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The Missouri Convention

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St Louis, Mo., March 10 Altor some uuimportant proeeedings in tlio convuntiüii, yesterdajr, Judgu Gamble, eb airman ot' tho Caiumittee on FoJeral Relatious. preseuted md road the report of tb at oommittee The report is long and carufullj ritten ; maliü3 a fnithful espositipu ot' all tho ciroumstan ces sufrouudiug the positiou aud affieiM' tliu iutori'sts ot' Missouri; re ■ -i i-i .i n .i oouiíts tlie ovas of wuicu the bontli may rightfully COmpliliu ; adinonislius t lio Noith tliat tlic iioslile and fanatical feeliugs towarda soutliem iusti&utioud manifested by large uumbers ot' peoplo of' tliat seotion uro productivo ouly of evi) ; and expresses a hopu tliat a bettür kuowlt'dgtí ot the subject vil) reiaove thcir prejüa - ces; does not ussuuie a tlirtüitt'iiing attitude lowards either sectioti of the oouutiy, hut. ponifl at tiie érrors of bot li ; and onncludeu with the fullowiug rusolutious, wliii'li are reductioaa of tliu uiaiu features of tlie rep'rt : Heso'ceJ, Tliat at present tliore is no : adequate e;iuse to impul Missouri 10 dissolvo lier uuuueoti ni -vitli tlie Federal Unioü, birt, o i iho uoutrary, slie will labor ' i for sueli an adju t uunt ot' i-x'siiug tiouliles ai wi.l .-e.-ui-o ■ and tiio righta of equality to all tlie States. Retoktd, Tliat tlie pe-iple of tliis State are devotedly attaciieu to íhe iititutiona of our country, and oariiestljf desiro that by a fair and auii ablu ttdjutmuut tlie present causes ot disagreeiimnt may be removed, tlie Union piotculeJ aud )eaee and liarniouy restored bet ween thu North and South, Jiesolud, Tliai tlie people of tliis State deudl thu aiueiidiueuU tu tliu eonstitutiun f the Uuiteu Si aten proposed by Uon. John J. Orittenduil, itli au extouaiou )f tlie same to territory that mav hereafter be aoquiredy as a basis of adjtisUueut ivhic-h wiil siKiucsst'ully remove Üia cansos of differeuce lorover tïuio tiiu urouaofj l.'itiuiial politica Jiesoh'ed, Tliat the pooplc of Missouri believa (bat tho peaoe aud quiet ot' tlie ;.untry Vkiil be prouioted by a convoiitiou to propoaü iimoiiiliiHut.s to tlie conatitutiou ot' the United States, and tliis eouventioii nrgea tlia Legislatura of tliis Stuto to takt stops for oalliug sueh a couvcution. lteso'ved, Tliat in the opiniou öf tuis couveittion, the euiplujineut of military : torce by the Federai govuniiiient to seceding States, or the employmeul] of military torce by thu seceding Status i to assail the goveiniucut of the United : States, wiil iuevitabiy pluDge the country i iuto civil war, and theruby extinguish all hope of an amipable Heltleuieul ot' tho iysues iiow peudliigj wQtbcreturo eariiest]y üiiiioat ilio 1'eileraJ governuiüut, as we.ll as tho secediug States, to stay tho I ariu of military power, and on uo pretunee whatever briiig u,io:i the uatiuu the horrors of oivil war. Resolved,, vl:eu thii conventiou adjourns, it ndjourn to met at Jiff moii City on the thirJ Mnd.y in December. Resolved, Tüat a comniittee be elected, a niiijority of which shall hap the power to convene lliin coiivuution at such timo and place prior to the third Mouday in i Doce uber as the publio ex.geucies re quirc. ïhe report was ordered to bo printed and made tho special order for Monday. Mr. lledd, whilst beartilj approviug tlie temper and spirit of the report, dissented froni the plan of adjustinent laid down, and askcd leavc to present a uiinority report on Monday, wliie'i was granted, and the report ordered to be priuted. Adjourucd. St Louis, Marcli 11 The Convention met at teu o clock. - Mr. liii-cli called attontion to a coniinunioatiou in this oioniiug'd Republwm. lijnt ing at a secret conspiraoy to foroe ■■ Missouri out of the Uuion, and offured a resolution to n.ppoiut a coiuin.ttec to investigate the subject, and if possible as; certain tho names of ihe coi.epii'atoiü, which passed - 52 to 30. The ininority report, signed by Mr. lledd and Judgo Hough, was liten presented and read by the Sccretary. The report opposes a National CouvetltdOD, I rccounne.ided by the uiajoiity report, ! and propones n Gonvention of tho Border j States instead. to bc held at Nashvijle, tii ilcciile upon such amendments to the CoiiBtitutioii as inay be satisfaetory to thcui It also reconimends tho (Jrittenden prepositiou to the Nashvillo Convention, without, howjver, niaking it au ultimatum nnd the appointment of CominissionerB to Delaware, Maryland. Virginia, Kentuoky, Tfiincrseo, Xorth Carolina and Arkansis. to secure the cooperation of thoso States in tbc movonient. Aftr further debate, the Conrentten djonnred wiibcnt action.


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Michigan Argus