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I. O. O. F. WAPHTENAWI.OPOENc.9, of the Independent or' der of Odd Felluws meets at their Lodge Room, : iTery Kri'lay eveninü, at 6 i o'clock. UB. WIU5ON, lG. F. HORO, Sec'?. , srG"""süTHËRLAND & SON, , WHOLESALE AND RETAIT. Grocers and Commission Merchants, East ride Main Street Ann Arbor ; ""dëTbThëssé, Putsici-K fe 9ub_0B Respectifully tender hi profe.sional ,-ervice-. to M einzen of Am, Arbor and ricinity. ST Office in Mack's New Building, Mam Sjtroet, Ann Arbor Micb. N.B. Night calis prornply attended to. TWITCHELL & CLAÏtK. ttokseys and Counsellors at Law, General Ufe and Fire Insurance gent. Office in City Hall, : on HuronSt.. Ann Albor. Collections promiitly niürtc ; .ndremitted, and special ttntlon paid to convc-yancing. D. 8. TWITCHELL, f743tf s. T. CUBK. ' "jAMËS B. GOTT, ÍAW OFFICE, N'o.2, overSlawson & Geer's Store. J - ■ J. M. SCOTT. AOTRorrpR PiioTOCRrH Artists, In the rooms i formerlyoccupiedbyCordlej-, over the store of Sperry fc Moore Perfect satisfaction guaranteiid W. N. STEONG, Drilkr in Dry Goods, Boots andshoes, Groceries, Bonnets.Fancy Goods, kc. Exchange Block, Ann Arbor. WINES & KNÏGHT. DïALBRHinStaple, Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and bhoes, &c. &c, Main Street Ann Arbor. MARTIN & THOMPSON. FcasrruRB V jbk-Kooms , Dealer in all kinds of Furniture, iic. New Block, Main Street. _ ' EISDON &13ENDERS0N, DEALERS in Hardware. Stoven, houst furnishiug goods, Tin Ware &c. &c. , Nel Block, Main Street. " A. P. MILLS, D kaler in Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes and Keady Made Clothing, HuronL5trest Ann Arbor. - " JOHN W. MAYNARD, DmLtR in Staple Fancy Dry Goods, Boots and Slioes, &c. te. , Main Street, Ann Arbor. " BEAKES & ABEL, 'k TTORSKTS& Cocxseli.ors AT Iw, and Solicitors in fV. Ohnery. Office in City Hall Block, oer Webster & Co's Boofi Store, Ann rbor ___ K1ÑG8LEY & PORGAN, TTORNEV8, Counsellors, Solicitors, and Notaries PubCX lic, have Books and Plats howing titles of all lands in the jouuty, andattend toconveyancingandcollecting .emands, and to paying taxes and school interest in any part of the State. Office east siie of tJie Square, Ann Arbor. JAMES R. GOOK, Justick of the Pbace. Oflfice nearthe Deüot, Ypailanti, i Michigan. ; 1 Wm. LEWITT, M. D., PHTaaAX k ScRtiBix. Office at his residence, North side of Huron Street, and _ house West of División itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, jTanitactürkr and dealer ia Boots and Shoes. EsLV1 change Block, 'Z doors South of Maynard, Ötebbins k Wilson'B atore, Ann Arbor, Mich. MOORE & LOOMLS. E T 4NÜFACTUREH8 an-1 ealer in Boot an3 Shoes, VI Phcenix Block, Main Street, one door North of Washington. Wm. S. SAUNDERS, DEAI.KK in Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers, Ann Arbor Cash Boot & Shoe Store, south side of Public Square. M. GUITERMAN & CO , WnOLKSALE and Retail dealers and manufacturers of Ready Made Clothing, Importors of Cloth, Cassineres, Doeskins, &c. No. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. C. B. PORTER, jm Srnr.Eo.v Pe.vtist. Office corner of Main ■E fe and Uaron streets, over f. Bach's store, JWBflRflk Ann Arbor, Michigan. Jj-lXtT April, 1859, Wm. WAGNER, Dealkr n Ready Made Clothing Cloths, Cassimeres and VestingB, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Baga, ic. Main ft-, Ann Arbor. " M. CAMPION, ITlRcnAXT Tatlor and dealer in Ready Made Clothing, VI No 41, Phoenix Block, Ann Arbor. BACH& PIERSON. fSALERB in Dry GoodR, Groceries, Hardware, Boots & ftir.Shues, &c, Main street, Ann Arbor. MAYNARD, SÏEBBINS & CO., Dealers in Dry Goodh, Groceries, Drugs k Medicine Boots & Shoe-;, &cM corner of Main and Ann streets, pst bol w the Exchange, Ann Arbor. ' ËBËKBACH& CO„ J-VEALUns in Drugs and Melicines, Perfumer), Toilet artiD clra, i few doora south of the Franklin House, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, """1 bocees, Provisios k Commission Merchant,and dea,T Iers in Water Ijmk. Lasd PusiS", and Tlaster of PÏbis, one door Eastof Cook'n Hotel. C BLISS, Dealer inClocks, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy GoodB, at the sign of the Big Watcn, No. '27, Phoenix Block J. C. WATTS. f ealkr in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware No J 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. BARRER and Fashionable Hair Dresser, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Fronts and Curls kept jonstantly on nand. CHOFF & MILLER. DEALEI18 in MiscellaneouB, School, and Blank Books Sta tionery, Paper Hangings, &c, Main Street Ann Arbor. D. DbFOREST. ÏÏTiiolesalk and Retail Dealerin Lamber, Lath, Pliinyf gles, Sasu, Doors, Blinds, Water Lime, Grand lïiver laster, i'laster Paris, and Nails of all sizes. A fu 11 and perfect asortment of the above, and all otber Itinds oí building material coustantly on hand at the oweat possible rates, on Oetroit Street, a few roda lYom fche Railroad Depot. AIbo operating extenaively in the Fatent Cement Roofing. "WASHTEJIAWCOÜNTY B1I5LE SOCIETyT" Depositokt of Bibles and Testament at the Society prices at W. C. Voorheis'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., succEsaoae to ÏJXT3JiTX, OH-A.II3Nrtte C3o MANÜFACTUHER6 OF LJ?lXXt) Hooit, - ANDCOLORED MEDIUMS, ANN AI1I1OK MKII. MISS JENNIE E. LINES, TEACHER OF Piano Forte, Guitar, and Singing, boing deairousof enlarging her class, willreceive pupila at the residence of Trof. WIN'CHKLL, wliich being near the Union School, willbe very coovenientfor sucb scholen atteuding there who raay wisli to pursue the study ofmusicia connection wilh other brauchen. ïerma$10, half to be jiaid at the middle and the balwiee at Uie close fo the term. CARDS1 CARDSü CARDSÜ! Haviog purchased a Ruoglks Iíotaky Dumond CardPress, with a finí! afthortment of Oard type, the Akulb Office ii preparod to priut Carda of all kinds in the aeateut poBsible style and at a grtat reductaon from furmer pricea. incïuding Business Carda Un men of all aoeatinB andprofesëiontS; If&f'l, Wedding, .and Vmifc.. Aímí, eic,, te, faij( gyc jtquct cvJers and it


Old News
Michigan Argus