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MUliíüAN KOI TU EUN & NOUTHErtN [XDIAXJt RAILBOAP. 1800. WI.NÏKR ARÜAXCKin.NT. 1801. I Ir-.ins nov run od Uifa roal, SunSars . r -l'- ■r'.j-(':i -.-,1 ■,I,-.-i! 12 15 M ■ ■"■'. I ' .' I'. V .;'O'I vi:í ir I :n al 9 Á.W. !-■ :i I elfrtll (lifHt:o ni 10. -'O A M. nixl ■ and Detroit .. A M. mid II. 'm !■ Ar.-ivu .i I), ■ 15 A. M . , i 6KK) P. M. Arrtvo iu Mroit f'hic-.-iL'i at t.00 1. M,and3.16 : . ín Chicago 3,40 P. 31. and 4.90 A. I ■ i - :."í A. M, .-i ii.i 6,18 I'. M. Jackst;:: : V. 'í , aud 11,55 I. 31. cu."i-ri.iXí. At T'iii:no- Wlth CltTUud Toldo Rail Road, wi:i :'.oad. AT DKTfiOJT - Wilh Ur:ind T unk I-:i!].vay, willl (irc:it v-, .ilso, wlth t lio Detioit ::ii Uilv&ukee. AT NW Alb.wy í: Sai&M !. ". CROGVXfl - WiÜiTraiue Por i ■'. ■ ■ i LouliMUe. vr i'itüM-.o - Wilh Chicago aal tock Inlaad, Galena, Milirnukee, Chicago. EtarTinglon and Quiney - N'nr'h . Iwnv - ('iimm. Utiin and t. Lottifc, llliaolfl oinlí v.-, aml übutb. i-r lY.ii:i nrcruu by Chioago lime, whicii s"20 minutca slon ■; thtta i'-'l'i'i limo. fí'ff ' accompany Ihe úng od thia ituute. Time and ate thc boiucas by anj othor Kai] JXO. D. CAM1TELL. ';c:u-al ïvilcrinlonlcnt. Lf FE INSÜltÁNCE. Tho Cornecticut Mutual Life Insuranc3 Company. Accuraulated Capital, - So, 500,000. WIl.I.INSURK LIVES !W nyamon( not exoaading $10,0 o Uia hole teun o( l.ife or fov a term of ycar?, on tbciaost rávoraole tcrni?. X. U The Coropanj lutual aad thc policy trplas orar tLccxhetcoftt of insurai-.i'i It accomodates il"1 imnred in the aetHensent of Uitir premiuBU ON LIFE Í'OLICIKS, ií dolro I, hy lakiog a note for one half the ainount, bcaring interest at kíx per cent, por aoncio. Dicithnih are Dcdarcd Annualhj! ao'l shice tiiey nor ?.a )ant to piïtt por cent on thi premium, cuh aud note, and are uic.'easiug they ma" be applfed to canool thc notes. I ne ratos of premiums areaslur a an.r othcr reI ■ -Urge accutáulated fund of íurely Inrested, as may ht Rt-eti hy vefereuee to the stat d lile iu 'licoílicoof tbe Couíy Ana Avhr JAMES ülOi.'W!X. I' 1 i niticilai-snip]Y to JAiTCS 0. WAlVi'X, 783j-l ígent at Ano Arbor, Mich. NEW" YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accuraulated Jan, 18(50, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLTX, President, J. C. KENDALL, Vir.e President, PLINY FUE E MAN, Aduar y $100,000 DEPOSÍTED rUh tht Comptrolldrof thfl St4te of Xew York. Divideads average 40 per cQt. auiiuullv. ca-h Id 't., % 31,355,49 lavaste : iu lecurltles.ovealod un'lor th( lawsof líotk aní oltlio U. S., S5S,$70,79 Real Estáte and Kixtures, Nos. lli nni 114 13i,+.'.O 04 B&nda nnd Mortages draivingT per et. interest 583,098.39 : ;r 41) ier ceut.of prem:um3 on lile policios, beal-ing iutírest, 075,315.85 Quarterly and stoml-axmual rcaiimoSj dee subsoq.i.nt tu January 1, 1860 ÜO,550.3S Intcreat accrued up to Jan. 1, 18G0, 3Ö.4SS.77 BeotaaoerueduptoJao. J, 1660, 1.7OS.34 Premiums on policios in Uaucis cf Ageuti, '20,-i45.1ö ti ,767 ,133 .24 Dií Welií and Lewitt, Medical Examinen. 7,.tf ;r.KfSM!T!l, Agent Insurance ügenoy ! C. H. MTLraN IS T1IK AGENT fnr Hip lóllowing 6rst cía." rompauies: HONUE i.m:iiacé cumpaüy of New Vork City.---Ca.pitl aud Surplus, $1,600,000. CITY FIltE INSl'ItANClS CO3IPAXY, of Hartford. --Capital and Surpluo, SlOO 000. CO.fTIWENTAIi IKSURASCE COMPAXV, of Nevr York and Surplus, $100,000. Tbrce.qüartera of the nett profita iu this Conipany ie divuied auuually auioug lts policy holders. (Il WILLENAun Arbor, D?ccmler 13, 181Ü. 6iu778 COHWay Flre Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Cnj'iuil paid np, - $150.000 00 Aséete (Casb), - - 269.963 12 Liabilities. - 16,440 03 D. C. Rokers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. J S.WrnTNEY. L. non.MAN, W ELI.IOTT, AS IIOH T. ND, D O. MiÜH.VKAl', E. D. MORQAN WA1T RKMKNT. .IOSIAII Af.I.tS. A. HBU'l.KN W. 11. D1CK1NSON, W T. CLAPP. D. C. ROGEIf. Aun Arbor Rrfcrences: I.-. E. WKI.I.S, L. JAMF.5 I,. DOT'OF., BNOCI1JAMES. CAPT. C.S. OOODRIUU J, W. KNI6HT. Agent. Ann Arbor. Hiehigaa. THE PEORÍA MARINE &.FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - S500.000 one of the BEAVTBSrr, SAFKST and BFST Insurance Co'n. in t Imí V . B. Insarea on reaaooable terms, uu al ■. promptly. Thetc is rio belter Fíre Insuranc ( itKn.anvMo n e y Wanted. VV h o wil lLë7i rt M o n c y 1 IAM BEQÜESTHD BY SETvT.RAI IT.RSONb tu Obtadn ■ fof tlit-m at Ton Per Cent I itere st, (Or More.) For auy noe illing t" ten 1, I 0M at onca invest on sfoofï unencumbf-n.'t abandant REAL RÍTATE racurity anysuiTiï of ínuney ünd seo tbat tbe tillo and QOorlt; are .i t. [lie borrowcr paying a!l expenses, lacludiAg rcc hn . K. W. 3Í0ROAN, Abo Arbor, Oot. 7.18W. 71 tf General Land Agency ■ PEROIi wanting farms, o r residencenn oroetT Ann Arbor, can by cllingouir.eelecifromaÜ8t ofover 1OO Furme For SaleJ Ofvarious slze trom 3, te 130" ftaretaáoB (some ai goodiianv'nLhis Conrly.) More t han mt OwelitL llotiacs ntiilarütyromtwo fiundred to faurthousancMo artacb : an J OTe 3 RCJIÏyDïïTG LOTS! AmongtbeTHrmfl are the ííifihopstarm, ííiOOftcres, tbe Pottor farm, i n (Jrecn (ínk ; thc Placrtarm, a i ) acre, theHlandon nnd Jrnks trrag, i n Wobater; the Stub'i, Michnel Claiioy, Newton Beosan, and Pallahít ""nroii, io Ann ArborJ.JLjGgtleyMfarm, In Plttafleid the Hatob and Hlci 1'nrmi iu I.odi;tho l'ntrii-k riayufarm In FrcHom; W. 8. Daviton, B. G. Bakert and Cuck'a farms In Sylvan . Mostt thvte and many otbcrs can bo dlvidedto auit 1uroh"'crs a.wHouuR. AnnArboJ.Jnn Ut.lBSí! BS H, W. M O R G A N , Agent ior Mutual Life TnsuranceComriany, New York. AccuipuifttódAaseta, .... $5,350,000. the leadingLifc Iiisurance Company in the ü. ü. Knickirb'u;I;.'r Life Insurance Company, N'iw York, - a fir-t c!:fíp xafe Co. - ternis rcasoiiubíe. Qnmbcld) Vw Insurance Company T New Vnrlc. Capital, wlth alarge surplua, - Í-.:ijü,oüO. reoHa Marine fc Fue Itisuranco Co., Peoría IU. - .h.-ii i So. Fire IiiFutnucc Co'S. IDTtT Capital, ....; DEFOIIEST, ARMSTRONG A CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 76, 77, 79, 81,83 & 85 Buane Street, Waw York. WOJ'M) NOTIFÏ TUK TRAI)K llmt tney are npenin Wevkly, ín ntw anl beautilul [attornnf tho LS(I TUK A Npw TVint, vrblch exoela övery Print in tlic Country to prfettOD o '■'■ design lo fll Mr.Oder Colon. - Our Prints are obesper ' hu auy in in.uUet, ::m ni meting wth extensivo Ordurs prornptly altenlel tu 73-yl EYE and EAB, MP DR F. A. OADWELL, 0& OPERATOR ON TIIK l'.YK AND EAR. it-oi1 l?c -afiiV-is, isilndiKvss, and ati cloA-ctti of Mi;lit aníl llca i lu;. DR, C, BEING a REGULAR PUyitofin,nithTWENTY 5TKAR' exclusive praottee ín the treatnradf of dsM4ea of tlic EYE ANÚ BAR, II be round qaalifled to giTe reUef or eflect ;i cure in auv etse witbin thc reach o human -kill ZífS" Vo charge for an cxamlntiuon or an opinión, orfar uitsucccsufnl $ervices. Da. C.:í TliliAMSB ON T11K KVB AND E.R, of 300 pp., containídK referencWi Testiinonialn, Doscrlption t' Dis caaes, muks, tcoá otíiei important maiter, llustrated wíth Cute, to be hadrarf, by raDding Ten Cents to pay pottagO' Addreaa Dr. Cadwkll, 9ií Ruidotpu Hireet corner Deftbowi, 'hicago Ttl Iy7f8 Livery Stable. P.. OREEN, at his I.ivry SUbW, roar o( Fjllin, holda hlmsetf ready to fm-nísh the bct "t-.irn out," i 'l'MibU'jat Hhort iutÍ4!ti. Cullaiid spe 'fu Morsen aira t':nri.igos. Office ecoad doorwcst oí Webtcr'a Book Stort., p 8. A finflfitotk of Cuttcrefoïthoec wb delight jn Kmrtlppffy sr;:iín. TIÏE BANNER STORE. SECOND ARRIVAL _..J1-"- "FJTjT-i 5c WIWTEB Or E O X S. ( . ODS FROM Al rCTION. Fe ets for the Fecplc -or"W ASHT E 3ST J "W ADJOTNIiN'G COÜNTIES ! And thi'ir miir.C'i'oua questions nnswprcd. Vh,, i.i EvrnihtHlt trading at the "BANNER STORE? '-Becaiiu A. P. MILLS, the Proprictor of tlial pstablishment bns jusl retui lied from the Eiistern Ciuuswüh thé Zarffcst, Handsomest, Cheapest, and Jfott Alli'üctwe Stock of STAPLE ANDFANCY DRY COODS! evrr brought to this part of tho Stato.] H7iy ís Errybedy pUased tcith his Stock? 0 TVraiur hlftAtyloa arn more beau tiiul, qnollty better,and r-riees lowcr than ;tt aov other store in the cuunty. Vfhy has he always Somcthing Neis and Cheap to Showt Becauae h. hasa Trioa-l connectcd with one of tlic Jy rast t)ry Gooda HouwainNew Yorfct who is continu:1-!! 11 BOBBWQ ROUyD" for choap bargainíínd the hito stylps. ;ls thfv ;ppar iVom linie ti tiinf, and in tliis way .-. tt ■ yls, and cotuMMjuoutlt cos tomers eau always lïud oaictliingfreeh, NEW CIlEAr.rrl DESIRABLE Why does ht eell 89 muck Ckeaper ikan the rest? Iïccanpp he ban a buj6T in the city all t lic timo to take advnDtag of the continua] change of tho market, aud in that way buya his gooila much chiaper thau others eau, autl thCL ho raarks thciu tlown lo UlO XiO7"33ST FIGXJIIES. WA y does he te'l Lfidké and Chihlrcns Shoes so much chenper than teas ever heard ofby the oldest Skoemakcrs? BecauM he buya hia stook fn the laad of shoemakers, of tho liiaiinfa-ctiircra, fully 26 pt'r cent cheapor Iban the Kew York Jobbers oll Lhem, aml much bet tor vork thun thev geucrally keep. 'ihtscourse ouables him to sella bettor Gaiter for 35 Cents. than otherSMU at 50 contstand a botter F0XED GAITEH at 50 cen, thau othors eell at 75 ceuts. Has lie any Hat$ and Caps? Yes, f houM think he bas stacks of thrm, inrtugh to supply tlieState, at pricos lowcr thau was ever hcavdoi rOuadthoe parte. Why is hit Tea so much betttr for the pricc you pay than you get at other places? BOftOM : 'are in selecting it, aud givcshU customeis the boueiit of a real good 75 cont TEA FOR 50 CENTS, Ii 5 a way he has got. Where sluuld you go to get your CLOTIIS and huvettkem Cut or Made? To the BAKNER STORE, wherc the Fcople'a Banner ie unfurlefifor tho People'sgood. South sido oi' Tuljiic Square, a few doors wet of Cook't Hotel. A. P, MILLS. Sopt. 18, 1860. 76'Uf Ho for the Mmmoth Cabine Ware Rooms. MARTDi & THOMPS0X, TT AVE JüST OPENED IN' THIClRnew and Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SIDEOF MAIN STREET, A OOM PLETE STOCK OF KOSEWOOD, MAIIOGAJN'Y and SETS OF PARLOR FURNITUEE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany R0SE-W00D, BLACK WALNUT, Plain and Marble Topped OSKI 1T UK TCÜLllO EOSEWOODi! MAHdGANY, BLACK WALNUT, FANOY and COTTAGE OHAIRS, &c, &c, &c, &c. J9L. -MLu SB t 9 El e g a n t MIRROBS, Bureaus, Secreta ries, B e d-R oom Sets, INCLUDING LATEST STYLES, -ofgg@O3& . SX2 SllÜ DP 53SOS3 OF TUE BEST QUALITY AND Diferent Material. In Fact they Have Evorything W-I-T-II W-BJC-S TO F-D-R -N-I-S-B PARLO [?., BOÜDOIR, SITTING KOOM, OR K1TCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longer go to Detroit or elsewhere To Find ALARGE ASSORTIMENT T-li-i-S FURNITURE MUST BE SOLD - A N D- And Will be Sold ; A- T VER Y LOW F RICES! Lot every man and hin wife or going to bo wife CüME AND SEK. Theyalso have a 11EARSE CAR BI AGE, And are alwnya ready to attnd to the burial of tlia dead in the City and adjoininj? country. Rooms cast aidc ol' Maiu Street, lutweca Wajsliijigton and l.iberty O. M. jxÁixJK. Ü. B. THOMPSON "great barga ïns Maynard, Stobliïns & Wilson's. ■y. tlAVEÁGAlS BLTLENISHED OVB STOB i V the mu GOOBL that "WAS ever oRorH in :mv one establie] OAO!L] Oif2 rLpEOO[U)O i?. low as can be fbund In tKe Cöion We want Bloney ! ind wiü make Great Sacriiices on Aiiyiiiii!,1 weliavc to obtalo il. not exceptiug OLD NOTES AND ACOOTJNTg We cordialh : ALL CASH CÜSTOMEES to (ull an.'l examino our (joods aud Prlccs. W alai Prompt Paying Customers to cnme an.l huy Ihr-ir BQjmlfM for Winter. Totliosi Uaahful onett tbat are afr&la tocall, we sajr to i ■ courago ■vitboutlougor waitii g for hlgber pricea, coioe in, ■ old scorj and fcheo I at ruo!i prices as wül nukfl up all Lomh It is hardl; iKx-ccsnary to eavunerftto óux JootU, for We have EverytMng ! A Urge aseo rimo til of CARPETING, CKOtKERY DllY GOODS, MEDIINÉS, GEOEEIES, TAINTS, OILS, ETAT3, CAPS, BOOTS, SU OES YANKEE' NÖTIONS &c, &c., &c. OÍLIL kWO O11 yOS (71510 MAVN.iRI), STOBBINS & Wü.iO Stoves & Har' ware ! '■ iflBB flisii. o RIS DON & IIKNDERSQN I i . i.' nu in Store ■ ij i-u t oí SB rJC O W JUS PB 9 Hardware and House Furnisliing m:3r o jo ü AU Trork wül be solü aaCHEAP ;is at aoj oilior Hsiahlïsiimcnt in AHchignu, They have gol the Best Assortment of Cooking P AR LO R A ND VLA TE S TOV K@ And will sellthem Choapor than THE O il E AP LST, Please call and see. All klnda of tin ware kopt on hand. Particular utteiit ion paiij to all kinds oí" JJ OD O3 'S CD O2. OS; V1,:,1) will be 3op wlth NEATNESS AND D7SPA Wi. 4EPlaua calUnil sci; theli STOVE ROOM Id 2d toij of Xew Bloeki ::i DON HENDKBS0N. Aan Ar)mr, 5, 1SCI. Ö71b lis sP éBBQRi2fniiiinniTnTi:iUt{RutiuolfnilTnUDSi!!íUhnffliiiri . Still in the Field! WIT1I A LARGE STOCK of GOODS in iny Hdq dired froui New York, Boston, ntul tho Manufacturcrs! I have jast received a large and well Boleotod assortmeal CLOCKS, WATCIIES, r eï -w" es r n. -. SILVEK & PLATED WARE, Musical InstrumentSï Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And n great vnriety of Tantea Not ons, to. i I would cali particular attention to mj large stock of SFECTACIjEg, of Gold, Bilver, Steel, and Plated, ; with PEE SCO I "(GLASS A superior artille, and a great variety of articlcs in the Ppitcne hwng dlfiFal iratohestBo wftb.fflas irimt dated ú mjf stocb [s largo nnl complete, 1" S, PurticutiT ;iC' i t.' n i ■''■' I ' B REPAIEING of ;ul kiodj of Fine Watöhea, uch aa Making & Setting New Jewels, PJNIÜIÍS, STAFFS and CYLINDERS, also ' CLOCKS, ANU JEWELKY, , Neatly tepairuü au! mmofWd. C. BLISS. August 28, IMP. 'BStl . Ayer's Ague Cum Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a .. i of Uio blood, by which this ritiated, weofi, and poor. Ik-ing in the circuíation, ít pervad ■ i I idy, and may bur ■: ■ -. :- in disease on any part t' it. No oitian is iVtu i'io;n ita attacks, nor is there ono which it mny not destroy. 'í'lw scrofuíou taiñt ia variously caused by . disease! luw living, disordered ur unhealthy food, imputo air, lilth and lilthy ha'uits, the dcprêssing vides, and, ( abovo al!, by tho venerea] infection. WTistevcr be iu uiigin, it is hcreditary in the i i btitution, desceiuliiig " froin paicnts to cliildren tinto the third and fourth generatíon ; "indeed, it saeffls lo bc the rol oí' Ilim who says, "I will visit tlio miquities of the fathers upon i b a." lts effects eoinmcncc deposition from the bloud of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the Iuhíts Jivor, and internal organs, is termcd tubêrclës; in the glands, swellings; and on the Burface, eruptíons or sores. This foul oorruption, wl ra in the blood, depresses s of lile, so scrorulous cu tious not oiüy Buffer (rom scrofulous coniplaintei but they have far less power to with■; of othor discases; conscqucntly vast numbera perisl by disorders wbich, oot scrofulous. iixtlieir nature, are still rendered fatal by this taïut in the i. Moat of ÜK) consumption which decinmtes the human family bas it.s origin direetly hi this scrofulou iiaüonj and many destructivo diseasès of tho liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggraval ;.tne cause. Ono quarter of all our people are serofulous ; their persons are Lnvaded by this lurking in!, and flieir health is undermined by it. To clêanse it from the systëm we must renovate the blood by an alterativo medicine, and invigorate ie by healthy food and exeicisti. íSucli a medicine we supply in AYEE'S Compoiuul Extract f Sarsnparilla, tho raost eiFcctunl remedy which the medical skiU of our times can devise for this everyand fatal malady. It i.i combini d ttöm the most activo remediáis that havo discovcred for. the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the reseue of the system frora its destructive oonsequences. llenes it should be eniployed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but a!.o (hose other affeetious which arise from it, suchas EttVPTlVB and Skin Disk.vsks, St. Anthoxy's Fihk, Rose, or Eetsipeias, Pimples, Pustules, Bi.otciii:s, ' ' Bons, TdmoSs, Tbtter and Salt Riieux, Scald Heab, Rinowohm, Hheuhatish, Sïi'HiuTicandMEttCuniAiDis. Deqpst, Dyspbpsia, Debiuty, and, indeed, all Complaints akisino fjiom Vitia'fi:i OH Impure J:i.ooi. Tho popular belief in " ifíipurity of the blood " is foundod in truth, for scrofula is iv degeneration of the blood. The particular purposo and virtuo of this Sarsaparilla is to purifyand regenérate this vital fluid, without which sound health i iinpossiblo in contaminated constitutions. Agne Onre, TOK THE SPEEDY CUPE OF Interittlttcnt JPevcr, or Fevcr and Ague, Kf-mlltcnt Fevcr, C'Iiill Pcver, Diimb Aíjhp, Pcrlocllrnl Ileatiavlke, or liilious Hcudaclic, am:l Dlliona Pcvers, imlecd for the ivholo eins of diseases origiaatAng in biliary dcraiicntcitt, caused by ilic Halaviu of Sliasmuiic t'ouutríes. TVe aio cnabled herO to offer fliö commimlty a romedy which, whiïo it euros the abore pompiainM with certaintv, is still perfecüy harmlocu in mv quactftx. Booh a romedj i inyaluaWe In dlstricts whcro these affltcting disorders prevaiL 'J' iJ oxpels tho miasnuitic [■]■■ di of I-'kver and Aguí; from llie pystem, and prevenid tho tlorclüpmuiit of ihe diaoas8, if taken on tho first ftpproach of it premonítory symptom It la oot only üi . tvor yet dÖscqvered for tbls class of couiplau;t5; but also (ïk cbeapest. The large qoanüty we supply for a dollar brings ïl within the nach of everj body; aud in bilïous distiicts, whtffl Fj:vi:h amï Agüe IreTatls, every body should have it and use it frecly both for cure I o. It Ia boped thlfl prlcti wlll place it withfn the reoch (jf all - the poor as wcll the i U'u. A groot superiority of tiiis remedy over any othor ever dlacorered for the epeedy and certaln turo of IntormitU'iits is. that it coníahis no Quininc or mineral, cousoqueutly it produceu no ({Utuism or olher iujurioiis effecta r pon tbc coaetitutíon. Those cured by it are Ieft as healthy as if they had neror bad tho diseasé Fever and Agne Ib uot alone the consecjwnce of tho miasmatic poJaon. A groat vmiuty of disorders arise ft-oia its initation, among which are Neuvalgia, i (.''■ui, ffeadaéïte, Bunaness', Toothache, Earache, i Jsthma, Palpüatua rainful Affection of the fyteen, HyslericS) Puin in Ütc Howels, Oolic, Paralysis, and Dc rangtment of the Stomach, all of which, when orlginating in this cause, put on tho fntermittmt type, or become periódica] 'l'hia '"CuitE" expuls tho poison from tho and coDsequéntly cures them all allke. It is an íiiy;i!u;Mií protectíon to tmutigrants and penoiu travelling or temporarUy p sidlñgln the malarioua dtetrlcts. U tiilicu occastonally or daHy whlle expoeed to tho infoctlon, tliat will ba excretcd from tho Bystem, und ea&DOt accumnlate in suSlcJent quanlity to ripen ínto dlseasc is ovn moro valnablo for protection than euro, and fow will evr suffer from Intermittent.s if they avail th cm sel vea of the pnotectloD this remedy aíTrüs. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL, MASS. MA.YNARD STKBliINS,fe WILSON. and by all Druggists and Dealers evérywhere. J. BUKHILL Trsveüng Agent. A aperieat Stoniücltic preparatlon of IROX puriofid in i " D ICtiened by the b in Ku ropeand t&e [Jnited States, and pri eir practitie . v The experience of thousandn dal!; prore uia1 aoprépbrattonof [ron can be I witb It. looparitiea of the blood, depressiuns -n" vital euergy, palo and wíse ■ lel . .i almodt lunoxIoQ in all inaladiea in which rt has been tried, iTeineacfi of tho fulluwing coroplami . In iJtllify,lVervou8 Airi ll„ris, Kmnc-tntlon iysjM s, Constipación, Dtarvbcea, Dyacnieiy, liulpuut Coiianinprtoii, Scrofaluaa Tubrreuïowls, Satt Rkenm Nfítmcntirnation, White, Chlwosis, . ainta. Chronic H adockes, liuümatism, l of Gkxbkal i i . ier the resuli ; ■ ■ itlon of nerrous and muscular anergy froni trial of which lío déscríption uur wri1 d would renÖe. [nvalids so long bed ridden a tu havo bocome forgotten In thelrowu Deighborhoods bare.sudili uly re Appeared in the busv nrorld as if jus1 : ■ tr im ii ■■! raot d i rave) na distant ! nalinstaaces ofthis tünd ace atteetad of femaie $ '■ ilneoufl ■■ . ■ -catión rsiotí to air and oxerciso tbr wliicb Ihe phyaicia □ In Nxrvoi v Apfp( rioNfl of all kinds, and for reasonp faion Of tllLS Uonof iron mu besaiutary. Cor, uuüke tlitt ■ . en the mostob-' h'enosa without even beinga gastricpurgffnve,ór Inflfctlng'a dlsagreeal . pri 'pertyj :i ö so eroarkabt; effcctóal and pertnane ■ l'ilcn, upon whiob i ■■'. Etdistinoi and spe cificaction by disperaüjg the local tendenoj whU Uk ni. in Dtspkpbia, Innumerable asareitseauaes, a single box uf theee cWlybeato i'iUs have of a I b&bitual cases, ínolading the aiteudent CostiveIn unchècked I ; . ■ adranced ío Dysentery confirmed , ■ tbo eflEèCi '■ :n i as toni hing I ti the lo . ad remttteni bectio, which generally indícate íirpintt Consumptioti, id seroral very gratifying uncí la■ ii -,, ín Scrofulous Tubercuoltít, this modicated Iron has bad muro than . atiousíy bajanced prepararlona oí iodino, without any of Eioeir well knova UabUitics. i ileü oannotbetooconftdcntly invitedtothl ■ i siorcUivc iu thc cases peculiarly I l.Cllí . ín RAw?iitMisrbothohronloaad Inflaromatory - 5n tlie latlt r, ii" '■'■■''■, 1. 1'. ii' ■lí'ci-lfiiy - it hun been im svi-ii raported, both as allevfatlng paln and reduclng tbe . mi must'cls. .ntí'iit Ftvrr it. mu.-t nccG i1 ron) idy and i i a ti ve, and tta progn bs Íd the new leitlements of the West, will probalily be one ol' hjgh reiiown and q No remedy ba i ei si ] ■ bteto ry of üjéiicine, whícli exerts such prompt , fiappy, &nd lally restoratíi r etfects. Good appetite, complete al jestioio, rvpid acquisitipn of streüigth, with an unusual d.pofíition fr active and cii' llately ■ ■ oaa. Pot up in neat flat metal boxea contalning r60 pilla, per dox ; för sale by ■ ■ dealers. '.'ii! bfl '■; ■ i ■■■■ lo any áddrt ol the prfce. 411 lettoid, orders, shouW be B. B. LOCKE,&Co . I ent. -ITTvl iy, N. V. For" Salo byGRENVTLLK & KULLER, Aun Arbor. Howard As3ociation, Püiladelphia. ■i established bu pedal nulnumm fnr thtt rdiêfof the Stek and DUtregseed, ajjticUd witk i'ya-'rnt and Fpi'i' m nally for the Citrr. of Di-trnsf3 of thc Sscaal Ornna, D'tspensanj free tn patim$ f" v'l porté of thé ïttitt ■' Stat , VALD '■' rbeeajandotl il O ■ the NEW BI M 'myed, ent to the affl ■ froe i . l' or throe Slamps ín will be Dr. J, SKILUNHOUGHTONjAothig ■wni Qiaward AsAÓotation No 2,sooth Nintta 7S6yl 1000 VostSj Shirts and Drawers Tor Salo ohearj a UU1TKHMAN & Co GSEAT.GREATER GREATESj, BAIt'GáJNS EVER Cl 11 LI I; In tliisCity, are uow being offereil at tbs CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & Jew elry sstaxOTIIK Subecribur wouldsny to tliccitizensol Ann Arlior.i.' particular and the rnt of Wi.shtfMiuw Oountv in euerul, thal he has laat ÏMI'OKI'KI) 1)1:;oiK. Tremendous Stock of Watchcs! Ali of wllich hfi blnds himsnlt' to Mil CHEAPEH tlian c:ni '.- bóugtfi west ol' Kow York City. Opan Face Cyliiulcr Watches trom $6 to $10 do do Levfr do do 8 to ili Huntlng Cll do do 14 lo 30 do do Cylidder do do 9 to 28 Gold WatehOB frora 80 to 150 1 bare aUo tno CËL1HJ3KATED AMER7CAN WAT CHES, ' wbich I wlll Béül ttr (35. Evry VVHtch warrunttd to pcrloi 'm well, or tbc moniiy reíundcd. CJüciia, Jvelry, Flated Wara Fañcy Goode, Gold Pens, , Musical Instruments aud St rings, Cutlery, &c, and Ín fact n varirty of QverytLiDif udunlly keptby Jcwelers caD bo bnugbtforihe next ninety days fit vur O W N F 11 I 0 E S ! Persons bnjLog auythlng nt thia wnll known estnblisfame ut pnn rely upon getting goods rxnct'y as representad, orüii' mon. y refunded. i'allcarly und secure tlio boat bargaiua ever offercd in City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We urra prepared to make any repnirs onfme or common VnUrlies, even lo mtkineo er thn eutiro vralcb, -niity. Repalrtng of Clocks mid Jawelry as naURl. Also the inaiiufacturiitfr qJ BiNGS, IÍKOOCH, or auy1 !, .'rom Ciilit .i-niH (iold on aliovt noijigniTiiin: in'.- j iii'sö and dispatch, J C. WATTS ! Anu Arbor, Jfrn. 28th!859. 7L4w HORACE WATERS AGENT 333 Rroadway, KewYorb PubllsUvr ofSIutlc aiul Muslc Booksi ANII DEALER IN Planos, Melodeone, Alexandro Organ , Organ Accurtieona, Martin's cclcbruted aódother Quitara, Violioe, Tenor Viols, Violinceïlos, Accordeons, Flutinae, Plutea, Fifeöj, TriaBglesClarí?Tiette, Tuning Forlcs,Pipe8 andiïammcr.s, Violin Bowe, bestitalian Strings, Baes Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical In ütr uniente. JS lx o o t 3C xi. S 1 c [■'roii'. :i '1 tbe publiaïierB in the U. ., BertinI's Hunlin's of [nstrnetloD Booh for the abovg lastruments; Chorch Uosic Books: Husl ly bou ad; Muflic paper, anl all kiuds of Music . udise, Att heLowest P rices. New Pianos, At $175, $200, $225. $250, and up to $800. Sccoud Hand Pianos fróm $25 up to SlfiO; New Ifelod ibns, $45, . ... iïOii.aml np to $200; Secoml Hand SI. fróra $yo to $R0; lv. i . with flre stops, $100 ninestopR, $186 and $225; thirteenatops, $250, $275 ani 190 au-! $876: A liberal dtocouai to Clergyineu, (urchea, Sabbath Schools, Seminariea ichers. The Trade sapptlod attheasoal trade discounis Tcstlmoïilals of tlic Hornee "Wntcrs Planos i.iitl Mclotltoiiii. John Hewett, of GarthAgej New York, nrho lias hat oue of the HoraecWa aa foïlows: - Li.V friei i ol mine wishes me to purchase a piano for - the oue you gold ne in December, 1866 My piai popullCr in this place, aml 1 tbink can introduce one or two ntorej tliey wül be more popu ■ auy otber m uWe have two of Waters' Pianoa in lúe in oarSeanJ nary, ohr of which has heen Bevérely tested for thre ::u testify to their pool qualtty and dan ■ - ,,.„: ,v Gregóry, Afovni CmroU, JU. 'il, Watcis, Esq. - ])i:au Sir: Jlruïng utied oneof your Piano Fortes for two yeara past. I Lave fonud it a very superior Instrument. - ALOWZO (Jeat, Vrutcipal ïirooklyn HnWhts Semtnary. ''Tlio Piano I i. 1 regard it ba one of tb ■ '.'■.-! intttrumen Uxeb ï.. Ci.akkb, CharU-Mon, Va. "The Melodeon bas safely arrived. I fee] ohHged te yoi :i dlftoounv' BV. J. M. iIt.-C0KMick Yarqu&iVilleS, C% 'The j.i po wifl cfuly rteeivéd. Itcanin in oxoellen' condition, and is very niuch ulmin-i byiuy numerous . Accept mv thanks for your promptuess. " - B, WdrrenhaM. Brarljocd Co. Pa. "Vour piano pleastia da weil. It is (he best ono ín our couöty,'- ÏHOKaS A. Latkam, CampbcUton, Ga. aré very i.i . I yon for havias sem shcU :i I ut tor $250."- Brank,H]-i.) k. Co. Bujfalo Dcntocrat. uThe Horace Waters Pianos are known as among the -. ■■-. !■ - ■ We ■!■■ enahled ti opeab of these instru -.'. Ith conñdence, from pcrKonal knowledffè of their excellent tone and durable qoallty.' - If. Y. Evangelist k oT thé mertts of the Horace Watere pi om persona) Iímo-.vIlív, aa hwig the very finen jittmgencer. "The Horaoe Watera píanos are duÜI of Che best an( mosl thorougbly soasoñed material. We hate np donb ■ do :■■ wcll,] hapa bet tor, at thlathan a any otherhonse in the Union." - AdvoccUe and Journal Waters' pianos and melodeona challenge comparlsoi with the flnest made knywhere in the country." - Home Journal :■ V; ter' Plano Fortes are of fulT, rich am oven tone, and powerfal - JV. Y. Musical Revew. "Our friciuis will fiml at Mr. Waters' ton the 78TJ . irtmentof Mtwio and of Pianos tobe found ii tbe United Btates.tiud we nrg oxa sonthern and westen to l'vo him a cali whenever they go to New Jfork." - draham' A Mafíazbtc. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y Sa b ba t h S ch ooi Bell, 100,000 issred in ten Months. The unpreccilontod salo of this bonk has induced tlio pubtfshe and hymna to ita pres .... B,6Jte pt on the cheap edi Uon Ai-ion ' themauy beatrafal tunes andhymnsaddw m.iy be found! - "I ottg'h't to love my mother;" ilO I'l be 1 ndeed 1 will." Thece and eight other unar at tbe Sumlay Bchool Anniversary of the Bi. E. Churcb at theAcademy of Mi 'J :.!■ Bell coutaina nearly 200 tunes and .- the b(fsi ooUectii indred, postare -Jo E.U embostad gilt 26c, $20 per 100 It bas btyn introduced blic Schools. 'Ihc é i Uu ui;iH numbors entltl -i-.-:i: and Sondaj School '■ } 3, & ■l, in nnïcr to accomTnodáte thj miUlon; price $2 & $3 per No. 5 will soon be iasned - cnnnni'iiccnient of anotber book. Abo, Revivaï Music Books, No,l & -, price $1 íc $2 per 100, postale 1c. More tha:i 300.000 coptos of the above booka bare hoon isaned the past D months, and the deimiul s rapidly ncreasing. Pubüshed bv HORACE WATERS, Agent, 888 Broadway,N. If. P'übíised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. VocaV'Kind Wotdscan neverdie;" "The Angele lold me bo;jï "Wilda of tho W'-,'," "Thonghta óf God;" "Giv tnt'bacli mj Ikfountaiú Hume;" '(Pa.Y Dreams;" ilI:ulv I Tin with til ee still; "lVt names;1' ■ no daulng V-. - a ae Leej" ■■ I !ver of tlfeé;" liVw Learine thee tn Sorrow;" 'íBird ol "FTnmp nf our birtb;" "iJrave cf Rosabei," and . .-.-..' price 25c i ach. 1 I.vsnu -m::nt.m, - ' Palace Garden, or Sinifing Bird : : ; S.-h'iit;-.-li,.:'" ■■' oloípinl Polka, 35 cents mch. Ibe bopieaMihave.beautifu1 i imer Polka;1 "Arabiah Wai cry Sbirch," !h.' very last: l 'Vassovianna fp!' 'Real: lia " "Crinoline Wáitz," and "Ijkncerfl QÍib ilrille," 25c each. "The Brapiro of BeicVfi Quadrille;" a !:,.■. dance, and "Tlie Hipe ie each. M.trn of sje ]'l;iy.-.i Baker'g celebcated ra with greal applruSe.49 Mailed free. A largc lot of Foveigu Music at half price. Planos, Afelodcons and Organs The Horace Watera Pianos and Melodeona, for depth, i;uii,v of tone - i-i durablllty, are unaurpasfejfl. ('rices .t.v low áecond Hand Pianoa and Mi i 3'25 to ?l')'i. liaste ;u:d Muülcal [nstructions of all kinds, attlie ..icon. HORACE WATERS, A fío. 833 BroadwayN. Y TgstqcontaiS; - (íThe Watera Pianos re knoirn ■ very bot.' - Evangelist. "We can Bpeak of their, uorilvfroB personal knowl- Chriatian Intelitgcnccr. '■Nnthingat the Fair display ed greater excellonce -" - Chtirchman. I Uelodeona challenge oomparfion willi the Boost made anywhercin the country." - Home Journal. 719tf Irvinö Works - National Edition 'pNTS Fine Edítion of ttu WorJtfl of Waki!i.v;(;t)n Ta I (ïnelüding tho Ufe of WanhlBgtcn) , wil! be pubalit-d lor STJBSCRIBERS ONLY Ia Moiitiily Volumes, Priee $1.50 Payable on Dolivery. iïiTnitifully Prrated on heavy aup'erfine paper, of tlu very best quaïity, aml substantially bound iu heavj tftVciled Boards.: X7Efich Volume illustmted "with Vignettet ou Steel aud Woed. L$ ICnickértïöcker's New Vork, itch Book, Cloth". obus, J vüls Ui acebridgë 1 fall , ralea of ■ Treveler, 'j-.t po Miscollany, fipt. Bonnen !]r-, Oliver Goldttmith, ■ Alhain Welftftrt'a Roo, Ufa "f Washington, 5 vols. Sulin. i i Tbifl cditloB wjll be sold excu'Sivkly tu Subscjibcri -A will bC gftfiitjy superior to iiuy evrr beforo lssuodA vet y handsome set of theae nnlvi really popular wort ( s thu l'laccil withln tho in-ans of all. (i. P. PPTNAM, Agt.,Publiihr, 115 Nassau SUftt, New York. %gmk Empire TBR BCOK STORE fM ■M KOSTER H ffflSg & Co,. V3 5L í?Éflljik Franklin House 1 TTi ■ - -■ RE NOK ■ - : PUBIJSñKSfi i AXI) Manufacturera, i New auï Coj LAW & MEDICAL EOOKS, School Baoks, Miscdlaneous Books, Blank Booke, dan S T A. T I O 3ST En-2"! . ..■! Window Paper, D ■ ' h. ■■']-i.iii-iis. Music, Juvenilc Libnirii:.-., Eu volop, Inksacd Cards. L-- V . -- GOLD yi(Z all other kinds of Pens and Penal s W'itjilmv Corolce, yiiini-'. and 1 ixture, POCKET CUÏLEHY! , And Overything fcó tho tnuv, and more tó whiclithcy vuala Utflte the uU-mion of i ín conducting onr b ' tbai can be tone,s tbat no rcasoDftble man, woman or child hall Fa uit. ' posstf&ft f;icilíies which will ennblc us to supply our stomem at the Lowest Possible Figures. We propose toeelifor t:i;.lY l'AV, ata umallaílvanco. Wo Bxpoct a profit on our jíooOí, but Cash Sales, will Admit of Xow FIGUKES. Wohavecngageaii: I F.8EA1JDKÍ0, herefore are prepared to f Visiling, Wedding and all other Cards wntten to order, with neatness and dispaich, by mai' or otherwise. The "Expibb Book Siork," is maoaed by agooi 'crew uu they wrfll alwriys bc fgunO on the "quatter Aeck,M ready and willing to atteud to all with pleasure, who wiU Hivnr thria vitb ■ Cali. Kemornber tho "Empire Book Storo." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Ca Ann Arbor, May, 1800. 7-?fl AN THER Jfe fik ARRIVAL AT THE fS0LI) AND RELIA BLE Wflfip CLOTHINt EMPOEIUMÜ felfte-JL T O - S PHCBKTIX BLOCIS:, MAIN STREET. luis jast retuvne'.l frnni the Eastcrn Cities, with a larg aud desirable stock of FALL AND WINTER G O O B S ! which he is now ofTerin at IriO"7üF FRICESÍ Among btfl Assortinc-nt maj be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, & YESTINGS, of all descriptions, esoeclally for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! ■ la i-.nttins and making to nrder, in tlii!atestanc U'ál .slyles, togutlicr Wltfl a Superior assortraent of BEADY MADE CL0TI1ING! TKÖNK8 CAIU'ET BAOS, ÜMBRELI.AS, aud Gentlemen's Furnisliing Goods, witli numerousothor arixles usually fouud Ü3 eHtabüsbjnAitft. As ANEMPOBIÜM OFFASHIOM, thft Miltscriber üattci bimsolf, that hislong experience ccesa,wïl] engtble bimto give the jjroatest Um toall who ma y trust hini in the way of manuiiLC-iLiririir garmeota to urUtr. 76'Jtf WM. WAGXKK. THÉCAMFA1GN OPEN. Carapion's Flatforin ! THE subscriber has jast returncd from tho cast with hia Fali and Winter Gr O O X S Whieh lio is Determined to Sell AT TUE LOWEST TRICE FOR CASH! at which, First Quality Goods eaa ue afiordcd in tliis city. ilj' cloths are all of the FIIMEST QUALITY and as I manufacture thom iuto clothing rayeclt, I am enablcd to WARRANT EVERY GARMENT [ sell. to be WELL MADE, whioh is a strong ndueement to customers to patropize, my Btore in preferenoe tó plaoes wbere large (juau;ities of half gouds aro krpi for sale. linvi' iln'f.ATEST j-'ahicins, and eau give you as Fine and weU Fitting Girments as can bt bouyht anywhere, I am bouud to sell CHEAPER AKD IBJETTIFIFt OOODS 1 han any other similar establishment in this ity. Your custotn is most respeetfully invited. M. CAMPION. Ann; Arbor, Nov. 1CO. 773yl Succe.ssors to Chapín fc Loorais, andCh.ipin, Tripp tt Loorms J. the entire interest of th former owmpatti ontinue the business at theold stunda, wliei1 iln-y will f ready, on the shorUisl iiotice, tu Gil all orders i:i the no ot Castings and Machinery, n the most ■workmnTtlike mnnnor. ónd nn aSlHnr&i trins u : i ïi v nibi-r sfaop in t h1 StawtAnaoog tbo v:irius ;irticlosruanu('actuiTt.l bv us, wo wovüd enumérate STEAMENGINKS f ;ill kiii'.; Mili Gearing and Fixturos, wrüiight and ast; allthe vavimis en: Tor mnking aml repairlüfl Jorse Powers & Thresbing Machines ich a sn ai present, or have formerly been iñ uro m o) lii. -;:iii', is ïrell ;i ;;11 Uu fartoos kinds of and machine wotk caUedforby intmurs aud . i s Kcction of the country. ' ali tlif rarioufl pattcrnE, up in bízgb and prioes, will be kopt oonataotly on hand, got the must modi m and imy](-i. HUBBARDS WROHGHT IRON RRAPERS & MOWEllS. ïuvvinpr -(minn-rK-ci1 m:inuf;iHurinL ibis inprforfachiiip. tusglfl aod oombisedj the i'. ■ c:ill a:il ■-■■■ ■ ■ DUboihliie nn In ware room, beforfl pnrohasln [Isewhere, bberiaS thai tbli machino deed ouly to b een to convinee the farmer of ITS SIIPERIORITY ovor thelïaper3 and .M'-wcrs in lus in;trket. Th ank ful for former patronage to the oíd lirms, we would solicit a ooatinuance frpiu oíd rrnd0tad a trial by all Tvislunu; foranything ín our lino of businWRUlOMIÖ & 7VATV. Ann Arbor, May 18tfc, l?öi. Mltt Chitnccry Bale. rpH] C W the Couoty of Wa$1iUoaw-J -i In Ch:u heyr V. Gregory, coynplalnant vs, N'clitoc Mi ) ter, mi 1 Caiharine Mosher, dviendaut! ïn i-ursui-.'.. rtuoof a daoree in this causo b'ari :h"irMith d;ty of June, A. I). lHiiO, the uodi riïigoed, Qircuil Couct Cunu&JAsioBttr tot the ( uuaty '■ - and State of Michigan, grill wil at Ill! : udder, :it irnnt doorat fheCourt Hou-, En thocity of Aon Arbor, nu lYidav, Qftll ■ v of April ni't, :it töd o'cloek in the for'i1I('"-: ■ Lho folio wipg describo) real catate, to i Al! I i iel oí parecí of Und knovn ard dtfccribod a . Lot nuinbcr six in blods nnmber two aouth f llun.n street, range ten east, accorüiug tol , , , eastern sddltlon of tbevilli a tiow n-, -,,ƒ" Ann Arbor, in tlio County of Wasïitenaw and State of Michigan, or su mucli thcreof as may be m ovámfy to natiafy tho di-crce iu thfa cauio ■ ■ . D. H. TWITC1IKI.T,, Circuit Oonrl CoramhKioner Washtenaw ('u., Mich I IS. Üorr, Sobcitor for Cu:uila;uaut. Datol, I-VbrunryI7th, lSül . 788td BbenfiPsSatei STATE OF MIOfÖÖAÏf, Omyily uf Watthttnav, .- iiy virtuQ ofa writ of tieri Facías, issueü outof and ande] Ihesealol the Circuit Court for the L'ountv of fan, bcaringdate Ihe31at j diy of January, A. I. 1861 , ana to me directa! and deliv oredogaiosi . id chattela, landö ahd UnemeBti off lI:utsTt:ie!.on,I?hillip Kraeuier and Phillip D. Viest' ; ren, dcfuuflants tbercin uamec : I did on the Slat dny of ( Jannary, A. I'. , JmjI , Reïie nni lévy upon all the rijrlit, i:l ■ "i the said Hans ïhie)son, Fhillip , Kraemerand t'hnüp D. WeatreD.ia and to the following HbedIandsandpromisÉ to wit, the following plÁoftfl ot partcljs of Ian4 ly inlaad heing in the Villago (nuw ' .:;.,' ■ Yii llantl, in the Cooxtty of Wubtenaw, anl Stato i Hicbiga%(kuowD bÖQUded and deaoriftm) as folfows viz. : Lou two hundred and elghteoa ('18), two huntlredand nineteen (219), two liundrexi and twebtT (220), two bunded and tweutjf'Otrt (221), two handnrï fin l tiventy-tivo (222), two haalred and twentv-thre i and (wty-ftuif(a34ltwö humin-d aud tu'QuJv '.r.f (226J, two hundjd and twenty-six (2C), two hundred, ana twcuty-tight (228), two huaQred and twedijt-aioö (aio), tlü hundred and thirty (230), two i i thirty-one (231), and two hundrod and ihittv thrce [286) ; 'accordtng to the plat of eaiii ■r ].;uti.-. utl.-uul knuwii, bi.utitlfd and; ■ -ingattho intersection of Hnron River and Kiver street, and running alonp th weel side oi'saiü Btreetto tho south cast corner ofa lot ►site to lot nuinbered two liundred and twentji ' oiie (Ü21), and sujjpostd to be owued by W. 'V Har nood, thence ah n. the south line of said Harwood'a lot C4 met Of 8d lot, and this line contiIs ".i fi-i.ju until it ntersects a Ime, belns th east boundary Jine of Innds ownod, j by Folie H -.-, and known as the Hutüb Mi) 'Tty; jiroduced northward to paid Intnrsottloa e ajong Baid prodactffl lino and the Faid east une et s;vid mili prpperty to it iatersection with th g natd Riverto the place of beolngïftlso aceriitin -ilii-r uiect or parcel ot land in said City oJfjjiiilaiiti bouuilcd as folio wb, commencing SÍX roda flresl of tb no-ib wc-t corner oí Vi Dage lot Qunjbered on the pial or plan of the Village (tow City) . i rpsïlanti two hundred and Iwentv-one [221], running thence .south ft,ur [4] rod, thence west fifteen [151 rods, iheuco norlh tn;n [4j rods, tUenceeast fiftoen fl] rods to the place of begniníng coritalníng süty [GuJ square ( rods ül liiu'ls; alo tri-vts ;(1(j allcys vacatfid by aa order of Circuit Court for the Cousty of Washtenaw, Chaficcry, made on the thirteenth day of , A. Li., JbOïjWhich rtai-i order is recorded in Liber No. t'nrty-trto, j.iic 289, wbich Baid strects and allevs ar ■ lvt.cribi;d is followa, tteing all that portion of Rirer Btreet, in the jmvu of Tpsiianti, in SHid County of Washt'üuw lying aha extonding outhof the south line of Villagclot injiii)n-r irto hundred anl svi-niti-n [217] in sain VUlage tothe Buron River;also all that porlion of South street In Sttid Villaje lyingand cxtiii'lin bftwetn River Btreet and Uil] atreet, in aaid VlllagJ; tnd also, all th allfys Iving audextending between Viliage lots numbered 218, 21, 220, 221 . 222; 22, 2J4, aBd 22ö in Kaid Villag Whicli said presúsea I shall espose for sale at publfc auctiofl or venöue to thehighest bidder at tb front door of the Cmirt House in the City of Ann Arbor Waahtttnaw County, and State of Michigan, on the 89tl dav of Mnrch, A. D.? 1861, at ten o'elock in the torenootv f Huid iidv, WM. H. PATTIfiON, Sheriff. By Wm. A. HATtHjDept. Sheriff JriHtttOS k Thr.r.r, Ali'ya (vr riaintllf. DAted, Feb.l; lStii. Mortgage Sale, DEFAUI-T havtng been wade in the pajmont of th sum'if monej secored by a mortgage, executed by Charles lïower and Joscph ling, to Christophei; liausi-i-, dated Uerch the twontysixth, A. V. 1859, wliieh MorteBgo waá fecorded in theoiBce ol the Registor of Deed of washtenaw County, In UberNo. twenty-five, (.25,) of Mortgages, page 550, at twelve o'elock, A.M., on thelSth d;iy of April, A. D., 1856 and apsigaed to Christtan Saley on the 18th day of Octobcr, A. D., 1R59bv dei'dof assignment recordedon the 25th day of Au KÍi-t, A. I)., 1860, at 11 o'clock, A. M., in Libe 25 oL ÏI optgages , on pa&e 55BJ and which murtgage was aa. Seeley outhe4th day of October, A.. D, ! m0. by deedof assignraent recordedon the 23ddayoi Octnber, A. D. 1860, at li o'elock, noo, in Iit.r 'II of Mortgages, o& page 313, by which dcfault the power of Baje contamed In saidmortgage'becaine'oporfttrrotaMrao suit or proccfdings having bven instituted at law to recOTcrthdoht secured tbereby ony part thereof. and the rfum uf oue hundred and s ixt een dollars a ndfsixty-t wc cents, being now claixned to be due thereon - Notice ia therefore hereby giveu, that said mortage will be forocloeed by sale of tL towit: AU that certaintyacv or parcel oT land known and descrihed aL followfl, to-wit: Being lot N o. loten, (11) arcüon numbe fourtíít'n, (14) accordingto therecorded plat of the vïN latrc t j f Saline, or soitifi pái t Éhéreof, at public vendue, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the Pounty of tTashtfinaw, on the 18th day of March. A.D., at one o'clock P. M. of said day. JUMES r. SKELEY, Assiitnee. Datd', December 13th( 18C0. TTütd THE CHEAP CORNER. SE. EK NO FARTIIERí KTew Store, New Firm AND LOTS OF NEW GOODS ! In Mack & Schmid's Neii Block. "pCBCHASED recently under the most favorable circu X ffcinoej so much aothJtt we feel conQdcnt in sayiq to all uur oM cutomers, and as inany new ones as ca crowd into our New and Spacious Store Roo Corner of Main and Libeity Streeta. That we are now prepared to sell yon Detter Gí) i lowt-r prfcea tlum our usual low pnoa and are nuw i daily rocojpt ofendless varicties of STAPLE AND FANCY I3-El.Tr C3rOOXS. LADIES' & GHILDEENS' SHOES HATS & CAPS, B0NNETS, RIBBONS, RUSHES, CliOGKERY, LUOKING GLASSES, GLASS AND STONE WARE, GROCERIES, &c. of every vanety Lots more of tlie samo good 50 cent Tea, that others scL at 75 ets. Bear in mind that rur Goods are. all of tliebest quality. ÖOur Staple and Fancy Dry Goods surpass all previous stocks for beauty vantty and excellence. f3POur Ladies Dress goods, Shawls, &c, were never bclore half so atlractive and oannot help hut win smiles of approval from our fair friends. 8@Our Hats and Caps surpass all for style and chenpnoss ever heard of in Ann Arbor, cali and see them. Bffi-Our Ladies' and Childrens'Shooe combi ne elligance and easo with strength and durability. fëP' Our Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestinga are all of the best qualiHes and styles of the French, English & American productions which we will sell at the same price that othors ask for slop shop stufi'. (EP Our Groceries & Crockcry aro fresh, new and cheaper than over. B8P Our Yankee Notions and smalt fixings io general aro too numerous to, rnenlion bare, ombracing every thing. that a Mcrchant should keep and a Cijstomer should buy. iLd And now háving purcliased much larger and botter stock of gooda than before; wo confidently rely upon the appreciation oí the public for. ateady Sale of thesané, feeling confident that we cannot help but suit all in prices ijualily and .styles. All kinds of Produce taken in Exchange lor goods as usual. C.MACK, 772 F. SCHMID. Oval Picture Frames Al.I. SIZK-. STYI.IS iui.1 PB1G1H juat receivcd an kle cbeap .a CHOFF & MILLER'S. Dcc, 36, 1860. T80tf


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Michigan Argus