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Fort Sumpter To Be Vacated

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Intclligcnco lïom Wnshiugton luvono grouada f'or doubtitig tliat tbe cotnmand . of Miijor Am ek.-cn is to bo withdrawn from Fort Suuipter, nnd we i.'.cl'no to tlio opinión thut orden to Ihatcffeot have already been issued. Without ontering japon a discussion of the reasoit, wo have no ! doubt that it will bo the wisent oouraa ! siblo för the AdministratioB to jmrsuc. i Nuthing is accoviiplished by holding it, nud an evaeuation of it will bo giving the seeessionists ropo with which to hang thcmselves. A pedoo poüoy is suro to kill olf secession. Cj The guillotine bfie beem put in activo operation ind heads roll in tbo (lust ;is ireely ns bolntoes froin an uphill going wagon with tlio tnil-botird out. N respect is paid to station nr name, and EWeign Ministers, Cnnsul?, Clerkships, Novy Afrotüs, Marshnlf", ! Collectors, ïiuiian Agentx, Chiefe of Bureaus, Postmasiers, eic, ctc.,Toll ipto one promiscuoua hoap, aod vu id-iv well exclaim, ' Nw, by Iba goda the wnrk gfttw bravo'y on.'1 No wailing1, however, is heura frónj tlio beheiidedi tbe cliiui iind only rrwurnera boing un succos.ful ipplicanti. ' P. S. PetitiüllB lor appointmentN are daily döering cheapet and cheaper, and will noixi be unsaloablo at a:iy pi ico. Kolders vi!l luit '-o got üist oost unleis thoy róalize soon. L"E" The House has passed a bilí establishi.ig a Ilomooopathio College, at sonie point away from Anu Arbor, to be supported out of the UniVarsitj fund ; ana another bill cstablisliing a brauch of the Uuiversity for the tducation of fomalos, to bcsuppjrted in tho suno w.iy. ' We ayprehuud if they pass tho Scnate , tho Ooveruor will veto thora both, on constitutional grounds. The Legislaturo eamiot direct and control the expenditure of a single dollar of tlio Uuiversity fuud. sg" Tho Legislatura has passed a law prohibí t ing the sale of beer and ale in loss q:iantities tlian fivo gallons, and of wine and eider it; k'ss quantitiea than ono gallon, and not to be drunk - even in thoso quantitiefl - on the piemises vrherejpon tho Advertiser and Tiihune 'owl dolefully. They are afruid of its eflFeet upon the Germán vote, to rtceivo -Iti'jh tlio Republicana have continually k'gislated since they oame into power. " Nationaüties " are now ignored, and whiskey aiid beer 6aloons placed nearly on a par. AnOTICKR " OLD StAGBU " StAILED. - Uufls Hosmek, " the fat ecu," who hits been feeding: nn the S:nte Treasui y for the lust kíx years, has I een appointed Consul o Frankfort-on-theMain. Salary $3,000 u yenr, and " pickingf." Where is " Young Amerioa"- and tho " Wide-Awakos?" E Tho resuk of he late North Carolina Convention is now (Jefinitely knowo. Two to ono of ttiu deleiruti's elected to tlie Convon'.ion int Union muii ; and the in: ij 'rity ïgninst tho i vention boing held is 1000. Tho Nortli j Crolinian8 are not di.sposei to etit their own tlironta. L" Our fiepublioan frieuds hereabouts, many of them at least, do not seein to rc.lish tlio " general appointtnenis" agreed upon for this Stat(-, Thoy say that " the old stagers have bagged tho game," and that the policy seeras to be established of "rotation fioingood officies to betterones," leaving all the unfod und hungry ones atill " out inthecold." There must be no pquinnj ing, howevcr, it is all for the good of j ihe causo. . ' PST It is reprtrtëd that the number ] of appücan'8 for .Contful.-hiprt vfill ' average twentj for eacli place. Tho ' beet pjucés ure gieat bones 1 c ntention, ind nono aro no pmr as to g" begging, even though health, pleasure and profit unite in the warning of hands pfi," It is pluaaant to seivu one'a country. ïkST Wiisliiiigton udvicus tuake :t higlily probable that an extra sussion df Uongress will soon l)c called. rumor saya " to supply tho omiasion of tho last and en;ble tho udministration to assort tho auhority of the governmect." It is alloged the polijy will bu to abdish pnrts of entry in the se.edod Staten, and station véasela of war oft the harbors to prevent importations irom fornign port. XïsF On Monday the Sanata refusod to order to a thirt! rencling a bilí to repeal the hw of 1859 giving the University interest on it entire fnnd. From i this action we inay hope the bilí has been dofeated though, as in al! other mattere, nothing cun be considerod certain until tho Lepislature adjournsL3E" The President, on Tuesday, sent into tho Senate tlie name of Cassios M. Clav. of Ky., us Minister to Spain, vnd tho name of Hon. Tho?. OiRvviv, of Ohio, as 'Minister to Mexico. Bolh with doubtless be confirmod by the Senate. Both have declined tho proffered honors. J II is eonfideatly reported in Washington tl. at sliould an ordinance of secesssion ba introducid into the Virginia Convontion it vill be voted bown by a large rnnjori'y. E" Five Millións of tho Southern Confeduraey loan is announced as having been tnken at par. 1 Archibald Wim.iams Iiks been 1 notninated and confirmed as district ! Judie of Ktinsas and Wu. P. Dole, nu Comniissioner of Indian affairs. E-LT The Legislature was to adjourn yestcrdiiy, ui'l if it did, the pcople may exclaim, '' The Loid be praised." 1 Ex-Secretary Floyd has given bail in the enm of 15,060 lor Lis ap[ penrance t Court to ariBwer tho criminal charge preferirá ngiinet hi-n.


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