope bypaviag atiictattnlioii to our business to merit a liben] filmre of your patronapp Cor the lutiU'6, JSíT Kemeinbo.r we art not to be nmWsold. -ft MUORE & LOOMIS WLNES & KNIGHT liave roctíivet] lliuii' scconJ juirolinso of FALL JISTJD WINTER COODS, Wlúcli will be 80IJ at the Lowcst Possible Trices, FOR CASH, BARTER, OR PROMPT We iuvite all tu cali aaj be sutisfloJ thut our GOODS ARE AS GOOD AND PRICES A S I, O W tv in b'e . ■■:.!,! in tbe city. Nuv. 10, I GO 77tff


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