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Holt On Thompson

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Mr. Hol', lata Secretar y of War, ( lishos In the Xational Iiiieiiijencer a loug and severo reply to lbo statement recor.tly issued by ex-íseeretary Thompson froui hia retreat ia Mississippi. Mr. Holt is indignant at Thompaoii's deelaration tbat the movoraent for the reinforcement of Fort Suuipter was " a concoaled triek." Ou the ooutrary, ho asaerta that the project of reinforeing Major Anders: n was repeatedly and frankly disoussed ia tho Cubinet, and adds : 4 Whoa a conclusión was finally renched, the rosolutiou of the President was aunouncod ia terms as emphauo as he probably ever addressed to one of Lis tsecretarica. 'Itisuo all over, aud reinforceoients tnut be sent,' was iüs laugaagc ; and these worda were spi)kea in open council, the honorable 8ee retary of the Interior himsclf being present. It was in atrict accordance with the oommand thus giren that the Star of tho Weet wa chartered, and the reinfoicements sent forward. In all the circunistances the public will look in vain tbr any traces of ' trick" on tlie part of Gen. Scott or of tho Beoretory of War. It is true that, iü the hope of avoiding a waste of human life, ari ondcavor was made tu ' oonceal" the expedition frora the troops ia charge of the forts aud ba.tteriea in Charleston harbor ; but this eudeavor tho vigilance and zeal of the títíLrctary defeated.11 The followbg extract from Mr. Holt's letter cxplains a poiut which has givcn rise to dispute : " The ' öountermand' spoken of was not more eordially aauCtioned by the l'rosident ihan it wag by Gin. Scott and myself. It was givou, not bccause of any dissent from the order on the prt of the President, but bemusu of a Icitjr rcvea that diy from Major Ánderson, stat.nj, J? ejjycl, that h) rtgarded himsslf as s:curü m hit positk'ii, and yet inoro bco:iuse of inwlligeiTje wliich, late on Suturday eveuing, reaohed the Department tint heavy battery had beoa ereoted ;imon the Band hills at tho entrauco to Ch.u'loston Larbor, which would probably destroy ny uiiarmed vessel (and such was tho Star of the West) whieh might atteaipt to make its way up ty l'ort Sumpter. This iuiDortant iuformatioa satisüed the goveromont that there was no present neoes sity for seuding reinfürcement?, and that when sent thcy should go, not in a vesscl oroemnjoroo but of war. llencfi the countennand was dispatchcd by telegraph to New York, but the vessel had sailed a ehort time before it reacbed tho offieer to whom it was addressed." Mr. Holt adds tbat " this plain statonieut is ubmitted in tho belief that, beforo an intelligent aud candid pubüe, it will aöbrd a eompleto vindication of my ■onduct, as well as of the condnet of that illustrious patriot and soldier, Lieuteuant (ieneral tíeott, whose stainles8 honor ccr tainly neecis no defenco at my hands against the aspersión of the present or 8BV otlier nssailaut.' The following noble vindication of Lis own coaduct coneludcs JJr. Holt's explanation : ■" If (bis explanation shall tcijrs to me the oonftdanoo of thoüfi tme-liearied putriots w!io wil ' ■■;■ Uiiioii Le.:cr t:.:;. 11 tbc ►pnils and power v.liicb revolution can promise, then I sliall itiluvre_Mnl the condcnination of men wlio, for the latt tw.) moulhs, have inccssaQtly denouneed me Ihrougiumt tho South, siniply a:ul s.iIl'v bcoaU86 I hiivo rt-fuscd to blackeu my soul with perjiny, bj betraying the governmont ot' my country wliilo in ita service. J. UOLT."


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