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S ir ECI -A.X, TST O XI O E! 3. TüE MARKETS. OFFICKOF TI1K MfCHIfiAN Altnri. Avs akbok, Murcli, 5, 18ril. j The followlng are tbc irlUng pnce of ihe principal ■trticles of produce oQereed n uur market. W.ieatr ■■' bu. - - - 8 s ' white bu. .0? Rr.rt.-y, cwt. - ■ - - ' 'i ('"rn.: . ' . ' . ' . " . Bucfcwhest. bu. - - " ' 1? .... 20 Si Flotr, rert, bbl, f"" ' white, 6,60 " rer I 0 lts, .... ?,R0 ■ white, S, Kvcflmir. V ■.',in Meal - . 1.6" BuokwhoU flour, ..... 2,6 lkn, ..... 60 TB KI ix Soed.Ib. ..... M nmithy Seeti bn. .... ?,?6 ?,00 inver.-'eed, ba. 4,00 4 60 Si ton ■ ' S,"0 '"nn Waod.pertard, - ■ -8,003 0 ranb.-r.ies.bu. .... 2,'W ?.:6 Beel,hirl ar. ... "4 06 foreqr. - l'ork drrssed cwt. - - ■ 6.0 ) f 0 ' Mutt., Ib. "K ■ ■ ' E IS Cicköno. ' - - 0! 07 F.ggi, dnz. - ",' ,j ' Butter,. J? U 08 09 l,.,rd, Ib ..... 10 1 T.illow, Ib. 1 lr Dtiitou.pcrbo. - - - 10 IS Oninn. per bu. . . . . n i'urulps, ..... S' . T liles, prren, - - " - fiö P ■ ri,:e,1. .... Ifi" Iciiches. drie.l, Ib. .... H.mev.caps, Ib. .... 11 Hmmtrx Ib. - - . - - Salt, rock.bbl. ■ ' ?"f ■ fine, ..-.- 1. la.,ter, ton. 8" Pnsenirer trains now loave the several Statioos in hi;. County.asfollows. GOIS'G WEST. Kal. Ac. Dar F.x Jnck. Ac. NTteht K. 'pi!anti, 8. A. u. 11 -_:9 A.M. if 11.10 p. . UinArbor, I.i0ili.H " " ".V " " 11. i& ' ' if-xter. 9.0U " " 1: ,0" 1" 7 6ï ' ' ,h.le, 9 20" '■ V..." " " I. ' ' GOIKG EAST. Nighttx Jnci.Ac. MillKx K1.A he'sen, 6.SP . . 3. 'Pp. B.Ï' P, l&5 " " o. 65 " ' P-'{ ' DB Arbnr, 4.40 A H -.:6 " " .50 " '..S' 'j.iilwnti, 6 O.y " " S.i5 ' 4AQ' ' P f0 IHJ-The rnnt Bc' fnrt .r nfll Umi -R nic Orent Heuler n) Mankind! Ht,tick'l ujar Coatêd l'iui wmlt Wnriii Uaittd! Sick l'rople tiink! ifitr teiucli act ÏTouMftcatc pxpeci,atthiF latí lay, W;fü itfcr 1 tg cur r -■ bi ol " ■ (UI; ■ ■ . '"■ "- ,V tb ■ f Herrie X y n .n ' NTorth, %a) Tst, .'. : . ■ Le ;■ ■■. ■ Beniis theyaretlw i tei : ■■ ,atfei b uid i erioi otl; ■ ■■ : mtícI t ril! F rom R 'f r.Jind Píhu, nnñ i lm rs the; 'ro; y ,( .iU-rt ■ they nevei kil] rbousanrt.- now in theii graven verUtdt VTen? 11 nol for Herncïi'H ! Illp. Eacb ''i! i"i ogr '- coatd cVr-A r ire ii.c)e:y ti mathef -kill, The ir lik e wn nem R n bi f , U;i [4 itapoearyd in Heirici Till Por wai ktwl Én lira! the .-rk, Wi'ii joy elatt hi boiuiaa filis : Kor taaofthusandsnitw rej'-ice Ú m i nc I'rweii"Mf K'-rnck's ?illi. rtrga OCK'á aATCHLESSVKtíFTABiK FAMILV h.v ■' 1U.111 ■l;iT'l t'io vorl'l witli their p p'ilarity K.-r five inHi.'i; of %rt awfl annuaiy. ciing: cmilnvuH-m tt (Sisr'ity-fiv m--n Mid w. mMi t' p:il t h-ir. c.p. riiiiir c ifenM) a imber l by tbous&ifls - 'lu-ir praised nn the toiwuéi f hm, ('itizens of Wanhtvnaw fn-, Rnfl iUchere, have you ever iwei them?Vut np in EntUh, -panMi '';frm;i.Ti, aii') Kreach l'rectton. Large family b nos, 2fl cents! Kivp h )x. fr $1. Sold everywbfre. SeoadverlisinTii cn'áA page , Scúrafrd lámale rüh. .nXCTED 7 L E T f E K i ROY.L '':%i;X PATENT 'ftarfdfnym a preterición of Sir J. Claríe. M O., Pkyticln &Jtratréin4try í tke Queen. tía [Dvalust1e DMiUdne ic ufAiliag in tbe cur of i -í MÍnAll and tiinpernun to wbich tlit frnfi!' itiruti' ír mtffet It 9tt$injtm all excêsii und r en ni] obatructionit. and a ice(ÍT cura mar be rfeUcd mi TO ? AIÍJILI LADIEi - 1 t-culiu-lj iail. It wil!, in a sbort tim, !rtug r-c EDoatfolj itrir.H wíth rsiíalaritj .vi bottle, )ric (Ja Dollar, W&ra tb Goverscee' mp jf -et tí.-iíxin, 'o prTPDt oounterífrit "krn Pilla tkinttd nat be taúm y fem+Ui dnrinf ( iT THREh. MÜXTHSnf Prgnary%e Ibty or r to brmg ümi MUr.arrtHr, 3l y OÍA' timé tti i $a}e. ti nli isLür f Nerrctii and Spmal AffectioDR, Paic i. 1 kteck and Umt. Fatigue na shíit ese'Uon, Ptífít i r ibe íltínrt, EtjffM-ta. and Whits, ihase Píll wii ct fi cure when afl othoj ciftiwii bar taílíd, aphoajfb a pHerful rnvet1y, do uut co&tain iron, csJC34 iinwn_T,ür tüj tn:n hurtfut tí; Ibe conaUtatin. -"u!í tíírttiürí' accompary Oh pAckage. tak AgLÍ fo! tbe CaiWd States nd Canada, JOB UOSKS, lUW I. C. batovin tti Ruchefiior, S. ï - $1.30 aoí 6 poïAj: etetapi r.closed to aay aa Arfi , nil) i&art a bottl nf Piíli hx -ctan 6 KoM bc GRKN'VIIJ, & FtT.1 ER Ann Attxt, haáhj Druggi.'t inevu'.v tnwn. I in por tuut to Pernales. O r. V " K ESLíMAX'. riLLS. PaBPABKD BT Con-vPïLirs L Ohesskman, M. D., New Yo:k Ci'y. Thecorabinationof ingre-lieiUs n these Pil! are the result cf longan- extennive practico. Tliey arp mil'I in Uu-ir .ipcratinn. anlcerlun ín corrrcting al) irres:ularities, lainfui Mensuratiun, removing all obstruetloi, vvhether froir cl'l or otlierwie. hcu'liiclif, ain in the si i'. pftfpttlon of tlielieart, -tiitps, all tktvous afTectinns, bysterics, fatigue, an m the hack .ml limbn. tic, üi&iai'beJ tiioi, whlcn itrtfiM froto interruptíüD of oature. TO MARRIEDJ,niES, Dr. Cheesf-inan'is l'illfi are invalnable, as they will Liiingon the m 'athly perioil witu rpgularily. L.-ir]jfs who j have been liihappointeil intheuse of uíhea Pilis cun placo the utmost confidynce in lr. Cheesemaa'M I'ilU doiDg all : they represent to do. ,V O T I C K Tkert, Ís nnt cmiditniv nfthrfcmalf xystam in whir.h iA# Pilis r,atTio'. be taken inílh'iiit jirnrfiirhie n V ECU i-I 4 R PRSULT. The ovtitiov rrfernd to PKF.GyANCY- t.iif, 't-sul', MICARMAQK. wk th irr&UtnbU trndenrif nfthe nitdirinf, t' rettort 'he netual fmi'-tinns to a norma r.ondUioit, 'hal cvn the power of nnlurt t:anoi re.xist it. WarrantM pprejy vepHahlp, and froe frrim anything injurian-, Exptioii ilireötloi, vrhich tbould le rotd,ac eompnny Eaoti box 'ent by nuil n racloiDg $1 tn DrC "rvbiius L. Cueeskman, Bnx 4 ,531 , Post Office. New York City, T tow }y "o Drupgist in evory town d tlie United SUtei -n R Iï. HÜTCHIN'GS, GK.VEILAL AOBXT FOR THB ÜXJTin UTATW, 7V, U, BrnaHiratf, Xete Ynrk, i To whom all WlioVsali nrdsra -hnild be kddrwM sold ín Ana trbor, by May.vakd tehhivw Vilü.v, un'l (i, Ghewili-f, 738yl tg%. Cocgiis. The sufírle changa ol'our c! m .4 tre bou roes il fLMovi.BT, Rvokcblaj ,and astiimatic Affec rio.', Ezperiepot havbif provtd tlmf smple rcmd cu rten act sptc(li]y ;n 1 ei r iiiuly yrben tak n a hf early itagM 'j 1 1 ■ l. (Ba j -, -i : ' r -..". i Rt oiicv be had to "ir i va t 9f -ncbial Tr che-." er !,rwmgrs, let tbr C"ld, ' o ih. i r Irr tatiwo oi llie Ihr at ever so I g) t asby 1 hiU preoaation i m r rpriouw att-ckraay biKtu Uy warriuil oJ. Public rs&KwuulriNGKai wiilmitiim eitoct ai tor clcariugaud strecgtbcalog the rolcf, ?ee dvt rtte'iiif; t. 77CmG MOTHERS READ THIÖ. The füllowing 1 an extract frrm u letter writton by the pastor of a Kati t Oftftrch to tie "Journal and .Me;-i'ji: or,' CínCinnati, Ohio. peas volume d t' (4 tli-t wnrl'l rnD-'l iQf Ir: Q ■- Miu. WusbOV'a OQTBI3KI YHCP Dit ' IIILDKEN TkEJKINC: t;Wesee an advertisroj' flt i your cilumDh of .Mr. Winnlow's fx ftliing yrup N rw we mvm mM a w rl hi frnr nf a i;.t nt miciif bLnr n our '(-, bit we f nel ompelleilto uy t yoornadtiv, tfaat ihis i m burab'ig- jfK eavb tkjkj ir, vd kn 'W rr tobe all jt OlJhUlá. t i1, prb(fci y oqo ff tbo mit nuoceat-ful istMl.oincs of tbb flay, bfciuihj :t U oe of tho t6ta ml tnoy of your r#.yl n wh hi-o Iabie cay't do ii I wtor timo t1 1 y in a " TO 1H3 ELECTöïlS K EG I t H AT'OW JVO T CE. fllUE BOARD OF RÉüI.-lKAIlON of Ilic City of .Am I ArborwlllhoU ■■ n ti tl vel W.ud Ci.y.èn rHCKrlAY a FUiD.V. MARfH, 5 29ili.c.,mo.encngt s. o olock. A. W , ■ iü'ciock, .. M ..: ch dny, t tl lor thep irtno-e nl correct i ''S lhtl "P8tration of th qualtfliu olicHns ui raid cüy. lal H'aid t tlje l r ■ I Sluw ij .■ ■■ Offiiwnfu. Shattuck, Enji ü,i ■ " ('niiri Uwuse. 4th " nt F renx-ii' Hill. Oih ■ t tb OSm of Sinclar 4 w,üwl. All rhowilUt tlif ' I iCt'n hc.cnf titled to votv nader til proviiion ui .-e-t.l. r jioi thContitBtlon BhonldM mt tbr wan o rppstcr,-.l l-cron li-i&t dmnnrt 'clt ,v - tl. lst êlMtlon must rogislcr a the Wart W tblLnltli'wïr4 boiug a nw W..:d kS voUr .must "'or.ler of the Boavd f Igi on. amlnmBj Wiliiam McCpmiKT, i"ecy iMtcl. Ai.n Avb r, March Ctb, 1801. Ann Arbor Marble Wor-s. BATCIIELDËil& EISELE. II AVE on han.l ttno as.sortmcnt of AnttriakB an 7 7 LIAN iA II B L E whicli tlicy aro i.npared to manufaoture into UONUMBNTS. UJSAD STOn'ES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOP Ac. &cc' I. al! tuelr kli, a"d jn a WuHKMAXUKK manner. all w may 6t ttma rtth t"r gniK. B P" LOW AS THE L O-W EBT. Aan Arbi.r. reta. 6. 186!. '8 _ ' ron eo xxAJ'srsi BOOTS &SIIOES A. T OOST! .■? .ïornt! r iAfm L- a CW In order to close out. my stock by h? fitst A'nl WM. S. SAUNÜERS. Ann Arbor, March 1 . 18bl. 789w3 CF TH. COONTlES OF Washtenaw & Lenawee IViicli , Fnm Official Ricard and Special Surteys By BECHLER, WENIQ & CO, ana GEIL & HARLEY, :eing -aeWfV t to tieil L IIarlcj . ïupojfmphical KnL' Authorsuf Mapa of fie ountiea of Hillsd-lc, Brandi !t J.ispuh,' a'hrMin. J:.cks'n r-, V,,n liurc-n, iVftyne ui-m-if, i%.,l:,mn"', sblawaMw. M nn, )!iiomb.-I ciar. Ik., iiehin l-umir.e., ■:■■■ iui"É Niágara. Kne, ('atta.ausu-, tjrcenc "tatuga, Re . w ror Mooid ■utli, Uürrta. se. N"e.T 'er cj , City o HeaJing, o , renn.;Lap"i".e, c, Indiani-ïtc , etc. The un.-3-gn=l are piowrine lo piiblinh, hy Sobwrip tion ui w aado moineil Mnof tbe Cauniráa ol Wa-m .A Wid 1 OAWIF, IIuhig. K, Ft.nn carPlul sutovs o, .hc intir i.i.-t ei, lor lui wort, n in.m unid teooidsml oihr reliabla in oimaium. i'he Map wül delinen m a .tfiy th vnri.uia lienuhicalapd Topf-griil.ical leaiurei t üi oumiCB, m mf hich m ty b emimerated the Min n : 1. U "ilaho.m.1 th-ïutrnAip, ïttt' n, andQu!irt(r 'ï M wi'.lRontnillyliowth" Boundary Linfs 'T Farms and thenwnuso r i eat "f- , 3. I will ihiw the too t m of Publio lii":, ai-t :i ♦.II Blw te tooatioo if Ofaurcbci, Schtn H-uii-, H. o;s, MUi, Uaaufactorfw, lwel i"r: si I' 'C5 It wül ïvetheco rtf Rtow í ij tfks nfl ow the loiation and utliDeofal m-Werfd la '■■- i IchiIs o PIeb i tbe Pn iei aivi g th . p.'.. Ii-, LH lucaticn ol Bailding!". tac1 e Pino :i : ■ 0 '■' ■ r.''. ?'';n? tlil' ,„ a:i 1 b . oe ■ nf Tilbl I ■ ' - '' ' e "■■''' . .. "l.: 8 It wille nü'i a i n T t ieeuny t.v.. i r t. i;. Diree'.ofy nl coun! . t , . t n, an-1 the si-ct ' rh.eli tli y r de. r . . ; . . :■,-"- r. : proin n-nt Bul itua, ï.1 ) 'M,-, red in tbe m r . by.tpfca. c atri uní fu ordei t" ecufe au n . n ■ r i i in ■'■■ ■ t ■' --'" tot ■ r f ." -t - i i ■ ,,,.v;.m uently en.r.ven.haniimmely en ,b.t 'aio b.ick ■ il wi-l masln. und muuuliri n oliera No pain ■ n n upen ill ''■ spared to tbe irn n erery reaie I wurtiiy f public conüdence The prii of tbe Map 'l be ai toe lo rate of ix liullara yu t. , uayib! i-m ilellrrft. Au'-bvriKr vttat will vi-t-v. ry i-t ui of ree li iric . lor tUe iurpe nf peifecting . e voiir, Had, ■ .. m l:ni". Io l.c t patronagi ti . L'p n i: ' r o .uil. lie the time '" sub c bc, in ónieiTo . bti.n vru au i) wil be .ii.l y suoscriAin nnly C mmju.ootiiiBs n rigai'l t baB9 pertalnlng i Mip. f sent i" aks Akbjk. Mieb . will reetti pr. mt t ntïen'ioD GGILi & HftELT.Y. Publ'Bbeis vk A i'ri'm uin Uir been mrarded by M chiEtaic Agricultural-odety. m .ki, (Uutr fc .mm u fortheipijuanty 1-M" nu ex n Anuuul r'mi heW in D'. in 1). gH C rjahrs -hich will ua dis ributod Itfaa'HEAD QUARTERS. ri For all kinds of PETROXiIU JRT , 1 COAJ. OIL. & FLUID i ) LAWIPS. M PfiTfiOWUM FLÜII. W Coal Oüs. H Supi-riorqu 'itT, nf prices guur n antyuig t isfartion Lampe feA ültt-nil to tbe above on hIioii jgjsi notice. X A Do KOU EST. . , -TFmI Nov. 10, 11-60. 774-uf iiitle Fa.ctory'. A.J. STJTHEBI.AM) HAPremovehlï Gun Shopti-lh! Nfw Blork -r Entontrft. smith I th I"om1 I'mim-.oi t. escccno floor.whrri 1]pík prrpn'eri to ft.rnieh Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Fasks, Pt.jhes Game Bugs, and Kvcr otlier arlicle in dis Line! Onthcm m rcnsnnnhlr ti'rinr.find to Ho all kind .1 n the ihortf-t "otice and in thpbPM manual tutl gort ment alwnyp it'jpt ',n hsnd.ond made to orImporcant Kational Wcrks, PubUshed by D. APPLETON CO., 346 AND 348 BU0ADW4Y SEW YOHK Tho folio wing works are sfntto Subscriben m aoy pnrt of the country, (upon reetipt of price,) by mai! or pr&paiu: THE K ;'r-.V A3ÏFRIAN f VCIOrEDI A ; A Popular i'iGtinniirv of Oc-ner; 1 Koowiedg. Ulied by tiEo. Kifi.ey and CiiarlKs a. IUna &idé& by a ndmerou eleot corps of writent ia all branches of ËcLracee, Ari anl LiUrAtuM. 'lliis work in beiog publi bedinaboiii 15 Ifirt' octnv volumea.e&cb contaiiiing 60two-coli mn I pages. VoU. I., 11., IU.; IV. v.. vi Vil. vin , fc IX ure itow reu'ly, ach contaiqing ncar L.6(.Jíorigaa] arii ! cles. An a lililiorinl volume will be i'ubíi.-lteii once ia about tlirc-e innnthri. Price, In C'lutJi, fcW í'p, SS.öO; Half Ruuia, Si 50 each. The NVw Americjin Cyokipttdift ík popular wilfaoat ' i iop uperfieial, Learneü without beiug fednntLc, c I i heníivi but nufflcïently detailed, freefroni personal i que j 1 n.n partj prjudioe, freah and yt li int complete stat( nuai' fif' ;iil i luit knoM noj on every í jturtiiai tojiic witii.ii the cope rf humao aieUigenee. - Evrry bnportHut nrtkls in il h.-i.-. been ]tu-:illy Krittta tot its p;i b}" nvn wbo air auhoiiti(a u.en the tnj ï fn wTiIph tiK'y prak Ili-y are m qiiïn tn hrinf[ tlt Bubji-d up t tht preiieoi rr.oment u state just la.w if ■ .i i . nao. AU the stftttsticai lnf töHii i .. fr nf iïie íí'jí; the geogratbial necounts l.fc p pact tb the Wiest eploruttOji; UwtoricaJ B&atttrb tncltnii ' ! trehe.t juat riewa; the biographieal nol. cc ■] nn . ■ only of CaadeaJ but aloui the living. It is n hbraiy ' , oí t eU . HIOUR.If RT OF TflIC DEÜATES OK COW&RK93 Being aJoütioel Hirtorjofth ttate.-} !ï m "rganization of the ftr1 Federal ConffrM iu iSj to 8.") ". MttAdand c mp led by Ili.n. 'Jho ILart Ümroar.fropi Officuü Ree rèt oj ( ongreaa. Tbc woei wili be Bosúaied inU roya) aetavo rolumei of 760 pagtMeneh, 11 ofwhieh no rtady. Aa '- ■ dítioniij roluBiQ 'éJI b publi-licl once in Uiiccmoaibw., ïo. Uw SiUMp, W.M' ïi'ilf Mor., 5-4; Hall ; Calf. 14.60 each. A WAV OF PROCUBTXfl HÏECYCLOPriA OF. rKBATLS F. rm a "lub of four, and rerait the pric of fbuf booko, an'l üvc BOpfefl will Ik; ent ai tlic remtter's tTiFf.iii for : cnrriage, or for ten buiMcriber, eleven copies will b ( Reut at uur expenüe for oarrlage. No othor wonk will so üborall rewaM ihe czrrtlor, of viente. A.v Age.vt waxtu ih OoüNTT Torni ! m'ït' knwn on appl oatlon to the Puhlihrr-. Am Arb'r. Mirch. l5. A00?vt -i IW THOK. Wkk.iit, ajent itL KbM mthv EoüK toro, Yp8Ünii. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus