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GltE AT B A EGA I WS Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. We havk a(;ain rkplenishkd ol"r store witu Uie most aptendld Stuck of GOO DS, that WAS ever offeroil in any ouc establishment i the fctate, alt of which we O0H lor wlow n.ñ can bc fouml Ín the Uuiun We want Money ! imi will niake Greal Sacrifices on Anythin: wehave to obtaiu it, not excepting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS I We cordialljr inrit ALL CASH CUSTOMERS to call and oxaraino our Goods and Prices. "Wc als luvite our Prompt Payïng Customers to come and buy tlieir tfamHM Tor tbc Winter. To tixom Biisliiul jncii tbat are afraid to cali, we aay to theni, tak. courage without longor waitii.g for liighcr pricea, com in, old Bcores, and thon at nucb pricfP &n will in . ko up all losjes It is harül. neccessary to cnumer&Le our (Joods, for We have Everything A large addortinent of CARPETING, CROtKERY DKY GOODS, MEDIDLES, GEOERIES, PAINTS, OILS, ffATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS &c., &co &c. (.rtf) MAYNAKD, STEBBINS & WILSO Stoves &. Har ware ! MST)ON & HENDERSON Bats q in Store ;i large assortmentof S T G "m7" JK PB Hardware and House Furnishing r eiO sn au. AU Tiork will bo sohl as CHKA1 asat any other Establishment iu Michigan, They have got tho Best Assortment of Cooking P A R LO R A N D t'LA TE S ■TOTT EI SS And will sellthem Choaper than THE CREAPLST, Please call and nee. All kiuda o( tin ware kept on band. Particular uttentionpaid to all kinds of (O1 C2 O3 sy q x osWhicli will be done wlth NEATNESS AND D1SPKTCH. Aürl'icase callaud sec their STOVK BOOM in 'd story of New Block. RISnON' & HEN'DERSOX. Ano Arbor, Jan. 6, 1861. ■teUHBBRni)nffliuuH!niniiitintitnuttrn?i}tïï!nTnTTiT)ritTririniii Still in the Field! WITH A LAEGE STOCK of GOODS in nay line direct from New York, Boston, and Mie Manuiacturers! I hare just reccived a largo and wcll BolaottdAMOVtaMllt CLOCKS, VVATCHES, Or 3E3 "W EI, RT. SILVER & PLATED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, Anrt a great vnriety of Yankee Notions, fec. I wouldcall particular attention to my large stock of SPECTACIjES, of Gold, Zilver, Steel, and Plated, with PER SCO I 16LASS A superior articlo, and a grcat variety of articles in the ""CHEAP O-AJSH. Pernne liavsnj? diffcult iratehestoflo Tritfi cTinnw. can be accomnnl;itfl as mv Btoelc is lriro and oonroletSj V S, I'articulrr attetition jmM to the REPAIEING of all kiri'ls of Fint' Wjiiches, tiucli as Making & Setting New Jewels, PINIONS, STAFFS and CYLINDERS, also CLOCKtí, AND JEWELRY, Neatiy Rcpaired arul warranted. C. BLISS. August 28, ISrp. 768U Ayer's Agüe Cure. Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to bc the most effeutual Alterativa that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of stil! greater altorative power ns to afl'ord an effective antidote for the discases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wantod by those ivho suffer from Strumous complainti", and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense 6ervice to this large elass of our afflieted feljowcitizeng. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : - ScUOFl'LA. AND ScitOPCLOUS CoMPLAIJTTS, euui'tion's and elu'ptivf,, ülobbsi Pimples, Blotches, Tumoks, Salt Riieum, Scaid IIead, Syphilis and Syphilitic Afi'ECTioNa, Mercurial Disease, Duofsy, Neukaloia oit Tic Doi'louiieux, Dehii.ity, Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Euysipeias, Iíose or St. Antiiony's Fike, and indeed the whole class of complaints ansmg from Impükity of THE ÜLOOD. This compound will be found a grait promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expcl the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the ycar. liy tho timely expulsión of them many rankling disorders are nippcd in the bud. Multitudes) can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselvcs from the endurante of foul eruptions and ulccrous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterativo medicine. Cleanso out the vitiatcd blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions or sores ; clcanse it when you find it is ob" structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will teil you when. Even where no particular disorder is feit, people enjoy bettcr health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Koop the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later somethinv must go wrong, and the great machinery oí life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of t, eontain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only eontain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatevcr. Henee, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we cali this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the discases it is in tended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. FREPARED B7 DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWI2LL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle Six Uottlcs for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Compluint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recotmt tho evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assurc the people its quality is kept up to the best ït ever has been, ana th:it it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, roa the ctjile op Costhcness, Jaimdice, Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Eryxipclas, Ueadacie, Piles, Rhettnmtism, Eruptions anti Skin Diseascs, Liter Complaint, Dropsy, Tettcr, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pili, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Trica 26 cents per Box ; Five boxes for $1.00. Grpatnumborc of Clorgymon, Physicians, Statestnen, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled uscfulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit tho insertion of them. The Agents below namcd furish gratis our Amekican Almaxac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above tomplaints, and the treatment that should be folkiwed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with ther preparations they make more profit on. emami Ayer's, and take no others. The sick &nt the best aid there is for them, and they should fcavc it. AU our remedies are for sale by Ma . .luiJ al jMJbJ'S WILSON, and by all Druggists and Dealers evsrywhere. J. BURRILL Traveling Agent. An apfríont Stomachic prenaratlon of IKON' pimchd in Oxygcn and Carbmi hy combustión in Hydrogen. ieUoned by the highest MeAi-al Auümriiifs, both ïu Eu topa ftnd tho United States, and prescribed in their practiee The experienceof thousandn datlv prove that no prepKratfonoT Iron can be compared with . Irapurities of the blood, (lepreHshnis of vital enorgy, )ale and ithcrwise Blckljr oompíexiotta indícate itd aeemfty iu almust every conceivable case. Inuximis iu alt inaladies n which it bas been tricd, has provod ahíoiutcly curative in euch of tho folluwiug complaint.s, viz: In l ïiliily. ( i -voiis MTVtlons, Emm-iatlon ïyspipsia, oiiMtlpnllon, Ularrlicra, Dysrntery, lui ii]-nt i 'oiisuinpf Ion . Scrol'ulctus Tu bci-culonU, Salt Itfteum, Mismcnstruntion, IVhites. Chlorosis, Li r Complaints , Chronic Hfadar)ies, Iifteümalism, Intcrmittent Fevers, Pimples oh the Face, 4c, lnca.e oí (k.vkiui. i lEHii.iTY. wWher randt of acute disi-asOj or of the contiinnüï Siminution of nervous and muscular energy from cbronic complaintfi, oue tiial (.f this restorative has proveí! Bucoaastul to an exttat wlncli do descripción ucr written attwtatioo would ren. der credible. Invalifis so ong bed ridden as to have become forgotten in their own nwgfaborilOOds, havesuddenly re-appeared in tlicbusy wotíú as if just returoed Erom protracted travel (na 'listant laiul. Boai6 vt'ry nal ínstances of this kind are atttttftd of fcmaU' suirërer, emnciatcd victims of appair-nt marasmus, Manguineoiis exhaustion, critica! cbange, and tbat compLication of nervous and dyflpeptlc avt-raion to air and exercíse for which the physician DM no tininc. In KlRTODS AhTKCTio.Nii of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men-, the operatton of this preparaUon of ron mustneceHuarily bewalutary, for, unlike the old 'xidert, ïtiftvijyorousiy tonic withocit bcing excitinj; and ovurheating; and Rently, regularly aperieut, even the most obstinate rasrs of costivorK-ss witliont (sven being a gastricpurgative, or inllicting a dÍRagreeable sctisalion. Itis thisl.attor property(among olhers, which makea it ro emnrltubly efTcctuul mk pormoent a romciy for 1'Hës, upon whicii it also appewrs to exen a dlstlnot and specific action by Jispersing the local teudeucy which fornis them. In DvsprcrsiA, innumerable asareits auses, a single box of these Cliulybeate Pilis h&vè often iuJUedd Sr the mint habitual", jicluding the attemleut CostiveIMSI In uncheckcd Diarrrou, even wben ad vaneed to Dyscntery cnnGmied, emaciating and apparently maltenant, the effects baring been (fqually decisive and astonishing In the local pains.loss Of andstrongth,ílebi]i1;i1in oouid), and remlttent bectic, which gunerally Indioate Incipit-Ht Consumptie., in sevcral very gratifying and ínterMting hutanees. In ScrofulouB Tubercuolsis, ibis mcdieafl Tron has had far inor& than the good effects of the mOSS Oautiowh ly balaAeed preparations of lodine, without any of nooit' well knuwn liabihties. TheatUntion of femalcxcannotbetooconfldently invited to this remedyanü raiorative in tho cases peculiarly affectinu: (hem. In Rheumatism, both chronic and inflammatorv - to the latter, however, more leeiricMy- it lins bfen invariably well reported, both as alleviatinj pain and reducing the swelliDgfl&nd stiCnieaaof the joints and mosoelft. In I?iicrmittcnt Feccr t must necesarily be a great remedy and snngefcfc rectora tire, and its progrvss inthe ncw settlements Of the West, will probably be oue of high renown and usefulncHs. No remedy has ever beendincovered in tho whole history of mfilicine, wliich exvrts such prompt, happy, and tully restorative efTects líood appetite, complete digestioi. , rpil acqnisition of strength, with an unusual dUposiUon for active and cheerful exercise, Immedlatelv follow itft u.'. Pot up in neat flat rnetalboxes containing "50 pills, price 50 oentfl per box; tor ale by droggïsts and dealers. Will bfisent frëfl to any addreu on rèoeipt of the price. A.11 letters, onlers, etc, should boaddrsiised to U. B. LOCKK,&Co , General Aírente, 477vl 330 lin.a.W:iy, Y. F'r Sale by GRENVTLLK FüLLER, Aun ArUor. Howard Association, Püiladclphia. A Brnii'ottnt Institution establishrd by special rvdowmrn for the relief of the Stek and Dstrritf.ed, affiicted toiik Viruh.nX and Fpidemir. Viseases, and esperxalhj for the Cure of Diseasis of the Sexual Orgnns, Dispensary fret to patutns tn all paris of the United States, VÍLÜABLERKP0R1S m sp.'rmatorrhcea.and other Disasi of the Bexoa] Onmot. aodon theNÉWRBUEDUBB emjd, ent to the tffllcteo m sealed enralopea, fifee of charge. Two or three btamps for postage be will be ceptable. #&- AddrespR. J, SKII.MXHOUOHTÜN, Acting 8ur gfion Howard Assoeiation No 2,-south NinthStreot. Philie:. ■:,■':, i.i , 736yl 10O0 Vests, Shirts and Drawers For Snle tlKAp at tíVITKKMAK A Co


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